Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 207 How Can A Mere Human Be So Powerful! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

After being combined into a complete stone, the entire ball stone was placed directly in a pit on the table by the man in the suit.

Only then did Lin Ke understand why there was a semicircular pit on the table. It turned out to be specially used for this thing.

After putting it on, the five people put their palms together on the table, and the energy of thought in their bodies continued to boil and surged towards their palms.

Although the other four are not as powerful as the man in military uniform, they all have A-level strength.

Their talents may not be high enough, but their status is high enough.

There are too many ways to forcibly increase your strength.

With the concerted efforts of the five people, streams of pure thoughts of various colors were injected into the table, and the patterns on it also flashed bursts of light.

The patterns on the table are like ravines, and the thoughts are like water flow, forming rivers of different colors.

There is only one end point for them, and that is the stone ball in the middle of the table.

The stone ball that already contains energy, after receiving countless thoughts, radiates light and bursts out with the light of Taoqu.

The function of the divine characters on the table is not only to input thought energy, but also has the ability to release it.

When the stone ball's light reached its peak, a faint light shot out from the table and projected directly on the screen next to it.

"Through the sacred words on the table, we can not only get in touch with each other, but also see what power looks like.

The man in the suit stopped typing in his thoughts, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said to Lin Ke.

I saw lines of garbled code appearing on the originally silent screen, and then the picture gradually became clearer.

I don't know how far away from here.

This is the edge of the Dark Continent, in a wilderness near Lake Mobius.

A quaint gate stands proudly here. The gate is made of unknown wood and has decayed over the years.

There are "380" and strange symmetrical patterns on it. Just looking at it gives you the illusion that your soul is about to be swallowed up.

On the left and right sides of the gate, there is a whole row of stone walls made of stones, which stretches continuously for a long distance.

This stone wall extends in all four directions, directly encircling the middle area, like an ancient city.

Most of the city's interiors are bungalows, with few multi-story houses, but the houses here are generally relatively large.

Especially the houses in the middle, although they are just bungalows, they cover an area larger than villas.

This is where the so-called [Gatekeeper] lives.

As a type of Warcraft creature, the place they live in is similar to human houses. This is because they are not pure Warcraft.

[Gatekeepers] are relatively rare in number, but powerful, and are pure monster bodies.

[Leaders] are numerous in number but relatively weak in strength. They are demi-human beasts with a body shape similar to humans.

And this kind of living style was also learned from the humans at that time after the [Gatekeeper] went to the Six Continents.

This is why it looks like an architectural style from long ago.

As a clan of Warcraft, they are similar to the Chimera Ants on the Dark Continent, and they are both intelligent creatures.

The existence of humans on the six continents was discovered a long time ago and business opportunities were sensed.

They don't have to pay any price. They can get a lot of benefits just by leading the way for humans.

Even humans’ harvest from the Dark Continent must be shared with them.

Obviously, this is a very good deal.

A certain house in the residential area has strange patterns on its roof, which are not found in other houses.

And this room is the room where the [Gatekeeper] usually communicates with humans.

We can’t even call them [Gatekeepers]. Human beings rarely have the opportunity to communicate directly with [Gatekeepers].

Most of the time, the younger brother of the [Gatekeeper], that is, the [Leader] is responsible, and then reports back to the [Gatekeeper] afterwards.

The originally calm roof suddenly emitted flashes of light, and patterns vaguely appeared in mid-air.

At the same time, with it as the center, fluctuations continue to spread to the surroundings, allowing other people to feel it.

The next moment, three figures appeared in this room one after another.

One of the figures was the fastest. It could be said that he appeared in the house as soon as there was movement on the roof.

The speed of the other two was a bit slower, but they were still extremely fast that ordinary people could not imagine.

"Didn't we just contact you? According to human time, it hasn't been a few months since the last time, right?"

"Don't we usually haven't contacted each other for several years?"

"Okay, let's get through to that side first. Last time we just let the chimera ants go, maybe this time it's humans coming over again.'

"Now we can make another fortune."

In addition to three more figures of different shapes in the originally dark house, there are also round stones in the middle that are constantly emitting light.

It's exactly the same as the round stone on Lin Ke's side!

It's just that there are no sacred characters on their tables that have a screen projection function, they can just communicate.

The transactions between the two parties are relatively monotonous. Usually humans have needs and will contact inward.

Normally the [Gatekeeper] here would not take the initiative to contact the human side.

As a majestic thought energy came in, the light of the pebble ball slowly converged, turning from white light to green light.

Along with the change on the other end, the light of the pebble ball on Lin Ke's side also turned green.

This is a sign that a call is in progress.

This call also has a time limit. As time goes by, the light of the pebble ball will become weaker and weaker.

Until it finally disappeared completely.


Lin Ke glanced at the stone ball that emitted a faint green light, and then focused more on the screen with the picture.

Perhaps it was because the distance was too far and the method of contact was not the Internet, so the picture was surprisingly blurry.

I could barely see what was on the other side.

I saw three figures standing opposite, all with human-like bodies.

On the left is a muscular man with a bare upper body, revealing patches of swollen muscles.

At first glance there is nothing wrong with it.

But its head is a sheep's head, a complete sheep's head, with thicker and longer horns on both sides of its head.

Although he couldn't see the other person's eyes clearly, Lin Ke's first impression of this guy was that of evil!

Just like the demons in the mythological system, they are all images of sheep heads and human bodies.

On the right is a man wearing a large black robe, with no visible physical features.

Even the head is wearing a large hat, covering the entire head.

If you just cover your body, then Lin Ke is more or less understandable.

But it even covered its head, and Lin Ke suspected that it couldn't even see the outside environment.

This is where the weird thing happens.

The black robe on its body has strange patterns. Although the picture is blurry, Lin Ke can still roughly see it.

Those are eye patterns!

Eyes of different sizes are painted on the black robe, their shapes are lifelike, and they are all glowing with scarlet color.

Densely packed eyeballs are painted on the black robe.

It was like finding eyes inexplicably appearing around you in a dark night.

Easily evokes humanity's deepest fears.

The most eye-catching one is the one in the middle. Judging from his position, he is the leader among the three.

The two next to him were both at the back, but he was in the middle and still a little forward.

This means they pay a lot of attention to details.

Especially regarding the concept of superiority and inferiority.

A flash of light flashed in Lin Ke's eyes, and then quickly dissipated.

He remembered that they seemed to dislike rude people very much and valued etiquette and other aspects very highly.

Combined with the fact that they had been to six continents, it was almost in the kingdom period at that time, and the concept of hierarchy was much heavier than it is now.

Perhaps this is also one of the influences they have had on humans?

The person in the middle is eye-catching not only because of his position, but also because of his appearance.

It actually looks like a dragon!

The body is indeed human-shaped, which means it is a demihuman monster, but its body is covered with dense black scales.

These scales cover its arms, chest and face, and its head is a whole dragon head.

Similar to some sub-dragon monsters in the six continents, they all have the appearance of Western dragons.

So this demihuman race should be of the dragon type.

They are not qualified to communicate with the [Gatekeeper] about their feelings, they are all here as the [Leader] who are their subordinates.

"Human, what is it for this time?"

"You just contacted us once not long ago."

The black dragon man standing in the middle spoke slowly, his tone full of arrogance and a sense of superiority.

It's like a human being talking to a lowly ant.

His voice was quite deep. If Lin Ke had to describe it, it sounded like he had smoked a lot of cigarettes.


Before Lin Ke could reply, the black dragon man made a sound of doubt, and his expression changed visibly.

"There are six of you here!"

"This is different from the past. You'd better come up with a reasonable explanation!"

"It is quite unreasonable to bring outsiders to participate in our exchanges without our permission!"

The black dragon man exhaled suddenly, and two pillar-like white mists were exhaled from his nose, and the aura of the Japanese stockings that made people feel like falling ice treasures was suddenly released.

The two [Leaders] beside him also subconsciously took a step back, not daring to get too close to each other.

【Can you speak the common language of the six continents?】

Lin Ke was not surprised by this. After all, if both parties can communicate, one party must use the other party's language.

Lin Ke is more concerned about the content of his speech.

Although he hadn't spoken yet, he noticed the presence of an extra person on the opposite side.

【Is it judged by the sound of breathing? 】

Lin Ke secretly thought.

But he soon changed his mind.

Because there is a breath oozing out from the cobblestone ball!

Its aura is like a demon crawling out of hell, and its body is stained with countless scarlet, obscure and strange fluctuations...

Lin Ke has seen similar feelings before.

That was the aura that President Netero exuded when facing the Ant King and preparing to self-destruct.

It is similar to the aura coming from the current Black Dragon people to a certain extent.

It’s all an extremely evil intention!

[So you can tell how many people are here by smell? 】

Lin Ke felt the aura of the Black Dragon, and felt a little emotional in his heart. As the "leader", the other party still has two brushes.

Judging from this aura, it is almost the same as the Ant King after eating the three guards!

These black dragons should be a powerful group among the [Leaders], and they would be much inferior if they were accompanied by two.

As for the more powerful [Gatekeeper], it is possible that it has reached SS-level.

It’s no wonder that [Gatekeeper] and [Leader] can live in the dark continent for so long, so they must be very strong.

After all, that place is full of dangers.

But it is impossible to be stronger.

If the [Gatekeepers] were more powerful, they would not choose to stay in this fringe area and trade with humans.

They can be regarded as more than enough than above.

It is not possible to gallop across the Dark Continent, but it is not possible to shrink to six continents like humans.

So I chose to recuperate in the fringe area, and usually do some transactions with humans.

Facing the aura that came like a tide, the expressions of the five people changed, and their bodies began to tremble involuntarily.

But it was far from comparable to the aura of Xu Wuyide just now.

"What about five people? What about six people?"

Lin Ke stood there, like a wooden stake stuck on the shore, but remained motionless in the face of the waves of breath that came like a tide.

The black dragon man was startled when he heard this, and then the veins on his forehead jumped wildly, and his claws subconsciously clenched into fists.

The already impatient face suddenly darkened, like a summer afternoon storm with dark clouds.

A pair of dragon eyes flashed with scarlet light, and the furious look on his face was beyond words.

"Do you know what will happen if you speak to me in this tone?!"

The black dragon man said word by word, and suddenly an extremely huge black-red thought energy shot up into the sky!

Black as ink, scarlet as blood.

Two types of terrifying thoughts intertwined together, forming countless crimson thoughts.

At this time, the Black Dragon Man was a heart-robbing beast.

Against the background of the endless thought energy that makes one's heart palpitate, it looks like a murderous demon stepping out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Just feeling the slightest bit of its breath will cause a revolving door to appear in front of people's eyes and give them the illusion of death.

In an instant, countless crimson thoughts were like a sea of ​​blood, filling the entire room.

The two [Leaders] nearby saw this and quickly hid in the corner. It was not appropriate to leave, so they could only hide in the corner.

Apparently, their boss was in a rage again.

The last time they saw their boss so angry was a long time ago.

[Because the characteristics of Dragon 2.7 are very arrogant, plus the long-term concept of superiority and inferiority, as well as the contempt for human beings]

【Did you lose your composure completely and fail to control your emotions?】

[Although it is a demihuman monster, it is still a beast after all. It is just a beast with some intelligence.

[One thing worth noting is, do they actually have the power to control thoughts? 】

[But it’s normal. After all, we are a demihuman race. Chimera ants can open Aura Nodes after eating humans. There is no reason why they can’t]

Lin Ke quietly looked at the black dragon man covered in crimson thought energy. The murderous look on the opposite side almost overflowed the screen.

【How come there is no impact?!】

Although the Black Dragon cannot see Lin Ke's side, it can feel the situation there through its breath.

Needless to say, the five people on the opposite side were exactly what it expected.

But the guy who made the rude remarks seemed to be a normal person, with no fluctuation in his breath!

【This is absolutely impossible!!】

The black dragon man gritted his teeth and encouraged more thoughts to rush out, and the cold air formed a strong wind pressure.

Even Lin Ke has a big impact here, and strong winds appear out of thin air.

He was the only one in the entire six continents who could face this kind of aura and still stand firm.

"Is that all?"

"Then it's my turn!!"

Lin Ke grinned suddenly and spread his hands outward.

In an instant, three figures of different sizes appeared behind him.

The next moment, three extremely terrifying auras shot into the sky!!

The black dragon man suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his whole body was extremely stiff, and his pair of dragon pupils shrank to the smallest size in an instant!

These are the three breaths that make it extremely desperate!!

[Impossible!! How can a mere human being have such terrifying strength!!]

[This strength even exceeds those adults!!!].

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