Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 208 The Humble Gatekeeper! A Lot Of Harvest! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

In a place where the black dragon people couldn't see, three figures of different sizes stood impressively.

Mashado stood on the left side of Lin Ke, Xuwuide stood on the right side of Lin Ke, and Genesect stood behind Lin Ke.

Surrounded by three Pokémon, Lin Ke's momentum reached its peak.

Although the Black Dragon can't see it, the breaths of the Pokémon are accurately transmitted to it.

Surrounded by such an aura that he has never felt before, the experience of the black dragon man at this moment is even more intense than that of the man in the suit.

His body seemed to be pierced by countless hard steel needles, and every scale on his body had lost its original defense.

There was only endless pain all over its body.

As for the two [Leaders] hiding in the corner, it's not even worth mentioning. They were huddled in the corner and didn't even dare to come out.

【When did human beings’ strength grow to this level?!】

In just a moment, the black dragon man felt as if a lifetime had passed, and every minute and every second was so long.

The sweat on his head flowed down uncontrollably, and the murderous intention that had been soaring just now dissipated in an instant.

Now it no longer has such angry emotions, only deep fear remains.

Also in several large houses in the residential area,

Several huge monsters trembled at the same time, and they all felt the aura of Mashado and the others.

【Something went wrong!!】

There was a very human look of horror in those huge eyes, and one could tell from their eyes that they were intelligent.

In an instant, a monster with the largest size and the most powerful aura made a move.


Lin Ke raised his eyebrows and looked at the black dragon man on the screen, seeming to feel something.

The next moment, the Black Dragon man's body suddenly exploded, turning into a ball of blood mist and carrying countless fragments falling to the ground.

This was obviously not done on his end.

The auras of Machado and the others are certainly terrifying, but at best they can be oppressed to the point of being unable to move and having a mental breakdown.

It is impossible to be directly crushed into blood mist.

"Dear human being, I apologize to you for my rudeness.

Although no figure appeared in the picture, a majestic voice came from the other end.

Lin Ke knows that the rightful owner has arrived.

Being able to achieve this level also represents their position. They are obviously [Gatekeepers] and are the leaders used by [Gatekeepers].

At the same time, a different kind of breath also came to him.

If you look at the intensity, this aura is similar to that of Xu Wuyide, or even slightly weaker.

It's probably about SS-level strength.

Little did he know that the current [Gatekeeper] was even more shocked.

After getting closer, it could feel the aura on the other side more clearly.

Astonishingly, there are three of them, and each breath is less fishy than this one!

Two are far superior to it, one is slightly better than it!

You must know that it is the most powerful existence in the entire race, but now it only feels powerless when facing these three auras.

【Have human beings grown to this point now?!】

"Dear human beings, in order to show our sincerity and to apologize to you.

"We will send someone to lead you to the Dark Continent without you having to pay any price."

[Gatekeeper] puts his status very low, which is in sharp contrast to the black dragon man just now.

Through its breath, it can feel the connection between Mashado and other Pokémon and Lin Ke.

It seems to be what humans call "mind beasts"?

"Leader? Do you think I need this kind of thing?"

Lin Ke's understatement reached its ears, but it made it speechless.

Indeed, judging from the opponent's strength, the entire Lake Mobius cannot bother him at all.

Even in the Dark Continent, it probably doesn't have much that can trouble it.

At least on the fringes.

It doesn't dare to be sure about the deep areas, because even it doesn't dare to go to the depths of the dark continent.

If the edge of the dark continent is said to be a "human forbidden zone".

Then even the [Gatekeeper] dare not set foot in the depths of the Dark Continent.

This is why they choose to live on the edge.

But this human being is different, he can go to deeper places.

With such strength, there is no need to follow past conventions and let them lead the way.

But how should they apologize?

"You should have some maps of the Dark Continent, right?"

Lin Ke thought for a while, and finally felt that the only thing the other party could provide that was useful to him at the moment was a map.

[Gatekeeper] was stunned for a moment, and then followed Lin Ke's words and said:

"Yes, but how can I give it to you?"

"You just have to let that sheep head over there hold it and stand in front of the ball."

After hearing this, the [Gatekeeper] stopped asking.

The next moment, a map made of something similar to a parchment scroll appeared on the sheep-headed man's hand.

The sheep-headed man had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk to the front holding the map, his body trembling involuntarily.

The sheep-headed man pulled the map open and put it on his chest so that Lin Ke could see the picture on it very intuitively.

I saw that there were countless creatures of all sizes on the map, and it was a very vast area.

Among them, Lake Mobius only occupies an area in the corner.

At the same time, Polygon Z also takes this opportunity to record the entire map, which can be recalled at any time if necessary later.


After a few breaths, Lin Ke also took a rough look and said casually.

"Can I ask you a question?"

The sheep-headed man in the picture slowly retreated, and the gatekeeper's voice sounded again.

"Say it."

"Has human strength reached this level now?!"

[Gatekeeper]'s voice was slightly trembling, and Lin Ke could even faintly hear the sound of swallowing saliva.

No wonder it.

Even Lin Ke's strength is too scary.

It is a well-known fact that human beings are far inferior to them in strength and it is deeply ingrained.

Although they know that humans possess wisdom, they have also created achievements called "technology".

But according to their estimation, human beings are constantly destroying themselves, and they will probably disappear before long.

Counting from the very first transaction, humans have carried out hundreds of exploration operations.

But either no one survived here, or they brought the "disaster" with them when they returned.

Especially as time goes by, human actions become more frequent and more and more "disasters" are brought back.

The small island in the middle of Lake Mobius is the only remaining safe place, but now the level of danger is rising.

It is precisely because of the disasters brought back again and again.

If this continues, after humans gain certain gains, their own shelter will also disappear as a price.

At that time, the small island in the middle of Lake Mobius will become part of the Dark Continent, and there will be no difference between the two.

In fact, [Gatekeeper]'s idea is not wrong, this is entirely possible.

Although V5 also understands this truth, human desires are endless, and if there is a first time, there will be a second or third time.

Although there are "disasters" in the dark continent that make people shy away, there are also "hopes" that make people find it difficult to control their desires.

Herb that can cure all diseases.

Just eating a tiny bit can treat diseases that are considered terminal and incurable by the medical community.

An unmanned stone with endless energy.

This is an ore the size of a string of beads. Once immersed in water, it can generate electricity. It can generate 20,000 kilowatts of electricity in just one day.

Ultimate Food Nitolomi.

Just eating it can make people live longer, which is also the most desired effect of countless people.

Life, separation and death have always been the most important things for people, especially those who are richer and more powerful are less willing to die.

Either you haven't enjoyed it enough, or you haven't fulfilled your desires, such as exploring.

The effect of these "hopes" has reached the point where people can be blinded and still continue to fight in the face of horrific "disasters".

This has been the case since ancient times, danger often comes with opportunity.

But you must also weigh your own strength.

Out of 149 explorations, only five people came back, which brought back five major disasters.

Such a heavy blow did not allow V5 to learn too many lessons, and it still had the desire to explore.

This is also the reason why the [Gatekeeper] is not optimistic about humans.

Being ambitious is not a bad thing, but the prerequisite is to recognize the reality.

But it's different now.

With the emergence of Lin Ke, it can completely overturn its previous ideas, which means a huge leap in human strength!

"No, I am the strongest existence in the six continents, and I am an absolute fault level."

"Even the second place is not as strong as the black dragon who died just now."

The strength of the black dragon man just now was roughly at the level of the Queen Ant King. No one but him could beat him based on his hard power alone.

In other words, there may be opportunities to use the power of "technology".

So he can say without hesitation that he is now the number one in the gap type.

"Is that so? Yes, we have always understood the strength of human beings."

"It is unprecedented for someone with your strength to come out."

"Before you, the only human being who is still on the Dark Continent is considered to be quite powerful."

[Gatekeeper] said with a slight emotion, not much surprise in his heart.

If Lin Ke said that there are many people with his level of strength, he would be surprised.

But it's really scary to say, why does this human being's strength reach this level?

It is completely beyond the power that normal humans can possess.

Far more than that.

At this moment, [Gatekeeper] completely realized that his previous view of human beings seemed to be one-sided.

Although there are many greedy and ignorant people in human beings, there are also beings as powerful and powerful as this man.

Humanity's potential exceeds their estimates.

Judging from the voice, this person is very young, probably in his twenties as a human being.

In other words, this has not yet reached the peak of their human strength.

It is entirely possible that the strength will continue to improve in the future.

Just with the strength he has shown now, he can easily obtain many life-extending items.

It also means that the life span of this human being will be surprisingly long!

The appearance of this person reminded it of a human being.

A human being who came to the Dark Continent more than three hundred years ago and is still active today!

It didn't know the other person's life. The human was very cautious, but it was precisely because of his caution that he could survive until now.

[Gatekeeper] refers to East Freecss!

Before Lin Ke appeared, the most powerful human being [Gatekeeper] had ever seen was Dong Freecss.

Being able to operate alone in a place like the Dark Continent for more than three hundred years, this alone is enough to show that he is very powerful.

According to its estimation, that person's strength should be about the same as its own.

And by eating a lot of items that can extend life, that human's life can be continuously extended.

According to the normal life span of human beings, those who live for more than a hundred years are considered to be quite long-lived.

Most humans live less than a hundred years.

But that human being not only survived in the dark continent, but also continued to extend his life by relying on the harvest.

Until today, it still feels that this should be the most powerful existence among human beings.

There is a high probability that no human being will be able to surpass him in the future.

Who would have thought that he had underestimated human beings? There will always be people who surprise them.

It seems that every once in a while, a top strong person will appear in human beings, and this time it is even more exaggerated than the last one.

Maybe they should change their attitude towards humans?

【Eastern Freecss?】

Lin Ke naturally knows who the [gatekeeper] refers to.

Mainly because it is so recognizable.

To this day, the only human being who can still move around in the Dark Continent is Higashikata Higashikata.

Maybe after arriving in the Dark Continent, I might have a chance to meet this old man.

If Jin still joins the team according to the original work.

Then maybe we can have a reunion between grandparents and grandchildren after who knows how many generations?

"Is there anything else?"

Lin Ke glanced at the empty screen and spoke slowly.

The two [Guardians] hid in invisible corners, and as for the [Gatekeeper] whom they had never met...

Lin Ke suspected that the other party was too big to get into the room, so there was only sound but no figure.

After all, unlike the demihumans who serve as "Leaders", "Gatekeepers" are real monsters.

There are many monsters that are huge. For example, the three-haired body of the Zoldyck family is as big as a room.

This [Gatekeeper] is most likely to be much larger.

Judging from the map it just showed, the most indispensable thing in the Dark Continent is unusually large creatures.

Once we get to that place, Lin Ke can believe it even if he says that the towering mountain on the other side is a creature.

Now he is looking forward to exploring the dark continent more and more, and he doesn't know what kind of creatures he will encounter, and

What kind of Pokémon will be born!

For Lin Ke, the more dangerous the dark continent, the better, and the bigger the creatures in it, the better.

This also means that he can breed more powerful Pokémon!

"Well... I wonder if we would be honored to lead the way for you?"

After much thought, the two of them could only think of this in the end.

Although they may not need it, it would be nice to get more opportunities to get along with each other.

With such strength, it is completely worth their efforts to make friends.

The sheep head and black robe hiding in the corner were shocked. This was the first time they saw the aloof adult Wen...


At this moment, they just want to leave this place.

I was afraid that if I stayed any longer, I would hear something I shouldn't have heard and step into the back seat of the boss (the Black Dragon).

"Need not."

Lin Ke refused casually, and then Mashado followed Lin Ke's instructions and picked up the cobblestone ball that had become much darker.

Along with an inaudible click sound, the green light on the pebble ball completely disappeared, which also meant that the call was correct.

At the same time, the screen image also disappeared.


Noticing that the round stone ball had turned from green to white, the [Gatekeeper] said nothing and left the scene after being stunned for a while.

Only two sheep-headed and black-robed men, who felt like they were surviving a disaster, were left, as well as a group of "black dragon people".

Lin Ke had no intention of accepting the [Gatekeeper]'s kindness, and he didn't need a carefully planned safe route.

He was eager to run to dangerous places so that he could encounter more powerful creatures.

This means greater experience value.

The Dark Continent not only means new Pokémon, but also means endless amounts of experience points!

"This time I came here and everything was done."

Lin Ke turned to look at the five men in suits, pondered for a moment and then continued:

"The rest of you will continue to carry out your usual activities. If there are any special arrangements, we will notify you at that time."


The five people said in unison.

Looking at the five people who were completely under control, Lin Ke nodded with satisfaction.

The harvest this time completely exceeded his expectations.

Not only did he obtain the first ultimate beast, he also took control of the five top leaders of V5.

Then it also shocked the [Gatekeeper] and obtained a more detailed map, which is a level that even V5 is far from reaching. .

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