Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 209 Departure In A Week! As Hunter’S Target! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

A few days later, in the office of the president of the Hunter Association,

"This tea is quite delicious. Where did you get it?"

“Among the teas I’ve ever had, it definitely ranks among the top three.”

"Even with my level of strength, drinking it will have some effect."

Jin was holding a small teacup, his movements were different from his usual carefree attitude, but he was extremely meticulous, and he drank the tea with a gentle sip.

After taking a sip, a fresh aroma of tea immediately filled his mouth, and his whole body suddenly became energetic.

If you carry it with you, it is also very useful in places in the dark continent.

Of course, the most important thing is the taste. He has tasted dozens of teas, if not a hundred.

But I have never tasted tea that is so fresh and flavorful.

"Like it? I still have a lot of it, you can take it as you like."

"Well, it's a gift from someone else."

Lin Ke sat opposite Jin, casually took out a bag of tea and put it on the table without saying anything.

It is not wrong to say that these tea leaves were given by others.

He got it from the man in the suit.

Because men in suits usually deal with too many things, they not only suffer from overwork and often suffer from headaches, but also often need treatment.

When he feels tired and tired, he will drink this kind of tea, which has the effect of refreshing his mind and strengthening his body.

Not only does it have a special effect, but it also has a taste that Jin Ye admires. It is naturally not an ordinary product.

There is not much production in the entire six continents, which means that men in suits have a lot of talents as national leaders.

"Given by someone else? My President Lin Ke, have you accepted a bribe from someone else?"

"You have only been the president for a few days and you are doing this. I am going to file a complaint with the old man."

"You still have to be honest as a person, and don't give up your bottom line just because of some small favors."

Jin said "righteously" and at the same time stretched out his hand to put a small bag of tea on the table into his pocket.

The words seemed particularly pale and unconvincing.

"You are right, then return the tea leaves to me."

Lin Ke didn't even bother to raise his eyebrows. This guy is just cheap and dishonest if he doesn't "beat" him.

"Ahem, what kind of tea?"

Jin coughed twice and spread his hands, indicating that he had nothing in his hands.

The moment he put it into his pocket, he directly put the small bag of tea leaves into the small cloth bag.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic. You didn't come to see me just to drink tea or get tea, right?"

Lin Ke specially pronounced the accent on the word "take".

Hearing this, Jin slowly put the tea cup on the table, and his expression changed from fake to serious.

"Is Pariston in your team?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Lin Ke's eyes, how did Jin know now?

In the original novel, Jin approached Pariston after Biande performed a live broadcast with twice-cooked pork.

There are still several months to go, why is it so early?

Lin Ke understands that this must be one of his butterfly effects. As for which thing affected it......

"I didn't expect that you noticed him as soon as he came out? Are you always paying attention to the movement on the ground?"

After a while, Lin Ke did not deny it, but turned to ask Xiang Jin.

If he thought correctly, Pariston's hidden identity was discovered in advance, and it was really related to him.

That time, Biande specially summoned his teammates to show them the new captain, who was himself.

It was that time that Pariston came to the base camp, and it was most likely that Jin discovered the clues.

Normally, it would be fine for Pariston to go out, but he just happened to run into Jin who had ulterior motives, and this was exposed.

"Yes, I have noticed something is wrong with him since the last election."

“It’s so quiet!”

Jin said word by word, his tone full of trust in his own speculation.

"You also know very well what kind of person Pariston is.

"Especially when it comes to electing the president, he will never give up this opportunity to play around."

"Pariston is also a weird person. Normal people like happy and beautiful things, but he just likes to be hated by others.

"He doesn't feel happy when others express good intentions to him. Do you think it's strange for people to be strange?"

Jin was complaining about Pariston, while Lin Ke was drinking tea calmly and looking at him with strange eyes.

[It seems that you are not qualified to call others weird, right?]

After complaining a few words, Jin seemed to notice Lin Ke's eyes and stopped "praising" Pariston.

It's not wrong to call it a compliment, at least to Pariston.

If Kim had said this in front of Pariston, maybe Pariston would have laughed even happier.

"At first, I thought that Pariston didn't cause trouble because there was a high probability that you would become the president this time. I was afraid that you would be more stable."

"But later I realized I was wrong."

"Because for that person, there is only one motivation to live, or a goal!"

"A goal that all Hunters have."

“The goal of some Hunters is to discover new magical beasts, the goal of some Hunters is to make more money, and the goal of some Hunters is to see more unknown scenery.

"And Pariston is all about having fun!"

"There are only two evaluations of anything for him, one is valuable for fun, the other is worthless.

"You may also know some inside information. Pariston was deliberately placed in this position by the old man, just to provide him with some fun.'

"The two of them are kindred spirits. They just want to make their daily work more difficult and show off each other's tricks.

"Then the question is, do you think Pariston values ​​the old man or the Hunter Association?"

Kim asked rhetorically.

Lin Ke pondered slightly, and he already roughly understood what Jin was going to say next.

"Of course it's the old man."

"Yes, there may be other reasons why Pariston is willing to stay here, but this must be the most important."

"Then there is no more Hunter Association for the old man."

"On the contrary, there is a new president who has great power and will get rid of him if he makes a slight mistake.

Jin Xuexue Lin Ke pronounced the accent on the three words "new president".

Both of them knew that this was a powerful thing, but they couldn't stand the new president who couldn't understand the way Pariston usually spoke.

Naturally it’s Lin Ke.

"The source of happiness is gone, but a mountain comes to hold him down, so he will definitely want to leave.

"So I was curious about when he would leave and where he would go, so I paid close attention to his whereabouts."

"In the end, his whereabouts were discovered, but I didn't expect that his destination would be your mountain."

"I didn't expect this."

Jin glanced at Lin Ke thoughtfully, then poured another cup of tea and drank it.

This tea is really good. After talking for a long time, I didn't feel thirsty at all.

"It's a long story. I wasn't the original captain. I just became the leader by chance."

Lin Ke now completely understood why Jin Hui noticed it in advance.

It was indeed the butterfly effect he caused.

"Then, your team, which has assembled all the talented people, is probably not just playing a game of house drinking, right?"

"I want to join."

After Jin took a sip of tea, he said four words in an understatement.

"You didn't ask what this team does? You just decided to join it so hastily?"

"You said during our first phone call that you planned to go to the Dark Continent in the future."

"Coupled with Biyande who has been to the Dark Continent, as well as the Stonewall mercenary troops, and talents from all aspects."

"With all the factors combined, I can only think of one goal."

Jin's eyes looked straight at Lin Ke, his eyes were unusually firm, and he had extreme trust in his guess.

"Dark Continent!"

Looking at Jin who had already told the result, Lin Ke didn't show any concern and nodded:

"Yes, our team was formed just to go to the Dark Continent, and now you will be included in it."

He agreed that Kim would join the team.

Jin breathed a sigh of relief, the light in his eyes slowly dissipated, he stretched, and fell onto the sofa behind him.

"Sure enough~Dark Continent......"

Half leaning on the sofa, Jin stared blankly at the clean ceiling, his eyes filled with a color called "expectation".

"So when will we set off? I think the team is almost ready now. No matter how many people there are, it will become cumbersome."

"I can't wait to get ready to go."

Jin now hopes that he can appear on that mysterious continent the next second.

That dark continent that I have been running around for many years just to go to.

"Soon, in one week."

Lin Ke said lightly, as if he was talking about what to eat tonight.


Jin suddenly jerked up, from half leaning on the sofa to standing in front of the sofa, looking at Lin Ke in disbelief.

"You just said...we'll leave in one week?!"

"Did I hear wrongly?"

Looking at Jin who looked nervous, Lin Ke slowly said:

"Sit down first. Why are you making such a fuss? We're just going to leave for the Dark Continent in a week."

Wen Yanjin sat down again, while still mumbling:

"One week later, one week later..."

Halfway through, Jin stopped and looked at Lin Ke, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

He has been running around for so many years and has never even passed the first level, let alone heading to the Dark Continent.

How did Lin Ke do it?

According to his estimation, Lin Ke should be the subject of special attention of V5 now, and he would not be allowed to go to the Dark Continent so easily.

[Is it threatening V5 with force?]

Jin whimsized for a while, and then suppressed the thoughts in his mind.

Probably not?

What Jin didn't know was that his guess was already very close to reality.

There are only some discrepancies in the "details".

Even if Ren Jin wanted to break his scalp, he would not know that Lin Ke directly sneaked into the ferry hall and used Xu Wuyide to control the five leaders.

This is much more exaggerated than any "threat of force".

This is why Lin Ke said he would leave in one week.

The "Day of

It's January 27th next year.

As for the Black Whale ship, it will officially set sail in August next year.

Not to mention August next year, Lin Ke feels that it is a bit late even if she waits until January next year.

It just so happens that now he has control of the five powerful leaders of V5, it is too easy to sneak over with his team.

Since you can leave early, why wait until then?

The only thing that will take some time is the rectification of the personnel. After dealing with some stains, we can sail.

There was only one week's vacancy.

At the same time, he can also take advantage of this time to deal with some leftover "things".

It was so kind of him to let the remaining three "Seven Deadly Sins" live until now. It was also time

It's time to send them to Fury them.

Originally, Earthworm had sent him a message before the [New Top Five] meeting, saying that Arrogance had organized manpower to prepare for revenge.

As a result, there was no news afterward.

He was probably frightened by his performance at the [New Top Five] meeting, and he was put off again.

Although others were not present, the top five talented people all expressed that they were not as strong as themselves.

This was enough to scare him and put aside any desire for revenge.

Not to mention later, he was beating Jed and the Ant King, so he was too arrogant to dare to take revenge on himself.

He was even angry at first because he was defeated by the "hairy boy".

Now I can feel proud that I was beaten by Lin Ke.

After all, Lin Ke’s current net worth is far from being comparable to what he was at the Moros Ruins.

At that time, he was just a young man with an unknown reputation. Two members died in his hands, and his arrogant reputation naturally affected him.

Now Lin Ke's reputation has reached its peak and he is the most well-deserved chief celebrity in the six continents.

It has reached the point where "no one in the world knows you".

There is a long list of titles alone, and they are all world-class titles.

For example, [The World's Strongest], [The World's Strongest Mindbuster].


While rival Lin Ke is becoming famous, the value of arrogance is also rising.

He can even be proud of the fact that "the members were lucky enough to be defeated by Lin Ke".

But only their few remaining members know that they live in fear every day.

I was afraid that one day I would close my eyes and not be able to open them again.

Now they no longer have to worry and worry all day long, because Lin Ke will help them "get out of the sea of ​​suffering".

"Speaking of which, if you want to go to the Dark Continent, what will you do with your position as president?"

Jin suddenly thought of this question and asked immediately.

"This is easy to handle, isn't there Douzi, and after Pariston leaves, Childo or someone else will most likely be the vice president.

"With them handling matters, it doesn't matter whether I'm here or not. And if it's really urgent, I can come back in a short time."

Lin Ke waved his hand, this matter was nothing to him.

"That's right. When the old man was in office, he basically had nothing to do. It was all left to Dou Nianmen and Paris Stone."

"And you are the president jointly elected by everyone. It can be said that you are the best candidate in every aspect."

"You don't know how much the vote went up when the results came out."

"There are more than 600 people in the entire Hunter Association, and nearly 500 people voted for you."

Jin kept speechless, and he is still surprised when he thinks about it now.

This also shows in disguise how popular Lin Ke is. Taking the position of president is the outcome that everyone expected.

At the same time, Jin also noticed something worthy of attention in Lin Ke's words.

[Even if you arrive in the Dark Continent, can you still return to the Six Continents in a short time? 】

What really surprised Kim was this.

If you can use the online world to move freely within the six continents, then forget it.

But when you go to the Dark Continent, you can still cross this huge distance in a short time and come back. The two have completely different values.

The latter completely destroys the former!

With such a terrifying ability, I can only say that he truly deserves to be Lin Ke.

"You don't have to resign from the position of president, I have to resign from the position of Twelve Earthly Branches.

"I have done enough in this position. I have to have meetings here and there every now and then, which is quite troublesome.

"It just so happens that I can go to the Dark Continent later, and I don't need to be this pig."

Jin exhaled softly, with only expectations for the future in his heart.

"Although you have a lot of meetings, it seems like you haven't been there a few times, right?"

"And although you said Pariston, in fact..."

"You're the same kind of guy as him."

"Without the old man's association, you don't think it's necessary to stay, right?"

Jin's breath stagnated slightly, and he met Lin Ke's eyes, which were eyes that could see through him.


Jin chuckled and said a little helplessly.

"I really can't hide it from you. I knew you were not simple when I first called you."

"That's true. Without the old man and going to the Dark Continent, I simply resigned from this useless 'Haizhu' Wo.

"Palliston will give up more than me, not only the "Zi Mo" but also the position of vice president.

"In this case, how could I be reluctant to part with it?"

"I have only one goal from beginning to end~"

“That’s exploration!”

"See the unknown and novel! Even..."

"Dangerous things!"

"This is my goal as a Hunter!".

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