Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 210: New Rat And Pig! Thank You Too Early! (Please Subscribe)

"Have you been transferred? How could you say such a thing?

Lin Ke glanced at Jin with a slightly strange look.

But this was just a joke, Lin Ke knew that these were indeed Jin's true words.

"Ahem, did I just say something?"

Jin's expression changed and returned to his usual cynical look. He put his hand into his pocket and took out a handful of unknown creatures.

It was a pile of something similar to melon seeds, but also a bit like walnuts, with a brown surface.

Jin took it out without even looking at it, and threw it into the corner of his mouth, making a chewing sound.

"This is delicious and goes well with tea. Would you like some?"

Looking at Jin who was back to normal, Lin Ke's mouth twitched slightly, and he said helplessly:

"No, you can eat it yourself."

"Well, why don't you want to eat my food? What a pity."

Jin shrugged and started eating.

A sip of snacks and a sip of tea turned his office into a canteen.


Just at this moment, Lin Ke's cell phone suddenly rang.

Seeing Lin Ke's call, Jin subconsciously stopped chewing, and then swallowed it with subtle movements without making a sound.

Glancing at Jin, Lin Ke put the phone to his ear.

"Hello? Is the matter done?"

"Hohohoho, yes, everything on Kajin's side has been done, and there will be no worries in the future.

Billander's hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone.

Since Lin Ke, Biande and others informed them that they would set off in about a week, Biande was overjoyed and at the same time, he did not forget to deal with the remaining problems.

The so-called "legacy issues" naturally refer to the cooperation with Kajin.

Originally, according to the agreement, Biande needed to appear in both the twice-cooked pork and then appear as the "Son of Netero".

Then he gave an "impassioned" speech and proposed the goal of going to the dark continent in conjunction with twice-cooked pork.

This forces V5 to make a choice, allowing Kajin to join V5 and become V6] and then Kajin will also make concessions.

The ship docked on the scattered islands between the Six Continents and the Dark Continent, also known as the "Imaginary Continent".

As for twice-cooked pork…………

Lin Ke had no intention of paying attention to him.

The leaders of V5 have all been controlled, and there is no shortage of twice-cooked pork.

Moreover, there is still a battle for the throne waiting for him behind the twice-cooked pork, and he may die on the ship.

Normally, Biande would have to wait until January 27 next year, which happens to be the Hunter exam day next year, for the live broadcast.

Since he set off early, Biande came up with another way to solve the problem.

That is to record the video in advance and just play it directly when the time comes, without people being present.

Lin Ke suspects that Billander did the same thing in the original work.

Now Biande called to inform Cajin that the matter there had been dealt with.

"Okay, 480, then go and see how the others are doing. We will set off on time in a week.

"By the way, we have one more member in our team."

Lin Ke looked at the man in front of him who was still drinking tea, as if Jin had never drank tea in eight lifetimes, and said helplessly:

"You should know about the pig of the twelve earthly branches——Jin, right?"

Hearing this, Biyande's complexion changed slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his copper bell-like eyes.

"Is it actually that Jin? Of course I know that this Hai Zhu from the twelve earthly branches is quite famous in a sense.

【Just a bad reputation】

Biande kept the last words in his heart and did not say them out loud.

"That's right, he is going to join us. The name of this pig is really right. He really likes to eat as much as pigs."

Lin Ke found that Jin seemed to like to take things out of the bag and eat them at every turn.

Perhaps the old man saw this clearly and made him the "Hai Pig".

"Ahem, cough, cough, why did you say that to me?"

Jin coughed twice and said angrily.

[The person is right next to him………………]

Biande heard Jin's voice and vaguely noticed something.

Maybe Jin will join the team, not necessarily Lin Ke's invitation.

Biande, who was as sensitive to details as Kim, thought subconsciously.

"Anything else?"



A hang-up sound sounded, and Biande was still frozen in place, thinking.

Lin Ke is here again.

"Dong dong"

There were two knocks on the door. Lin Ke and Jin put down their teacups at the same time and turned to look at the door.

【somebody is coming?】


Lin Ke responded casually, most likely Douzi, who is his current secretary.

"President, it's not good."

The bean-faced man opened the door and came in. An anxious look appeared on his green face, as if there was something urgent.

"Pariston has resigned! Not only is he not the rat, but he doesn't even plan to hold the position of vice president!"

"Ah? Mr. Jin."

The bean-faced man was talking anxiously, and at the same time he also noticed Jin sitting opposite Lin Ke.

"It's a bean-faced man. You came just in time. I want to resign too."

"I don't plan to be that pig anymore."

Jin greeted the bean-faced man with a smile on his face, but what he said made the bean-faced man not happy at all.

"Ah? Mr. Jin, you want to resign too?!"

The bean-faced man exclaimed.

It felt like it shouldn't come over. Originally it was only one person who resigned, but now it has become two people.

Although the two people who resigned are not very clear.

If (ccad) other earthly branches knew about it, they would probably set off fireworks to celebrate, right?

After all, the only two cancers among the twelve earthly branches are gone.

But in this way, two earthly branches are gone at once, and one of them is the vice president. Is it really good?

"Don't be so nervous, Douzi. Do you still remember what I told you before?"

"Actually, both Kim and Pariston are part of my team, and they will go to the Dark Continent with me later.

"As for the two missing people, it's easy. Just find someone to make up for it."

"Let Childo be the vice president. She is the most suitable candidate in terms of qualifications and ability."

Lin Ke took a sip of tea and spoke slowly.

The vice president is not as important as the president. There is no need for any election. He is basically appointed by the president.

Originally, Pariston was directly appointed by Netero.

After hearing this, the bean-faced man calmed down his nervous mood, and then asked Dao Er again

"So, President, do you have any other suitable candidates? The original twelve earthly branches were chosen by the old President himself."

"Zi Shu and Hai Zhu..."


Lin Ke murmured in a low voice, while subconsciously tapping his fingertips regularly on the coffee table.

In the original novel, Leorio is the character.

But this was because he used Nen to punch Kim at the election site, and he was only known to others.

This created quite a reputation, and he even almost became the president.

Although he did not become the president in the end, he took Jin's position and became a new generation of "Haizhu".

But with his own butterfly effect, the election ended in the first round, and he was still the president of the heart.

Naturally, there is no highlight moment when Leorio "beats" Jin.

Now most Hunters don't know Leorio as a character, so it's not appropriate for him to be a "Hai Pig".

As for the "child mouse", it is Kurapika.

It was originally recommended by Leorio, but now no one recommends it.

But unlike Leorio, Kurapika is capable enough and fully qualified for the work of the twelve earthly branches.

At the same time, Kurapika seems to be quite famous now.

Because of his own actions against the "Spider", the Nosla family was not greatly affected.

Nion's Nen was not stolen by Chrollo either.

I remember that after visiting the Kuruta tribe ruins, Kurapika continued to go back to the Nosla family to develop.

It is said that he has already taken over the job of Dazoane and became the security captain of the Nosla family.

Later, they also used the rising tide of the Nosla family to expand outwards and gained a lot of fame among the world's gangs.

The last time we contacted him, he also said that he had collected the eyes of many tribesmen through his hard work.

For a moment, the room fell into an eerie silence.

Only the sound of Lin Ke's tapping echoed.

After a long while, Lin Ke spoke again: Two

"There is a person named 'Kurapika' among the world's gangsters. I know him relatively well and he is suitable for the position of earthly branch in all aspects.

"Let him replace Pariston and become the 'little rat'."

After much deliberation, Lin Ke felt that it would be more appropriate not to let Kurapika continue to be the "child mouse".

Moreover, Kurapika's classification is "Contract Hunter", which does not overlap with other earthly branch classifications.

The bean-faced man nodded, planning to find information about Kurapika later, and then ask someone to invite him.

There will be no problem with the candidates mentioned by the president.

Even if he's a member of a gang.

"As for the 'Haizhu', let the two-star gourmet Hunter Menqi be in charge."

In the end, Lin Ke decided to let Menqi be the last Earthly Branch.

He doesn't know many people, and even fewer are suitable for this position.

First of all, the category "Food Hunter" does not overlap with other earthly branches and is in compliance with the rules.

Secondly, through the rewards from the food competition and the accumulation during this period, I have now become an official two-star food hunter.

No matter in terms of strength, ability and title, Menqi is enough to serve as the Pig of the Twelve Earthly Branches.

For Menqi, this position is just a temporary job, because Haizhu has done nothing since he took office.

Menqi only needs to be there occasionally for meetings.

But it seems that my two women are both of the twelve earthly branches?

"That Menqi? I know."

The bean-faced man knows this name. Compared with "Kurapika", it is more familiar with "Menqi".

"I'll just take care of Menqi's side, and you'll be responsible for letting people find Kurapika."

"Okay, then I'll leave first."

The bean-faced man came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

But before leaving, the bean-faced man still closed the door carefully and lightly.

After watching the bean-faced man leave, Jin turned to look at Lin Ke and said:

"Isn't that Billander who called just now?"

"Since you took his position as captain, he is now the second in command?"

"That's right, do you have any ideas about the second in command?" Lin Ke said calmly.

"No, according to my estimation, Pariston should be considered the second in command, right? I want to compete with him!"

Jin knew that Biande, the second-in-command, could not be shaken by himself. After all, the entire team was basically formed by Biande.

Lin Ke can put pressure on Biande because he is capable enough to convince everyone.

You can't do it yourself.

And his main purpose is to target Pariston!

"Third in command? You do have a chance, but you still have to fight for it yourself and let other members admit it."

Jin nodded, knowing what Lin Ke meant.

Lin Ke can certainly make him become the third in command directly by speaking.

But it is not certain whether others will sincerely admit it.

You still have to take action on this kind of thing yourself, so that your status exceeds Pariston's status in their hearts.

"Okay, your words are enough, I'll leave now!"

"The next time you see me, I will be the third in command.

The Hunter Association moves very quickly,

After receiving instructions from Lin Ke, a steady stream of information came to the hands of Doumian, including the current location of Kurapika.

After confirming the location, the bean-faced man asked the ugly cow Miloston, who is the most suitable for negotiation and communication among the twelve earthly branches, to take action.

Milton is a business lawyer for a private security company. He has a calm and rational personality and is good at communication.

Coincidentally, the place where Kurapika lives now happens to be the city where Zeyston Company is located.

After receiving the notice, Milton set out immediately.

"Is this here? A tavern owned by the Nosla family, the target should be here.

Milton stood in front of a tavern and muttered to himself.

Until now, he was still a little surprised that King and Pariston had resigned at the same time.

You don’t even know why they suddenly resigned?

Is it because President Netero is not in the association?

“Anyway, it’s a good thing for those two people to leave.

"After Mr. Lin Ke became president, it seems that the association has experienced good things one after another?"

"The brand of this pub is a bit strange?"

"A resting place?"

The attentive Miloston caught a glimpse of the name on the tavern. Perhaps his sixth sense was at work, but he always felt that there seemed to be some hidden meaning.

After a while, Milton shook his head and decided to complete the task first and put the name matter aside for now.

Seeing that the door was ajar, Milton opened it directly and went in.

The first thing that catches the eye is the rather old decoration style. Behind the front desk is a whole row of wine bottles, including all kinds of wine.

There was only one burly man with a thick back smoking in the entire pub, and he was not the Kurapika he was looking for.


Basho, who was wearing a semi-open jacket, exhaled a puff of white smoke, and his face was surrounded by thick white smoke.

At first glance, they look like Mo Laowu. Both of them like to smoke.

It's not time to fight for the throne yet, and the Nosla family is prospering, so Basho is still working in the Nosla family.

"Are you here for a drink? Go get it yourself at the front desk."

Basho was still immersed in the pleasure of smoking, and casually pointed out the location of the front desk to Tzerston.

"No, I'm here to find someone. Is Kurapika here?"

Milton walked closer slowly and said softly.


Basho waved his hand gently to disperse the white smoke around his sight, and stared at the approaching Milton.

【Have you seen this person somewhere?】

Basho put down the cigar in his hand and thought to himself.

"I was sent by the Hunter Association. I came here to talk to Kurapika about something."

At this moment, Basho suddenly remembered who the person in front of him was.

The Ugly Ox among the Twelve Earthly Branches!

In the basement of the tavern,

This is a dark and dark room, with only a faint red light coming out.

The entire basement was dyed with a touch of scarlet, reflecting patches of red light.

The ceiling, floor, and even Kurapika's face were reflected in blood red.

Kurapika sat on the chair and looked at the table in front of her.

There are jars on the table, which are similar to the transparent jars Lin Ke saw in the ferry hall.

They all contain a formalin-like liquid.

In addition, each jar is equipped with a pair of fiery red eyes, which also emit a faint red light.

Looking quietly at the eyes of the tribesmen, Kurapika's eyes also showed a hint of redness.

No matter how many times he saw this scene, he could not remain calm.

After his continuous efforts after joining the Nosla family, he has finally collected the eyes of some people.

But it's still not enough.

Compared with the number of dead tribesmen, the eyes he collected are only a small part.

So he would spend time reading in the basement for a while every day, which also reminded him that he still couldn't understand it.

That’s why he named the tavern “The Resting Place.”

Because there are many eyes of his people here.

To this day, whenever he looks into the eyes of his people, he can't help but feel a surge of gratitude.

That's for Lin Ke.

Without his help, I am afraid that I would still not be able to achieve success in revenge, and I would not have the face to face the dead tribesmen.

"Lin Ke, thank you."

Kurapika lowered her eyes and said to herself.

"It's too early to say thank you."

At this time, a familiar noise came from the side. .

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