Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 211 Murphy’S Law! It’S The V5 Army! (Please Subscribe)

The first moment the sound came, Kurapika stood up immediately as if her feet had stepped on a spring, and then turned back.

Silver finger chains were suddenly wrapped around his hands. The silver finger chains shone brightly under the surrounding red light.

It was dyed with a bright red light, as if there was blood on it, adding a bit of deterrence.

【Someone broke in?!】

Kurapika didn't have time to think too much, this series of actions were all made the moment he heard the sound.

These are all muscle memories he developed during this time.

Being a gang member naturally involves fighting.

In the battles of blood and fire, his fighting consciousness was also developed.

When Kurapika was ready and even the finger chain materialized, a door of light appeared in his eyes.

This light door does not mean that there is a lot of light inside the door, but that the door is really made of light.

A door appeared out of thin air!

This is the first time Kurapika has seen a space channel.

While Kurapika clenched her fists, Lin Ke walked out slowly.

"Lin Ke?!"

After seeing clearly that the person who appeared was Lin Ke, Kurapika couldn't help but exclaimed, and her clenched fists subconsciously unclenched.

"Hey, it seems that your combat awareness has been cultivated well."

Lin Ke said with great appreciation.

With this kind of vigilance, you can generally live better in this world.

"But...why did you come here suddenly?"

Kurapika looked hesitant and confused.

"I'm here for two things. The first is to give you a big gift. Do you want to guess what it is?"

Lin Ke said with deep meaning, while glancing at the jars behind Kurapika.

As expected, they are filled with flaming eyes.

But compared to the entire clan, this place is just a drop in the bucket.

There are a total of 128 members of the Kuruta tribe, and only Kurapika survives.

There are only ten pairs of eyes collected here.

Lin Ke's eyes passed over Kurapika, who was still thinking hard, and then looked at the light door behind him.

There was a wave of pink thought energy inside.

The next moment, a lot of bottles and cans suddenly appeared around the two of them, like magic.

Fortunately, the basement is large enough, otherwise it would be very crowded with so many bottles and cans.

"This is………………"

Kurapika stared blankly at the things in front of her, she really couldn't believe that these were real.

What appeared in his eyes were a lot of fiery red eyes!

"The eyes of these tribesmen are what I want to give to you when I come here this time."

Since Xuwuide took control of those five people, he went to look for any good things from these people.

Or the country has something in its collection.

For example, what mind tools, seven beauties in the world, etc.

While confiscating a large number of spiritual tools, Lin Ke also discovered many flaming eyes.

Among the seven beauties in the world, flaming eyes are the easiest to obtain because there are more than a hundred pairs circulating in the world.

Rare ones, such as liquid Taiguang stone.

There may only be two or three copies in the entire six continents.

So there were a lot of fiery eyes in V5's treasury, so Lin Ke simply gave them to Kurapika.

As for the remaining part of the flaming red eyes, they should be in the hands of individual people, especially those collectors who are interested in human bodies.

I remember that the fourth prince of the Cajun Empire had many flaming eyes in his collection.

Seeing the magnificent scene in front of her, Kurapika's pupils changed again. Now her eyes were a bit brighter than before.

This also clearly reflects his inner peace now.

There were so many eyes from the clansmen in front of him, the number of which he had collected was far incomparable.

At this moment, Kurapika felt that her heart resonated with these eyes, and she could not calm down for a long time.

Surrounded by the eyes of his tribe, he couldn't tell whether he was feeling happy... or sad.

"Lin Ke, thank you very much."

Kurapika wiped away her tears and said in a sincere tone.

"It's just a casual move. If you really want to thank me, just agree to the second thing I did this time."

"You should know that I am now the new Hunter Association president, right?"

Kurapika nodded: "Yeah."

Kurapika didn't ask Lin Ke how he got these, because the person who gave him these eyes was called "Lin Ke"

The name "Lin Ke" represents endless possibilities.

At least he has never seen anything that can stump Lin Ke.

"Then there's one thing you probably don't know. The Rat from the Second Earthly Branch resigned.

"The second thing I did when I came here this time was to invite you to join the Twelve Earthly Branches and become the new Rat."

Lin Ke finally decided to leave in person. Anyway, with Porygon Z, it only took a few seconds.

Just inviting Kurapika to be the "child mouse" naturally does not require him to appear, the main thing is to put things in his hands.

"Am I one of the twelve earthly branches?"

Kurapika whispered.

It's not that he doesn't want to be a part of it, it's that he feels it's a bit sudden and a bit unworthy.

He himself also knows what kind of existence the twelve earthly branches are.

It can be said that except for a few people in the Hunter Association, the twelve earthly branches have the highest status.

I am still just a gangster, do I really qualify for this position?

Kurapika's first reaction was surprise, and then she wanted to refuse.

His mouth was slightly open, but the words came to his lips but he couldn't say them out.

Lin Ke has done so many things, and it is really unjustifiable for him to refuse the other party's invitation.

"I...I will try my best to do a good job in the position of 'Zi Mo'!"

Kurapika's eyes became determined and she said decisively.

Regardless of whether he is competent or not, he will do his best to be a good "mouse"!

No matter what, you can’t be ashamed of your trust in Lin Ke!

It just so happens that Lin Ke is now the president, so he becomes a "little mouse" and works for Lin Ke.

"Okay, don't be so nervous. With your abilities, being a "little mouse" is more than enough."

Lin Ke's words are not words of stability, but they are true.

Kurapika was a little nervous for a while, fearing that she would not be able to take on the big responsibility.

But in fact, his abilities in all aspects are quite outstanding, and he can definitely do his job as a member of the twelve earthly branches.

"I have to leave beforehand. Ugly Cow Mileston is in the tavern above. He will tell you the specific information."

Lin Ke turned around and prepared to go back through the light door from where he came.

Just when he was about to go in, Lin Ke suddenly thought of something.

"I may ask you to go to a place later, so I'll mention it first to prevent you from being too surprised."

[Maybe there will be a chance to meet your tribe later]

Lin Ke didn't say the latter sentence because he had no way to guarantee that he would have a chance.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

The next moment, Lin Ke's figure disappeared from Kurapika's eyes together with the light door.

"Are you too surprised?"

"Where could it be?"

Kurapika doesn't quite understand what Lin Ke means.


In a huge manor somewhere.

On the surface it looks like a manor, but in fact the people living there have a lot of background.

Arrogance, one of the ten old men, lives here!

It looks peaceful on the surface, but if you look carefully, you will find that there are many gang members inside.

Arrogance not only lives here, but also places many subordinates around it to gather most of its power.

Not even just gang members with guns, but also many Nin people who can use telekinesis.

It is divided into several grades, which can be roughly divided into three categories from low to high.

The first type is the individual people who are attracted by arrogance. They are usually responsible for taking care of the work, similar to the guest officials in martial arts novels.

The second type is Arrogance, which creates new talents by continuing to develop technology and continue research and development.

This kind of people are the product of the combination of technology and Nen, and the original Yin Beast Army was the first batch of results.

And this is also the reason why the ten old men invited Arrogance in the first place. They needed "Seven Deadly Sins" to assist in scientific research.

The original plan was just to be a free hand, but arrogance may not become the old one.

As a result, the original ten old men were eliminated by Ilmi hired by Chrollo, so Arrogance naturally became one of the ten old men.

Since then, Arrogance has continued to develop based on existing scientific research results.

As of today, he has a whole team of new nuns under his command.

The third one is Arrogance and its two remaining members, Sloth and Lust.

As well as a group of stronger Nen people controlled by Nen who were exploited by laziness and lust.

In particular, his own strength is quite impressive, and the power at hand is the best among Old Man Wang.

There is a vague tendency to lead the other ten old men.

But it was such a person who seemed like a coward all day long, almost daring not to leave the manor.

Even with such terrifying power at his disposal, he still didn't feel safe enough.

Because he provoked an existence that he couldn't afford to offend.

The interior of a large villa in the manor,

There is a large office with a very spacious space. There are not only desks, coffee tables, and sofas, but also a lot of space.

The entire office and even the entire villa are decorated magnificently. It can be seen that the owner of the villa is very wealthy.

Arrogance stood by the window, wearing a high-end suit, smoking a fine cigar and looking at the distant sky.

Under those elegant gold-rimmed glasses, there was a sad expression.

After developing to this point, he can proudly say that the power he possesses is much stronger than the complete "Seven Deadly Sins" back then.

But he still has no confidence that he can compete with Lin Ke!

Lin Ke is so scary, he alone can defeat thousands of troops.

The one who knows you best is always your enemy.

Because of his previous experience, Arrogance has always treated Lin Ke as an imaginary enemy.

Before, he thought that he had enough wings to attack Lin Ke and avenge his shame.

As a result, before he had time to take action, the news came from his subordinates attending the meeting that Lin Ke was elected as the "Five Great Ninth Persons in the New World".

One after another, the top five losers stated that they were not as good as Lin Ke.

So Lin Ke directly became [The Strongest in the New World]

This will give him a lot of trouble.

They were all prepared to take action, but suddenly news came that the other party was the "strongest in the world"?

Later, it was discovered that the subordinate who sent the message escaped within two days, and seemed to be sure that he could not defeat Lin Ke.

This news directly led to the suspension of the revenge operation, and later information about Lin Ke broke out one after another.

First, he showed off his power in the martial arts competition in the sky arena.

………Please give me flowers…

He also watched the live broadcast, to be honest.

He couldn't defeat the mastermind.

But such a powerful being was torn into pieces by one of Lin Ke's mind beasts in just one encounter.

Then came the chimera ant incident. He didn't know much about this matter. He only knew that it was Lin Ke who solved it again.

And it also left quite horrific traces of the battle!

The huge pit with a radius of countless miles in Xiangkuo often appeared in his dreams, fearing that his manor would be like this one day.

Naturally, he would not end well when he was in the manor.

Then came the news that Lin Ke was elected as the new president.

In comparison, he actually felt that Lin Ke's being the president was the most acceptable thing among them.

The successive blows were also the reason why he did not take action against Linke later.

Now he no longer has any thoughts of revenge.

Only by praying that Lin Ke forgets his existence can he have hope of living.

This is why arrogance rarely appears in the outside world.

Keeping a low profile may help you live longer.

But arrogance doesn’t know [Murphy’s Law]

When people are afraid of something happening, this kind of thing often happens easily.

Suddenly, the arrogant body shook, and he felt a strange breath coming from the room!

Arrogance suddenly turned around and saw a figure sitting on an expensive leather sofa.

His expression is quite leisurely, as if he regards this place as his immediate home, without any sense of restraint.

When he saw the face of the visitor clearly, Arrogant's pupils shrank, and the cigar in his hand fell to the ground inadvertently.

But he didn't glance at it, completely focusing on the uninvited guest in front of him.


His expression changed from the original sad look to gloomy and horrified.

Panic is like weeds, growing wildly in the arrogant heart, gradually occupying every inch of the place.

The day finally came.

"It seems like you're doing well~"


Lin Ke had a chuckle on his face, but the words he spoke sounded to Zai Ao like a low groan from hell.

And like the funeral song of the God of Death, it will lead him step by step into the bottomless abyss, from which he will never be able to escape.

The haughty face was all too familiar.

It can be said that whenever he has nightmares, this face will basically appear.

But every time he wakes up, the first thing he feels is not fear...

But rejoice!

Seeing the arrogance of being silent and seemingly intending to follow the principle of "silence is golden", Lin Ke couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

"Tell me, do you still have that look worthy of the word [arrogance]?"

Hearing this, Arrogant's face became even more gloomy, he clenched his teeth and made a slight sour sound.

But still didn't dare to say anything.

Seeing this, Lin Ke didn't want to waste time and said casually:

"You must know why I came to see you today. I'm definitely not here to chat."

"I think you should have been mentally prepared for this day, right?"

"I'll give you five minutes!"

"In these five minutes, gather all the power you can use here and give you an opportunity to 'fight the few with more'."

Lin Ke stretched out his palm and said that he would only give him five minutes, and he would start taking action as soon as the time was up.

"Don't even think about escaping from here."

Glancing at the shocked arrogance, Lin Ke slowly added a sentence, full of profound meaning.

Arrogance didn't expect that Lin Ke would give him time to gather his subordinates to get up.

[Is this the strong man’s absolute trust in his own strength? 】

Arrogant gritted his teeth, turned around and walked out, while taking out his phone to make a call.

Time is running out, he must gather all the people as soon as possible!

Although he thought there was little hope even with his men, it would be good to have a little more chance of survival.

As for escaping from here…………

Lin Ke is not a fool. If he dares to say the right words, he is clearly doing his best.

Five minutes passed by in a hurry,

Arrogance hurriedly brought a group of people over, while sloth and lust also brought some people.

Looking at the huge crowd, Arrogance still didn't have much confidence in his heart, and even found that some people were missing.

"Lust, where are those people from Bhutto?"

Lust curled her lips and said softly.

"As soon as they heard that the person they were facing was Lin Ke, they all ran away.

"Do they think we are stupid? They only gave us a few dollars and asked us to work hard? That's Lin Ke!"

"The past is seeking death!"

"That's right! This arrogance is so inhumane."

Seven or eight Ninjas ran towards the outside of the manor, fearing that they would be affected by the battle if they took a few steps.

However, before they could leave the manor, a large number of people appeared in sight.

A small number are soldiers carrying large quantities of guns and ammunition.

Most of them are fully armed, well-equipped, and strong men with large fluctuations in mental energy!

Such a being who can be called a strong person in the outside world is like wholesale, and a large number of second-rate people appear at this moment.

This massive army actually surrounded the manor!!

"Who is this? We are surrounded!"

"Look at their clothes!"

"They are...V5's secret army! Ding".

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