Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 212 The Terrifying Force! Followers Of The Demon King! (Please Subscribe)

The well-equipped senior soldiers all exude a majestic aura, which makes one's legs feel weak just by looking at them.

Compared with them, they are like a bunch of rabble.

Similar to the soldiers Lin Ke saw in the ferry hall, they all wore astronaut-like clothing.

This kind of clothing not only has strong defensive properties, but also has effects such as defensive energy.

This group of senior soldiers can be said to be one of V5's trump cards and the most elite group of people in the army.

They all exist as reserves for the Dark Continent.

Before a few people could make any move, they saw a group of gang members suddenly running out from the other side, all holding guns.

"Don't even look at what kind of place this is? Do you dare to come here to make trouble?!"

"You dare to break into this place, then you just wait to die!"

A bald leader spat, then raised a rocket launcher on his shoulder and fired it with the others.

In an instant, a flash of light appeared on the dark and deep muzzle, and then rocket launchers with little flames roared past.

A series of seven or eight powerful artillery shells rushed straight towards the army, and the bald leader could already see the fate of the bombed people on the opposite side.

Perhaps this is the fearlessness of the ignorant.


In vain, a big knife flew out from the army and whirled in the air, its sharp blade slicing across a cannonball.

The shell was detonated immediately, causing ripples in the surrounding air, and the wind and waves carried the smoke away into the distance.


However, the machete's momentum did not diminish, and it continued to spin and explode several cannonballs one after another.

For a moment, there was only endless smoke and dust from the explosion.

After the sword completed its mission, it just happened to circle in the air and return to the army.

“This…………how is this possible?!”

The bald leader's squinting eyes covered by fat suddenly widened. He wiped his eyes hard with "550", he couldn't believe it.

Each of these cannonballs is very powerful, how could it be blown up by the opponent like this?

Moreover, it still circled in the air, exploded several cannonballs, and then returned.

For the bald team leader who is not a nun, this is nothing short of a fantasy.

I saw that the originally uniform army was like a cup of sea water split in half, retreating to both sides.

Leave a straight path in the middle.

A muscular man walked out of the road that separated the crowd. The big knife just now was being carried on his shoulders.

The aura of the strong man is completely different from that of other soldiers. He seems to stand out from the crowd, making people focus on him unconsciously.

It's like there is a full moon among the fireflies.

Even the clothes are different from those of soldiers who look like astronauts, just wearing thin sportswear.

The close-fitting sportswear clearly outlines the muscles underneath, which contains majestic energy.

In addition, there is a long scar on his face, which adds a bit of fierceness.

Jonah glanced at the trembling bald leader, and then at the Nen who were preparing to escape.

"All destroyed! No one left!"

Jonah waved his hand and said in a loud voice.

Following Jonah's order, the soldiers moved forward quickly like a tide.

Suddenly, the entire manor was filled with burning smoke, and there were also the aftermath of many battles between the Ninja and the Ninja.

These are basically ordinary gang members and some low-level criminals who are no match for senior soldiers.

Although the number of gang members is larger, they are still being defeated, and they cannot do it even if they are delayed for a while.

Jonah is the leader of this group of senior soldiers, and he is also the only strongman in the team who has reached the S-level range, at S- level.

Lin Ke's guess was good before. There is indeed a strong person with an S-level range hidden in V5.

Jonah, the leader of the secret force, is one of them.

After all, they are five superpowers on six continents. After long-term training, it is easy to have several strong men in the S-level range.

It is precisely because of their special status that they need to be blocked from information, so the outside world does not know about them.

The so-called five powerful people in the world are only the strongest people on the surface.

As a superpower that has ruled six continents for many years, V5 has naturally cultivated many strong men.

Although the quantity is also limited, it also means that the power of V5 is by no means as simple as it seems.

But these all became Lin Ke's wedding dress.

In addition to the leaders of the five countries, several S-class powerhouses hidden in V5 were also manipulated by Lin Ke in the same way.

They have all become puppets controlled by Xuwuide!

inside the villa,

"Boss, we can't hold on any longer!"

"V5's senior soldiers have surrounded the manor! Most of them are Nen!"

Arrogance answered the phone and stared blankly at Lin Ke, who looked calm, and felt a chill in his heart.

【What on earth is going on?!】

【Why V5 ​​will help Lin Ke!】

[Those senior soldiers basically don’t know how to use V5, how could they be sent out to help Lin Ke]

Arrogant feels that this is not like helping Lin Ke, but...

Ordered by Lin Ke!

Looking at Arrogance with a horrified look on his face, Lin Ke raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a slight smile.

He himself is the strongest fighting force in the six continents!

Paired with V5 as a superpower.

This is quite a terrifying force!

"When the time comes, are these the forces you have prepared?"

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows and reported in a calm tone.

There were twenty or thirty people standing around Arrogance at this moment.

In addition to arrogance, laziness and lust, many others are so-called "new nemes" and have some animal characteristics.

There is also a type of people who are weirder. The thoughts on their bodies are all mixed with the same pink thoughts, and the source of these thoughts...

Lin Ke glanced at the scantily clad Lust and found that those thoughts were all derived from Lust.

Name: lust


Nen: slave of lust, Emitter

The body will emit a strange fragrance composed of thought energy, and those who inhale the strange fragrance will gradually relax their vigilance.

In the end, when others are completely defenseless, they will be completely controlled by the caster and become so-called "slaves".

The more charming fantasies about the Ninja that arise in other people's minds, the better the effect of the scent will be.

Name: lazy


Nen:Break time, Emitter

Release an area and determine the size of the area based on the thoughts of release.

Everyone in the field will be affected, their willpower will decrease, and they will eventually lose their combat experience.

The degree of decline in willpower is related to the size of the intention to release and the victim's own willpower.

Constraints and Oaths: I spend most of my time in a state of laziness, in exchange for the Nen effect being greatly enhanced.

Name: Arrogant



From this point of view, the strangeness in those people is caused by lust.

With the cooperation of lazy Nen, the effect of lust's ability is even more terrifying.

With Nen being so compatible, it is estimated that the two of them usually work together as a team.

At the same time, Lin Ke discovered that those being controlled were also unusual [most of them were in the A-level range.

Coupled with those "new talents", this power is indeed extraordinary.

Of course, the most important thing here is arrogance.

His strength actually reached S-level.

After seeing the arrogant Nen, Lin Ke also roughly understood how he reached S-level.

This is interesting. The higher your reputation and status, your own strength will also increase.

It is indeed a trait system.

One S-level, several A-levels, and some B-levels.

This is the core power accumulated by arrogance.

It's a pity that I still can't watch it.


"Earthworm, what are you doing?"

Arrogance looked at Lin Ke who was about to take action, a few drops of sweat appeared on his forehead, and at the same time he saw earthworms walking out of the crowd.

Because Earthworm was the only one among the Yin beasts to survive, he fell under the control of Arrogance after he came back.

I saw the dark-skinned earthworm walking steadily towards Lin Ke, his face calm and a little excited.

The strange thing is that Lin Ke didn't do anything about it.

Earthworm then stood behind Lin Ke, quietly watching Arrogance and others.

"So that's what it is!"

Now the arrogance is completely clear!

"Earthworm! Have you already betrayed me?"

Faced with the arrogant rebuke, Earthworm's slightly ugly face was full of contempt.

"Rebellion against you? You don't have the ability to make me surrender to you."

"From the very beginning, when I joined you, I was following Lord Lin Ke's order!"

"I'm not betraying you, I'm just a spy."

Earthworm's tone was very exciting, it was his enthusiasm for Lin Ke.

Even though they haven't seen each other for a long time, Earthworm's admiration for Lin Ke has not weakened at all.

This is a true fanatic.

"Did you always lurk here?!"

Arrogant gritted his teeth, and Earthworm's words made his originally frightened heart feel more angry.

Although he was angry, Arrogance did not lose his mind, but planned to take advantage of this opportunity to take action!

If they want to fight head-on now, they will definitely lose, because they are afraid that they will have a numerical advantage.

Arrogance is very clear about this.

Therefore, if you want to survive, you can only seize the opportunity and then successfully attack in a short time!

In such a life-and-death crisis, Arrogance found that his mind was surprisingly sharp, because his brain was running at extremely high speed at this moment.

Just to find a glimmer of hope!

However, before he thought too much, he saw Lin Ke's hand trembling slightly, which was preparation for action.


Arrogance's pupils shrank, and he suddenly shouted out a letter, which seemed to have no meaning.

But only they know that B refers to Plan B prepared in advance.

They have prepared many plans in advance and try their best to have plans to deal with various emergencies...

In vain, the people around Arrogant took action one after another, and all kinds of thoughts burst out from their bodies.

Five muscular men with strong bodies, all with features similar to rhinos, tigers, and lions, rushed towards Lin Ke.

Without exception, these people are all new Eners who belong to Enhancer.

The thought energy on his body is extremely solid, coupled with some of the animal's

Their task is to attract Lin Ke's attention.

They are not like those weak people in the hands of lust, but they are also manipulated.

This is an ability that was added during the experiment, similar to the thinking stamp, which is why they dare to rush forward.

Because earthworms are the first batch of achievements, this ability has not been used yet.

At the same time, among the people with the ability to be controlled by lust, there was a man with a pale face, and a strange and dark energy appeared around him.

Groups of dark thoughts, like thoughts of death, flowed down his body to his feet and merged with the shadow.

Immediately, the twisting shadow rushed towards Lin Ke's shadow on the floor.

[Shadow Binding]: By consuming your own life, you can fuse your mind energy with your shadow.

in one piece.

When your own shadow touches the shadow of others, you can control the other person's actions. The more powerful the opponent, the more lifespan you need to consume.

The effect of this move is to immobilize Lin Ke's actions.

Similar to the Shadow Mimicry Technique in Naruto.

Another man in strange patterned clothes, who was also a nemesis controlled by lust, took out the knife he carried on the spot.

The next moment, it was directly applied to his neck, and a frightening silver light suddenly flashed through.

Without the active use of Nian Qi to protect him, the extremely sharp knife instantly cut his neck, and crimson blood poured out like a column.

In the blink of an eye, the luxurious and gorgeous carpet turned from gold to bright red, and a strong smell of blood gradually filled the room.

Just as the man fell, a breath of death emerged from his body. This breath was even more uncomfortable than the thought of death.

Just one look at it will give you the illusion of dying.

And this large group of thoughts of death carrying the aura of death also rushed towards Lin Ke.

[Disciple of the Demon King]: Through self-mutilation, you can cause certain damage to the enemy. The more serious the self-inflicted injury, the better the effect.

[Constraints and Oaths]: If one commits suicide without any injuries, the effect of the cold ability will be greatly improved.

This man can be said to be the Nen that Arrogance took the most pains to obtain, because he valued his Nen.

Men are an extremely rare ethnic group on the Six Continents, and there are only a few dozen people in the entire tribe.

They have rather strange beliefs, and they all believe in the devil. It is said that this is a tradition that has been passed down from a long time ago.

And almost all the Nen born among them have similar Nen, which have effects such as self-mutilation and curses.

This is similar to Perolev in "Phantom Troupe" and [Plant Queen] Lina in Sky Arena.

It's all nationality, or bloodline, and belief that affects ability.

If the five new nemesis rushing up are just to attract attention, then these two are the main killing moves.

Especially 3.7 is the latter!

And these are just the first round of offensives that Arrogance has prepared!

In order to ensure his own life, he arranged at least three rounds of offensive for every plan!

All these preparations are for Lin Ke!

"It seems like you haven't done anything, you are still somewhat interesting."

Lin Ke looked at the scene in front of him with hundreds of moves, and couldn't help but feel a little interested.

Pay special attention to the man who committed suicide in the first place.

This effect reminded him of Hidan in Naruto, another shadow player who was a bit like Maru in Naruto.

The relationship between enemies in the original work is now cooperating to deal with him.

Apart from anything else, the people Arrogance found are quite good.

"What a pity~"

“After all the hard work, it’s all in vain.”

Lin Ke shook his head, and immediately a wave of fluctuations occurred in the shadow, and a petite figure jumped out of it.

Accompanying Mashado's appearance is a monstrous black aura!

A steady stream of black thought energy was like a sea formed by ink, quickly engulfing the entire venue.

The frightening and powerless atmosphere filled the room, making it suffocating, as if one were in the deep sea.

I couldn't breathe, everything was pitch black, and I felt extremely oppressive.

That aura of death seemed so powerless in front of Marshado, far less terrifying than its aura!

He is obviously a small body, but under the extremely dark aura, he looks like a huge demon king in Machado!

[This is a force that I can never fight against! 】

His arrogant face was ashen, and his whole person was shrouded in extreme despair.

It seems that the dying old man can only wait for death to come.

Before today, he had never imagined that there were people in the world with such strength!

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