Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 213 Departing For The Dark Continent! Take Control Of Six Continents! (1/2, Please Subscribe

Facing the rushing breath of death, Machado suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed it like a marshmallow.

It was swallowed up completely in an instant.

This breath of death is not bad for it, and it is more worth eating than thoughts of death.

So after some humility, it was Masha who came out to eat more.

As soon as he stepped on the ground, a deeper black thought rushed towards the shadow, like a dark chain, imprisoning it.

The next moment, the elongated shadow was suddenly torn into pieces, and the opponent also suffered a backlash, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

At the same time, strong waves of thought energy appeared in the shadows of the five new nuns who rushed over.

Strange and dark figures appeared behind them one after another, and suddenly attacked their backs, instantly piercing them!

Ghost skill——Shadow sneak attack!

Big holes appeared in their bodies, and their internal organs were completely destroyed, making them unable to survive.

Arrogance's face changed drastically, this series of actions were too fast!

His carefully prepared plan was as paper-like as it was without any ability to resist!

Before he could say anything, dazzling white lights appeared around them.

Every breath is extremely powerful!

Lucario gathered silver-white mental energy in his fists, and his two fists were like two shooting stars.

It is waving in the air, scattering little flashes of fluorescent light from time to time, but under this gorgeous scene is infinite murderous intent.

Steel skill - Comet Fist!


Lucario's figure was like a ghost, and a large number of people fell down in just an instant, until Arrogance was left alone!

"Arrogant and furious, they have been waiting for you for a long time. Go down and accompany them."

Lin Ke's calm words reached Arrogant's ears clearly, while Lucario's bright fists continued to enlarge in his eyes.

Normally, arrogance can take this blow.

After all, Pride, like Lucario, has S-level strength.

But he didn't, he just froze in place without making any move.

Even if you receive this punch, what will happen?

Arrogance has completely understood the gap between himself and Lin Ke.

That was a gap he could never close.

Perhaps death is also a relief.

At least he didn't have to worry about it anymore.


An extremely dazzling white light flashed past, and the fist struck Arrogance fiercely, as if it had the force of a falling comet.

A shocking sound burst out!

In order to achieve 25 one-hit kills, Lucario also used [Sword Dance], which increased its power to a higher level.

So the arrogance that had no resistance was instantly beaten to ashes.

The powerful Comet Punch continued to hit the ground, creating a huge hole!

The villa fell down with the sound, and the entire foundation was smashed to pieces by Lucario. Countless gravel and dust swept away in all directions.

The yellow "waves" were forcibly formed, as if thousands of royal troops were galloping past.

It looks like a comet has landed on this villa.

Following rage, envy, greed and gluttony, sloth, lust and pride also followed and reunited underground.

Since then, the entire "Criminal Sin" area!

After killing these people one after another, Lucario once again gained a large amount of experience points, mainly provided by Arrogance.

Coupled with the previous experience points of Menthuthuyoupi, Lucario was officially promoted from S-level to S-level.

In the next week, several major events occurred in the world.

First, news spread of the death of Arrogant, one of the ten old men.

Not just arrogance, but also lust and laziness as a member of the "Seven Deadly Sins".

Even their loyal men were wiped out.

As the top leader of the world's gangs, the status of the ten old men is naturally not low. This sudden news immediately attracted attention.

After all, such an action is a slap in their face!

However, under the search of the remaining nine people, the origin of the perpetrator came to light.

But each of these people’s background is more profound than the last!

First up is V5’s secret force!

This is a power that V5 almost never uses, but this time it appears, just to eliminate arrogance!

This also shocked the others.

Could it be that V5 is planning to attack the world's gangs?

Facing the behemoth V5, the world's gangs don't have much power to fight back.

If you really target them, you can only wait and be killed.

But it doesn’t make sense?

There is no conflict of interest between them, it is more of a cooperative relationship, and they will be asked to do any dirty work.

As a result, the purpose of V5 was not yet clear, and they discovered another person involved in the incident.

This person is also considered by them to be the leader of this incident——

[The strongest in the world], and also [the new president of the Hunter Association] Lin Ke!

The matter between Lin Ke and "Seven Deadly Sins" can be said to be known to everyone, and it is normal for him to find Arrogance.

But so much time has passed, and just when people are almost forgetting the past, Lin Ke takes action again.

And it still appears together with V5.

After discovering that the enemies were V5 and Lin Ke, the remaining ten old men lost their initial ambitions.

In this case, it is impossible for them to take revenge, and they even have to pray that they are safe.

Finally, under Lin Ke's subtle arrangements, Earthworm replaced Arrogance, became the new Ten Old Man, and took over the remaining forces.

The other ten old men didn't dare to say anything about this, but instead breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Lin Ke had no intention of attacking them.

Earthworm even became the leader of the ten old men, at least no one dared to object to what he proposed.

Everyone knows that he represents Lin Ke!

So unknowingly, Lin Ke Jinping took control of the entire six continents.

Country: He controls five superpowers in six continents. Except for Cajin, other small countries are not worth mentioning.

Folk: As the president of the Hunter Association, he controls the largest and most influential folk force in the six continents.

In the Dark: Cultivating the fanatical believer Earthworm to become the Ten Old Man, it can be said that the entire gang of the world is basically his one-word authority.

He almost controls the power of the entire six continents!

And all of this is based on his own strong strength. Without strength, none of this would be possible.

The news of the change of the Ten Old Men was only spread among the upper class circles, while the following news was known even to the common people.

Two members of the Twelve Earthly Branches of the Hunter Association have chosen to withdraw!

They are "Zi Mo" Pariston and "Hai Zhu" Jin!

Pariston, who also serves as vice president, also resigned from his position as vice president.

Following the Hunter Association's announcement, the news quickly spread across six continents.

This is the first time there has been a personnel change since the establishment of the Twelve Earthly Branches.

Soon, another piece of news came from the Hunter Association.

The vice-president is concurrently served by Chierduo, the "Xu Dog" among the twelve earthly branches.

The new "Child Rat" is Kurapika from the world gang.

The new "Haizhu" is two-star gourmet Hunter Menqi.

As a result, people were caught off guard, and the vice president and two members of the twelve earthly branches were quickly replaced.

sky arena,

This is the 251st floor, and it is also the place where Lin Ke, the well-known champion of the martial arts tournament, belongs.

After the last battle with Jade, the 251st floor was completely destroyed.

But now it has been completely renovated, and it is even more upscale and gorgeous than before.

Lin Ke basically rests here on weekdays. He occasionally goes to the Hunter Association's office during the day and returns here to rest at night.

In one of the large rooms, Lin Ke looked at the girl in front of him quietly.

The girl has blue hair, with strands of hair scattered on her shoulders, and her green pupils are highlighted.

The clothes on her body are basically pink, with a white skirt, and her petite face is very cute.

She looks exactly like Nyong from the Nosla family!

But the person in front of Lin Ke at this moment is not Ni Weng himself.

[Niong]'s eyes were blank, her legs were sitting cross-legged on the ground, and her body involuntarily aroused deep and strange thoughts.

Black and purple thought energy lingered around her, forming a strange and twisted "angel".

The "angel" stayed on [Nion]'s pen, holding her hand and writing one word after another on the paper.

This is Nen's Nen——Angel's automatic note!

Divination by writing a four-line poem in automatic note-taking.

Ask the person being divined to write down the name, date of birth, and blood type on a piece of paper, and then write down the divination text on the same piece of paper.

He had had this idea in his mind as early as after meeting Ni Weng.

You can completely transform the Variety Monster into a Neon, and then perform divination for yourself.

Judging from the performance in the original work, Nion's Nen is quite reliable and has high accuracy.

And it's not the kind of prediction that even if you know it, you can't change the future.

Right now, Lin Ke is turning the Variety Monster into a Nyon and predicting what will happen after he goes to the Dark Continent.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang's four-character poem by Gu Yan was handed over to Lin Ke.

[Angel's Automatic Note] usually writes four to five lines, which roughly corresponds to the next four to five weeks.

[With the help of many subordinates, the king embarks on a journey to the unknown continent]

[The boundless sea is full of dangers and mysteries, and cannot stop the progress of the king.

[The thorny ocean and the huge sea monster will become the ladder for the king to advance]

[On that unimaginable sea, there will be huge elves appearing]

"A huge elf appears..."

Lin Ke took the paper and carefully read every line of words on it. Because there were not many words, it was very concise and clear.

It's basically about my own experience at sea.

Because the prophetic poems basically talk about my experiences in the next month, they are all related to the sea.

There is nothing special about the previous ones. The king most likely refers to himself.

He set out with his team members and aimed at the Dark Continent.

Then we encountered many obstacles on Lake Mobius, but they were all solved.

What makes me most curious is the last sentence.

Huge elf?!

Others may not know what elf means, but Lin Ke knows that it mostly refers to Pokémon.

It can’t be like the natural elves in Western fantasy stories, right?

As for giant Pokémon, there are many possibilities. After all, there are many giant Pokémon.

He casually placed the prophetic poem in his own shadow, and Lin Ke stepped into the light door next to him.

The week is up and it's time to go.

The northeast corner of the Ochima Federation,

This place is very close to the Aizhen continent where the Cajin Empire is located.

In an unmanned port here, a medium-sized ship suddenly docked, and its appearance was different from that of a normal ship.

This boat has been quite professionally renovated, and every part is made of top-quality materials.

At the same time, the ship is also equipped with some radars for detection.

Not only is it extremely fast, it also takes into account various aspects such as defensive performance.


At the same time, there are many rooms inside the ship that can accommodate people, and there is also a lot of space to store food and other things.

If it weren't for the fact that the ship was too big and the danger level would be higher, Biande would just buy a huge ship to travel.

Still, this ship is pretty cool.

In contrast to the fact that many ships on the six continents are just ordinary wooden sailing ships, this ship looks like a modern one.

Wooden sailing ships are primitive people from ancient times.

The difference between the two is breathtaking.

In addition to this ship, there is also a group of people gathered here at the port, seemingly waiting for something.


“I really didn’t expect that my wish to go to the Dark Continent would come true so soon.

"I thought I would have to wait forever."

Jin held a green fruit in his hand, opened his mouth and bit it down, leaving clear teeth marks on it, and then spoke.

When he stood in this port, the excitement in his heart seemed to turn into reality and became jumping elves.

He kept urging him to board the ship quickly.

He couldn't wait to see the mysterious continent that had haunted him for so many years!

"Yes, I really have to thank President Lin Ke, otherwise someone might never have the chance to go to the Dark Continent.

Pariston had a warm smile on his face and was secretly mocking Jin.

"Are you angry because I became the third in command of the team?"

Jin asked back, not intending to give in at all.

Pariston's smile paused, then returned to normal, and said softly:

650 "What are you talking about? The third-in-command position has always been mine, not you."

As soon as they finished speaking, Kim and Pariston looked at each other, one with fake indifference and the other with fake smile.

If the look could turn into reality, then the two people might have caused an explosion comparable to that of a missile.

For a while, few people wanted to be around these two people, because the feeling of oppression was relatively strong.

Since leaving the office that day, Jin has gone to the team's base camp, preparing to compete for the third-in-command position.

Although there was no success at the beginning, after all, they were more familiar with Paris than King.

But after he offered double the money, some people immediately changed their name and called him the third in command.

This person has slender bangs that cover his side eyes.

There was nothing he could do about his need for money.

His sister is in a welfare institution because she has an extremely rare serious illness and needs to spend a lot of money every day.

Fortunately, with Jin's money, he has hope of a cure.

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward.

The man with bangs is just the first, but not the last.

So attracted by Jin's money, about half of the people in the team admitted that he was the third in command.

Most of them are members of the mercenary army.

They came to take this task because Biande paid a big price, but it is not easy to change their tune just like that.

These mercenaries value the trust between themselves and their employers the most and will not change it easily.

It was King who chose to remit the money to the Nowell Fund, and they compromised.

The Nowell Fund is a fund specially established for the orphans of mercenaries.

So now King and Pariston are in a state of balance, neither one is convinced by the other.

Lin Ke didn't pay attention to this. The two of them were just "playing".


"Looks like we've arrived."

Biande and Jin turned their heads to look in the same direction at the same time. These two were the strongest beings in the team besides Lin Ke and had the fastest reaction.

Even though the rest of the people were a little weaker, they reacted in the same way after half a beat and looked in the same direction.

In the entire team, except for a few non-combatants who were not very strong, the rest of the team was only "weak" compared to Jin and the others.

Without exception, these people are all in good hands!

After all, going to the Dark Continent is no joke, and anyone with even the slightest strength will leave his life there.

Anyone inside this place would be a strong person outside, and now they are all gathered here.

The number of people going to the Dark Continent cannot be too large, as too many people will easily lead to more dangers.

According to Billander's assessment, the current number of people is the most appropriate.

That's about the size of twenty or thirty people.

It can not only meet the needs of all aspects, but also reduce the risk level to a certain range.

I saw Lin Ke's figure slowly walking out of the light door, and behind him was Meow Meow.

Lin Ke looked around and saw that everyone was here. He nodded with satisfaction, and even said what countless people expected.

"Let's set off towards that mysterious continent!"

"Target Dark Continent!!".

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