Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 214: Super Long Distance Teleportation! Almighty Lin Ke! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

In a quiet little courtyard somewhere,

Netero lay quietly on the armchair, letting the warm sunshine shine on his body, showing a leisurely temperament everywhere.

Since resigning as president, he has suddenly become much more free. He just enjoys life every day and has nothing else to do.

Having lived for more than a hundred years, he has experienced ups and downs, seen all kinds of things, and has become completely indifferent to life.

It's a blessing to be able to be so leisurely and comfortable now.


A text message came.

Gently stretching out a palm to block the sun, Netero squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the text messages on his phone.

Lin Ke: Let’s go.

Then there is a photo attached. The picture in the photo is of the endless sea.

"Hoo ho ho ho, the Dark Continent... it's so nostalgic~"

"If it were you, you would definitely be able to go further than me."


Netero stroked his long beard slightly and smiled dumbly, but there was a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

Dark continent~

It's a very magical place.

Because people have completely inconsistent opinions about it.

Some people think that it is a "human forbidden area" and should not be explored at risk, as it will only increase the risk.

Some people think that it is a [natural treasure], which contains countless treasures, and it is often necessary to go there.

Some people think it is a "terrain" and want to completely conquer it and turn it into their own territory.

The dark continent is full of danger, hope, unknown and mysterious.

It is a kaleidoscope that reflects everyone's heart's desires.

Because it is unknown, everyone can imagine it boldly.

Think of it as the side of yourself that you want it to be.

Especially for many Hunters, the Dark Continent is a puzzle that constantly exudes temptation.

Waiting for them to unravel.

"So to you, what does the Dark Continent look like?"


port office,

Following Lin Ke's order, the team members stepped onto the ship one after another, ready to set sail.

Among them, the main ones responsible for navigation are Ussaman dressed as a fisherman and several members of the [Shibi] mercenary force.

Lin Ke did not take the boat with them, but chose another way of sailing.

As a white light flashed, a blue figure suddenly appeared on the water next to the ship.

The slender neck and sea-like color scheme make it look more elegant, and the hard shell on its back is the reason why it is considered a "mount Pokémon".


Chenglong nodded slightly and let out a long chirp, seeming to invite Lin Ke to come up.

To sail on this sea, it is natural to take a dragon-branded "ship".

Lin Ke has already made plans to sail on the back of a dragon on weekdays to experience the unique flavor.

Just go back to the ship when you want to rest.

The members on the ship were a little surprised when they saw this, but then they thought that their captain was an existence named "Nian Beast Master".

Relief came quickly.

So Lin Ke and Miaomiao stayed on the dragon and moved forward, while the rest of the people were on the ship.

Whether it is a modified top-level ship or a dragon, the sailing speed is not low.

Driving quickly, the originally relatively calm sea surface stirred up two long ripples, which continued to expand towards both sides.

The team was getting further and further away from the port they just visited. In the blink of an eye, they had sailed a long distance and even the port was out of sight.

"Wow, is this the sea? It looks so beautiful, meow."

Meow looked left and right, a pair of cat eyes full of blue color, and the endless ocean could be seen as far as the eye could see.

Seeing that Meow Meow was so excited, Lin Ke didn't intend to affect its happiness for a while.

I hope Meow Meow won’t be disgusted by the same old ocean scenes in the future, right?

According to preliminary estimates, it will take them about a month to sail on this sea.

This is because their ships have been fully modified and have extremely high speeds.

If it were replaced by a common wooden sailing ship on the six continents, it would be useless.

Even without considering the various dangers in the sea, it is almost impossible to travel to the Dark Continent.

After all, judging from the map provided by V5 and even [Gatekeeper], Lake Mobius is quite large.

Even if you want to reach the edge of the dark continent, it will take a long time to sail.

It stands to reason that during a long voyage, you need to pay more attention to your diet. After all, people cannot go without eating or drinking for a long time.

Currently, they are still within the sea area of ​​​​the Six Continents, but they will leave this range in a few days.

The various creatures encountered by then will not be so simple, and no one knows what the consequences will be if they eat them.

So Biande had stored a large amount of food and fresh water on the boat in advance.

He has prepared too much for this trip to the Dark Continent, and will never be careless in this regard.

And after inviting Lin Ke, they also have extremely thick thighs.

These thighs are not only powerful but also have space to store fat.

Not to mention Porygon Z, there is a lot of food in Gengar's belly alone.

Even if it doesn't work, Lin Ke can return to the Six Continents through Porygon Z to replenish food.

Now that there is a network, he can rely on the polygon [to travel to parts of the wooden sun at will.

But it won't be easy after traveling a longer distance, or even reaching the Dark Continent.

There is no network in those places, so if you want to quickly return to the six continents, you need to use Porygon Z's ability to create a network.

There are two types of creation networks in Porygon Z.

The first is a permanent network.

This method requires more thought energy, but once created, it will exist forever.

The second type is ephemeral networks.

This type is also the one most frequently used by Porygon Z. It requires relatively little energy consumption, but it can only be maintained for a period of time.

Normally, if you want to rely on the online world to travel freely, you need to have a network between the starting point and the destination.

Because the principle of Porygon Z relying on the online world to travel in the real world is to open channels.

Open the space channel at the starting point and consume part of the thought energy.

After entering the online world, you can rely on the characteristics of the online world to move to any corner in the online world as you like.

With Porygon Z's understanding of the online world, it can lock the corresponding external location in the online world.

So after moving to the place corresponding to the destination location in the online world, the space channel is opened.

Stepping out is the destination in the real world.

Whether it is the starting point, destination, or somewhere in between, there needs to be a network.

Otherwise, Porygon Z would need to create the network.

The starting point and destination are okay. After all, it is only a small area. Even if you create a network, you don't need to spend much energy.

The real big head is in the middle distance!

Many places on the six continents have Internet access, so there is no need to consider this.

Even if there is no Internet, since the six continents are not big, it does not need to spend much energy.

But it was different after going to the Dark Continent.

The distance between the Dark Continent and the Six Continents is countless times the distance between the six continents from the northernmost to the southernmost!

The energy spent here will be astronomical!

Consumption has nothing to do with the number of people [Song has something to do with the distance between the two places.

The farther the distance, the more cyberspace Porygon Z needs to create.

Therefore, in order to save consumption as much as possible, Porygon Z can only minimize the time for network maintenance.

For the network between the Six Continents and the Dark Continent, it is impossible to choose the permanent type. You can only choose the temporary type.

The short-term type means that if you want to maintain the network, you need to continue to consume mind energy.

Therefore, Porygon Z can only establish a network from the Dark Continent to the Six Continents in an instant.

Then use the characteristics of the online world to teleport people to the online world of six continents.

Although it is more difficult, Porygon Z can still do it.

It just consumes most of the thought energy.

But no matter what, this also represents a retreat for them.

If nothing can be done, you can have Porygon Z create a small permanent network on the field at that time.

After entering, a short-term network with the six continents was established and returned to the six continents.

After taking a break, you can return to the original place in a very short time because a permanent network has been created there.

The permanent network is like an island, and the ephemeral network is the bridge connecting the two islands.

It's just that this bridge requires Porygon Z's mental energy to be consumed every moment.

As boats and dragons sailed quickly on the sea, time passed by and it was soon time for lunch.

"It's time to eat"々!"

Chef Sammy, the chef in striped chef uniform who admires Lin Ke very much, is serving dishes.

There are three large tables placed in the large restaurant inside the ship, and a plate of butterfly dishes is being served at this moment.

[Shibi] Several logistics personnel from the mercenary force were also helping Sammy serve the food.

It stands to reason that food should be used sparingly.

But Biande considered that today was the first day of travel, and this was also the first meal they had.

No matter what, it cannot be saved, it is related to the momentum of the team members for the next action.

So there were three full tables of dishes.

"Is it so rich? Isn't it a little bad? After all, food is a very important issue."

Pariston did not move, but first asked Billander next to him, his tone meaning nothing.

"Hohohoho, don't worry, with Captain Lin Ke here, we don't need to worry about food."

Biande laughed and said, his words also made other people who were still worried put down their worries.

Everyone on this ship is not a fool, so they will naturally pay attention to the issue of food.

Although they don't know what method Captain Lin Ke has to solve the food problem.

But since Biande said so, nothing will happen to him.

People around him took their seats one after another, but Jin did not move. He crossed his arms and asked Biande in a low voice:

"I'm curious about something."

"Our ship is going to dock on the shore of the Dark Continent, right?"

"So how should we ensure the safety of the ship? After all, if the ship is damaged, we will not be able to go back."

When the ship reaches the Dark Continent, it will dock at the shore, and then they explore the Dark Continent on foot.

This method has been used in previous explorations of V5.

After all, there are few ways to take a boat with you.

It is said that among the more than one hundred explorations of V5, there was a nun who could do it in exactly one exploration.

His Nen can turn the objects he touches into fist-sized crystals and carry them around with him.

Not only does mind energy need to be consumed when turning items into crystals, it also needs to be consumed to maintain the crystallized state.

As a result, the ship was protected, and the man finally returned successfully from the Dark Continent.

It was one of five times someone came back.

It can be seen that many failed explorations may not only encounter the crisis of total annihilation.

It's also possible that there's no way back.

After all, the ship

It only docks at the shore, even if it is the shore, it is the shore of the dark continent, full of crises.

Even if there are personnel deployed to defend it, there is a high probability that it will be completely destroyed.

Those survivors who tried their best to escape, when they were filled with endless fear and finally saw the light of survival.

The ships that were originally docked on the shore have long been broken into pieces or disappeared without a trace.

At that moment, the only glimmer of hope left will disappear, leaving only endless despair!

They survived, but only temporarily.

Unable to go back by boat, they can only stay there. Their death has been determined.

Every day was an excruciating torment, and he spent every day in fear and uneasiness until he was eaten by a passing monster.

Or they may be caught up in various weird "disasters", and each death will be more tragic than the last.

At that moment, wanting to die quickly is a luxury.

It can be seen from this that the damage to the ships may also account for a large part of the failure of more than a hundred explorations.

"That's right, the boat will be parked on the shore then."

"But you don't have to worry about this, Captain Lin Ke can still handle the return journey.

Biande said with great confidence.

Jin took a deep look at Bi Yang (Zhao's) De and said nothing. He naturally believed that Lin Ke could handle this kind of problem.

Now, Biande thinks he made the right move in his life and transferred the team to Lin Ke.

At the beginning, he was still worried about many details of this trip.

For example, when it comes to food, although they have a lot of food, they will eventually run out of it.

Or maybe it’s a matter of boat safety.

In addition to food and ships, there are also issues such as thoughts of death.

But when meeting Lin Ke, these can no longer be called problems!

When Biande learned about Lin Ke's abilities, he was even more delighted.

According to his original expectation, at least half of the people would die in this operation!

Even this is just a conservative estimate!

After all, V5 sent 7,500 people [Song returned with 28 people, which speaks volumes.

Even after returning to the Six Continents, many people died because of being contaminated with something from the Dark Continent.

In the end, only three out of 7,500 people were safe.

Those people are also elites. There is no reason why their team is so much better.

Even if the entire team is wiped out and no one survives, including him, it is very normal.

It was also a matter of luck that he was able to escape last time. It would be normal if he almost failed to get his luck back this time.

But after Lin Ke joined, these problems became completely the same.

Issues such as food, ship safety, and even thoughts of death and strength can all be solved by him alone.

It even has the ability to teleport over long distances.

Lin Ke's strength is not only reflected in strength.

Also reflected in his versatility!

Lin Ke alone is better than any team!

With the joining of Lin Ke, his confidence in this operation has greatly increased!

If we can't succeed even with the leadership of such a person, then I'm afraid humans really won't be able to explore the Dark Continent.

He and Biande will also completely extinguish the dream of exploring the dark continent. .

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