Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 215 Doraemon Meow Meow! Kyogre? Crisis! (Please Subscribe)

The next few days were very smooth sailing.

During this period of time, we were still within the waters of the Six Continents, so there was no particular danger.

The strongest offensive we have encountered in the past few days is the attack from the whirlpool tide and sharks.

But facing a boatload of strong men, these were obviously not enough to fear, and even the menacing sharks were beaten to pieces.

As for how it became like this.

Then we have to talk about Golem.

Golem is the mercenary wearing a robot shell.

According to Muhru, who was with the mercenary team, he had known Golem for three years and had never seen what he looked like underneath his outer shell.

Golem is also a core member of their mercenary team, and Nen can manifest telekinesis weapons.

That is to say, guns and ammunition composed of mind energy can be distributed to others for use, and their power is countless times higher than normal guns.

Golem's Nen weapon was also noticed by Lin Ke, who thought it was a valuable Nen.

It can be roughly divided into two types.

The first is that the firearms and ammunition are embodied by him, which consumes a lot more money.

The second type is to only materialize guns and barrels. These guns and barrels materialized by mind energy can also use ordinary ammunition.

It doesn't matter if there is no ordinary ammunition. Ninjas holding these telepathy weapons can actively input telepathy into them.

Then it will automatically form the appearance of ammunition inside, which is also powerful.

The [Stone Wall] mercenary team where Golem is located has a total of eleven people, all of whom are on the boat.

Their usual combat method is roughly that Golem materializes the weapons, and then the rest of the staff are responsible for shooting.

But the rest of the staff also have their own areas of responsibility, and no one is redundant.

There are people responsible for exploration, some responsible for transportation, and some responsible for logistics...

Can be called a legendary mercenary team, these eleven people are all very good in their respective fields.

So with the help of Golem's mental weapon, the team members on the boat enjoyed the joy of frying fish.

Almost all of them were holding huge mental energy rocket launchers, and they didn't even need to aim, they just fired directly at the shark group.

Each mental energy cannonball can kill a large number of sharks.

In the blink of an eye, the blue sea surface was covered with scarlet blood, and the entire sea surface was filled with a strong smell of blood.

It lingers for a long time.

On the sparkling sea, Lin Ke lay on Chenglong's back, basking in the sun leisurely.

It was mid-afternoon, and the sea was quiet, with only the occasional sea breeze 623 causing ripples.

Under the light blue sea surface, there is an ocean that gradually becomes darker with depth, in which fish of all sizes are constantly swimming.


Meow Meow jumped out of the sea in a flash, wearing fins and goggles similar to those used by humans when diving.

"I caught another fish cat."

Meow Meow threw the fish on the carapace, then turned over and shook his body hard to clean up the water droplets.

The fish just caught is very fresh and is still jumping alive.

This is the thirty-second fish caught by Meow Meow.


Lin Ke touched the top of Meow Meow's head, and Meow Meow also shook the cat's tail excitedly.

Lin Ke is very relieved about Meow Meow diving to catch fish.

Not to mention that Marshado and Gengar are paying attention to Miaomiao in the shadows, and Miaomiao can take good care of himself.

After consolidating forces during this period of time, Lin Ke has more mental tools than others imagined.

He basically left these to Miaomiao for research.

The already powerful mental tool meets Miaomiao, who has a super talent for invention. The two are not as simple as one plus one.

There were many improved props inside, and the effects became quite terrifying, even he couldn't help but be speechless after seeing them.

It is no exaggeration to say that Meowth is now the most versatile Pokémon he has on hand.

It has countless improved props, each with unique effects.

This is still not enough time. Miaomiao has only improved a small part of the telepathy tools. If you give it more time...

Coupled with Meow Meow's identity as a cat, Lin Ke plans to call it Doraemon.

After all, I have so many props with different effects [it’s really okay to say it’s Doraemon.

Not only is the most versatile Pokémon, with so many items, Meowth is also quite powerful in combat.

Lin Ke is very sure that if Meow Meow uses all its methods, enemies outside the SS range will not be its opponents.

Because not to mention other props, just one thing is enough to do this.


This does not refer to ordinary bombs, but bombs of a level similar to [Poor Man's Rose]!

With the power of V5, it would be too easy for Lin Ke to obtain those research reports that are considered "confidential".

The information I selected was about highly lethal weapons, which naturally included [Poor Man’s Rose].

After obtaining this information, Meow Meow showed obvious interests and hobbies. This kind of comparison is very suitable for inclusion in his invention.

So after Miao Miao's improvements again and again, Lin Ke now doesn't know how many versions of bombs there are.

But Lin Ke is sure of one thing.

That is, the bombs developed by Miao Miao exceed any bombs on the six continents!

Even [Poor Man's Rose] can far surpass it.

So based on this alone, Lin Ke is sure that Meow Meow's attack power is extremely strong.

Not only that, Meow Meow's own life-saving ability is also impressive.

Therefore, Lin Ke is very confident about Meow Meow Diving.

Not to mention this sea area, even in the sea area close to the dark continent, Miao Miao can still be safe.

Miao Miao looked at the lively fresh fish in front of her, with a slight drool drooling from the corner of her mouth.

The cat's instinct tells it that this fish will be delicious.

But before eating, it still remembered the teachings of its owner Lin Ke.

Meow Meow touched the ring on his finger, and soon something that looked like a thermometer appeared on his hand.

[Hazard Detector]: Place the sensor of the instrument on the surface of an object, and then you can sense the danger level of the object.

The degree of danger here is mainly reflected in its own danger, rather than its strength during life.

It can be understood that this is a food detector. If the risk is high, it means that the food cannot be eaten.

If the risk is low, it means you can eat it with confidence.

Taking 50 as the horizontal line, the line below 50% is green, and the line above 50% is red.

This level of risk is relative, and different users respond to different levels of risk.

For example, a poisonous apple contains some toxins. If an ordinary person holds a [hazard detector] to detect it, it will probably glow red.

If it is detected by Jin's hand-held [Danger Detector], it will probably emit a green light.

The advantage of [Danger Detector] is that it does not require the consumption of mental energy.

The disadvantage is that it takes a while to wait for a reaction, and the exact cause of the danger cannot be given.

The object is dangerous, maybe because it contains toxins, but it could also be because of other problems.

Overall, this is a pretty good prop, especially when traveling to places like the Dark Continent, which highlights its value.

With this tool, you can easily tell whether something is edible.

Miao Miao put the [Danger Detector] up like a thermometer and attached the lower sensor to the surface of the fish.

Not to mention that there are many strange creatures in the six continents. After several days of sailing, they are getting closer to the unknown sea.

It is reasonable to encounter any kind of weird creatures.

Therefore, if you want to eat something, you must first pass the [Danger Detector] test, otherwise you will not dare to eat it.

After applying it for a moment, a tiny bit of green light suddenly appeared from the bottom, and then quickly extended upward to form a green line.

The green line stops until about 10% [meaning that this fish Meow Meow can be eaten with confidence.

Normally, Nian beasts don't need to eat, let alone worry about so-called food safety.

However, Pokémon tend to be embodied telekinesis, which are distinct individuals and have the possibility of death.

Therefore, we should be as cautious as humans when it comes to food safety.

"I'm starting it, meow!"

Meow Meow opened his hands, and several sharp claws popped out of the flesh pad, long and sharp.

"Catch meow like crazy!"

Miao Miao shouted, and his hands continued to transform into afterimages, and only wisps of cold light flashed by.

The next moment, the big fish that was just jumping alive was cut into sashimi of the same thickness. (cibd)

Quite fresh.

Lin Ke was not interested in this, so he ate it by himself.

While Meow was feasting, Lin Ke seemed to suddenly notice something and stood up straight away.

Lin Ke looked into the distance while touching Chenglong's cold neck.

The distance looked peaceful, with no change from the surrounding environment, but Lin Ke still sensed something was wrong.

Because a new pregnancy bar suddenly appeared in his mind!

Moreover, this gestation bar is different from other gestation bars, and its advancement speed is quite slow.

Only a little bit of progress can be seen at the very beginning of the long gestation bar, and the progress is very slow.

To be able to perform like this, I think the Pokémon coming this time must not be simple.

The breeding bar that appears above the sea [is naturally a water-type Pokémon.

According to the map, they are now almost at the boundary between the six continents and the unknown sea.

It can be understood that the six continents are one place, and the sea area outside the six continents is Lake Mobius.


Was this Pokémon born because of Lake Mobius?

Suddenly, several figures appeared in Lin Ke's mind.

Maybe the Pokémon conceived this time will have a very high rank.

And there is no way to guarantee that this breeding bar is only for Lake Mobius, and may refer to all oceans except the six continents.

Suicune? Lugia?

Or... Kyogre, the fat-headed fish known as the "Creator of the Ocean"?

While Lin Ke was thinking secretly, there was an orderly scene on the ship.

The team is not big, only about twenty people, so basically everyone has something to do.

During navigation, the most critical things are driving the ship and being responsible for vigilance.

These tasks were handed over to the fisherman Ussaman and several logistics staff of [Shibi].

Unlike wooden sailboats, the top ships in the six continents use many top-notch high technologies.

It relies on fuel, electricity, and even solar energy as its driving force.

In this way, even if the fuel is exhausted, the ship can still move relying on solar energy, but the efficiency will drop a lot.

Therefore, there is no difficulty in the driving work of fisherman Ussaman. He only needs to pay attention to sailing without deviating from the direction.

Their trip started from the east of the Six Continents and planned to land in the east-south of the Dark Continent.

Because it has been explored by V5, there is a swamp where the ultimate food "Nitolomi" that can make people live longer grows.

This direction is also

It was Lin Ke who finalized it.

Human beings have not obtained much information from their exploration of the Dark Continent.

Among these [hopes] and [disasters], Lin Ke is most interested in Nitolomi, which can make people live longer.

Compared with the unmanned stone that can "generate 20,000 kilowatts of electricity in one day", the Sanwon water with any liquid original solution.

Lin Ke feels that Nitolomi is more important.

Lin Ke's decision was also recognized by others. After all, no one would dislike his short life span.

So they headed towards where Nitolomi was.

At this moment, people have not noticed anything unusual, only Lin Ke seems to sense something is wrong.

The appearance of the gestation bar means that they have arrived at a brand new realm.

Then it is very likely that something unexpected will happen.

high on the ship,

There is a platform here for people to see farther and improve their field of vision. It is also where the security guards stay.

As a ship sailing on Lake Mobius, the guards on board must naturally be extremely professional.

The person currently serving as a guard is Mi Lu from the [Shibi] mercenary team, and she is also one of the few women in the team.

Mi Lu has a capable figure, short hair, extremely healthy wheat-colored skin, and is wearing the uniform of [Shibi].


"Since the beginning, it seems that the surrounding sound waves have changed inexplicably?"

Mi Lu quickly picked up the telescope and began to observe the surrounding sea area more carefully, while placing her hand next to the bell.

The bell is specially set up on the warning platform and is usually fixed. Whenever there is an emergency, the warning officer will ring the bell.

This is used to inform all crew members that danger is coming and they need to be more vigilant.

This bell is also specially made to allow the sound to spread clearly throughout the ship and be penetrating.

Even if a person is asleep, it can wake him up.

The reason why Mi Lu felt something was wrong around her was also due to her Nen.

[Listen to the sounds of nature]: You can listen to the voices of natural things around you and their status, which are transmitted to your ears in the form of sound waves.

This is why Milu can be used as a vigilante, her Nen is very suitable for detection.

Moreover, her Nen is a passive type and can be used without consuming Nian Qi. Using Nen Qi will be more effective.

Mi Lu is not only suitable for exploration, she has also received extremely professional training in exploration ability.

From sensing something was wrong to completely surveying the surrounding sea area, she completed everything in an instant.

But nothing unusual was found on the surface!

Why say superficially?

Because her Nen has been transmitting strange fluctuations, revealing the danger of the surrounding environment.


Mi Lu gritted her teeth and finally chose to ring the bell.

After all, in this operation, all kinds of strange events will happen.

As a vigilante, all she can do is not to miss any possible danger!

One carelessness may cause irreparable consequences!

"Dingle bell ring bell!!"

Bursts of urgent bells echoed quickly on the ship. This clear and loud bell made everyone hear it very clearly.

Suddenly, everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they all put down what they were doing and came to the board of the ship.

They all know what this means!

After many days of sailing, they are finally facing a real crisis!

At this time, Mi Lu's pupils shrank and she stared blankly at the sea, her eyes filled with disbelief!

A moment after she rang the bell, she finally discovered the cause of the danger around her!

This was something she had never seen before!.

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