Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 216 The Sea Of ​​Thorns! Real Danger! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

The sea surface, which was originally normal, suddenly changed drastically.

A strong wind blew from nowhere and stirred up waves.

When the splashing waves reached the top, they were fixed in shape and remained motionless.

It was like hair sprayed with super strong hair spray, which seemed to stay there motionless.

The originally soft waves suddenly became extremely sharp spikes, and the reflections on them were frightening.

If there were only one or two waves, it would not be a big deal.

But within Mi Lu's sight, all around were fixed waves!

Just before the waves were fixed, a fish jumped out of the water and drew an arc in the air.

Then when it fell, it was pierced through by the extremely hard waves.

There were holes of different sizes on the body, and countless blood flowed out. After struggling for a while, it was silent.

The body was still hanging upright on the waves.

Now it can no longer be called "waves", but "thorns"!

This whole sea has become a sea of ​​thorns!

There are thorns everywhere that make people's hands and feet numb!

It's not just Mi Lu who saw this scene, even Lin Ke and even other crew members saw it.

"A sea of ​​thorns?"

Lin Ke murmured in a low voice.

It should be said that it is worthy of being an unknown sea area, and such a magical thing can happen.

Who can imagine that the light waves just now have turned into sharp thorns.

In an instant, the whole sea area has become a thorn forest.

At this moment, there is a piece of frozen waves next to Chenglong.

There are naturally those splashing waves next to Chenglong, but it soon found something wrong.

So before the waves are fixed, [Frozen Wind] is used to turn these waves and the bottom into ice.

There is no problem on Chenglong's side, and the same is true for the ship.

Because the ship is made of top-notch materials, there is no need to worry about being damaged by these thorny waves.

But the real problem is not this.

At this moment, the sea surface is full of fixed waves, and no one can tell that it is the sea surface.

They are like in a jungle on land, unable to move at all.

"Is this the unknown sea? There is such a thing happening. For no reason, the waves are fixed."

Jin crossed his arms and stared at the strange waves, with a slightly surprised tone.

"Is there any relevant content recorded in V5's information?"

Jin asked Bi Yangde next to him.

"No, although V5 also sent personnel to the southeast before, they have never experienced such a thing.

"I think it is with the guidance of the [Guide] that they avoided dangerous seas and trapped a safer route.

Bi Yangde shook his head and spoke steadily. It can be seen that he was not very surprised by the scene in front of him.

After all, he had been to the Dark Continent and had seen more, even more bizarre things than this.

[Rely on the guide to guide us………………]

Jin turned his head away and did not ask why we did not let the [guide] guide us either.

He himself was more inclined to go to the Dark Continent with his own ability without relying on external forces.

Unlike those who were eager to obtain treasures, wanting to go to the Dark Continent was to explore more unknowns.

There were many [unknowns] on the Dark Continent, but there were also many [unknowns] on Lake Mobius.

If he chose to ask for help from the [guide] in order to avoid encountering the [unknown], then he would have deviated from his original intention of setting out.

As far as he could see now, this trip would not disappoint him.

Biyander is different, he is more "tacky" and goes to the Dark Continent just to get those treasures.

But if you want the [Leader] to lead, then you have to pay a lot of money to the [Gatekeeper]

And the one who really makes the decision is Lin Ke.

Lin Ke did not intend to let the [Leader] guide him, and they had no objection.

But they didn’t know that the [Gatekeeper] even planned to guide Lin Ke for free, but was rejected.

"So how do we crack this problem?"

"Although there is no damage to the ship, it is not good to keep it parked like this. What if the sea stays like this?"

Pariston glanced at Jin with burning eyes, and then spoke.

"Destroy them?"

"You can try Golem's telepathy weapon first. These waves look very hard, but the telepathy weapon should be able to break them.'

"The ship is still shaking slightly, which means there is no problem with the sea water underneath."

"We only need to break up the waves on the surface to create a waterway.

Muhru, who looked like a Western elf and had a pair of pointed ears, suggested.

Muhru is the captain of the [Shibi] mercenary unit.

Not only is he very strong, he is also good at observing details. He found that the sea water underneath did not change, so he came up with this method.

"No, the best way right now is to wait and see what happens. Since there is no attack, then doing nothing is the best way."

Biande did not accept Muhru's suggestion, even though it sounded appropriate.

But Biande still didn't feel safe.

Because of his experience in the Dark Continent, he has a deeper understanding of the Dark Continent than anyone else.

The Dark Continent taught him only one profound lesson.

That means don’t act rashly!

Compared with the creatures on the dark continent, humans are like alien species and difficult to integrate into.

There seems to be a strange and incomprehensible pattern between them. Even though everything seems so strange, it is still developing smoothly.

Many seemingly small things can easily cause quite terrifying chain reactions.

It's because humans have broken certain laws.

They develop strangely, but there are some vague rules, and they achieve many balances with each other.

Uninformed humans rushing in will only break the rules, and then they will be burned.

This is a bloody lesson!

Therefore, Biande attaches great importance to this point and believes that humans should not intervene at will unless necessary.

No one knows what kind of chain reactions will be caused in these mysterious and unknown places.

The same goes for the weird waves in front of you. It's easy to break them, but you don't know what will happen later.

After Biande's explanation, Pariston and others also nodded in approval.

It is true that when facing unknown things, staying vigilant and not acting lightly is the best choice.

Since several people had the same idea, the other team members naturally had no objections, so they held their breath and concentrated, just watching the surroundings.

A few minutes later, in people's surprised eyes, the fixed waves returned to normal and the sea surface became calm.

It was as if time had stopped and the waves were taking shape.

Now time has moved on and those waves have returned to normal.

After experiencing a period of nervousness, Biande once again ordered to continue moving forward.

From the current point of view, apart from this strange thorny wave, there are no other dangers appearing together.

But not long before we drove forward, another extremely surprising thing happened.

I saw that the originally clear sky turned into dark clouds within a few minutes, and the whole world suddenly became dark.

It was as if someone had turned off the lights in the originally bright room.

There were continuous black clouds rolling in the sky, and streaks of silver-white thunder and lightning could be vaguely seen flowing among them.

At first glance, it looks like many white pythons crawling in the sky.

The rumbling sounds of thunder were heard endlessly, spreading wantonly across the vast and boundless sea.

Soon, the thunder was mixed with the pouring rain.

This heavy rain seemed to have brought down an entire ocean. The amount of rain was quite astonishing, and each raindrop was the size of a pigeon egg.

If he were an ordinary person, he would probably be killed by these raindrops.

The violent storm changed the originally calm ocean, from the original "fair lady" to the "angry aunt".

Towering giant waves appeared out of thin air, each with a scale comparable to the annual giant wave in [Carter Harbor].

The huge wave is like a beast roaring towards the sky, carrying huge power and domineering on the sea.

Countless waves hit the ship one after another, causing the ship that had been sailing smoothly to shake violently.

It is obviously a medium-sized ship, but at this moment it is like a small boat, looking embarrassed in the violent storm.

The extremely strong sense of shock caused the people on the ship to raise their vigilance to the highest level.

At the same time, he also suddenly transferred his mind energy to his feet, so that his body could be stabilized instead of swaying around.

At this moment, the whole world has changed its appearance, looking like a complete natural disaster.

"This is uncharted waters."

Lin Ke stood on the back of Chenglong. Although it was slightly swaying, he could still stand firmly.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Ke couldn't help but sigh.

Such a scene may never appear on the six continents.

It is no exaggeration to say that the lightning, thunder, and violent storm alone were close to the level of a [disaster].

If it were anyone else, they really wouldn't be able to survive this situation.

This terrifying extreme weather reminded Lin Ke of the Grand Route in "One Piece".

Various extreme weather conditions often occur there.

Lin Ke's body is covered with steady and thick thoughts, and he can remain motionless even in a huge storm.

On the other side of the boat,

Fisherman Ussaman stood in the control room, his hands burst into bright white light, and countless pure thoughts were vented.

After a short period of gathering momentum, Ussaman worked hard to encourage the thought energy in his body, and a steady stream of thought energy burst out in an instant.


These thoughts are like a river, flowing on the boat, and then like foam covering the entire boat with a thin film.

[Fisherman on the Sea]: By covering the ship with mind energy, you can gain more precise control capabilities, and you can also protect the ship.

You can also feel and influence the water flow around the boat.

This is the Nen of Ussaman.

As a Transmuter Nen, Ussaman's mental energy capacity is very thick and he can easily release a large amount of mental energy.

Wrapping the entire vessel is also a breeze.

This is also described in the original work.

Ussaman likes to play the "Thinking Ball Game" with other team members very much.

[Nen Ball Game] is not really Nen, it is just a method of using Nen Qi.

This was mentioned in the comics, saying it was just a small game.

Let the mind that covers the whole body protrude a small mind ball, and then let it move slowly. Move the mind ball while increasing the number of mind balls.

This is [Nianqiu Game]

Because as a leader in Transmuter Nen, Ussaman is quite good at this type of game.

In competition with other team members,

He wins every game.

As the Qi of thought enveloped the hull, the people on board obviously felt a lot more stable.

At the same time, the impact on the ship was also much weaker.

At this moment, the ship is constantly emitting a soft light in people's eyes, which is the air-conditioning of Usa.

"Well done, Ussaman!"

As Ussaman's good friend, Watermelon-headed Mathur shouted to the control room.

Hearing this, Ussaman's mouth curled up slightly, but he knew very well that now was not the time to be cool, and the top priority was to get out of here.


Maintaining this state consumes a lot of mental energy every minute and every second. If the mental energy is used up, you will not be able to escape.

That would be troublesome.

Covered by Ussaman's thoughts, the current ship does not feel like it is in a violent storm at all.

After changing the direction of the surrounding water flow, the ship even traveled much faster than before.

Unfortunately, the good times don't last long, these violent storms are just the first sign of danger!

The real danger is yet to come!

"Wait! What is this?!"

Usaman couldn't help but exclaimed. At this moment, under the induction of his thoughts, a large number of biological signs suddenly appeared around the ship.

It’s a huge school of fish!

And each one is very powerful!

The next moment, the ship that had only been stabilized for a short time began to shake violently again, even more than before.

As a result, many people who had just released their Nian Qi fell onto the board of the boat. Jin, Biande and others had never released their Nian Qi.

"Schools of fish! And there are so many of them!"

Biande said with a solemn expression, he knew that the real crisis had finally come!

Under his "circle" detection, the boat at this moment was surrounded by countless schools of fish, and each one was very powerful.

The shaking of the boat just now was caused by the collision of those fish.

If someone is at the bottom of the boat now, they will find that there are dense schools of fish under the boat, and they all look the same.

Each one is small in size, with a shark-like body and a hammer-like lump on their head.

This lump is quite hard and can easily break large rocks.

One or two might not be able to do anything to the ship, but now there are hundreds or thousands of them.

If it weren't for Usaman's mental energy assistance, I'm afraid something would have happened in the first round of the offensive.

This is the creature from Lake Mobius!

They are different from the beasts and monsters on the six continents.

Even a passing small fish may be a [disaster] capable of causing large-scale destruction.

The bodies of these hammerhead sharks are comparable to steel, and the bumps on their heads are countless times harder than steel.

Coupled with the huge power within their bodies, every impact causes extreme damage.

This is what worries Bjönder the most.

When sailing on this sea, the most terrifying thing is never the extreme bad weather, but the endless emergence of marine life!

In this sea, any kind of creature may appear.

Just like the school of fish attacking the boat at the moment.

And the giant bird is flying from the sky!

While everyone was still thinking about how to deal with the fish below, a large group of giant birds suddenly flew out from the black patches!

Those giant birds are larger in size, with their spread wings about five or six meters long.

The pure white wings are wrapped with traces of thunder and lightning, like blue snakes moving on them.

The bird has thunder and lightning on its wings and is able to fly without being affected.

This sounds like a fantasy.

But it happened right in front of their eyes.

There was no time to be surprised for too long [because those birds were flying towards them!


Under the sea!

There is danger coming to the mountain!

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