Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 217 Different Methods! Powerful Venom! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

Under their feet were hammerhead sharks that were constantly ramming into the hull.

Above them was the thunderbird flying towards them.

Suddenly, they encountered the dilemma of being attacked from two sides.

If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid they would have been captured easily.

But the people who can be here are experienced and strong, and each of them has extremely quick reactions.

They have experienced various dangers, large and small, and have developed muscle memory in their actions to deal with crises.

The thoughts in the body burst out one after another in unison, like balls of light in the dim weather.

In dangerous situations, the first and most important things are always the same.

That is to stimulate the thought energy to come out!

In other words, it increases the mental energy on the body surface!

In layman's terms, it's similar to [practice]

It can not only protect yourself, but also shorten the time if you want to carry out any attack.

"Golem! Weapons!"

"Mi Lu, continue to check if there are any other crises around!"

"Others quickly take over the weapons!"

As the captain of the [Shibi] mercenary force, Tuhelu has extremely excellent crisis response capabilities.

In a blink of an eye, various current problems and corresponding solutions were analyzed.

The first is the sky. Although these thunderbirds don't know the principle, they can see that the danger is not low.

Seeing the team members taking over the weapons one after another, Tuhelu shouted again:

"First try to use telekinesis weapons for long-range attacks, and try not to let those thunderbirds get close to the ship!"

Birds usually do not have strong defenses, but Muhru was not sure whether the thunderbird in front of him also conformed to this rule.

After all, they are no longer in the six continents.

And they just came out of the thundercloud, so they don't rule out the possibility of having strong defense power.

So Muhru just said to try to attack first and try his best to prevent those "one-six-seven" birds from getting close to the ship.

Under Muhru's quick command, the cannonballs shot up into the sky with merciless flames.

Facing these thunderbirds, in addition to long-range attacks, Nian weapons also have another advantage.

That means you don’t have to aim deliberately!

Because these thunderbirds are so big, especially when flying with their wings spread out in the air, each one is very large.

At this moment, about twenty or thirty thunderbirds flew in, and their wide spread wings covered the sky.

Golem, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, knows very well what weapon to use at the moment to achieve the highest lethality.

So Golem asked several people around him to be equipped with a large rocket launcher, and they only needed to shoot into the sky.

Each shot can affect several Thunderbirds.


As the sound of launches sounded, Muhru ignored several people. He did not want to deal with the problems under the ship.

Muhru is not only the captain of the [Shibi] unit, but also the person in charge of the entire team.

When encountering any critical situation, he will basically formulate a plan, which can also be understood as a think tank.

Of course, the specific decision-making power still lies with Lin Ke and Biande, and it can be implemented as long as they have no objection.

At this time, King, Billander and Pariston were standing side by side on the board of the boat, and everyone had different ideas.

Jin is the weirdest being among the three, and he doesn't look like he is in such a critical moment.

Even though he was facing multiple crises, he could still stand there and eat apples like nothing happened.

As for the apples, he also took them out of the cloth bag.

If other people read it, they would think that he is very unreliable and an unreliable person.

But if you pay careful attention, you will find that Jin is staring at the thunderbird flying in the sky.

While eating the apple, even though his face looked expressionless, he felt a burst of exploration in his heart.

Among so many people, Lin Ke and Pariston know that this is not because Jin is unreliable.

On the contrary, every time Jin took out some fruit to eat, it meant a change in his mood.

It can be understood that his preparation before the battle is a little habit of the strong.

This behavior often occurs when he has severe mood swings.

This is not difficult to understand. For example, some people rub their fingers together when their emotions fluctuate greatly, and some people bite their lips...

Jin is a little more unique and eats fruits.

If Jin's mood is one of curiosity and excitement, then Billande's is calm and dignified.

He did not dare to take it lightly in the face of any crisis, let alone on the Dark Continent, even on the way to the Dark Continent.

If there is a lack of vigilance, there will only be one outcome——


Pariston is even more strange. He is not as excited as King, nor is he as solemn as Bjornde.

Rather, he was really like an outsider, standing there quietly watching things develop.

There is a smile of unknown meaning on his face, but he doesn’t know what he is thinking in his heart?

When it came to dealing with the bottom of the sea, Muhru paused slightly because this fish was not easy to deal with.

Usaman will definitely not be able to sustain it for long. Protecting the ship now consumes a huge amount of mental energy every second.

So they need to deal with the fish underneath as soon as possible.

Compared with the bottom of the sea, enemies in the sky are easier to deal with because they are easier to attack.

Enemies under the sea are difficult to attack.

Fortunately, there were preparation plans for this in advance.

"Lilith, you go and inject vitreous into the sea.

"Marionet, use your ability to attack the fish below."

Muhru decided to act according to the original preliminary plan.

If there is no good effect, then there are preparation plans.

Lilith is the woman whose whole body is covered in pink. Not only her hair is pink, but her clothes are also pink.

After receiving the order, Lilith quickly walked to the side of the ship, her hands as white as jade instantly showing purple-black lines.

The originally smooth and white arms turned completely black and purple, as if they were stretched into a paint bucket, giving people an ominous premonition.

Under the influence of Lilith's thoughts, the lines seemed to come alive and began to move on her arms.

At the same time, drops of black and purple liquid overflowed, and then fell into the sea water one after another.

There was nothing special at first, but after a few breaths the venom was released several times faster, and it looked like it was being accelerated at double speed.

The original dark blue seawater spread quickly around the place where the poison fell.

Suddenly, black-purple venom spread around the ship, completely dyeing the seawater black-purple.

The water just changed color, but the impact on the swarms of hammerhead sharks was not that simple.

After a few breaths, several hammerhead sharks began to roll their eyes, and then completely lost consciousness.

Then the corpses fell to nowhere due to the impact of the same kind, and some unlucky ones were even blown to pieces.

This is a highly toxic liquid!

[Femme Fatale]: Can actively control the body to secrete venom, and can also control the type of venom.

The types that can be produced at present include paralytic type, neurological type, weakly toxic type, highly toxic type…………

There is a disease in the world called "pica" in which people like to eat things that are not usually considered food.

For example, some people like to eat dirt, but dirt cannot be eaten as food.

Lilith has a special hobby, she likes to swallow venom.

In the process of being poisoned and detoxified again and again, she not only developed strong resistance to toxicity, but also formed a Nen that can secrete venom.

This Nen is very similar to Gel, the snake among the twelve earthly branches, both of which can create venom.

But Gel's Nen is more comprehensive and more useful.

Gel's Nen eats the venom, then analyzes it in the body, and then creates its own venom.

You can also transform your arms into snakes to attack.

Lilith's Nen is to eat the venom, and then there will be a backup of this venom in the body.

You can change your mind energy into that kind of venom, and you can also determine the strength of the venom by controlling the amount of mind energy used.

She couldn't do what Gel did, get the analysis data of many venoms and then create a unique venom.

The venom she secretes must be something she has eaten before. This is also a different kind of restriction and oath.

But she has an advantage that Gel does not have, and that is the display area.

Gel's venom can only be transformed into a snake through the arm, and then injected using the snake's fangs.

This method has a limited injection volume and is inefficient.

When necessary, Lilith can secrete venom all over her body, turning her into a human being.

Not only can it cause damage to the enemy, but it can also avoid some damage when attacking in melee, because the opponent dare not touch her.

Overall, each has its own benefits.

It is precisely because of Lilith's venom that Nen is quite famous throughout the six continents, and even created the title of "terrifying woman".

Bjornde deliberately let the other party join the team.

After all, the [poison] attack method can be said to have great potential.

In many cases it can have significant results.

Although she is called a "poisonous girl", Lilith is actually a very gentle woman who likes to wear kimonos and has a temperament like Yamato Nadeshiko.

She just likes to eat venom. Other than that, she is just a beautiful and gentle woman.

The situation is critical now. "What she released was a strong poison.

This kind of poison is the top poison in the six continents. It only takes one Shizuku to poison the creatures in an entire lake.

Moreover, the attack time is very short, and it is one of the most dangerous venoms she possesses.

She went to the Dark Continent with the intention of tasting more types of venom, which was also very similar to Ge Wu.

It's just that Gel took the initiative to eat those poisons in order to obtain information and satisfy her thirst for knowledge.

Lilith simply wants to satisfy her appetite.

Those poisons that ordinary people are afraid of avoiding are like plates of top-notch delicacies in her eyes.

It's just that these "delicacies" have certain risks, so you should eat within your ability.

She had eaten almost all the qualified poisons on the six continents, so she turned her attention to the Dark Continent.

With a Nen like Venom, Muhru had thought of this way of dealing with it when he first made the plan.

It is to inject venom into the sea.

Although it is very common, it is useful.

Venom requires patience, and the top venom from the six continents is not necessarily that bad.

It is likely to have an effect even on creatures in the Dark Continent. After all, venoms are all kinds of strange and each one is different.

Sure enough, after just a few breaths passed, the number of dead hammerhead sharks continued to increase.

This was felt most deeply by Ussaman in the control room, and his consumption rate of thought energy had obviously slowed down.

In addition to Lilith's venom attack, Marionai's attack methods are also quite effective.

Mariona is the puppet girl who looks like Hatsune Miku, with puppet-like marks on her body and face.

Mariona stood next to Lilith, and then suddenly stepped on her foot, and a burst of sound broke out.

The next moment, he appeared in mid-air, standing firmly in the air, as if there was an invisible platform under his feet.

But it's actually the flame booster behind her that makes her fly in mid-air

It achieves the effect of almost stagnating in the air.

If Lin Ke was asked to describe Mariona, then Lin Ke thinks she is more like Scorpion in "Naruto".

Because they are all puppets.

Even the aspect of transforming one's own body into a puppet is exactly the same.

Mariona spread out his hands, and his ten fingers immediately projected countless chanting strings of the same thickness.

Pure white chanting strings intertwined crazily in the air, and in the blink of an eye, a large number of humanoid puppets of different shapes appeared!

They look the same as Marionae, in the form of puppets, controlled by her.

This is Nen which combines Transmuter and Emitter.

【Various Puppet】: Through your own understanding of the knowledge of puppets, you can use your mind energy to form different puppets.

The degree of freedom of the puppets is not high and requires careful control by the main body, but they all have strong power.

Currently, the upper limit of the puppets that Mariona can control at one time is one hundred, but the accuracy will be greatly reduced.

From this point of view, her Nen is very similar to Mo Laowu.

According to her evaluation, the most cost-effective quantity is 68, which can ensure accuracy and sufficient quantity.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with dozens of puppets, and coupled with the gloomy sky, it gave an inexplicable sense of horror.

Immediately afterwards, deep black energy erupted from the puppets at the same time, turning the sky several degrees darker.

Marionai is the strongest presence on the team besides Lin Ke, Jin, and Biande.

Every puppet she has has great power!

With the cooperation of Marionae and Lilith, the fish schools on the seabed are declining at an extremely fast rate.

But the situation on the sky side is not so good.


When Lilith and Mariona went to the side of the ship, mind energy cannonballs also rose into the sky.

Flying towards the Thunderbird in everyone's sight. 1.0 But the expected effect did not appear!

I saw the thunderbirds suddenly fluttering their wings, and the white feathers on them flew down at high speed, stabbing at the cannonballs!

At this moment, the sky was filled with snow-like feather arrows, and blue lightning currents were wrapped in the front.


Along with the sounds, the mental energy shells they fired were intercepted by feathers in mid-air.

Moreover, there were a lot of feathers, and some of them shot directly towards the ship through the explosion, making a sound of breaking through the air as they flew at extremely high speeds.

The sharp feathers can even cut through the air!

Apparently these feathers are not that simple.

Faced with this result, although people were a little unbelievable, they all responded in time.

Don't let these feathers damage the ship!

Faced with these flying feathers, some people choose to continue to use Nen weapons to intercept them, while others choose to use their own Nen.


Jin stepped forward with an arrow, his body rose slightly into the air, and his body suddenly transformed into three figures.

Nen————double clone!

Each figure stretched out his hand and grabbed a feather accurately, with a lot of thought energy wrapped in his palm.

He wanted to study the feather.

Not only did he grab these three feathers, but when he soared into the air, a strong wave of thought energy erupted from his hands.

Thought balls the size of ping pong balls suddenly hit the feathers a few meters around him.

【Nianqiu Game】!

The moment the thought ball touched the feather, the energy contained in it caused the lightning on the feather to explode immediately.

The feathers immediately turned into a pile of ashes and disappeared in the wind and rain.

After several consecutive sounds, the surrounding feathers were swept away by him.

Other people's interception methods are equally effective, but most of them are not as easy as Jin's. .

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