Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 218 Perfect Cooperation! Food Warning! (Please Subscribe)

After several consecutive noises, most of the feathers flying down were intercepted by people.

But there were still several "caught fish" falling on the boat, making several electric explosions.

Fortunately, the ship was protected by Ussaman at this time, otherwise these feathers would probably have blown several holes.

Judging from the explosion, these feathers should not be underestimated. Each one has a hardness comparable to steel, and it also has a lightning effect.

Jin holds three blue-white feathers in his hand and stares at them quietly.

Jin also has a lot of research on biology, and once pioneered the reproduction method of two-headed wolves.

But there is something strange about these thunderbirds.

The first is their act of flying out of thunderclouds.

There is a pattern in nature. Whenever there is a thunderstorm, birds will fly lower to avoid being affected.

But this bird is not only not afraid of the violent storm, but also flies out of the cumulonimbus clouds full of thunder and lightning.

This is obviously not normal.

Compared with this, the Thunderbird's larger body is nothing. After all, there are many large creatures in the six continents.

There are three feathers, two are longer and one is shorter, but the overall appearance is the same.

Pure white color, mixed with wisps of blue current, making a crackling sound.

But this current is flowing away at a relatively obvious speed, and I'm afraid it will disappear completely before long.

It can be seen that these lightnings will continue to be consumed.

It may be because it is separated from the bird's body, or it may be because it has been away from the thundercloud for a long time.

But since it can allow lightning to flow on it, it means that the feather is not afraid of electric current, and even has a certain ability to store electricity.

Then this feather is very valuable. If you get it on the six continents, you can do a lot of research and develop many new types of equipment.

At the same time, this feather is as hard as steel. Based on this alone, this feather can be considered a good material.

Jin flipped his palm, put the three feathers into the bag like magic, and looked at the thunderbirds circling in the sky.

Others, like Jin, were somewhat aware of the extraordinary nature of these feathers, and put away some of the feathers that were still well preserved.

Not to mention those [hopes] with incredible effects, these ordinary gains are pretty good for them.

Take these novel feathers as an example. They are worth a lot of money if you get them on the six continents.

The dark continent is full of dangers, but it is also full of treasures.

Muhru and the others frowned slightly, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the thunderbirds circling in the sky.

After the round of "strafing" just now, the feathers on the wings of the thunderbirds became much sparser.

It is estimated that there will only be two or three more rounds of attacks at most.

Perhaps realizing that people's shell attacks would cause harm, these thunderbirds raised their flying altitude.

This makes their telepathy weapons unable to effectively attack.

"Aren't you willing to give up the meat that's on your lips?"

"Do you think victory is in sight?"

"Or is it that the target is too tempting and you are not willing to leave like this?"

Biande's eyes were condensed, his expression was uncertain, and he was mumbling something.

Although his deep voice was not loud, it was unusually clear enough for everyone to hear clearly.

For a moment, the same thought flashed through everyone's mind.


Compared to other people who only half-guessed, Biande had a deeper understanding of the current situation.

He has seen the rules of operation among the creatures in the dark continent, which is endless devouring!

There is only one standard: "The weak eats the strong". Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat smaller fish.

This contains another keynote - evolution!

If Biande had seen the Ant King with his own eyes, he probably wouldn't be that surprised by the Ant King's ability to devour evolution.

Because he had seen such a creature on the dark continent more than once.

In other words, in that unknown place, it seems that most creatures have this ability.

Every time you swallow some creatures, it is an accumulation of yourself. When the accumulation reaches a certain level, it will become more powerful.

To explain it in human terms is "evolution"!

It is precisely because most organisms can make better use of the energy after devouring that they have continued to evolve.

That’s why there are endless giant creatures emerging on the dark continent.

Compared with the creatures on the Dark Continent, people are undoubtedly lacking in evolution.

But strong human beings with majestic thoughts are good delicacies in the eyes of those creatures.

Perhaps creatures whose strength gap is too large will not take humans seriously.

However, those creatures whose strength is within a certain level are happy to prey on the weak.

Judging from the records of the soldiers who returned, the soldiers who died were not only caused by natural disasters, strange [Garrison Letters], and diseases.

The most common thing left is to be preyed upon by creatures!

The thunderbird they encountered this time was probably the same. The reason why they knew there was danger was that they still refused to leave for a long time.

It's because this whole ship of strong human beings is too tempting to them!

For a moment, the scene seemed to be in some kind of dilemma.

The thunderbirds are worried, and humans have no good way to cause harm to them.

The flying height is relatively high, and even if long-range attack methods such as mental energy cannonballs can reach that height, they can probably be easily dodged by the Thunderbird.

The next moment, the scene suddenly changed amazingly!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three gunshots rang out in succession, completely breaking the peaceful scene between humans and birds.

I saw three thunderbirds falling down in response, and their bodies fell straight down, quite like a falling meteorite.

Drops of bright red blood poured down, blended with the rain all over the sky, and then fell on the boat and into the sea.

Everywhere was dyed with a bright red color.

Seeing this, several people were not surprised and quickly ran away, because the direction of the corpse's whereabouts was exactly where they were standing.

The huge body fell directly onto the ship, causing the ship to shake again not long after it stabilized.

As if experiencing a tsunami, the hull rocked left and right for a while before stabilizing again.

The heads of the three thunderbirds, without exception, all have a hole, which is very similar to a bullet hole.

Biande and Jin were the first to react and turned their heads to look in the direction of Lin Ke.

Lin Ke didn't make any movement, just holding a feather in his hand that appeared at an unknown time.

But the meow next to him was holding a strange-looking sniper rifle and wearing a pair of ordinary-looking glasses on his face.

Obviously, those thunderbirds just now were shot down!

Both the glasses and the sniper rifle are extraordinary.

[Precision Glasses]: Wearing them will increase the hit rate of long-range attacks. The farther the target, the harder it is to hit, and the greater the hit rate will be.

It will continuously consume energy when used, and wearing it for a long time can easily lead to depression.

[Weird Sniper Rifle]: Input the mental energy and it will be automatically filled into bullets. The farther the object is hit, the higher the damage caused.

[Precision Glasses] and [Weird Sniper Rifle] are props developed by Meow Meow himself.

It can be said that it is very suitable for the effect of the [Nian] system.

One is glasses that can increase the hit rate the farther away you are.

The other is a sniper rifle with higher damage as the target is further away.

When the two cooperate with each other, they can achieve the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

Under Miao Miao's three consecutive shots, three thunderbirds were shot down one after another, and they fell directly on the boat like a kite with its string broken.

"I hit it, meow, I hit it!"

Seeing that the props he worked so hard to develop were effective, Meow Meow jumped up happily and shouted.

Two cute cat ears swayed with the body, and the tail behind him sometimes bent and sometimes straightened.

Three companions died in an instant. The fear of death finally defeated their desire, and the remaining thunderbirds flapped their wings vigorously.

In an instant, he got into the thundercloud.

The figure disappeared quickly and quietly, as if he was afraid that if he was a little slow, he would step into the back seat of his companion.

Hearing the exclamation of the meow and looking at the fleeing thunderbirds, everyone now knew exactly what had just happened.

"Is this my ability?!"

"Or is it related to those equipments?"

Jin held his chin, looked at Meow Meow with interest, and said to himself.

Now Jin is much more curious about Meow Meow than Thunderbird.

Although he knew that Lin Ke's telekinesis beasts were all kinds of weird, he always felt that this cat was different from other telekinesis beasts.

Maybe it’s because it can walk upright and speak in human language?

Beside him, Biande also set his sights on Meow Meow, and the surprise in his eyes was equally difficult to conceal.

If it is his own ability, then it means that the ability of this cat's mind beast is to manifest a gun?

Those glasses are a bit suspicious too.

The mind beast related to firearms may sound like nothing.

After all, there is a Golem in their team who can manifest many weapons.

But what if not?

Biande, like Jin, became more interested in this cat and always felt that this cat was not as simple as it seemed.

In fact, their hunch was correct.

There were many more things about Meow Meow that shocked them later.

After a brief moment of surprise, Muhru quickly directed others to clean up the body.

"Sammy, come here and check if this bird is edible?"

After giving orders to the members, Muhru turned around and shouted to Sammy, the chef at the back, asking him to come over and take a look.

Chef Sammy was a little taciturn, nodded, and came to one of the thunderbirds.

He spread his hands and placed them at a small distance from the Thunderbird, and streams of thought energy flowed through his body.

Then they all converged on the palm, like an old light bulb, and the palm began to gradually glow.

That is the rich and luminous thought energy!

Sammy's hands were like faucets, and his pure and full thoughts were like water, gently wrapping the Thunderbird's body.

After being wrapped for a while, those thoughts returned to Sami's body like a tide.

But it can still be seen clearly that part of the mind energy has been lost through this move.

At the same time, some of Thunderbird's messages were reflected in Sammy's mind along with his thoughts.

[Food Warning]: Use mind energy to wrap an object. The more sophisticated and huge an object is, the longer it will take. The energy is constantly being consumed when wrapping.

When the time arrives, the remaining thought energy will return to the original path, and at the same time it will bring some information about the food and whether it is edible.

Sammy's life was relatively difficult when he was a child. Although he didn't grow up in Meteor Street, he often didn't have enough to eat.

So I often have to go to the wilderness or some relatively dirty places to find something to eat.

When he grew up, his conditions improved, and because of his childhood experience, he embarked on the path of pursuing food.

It's just that he doesn't have the same ideas as many food hunters.

Some delicacies Hunter pursues is to obtain better materials, so that he can cook more delicious dishes.

Sami's pursuit is to cook ordinary ingredients to the point where they are delicious enough.

Neither of them are absolute pursuits, they are just tendencies.

Sami has this will also because of his past experiences, which will create this

Such Nen is also related to it.

This Nen is definitely top-notch among the gourmet Hunters from the six continents.

It would be even worse if it were placed on the Dark Continent!

It can be said that among the gourmet hunters, Nen is a rare person who is more suitable for traveling to the Dark Continent than Sammy.

Although Meow Meow's [Danger Detector] can achieve the same effect.

But it is undeniable that Sammy's Nen is extremely important in the Dark Continent, which is about being able to eat things with confidence.

Whenever you want to go to the dark continent, Sammy's ability can shine and play a decisive role.

That's why Billander chose to bring a chef with him.

Going to the Dark Continent is not a piece of cake. He doesn't need to bring a chef, because there are also many canned and other emergency foods in the Six Continents.

Choose those foods that not only reduce the space occupied, but are also easy to carry.

Because canned and other foods tend to be small in size.

He can completely replace this chef's quota with another strong one, which can also improve the team's combat effectiveness.

But Biande didn't do that.

It’s because Sami’s Nen is very important!

“It’s edible!”

After a few breaths, Sammy opened his eyes, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he spoke confidently.

Muhru looked slightly happy and asked the members to put away the two thunderbirds and try to eat the remaining one later.

The body of the thunderbird was no better than the ingredients they prepared and could not be preserved for a long time.

So since they can be eaten, they should be dealt with first.

Competition in nature is ever-changing.

The positions of the hunter and the prey may change at any moment.

The thunderbirds attacked them aggressively, with the intention of using them as dinner.

But in the end, the thunderbird was eaten, but they were unharmed.

Looking at Hunter's world, this truth has been described all the time.

"We brought some of those strange fish up too."

"But eating is definitely not enough."

"It's true that their bodies have some uses."

Lilith said softly, and saw a small pile of hammerhead fish piled on the other side of the boat.

These were all brought up by Marionai's puppets.

Because transporting all of it would cause the ship to be overburdened, only part of it would be transported, otherwise there would be no room for the harvest later.

Everyone gathered around the school of fish, observing these guys who had just put them in trouble.

These fish have shark-like bodies, each about half a meter to one meter long, which is much smaller than the thunderbird.

But they are better in numbers.

There are dozens of them in this pile.

Purple spots appeared on their bodies. It was obvious that Lilith's toxin had poisoned them too deeply.

This is why Lilith said they were inedible.

On the entire boat, she was the only one who dared to eat these fish.

In addition to the shark's body, the most conspicuous thing is a lump on their head. The dark lump is like steel and is vaguely reflective.

"Dong dong."

Lilith tapped a lump lightly, making a dull sound as if it were being knocked on metal.

"This place is obviously different from other parts. It is particularly hard, much harder than steel."

Jin's hand was wrapped with thought energy, and he also tried to touch the lump. As Lilith said, it was indeed very hard.

At this moment, a voice came from the side.

"There is a kind of pig in the Biscayne Forest on the Six Continents, called the Hog-nosed Hog."

"It has a hard and long nose that can easily smash rocks. The purpose of growing such a nose is to protect the fragile forehead.

"And this strange fish also has hard parts on its face."

Lin Ke walked on the boat step by step, then stood next to the group of hammerhead sharks, speaking slowly.

"So this fish develops these lumps because it wants to protect vulnerable parts of its body?"

The golden eyebrows were raised, and he said with some doubts.

He didn't see any fragile parts of the fish.

"No, on the contrary, I mentioned the hog-nosed pig as a negative example."

"If the snout of the wild pig is grown on its own initiative, then this lump is something the fish has to have."

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