Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 219 Mermaid? Siren! New PokéMon! (Please Subscribe)

[Hammerhead Shark]: It is a shark-like fish with a relatively strong body and often travels in groups.

Due to the terrain, the fish was affected by the seawater in the Sea of ​​Thorns, and many special metal elements were added to the body. The main manifestation was the lump on the head.

Originally, Lin Ke was only certain of his guess. After all, there was too little information at present to be sure that what he thought was right.

After using the illustration ability, he was completely sure that his idea was correct.

"We just saw it not long ago. The waves turned into thorns and were fixed on the sea. You should all remember this."

Hearing this, everyone nodded one after another. Not long after it passed, they naturally remembered the unusual scene just now.

Jin next to him lowered his eyes, and Lin Ke's first words alone made him vaguely aware.

Maybe it has something to do with the strange waves?

Glancing at Jin who was thoughtful, Lin Ke continued to speak.

"Those fixed waves, or the sea water, contain some metal-like substances."

"When the concentration reaches a certain level and the conditions are met, the seawater will be fixed and shaped. As for why it is seawater on the surface, it may also be related to the air."

"But that's not the point. The point is that this kind of material exists in seawater, and it is very likely to affect other organisms."

"The bumps on these fish heads are the result of absorbing this metal-like substance."

"This can be understood as a mutation. Although we have only seen this kind of fish so far, there is a high probability that there are other fish in this sea area that have similar effects.

"At present, this mutation brings about positive developments, but it does not rule out hidden harm."

These fish not only remind Lin Ke of the hooligan pig, but also think of another thing related to the dark continent.

That is the parasitic plant that caused the gold and silver ingots!

Those parasitic plants grew on certain minerals and absorbed some of their characteristics, which gave them their current power.

After listening to Lin Ke's explanation, people around him expressed surprise, but they all agreed with Lin Ke's statement.

I have to say that Lin Ke’s statement makes sense.

Although they didn't know how he learned about it, no one said anything, but regarded this as the correct reason.

After all, as the team leader and the thickest thigh, Lin Ke had no need to deceive them.

"It seems that these fish also have a lot of preservation value."

"But it's better to leave those lumps and just a few strips of the fish body."

Billande pondered for a moment, then made a decision. At the same time, he was still thinking about whether to fetch a few barrels of sea water to the boat and transport it back when the time comes.

With this unknown substance, seawater also has a certain value.

Although we faced the slightly thrilling 847 crisis, we also gained a lot.

Without any biological obstruction, the ship continued to move forward and soon left this stormy sea area.

After a few days, the ship finally left the sea of ​​thorns. In the past few days, it would encounter thorny waves from time to time.

As if to confirm Lin Ke's statement, they encountered several attacks by marine creatures in the past few days.

Without exception, they all have body parts similar to hammerhead sharks, which are all caused by the influence of sea water.

In addition to being a little nervous when encountering these situations at the beginning, people later became accustomed to it. At least this level of danger could not trouble them.

If the Sea of ​​Thorns is the front section of the unknown sea, then after another period of sailing, they are now roughly in the middle section.

In the first part, there are still relatively ordinary creatures, but in the middle part, when you go deeper into the unknown sea, you will encounter more bizarre creatures.

dark night,

There are continuous clouds in the sky, which block most of the bright light and weaken the light a lot.

Even the blue sea became like the sky, as if it was dripping with a lot of ink and was completely dyed black.

On the entire ocean, only the faint light of the moon shines on the sea, otherwise the whole world would be almost dark.

At this moment, the ship does not seem to be traveling on the sea, but more like traveling on ink.

It was late at night, and the ship was traveling at a low speed and was guarded by a member of the [Shibi] Force.

The fisherman Ussaman is responsible for the management during the day, and this member manages it at night.

Most of the people were already asleep inside the ship, while some were on duty on the ship's deck and on the guard platform.

Not to mention in unknown waters, even in waters on the six continents, the crew will arrange night watchmen to deal with emergencies.

But people have inadvertently fallen into some traps that have already been arranged to retrieve children.

In a room inside the ship,

Lin Ke, who was sleeping just a second ago, suddenly opened his eyes, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Just now, a new pregnancy message suddenly appeared in his mind!

And the progress is surprisingly fast!

Lin Ke is not sure what Pokémon it will be?

But he knew one thing - they were in danger now!

The next second, Lin Ke appeared on the plywood fully dressed, frowned, and looked around in a very short time.

The current situation is not optimistic!

"Captain, what are you doing?"

Watermelon head Matthew scratched his head (bjbh) and didn’t quite understand why Lin Ke suddenly appeared on the plywood.

His face seems a little solemn?

Matthew is also on duty tonight.

Because there are enough people on board, we can be on duty in two shifts, day and night.

"problem occurs."

Lin Ke said calmly, and at the same time stretched out his fingers, making a gesture of playing something, with his hand facing upwards, gently.

A small ball composed of thought energy suddenly flew upwards and hit the bell on the security platform.

“Dingle, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring”…

After being hit by the teleportation bomb, the originally silent bell suddenly made a series of rapid sounds.

Countless sleeping crew members suddenly opened their eyes.


"Tada, Tada, Tada..."

Without thinking too much, people rushed to the plywood, and a series of running sounds sounded.

Because this operation was very dangerous, most people went to bed at night without changing their clothes.

Even when sleeping, he wears his usual clothes so that he can respond to danger in time.

Although several other officers on duty were confused, they also began to be alert.

It's just that their eyes are not that bright, as if they were covered by a cloud of dust, making their eyes a little cloudy and dark.

Unknowingly, they have been affected by

"What's the danger this time?"

Biande saw Lin Ke's figure at the first sight, and quickly ran to Lin Ke's side and asked.

"Do you see the black fog around you?"

"Although it is covered by the dark night, you can indeed see the surrounding black dew clearly using Ning."

After hearing this, everyone used "Ning" one after another.

You don’t have to know it, just use it and you’ll be shocked.

Under the cover of the night, there was a large black fog surrounding the ship!

And behind the fog, there are strange and unpredictable figures that are looming!

"Normally we should be able to detect these black fogs."

"It seems that these black dews have special effects, so the abnormality was not detected!"

Jin's face was surprisingly cautious, and the thoughts in his body surged out of his body along with his words.

All of a sudden, people on the boat burst out with thoughts, causing a series of sequential lights to appear on the boat.

The strong mental energy in the body makes people more confident and dare to face the next crisis.

"There is no way to detect the circle, so there is no way to figure out how many things are inside."

Biande took a deep breath, and then the thought energy on his body continued to expand until it extended into a black mist.

But when it touched the black mist, his "circle" seemed to encounter an invisible barrier, which was isolated from the outside.

After some testing, he still didn't get any information.

Suddenly, Matthew suddenly hit the empty space behind him, and the strong spirit wrapped around his fist, blowing out gusts of fist wind!


With a loud bang, Matthew's fist hit the splint steadily, leaving a dent and a circle of broken lines next to it.

"Matthew! What are you doing?!"

The fisherman Usaman shouted angrily, with a hint of confusion in his tone.

As Matthew's good friend, he didn't understand why Matthew suddenly did this?

"What am I doing? There was an enemy here just now! It's just that I hit it a little slowly, but it ran away."

Matthew said dully, his face was a little stiff, and it was not natural, as if he was controlled.

Now everyone knew that Matthew must have been in trouble.

There was clearly nothing there!

"Is it controlled? But [what caused it?"

Muhru looked solemn, looking at Matthew who was still in a daze, and said in a low voice.

"No, he's not being controlled, he's hallucinating."

Lin Ke shook his head, and a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly appeared behind him, and dark waves quietly emerged.

The dark mind waves were like a tide, covering the people on the boat.

No one else reacted.

Only Matthew and the other night watchmen were shocked, and then wisps of black gas came out of their bodies.

After a while, Matthew and others' eyes returned to clarity again.

"Anyway, let's try to disperse these black garden areas first.

Lin Ke touched Meow Meow next to him and whispered.

"Just hold me, meow!"

Meow Meow patted his chest and took out a strange-looking item.

It was a huge leaf, taller than a person, with countless interlaced dyed patterns on its surface.

It also emitted a fluorescent green light, which made people know at a glance that it was not an ordinary item.

[Big Wind Leaf]: As long as you wave it hard, you can generate a gust of wind.

This prop is the result of Meow Meow's transformation of the mind tool.

The effect of the mind tool itself has not been changed, and some restrictions have been changed.

Meow Meow waved it violently several times, and suddenly a gust of wind appeared out of thin air, starting from it and blowing towards the front.

The gust of wind was like an invisible big hand, completely disturbing the black fog, and then it was swept to the other side like a pile of garbage.

Without the black fog blocking it, the things inside were clearly visible.

When they saw those ghost things clearly, most people showed shocked expressions. The dark night was a bit scary.

There were figures in the inky sea water.

Their lower bodies could not be seen clearly in the sea, but their upper bodies were exposed and could be identified.

"Is this... a mermaid?"

Usaman swallowed his saliva, looked embarrassed, and said uncertainly.

These so-called mermaids looked quite curious.

Their hair, as thick as hemp ropes, was the blue color of the sea, and there was a faint cold light at the ends of their hair.

Their upper bodies were covered with countless dense green scales, which had a metallic luster under the weak moonlight.

The most eye-catching thing was their faces, which had three


A pair of black holes that could barely be called eye sockets were slightly smaller.

The black hole in the mouth was larger, surrounded by a whole circle of fangs.

The entire face, except for the three black holes, had only green scales, which looked extremely strange.

This was also the reason why Usaman found it so difficult to speak.

After all, apart from the general outline, there is really nothing that can be compared with the mermaid.

Lin Ke has a rough guess that this new Pokémon may be related to these things!

"This should be the Kraken!"

As soon as Lin Ke finished speaking, the next moment the sea monsters surrounding the ship screamed!

A series of shouts with extremely high frequency echoed on the sea, and the pitch was so high that several people felt that their souls were being pierced by thousands of cold needles!

This is pain that goes deep into the soul!

If there was only one siren, the effect would be far less than what it is now.

But at this time, there were twenty or thirty sea monsters surrounding the ship, and the sharp shouts came from all directions at the same time.

In just a few breaths, a few people who moved a little slower felt severe pain in their ears.

Streams of blood flowed from their ears.

Others who move quickly can only wrap their ears with mind energy to reduce part of the sound effect.

And this is just the beginning!

As if they had a telepathic connection, their bodies trembled at the same time, and then clouds of black smoke emerged from the black holes that symbolized their mouths.

The speed of the black smoke was very fast, and a large piece of black smoke appeared on the sea in an instant.

There is a certain difference between this black smoke and the black fog just now.

The black smoke contains rich energy fluctuations!

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the black smoke continued to change shapes, and then fixed into a human-shaped figure.

If it's just a humanoid figure, then it's nothing.

But they could see clearly that those humanoid figures all looked like them!

They actually copied them and created black smoke dolls!

The black smoke puppet's body was unusually light, stepping directly into the air and attacking them from all directions.

In other words, they were besieged.

Because there are even more black smoke dolls.

At this moment, everyone had one thought in their minds:

It would be okay if you just imitate the appearance, but if you can also imitate the strength, even Nen...

"Don't be stupid! Those ghosts can't completely imitate us, just stay vigilant and fight!"

"Remember, with Captain Lin Ke here, we will definitely win!"

Biande shouted loudly, which immediately woke up the people who had just been frightened, and ignited the fighting spirit in their hearts.

Yes! They also have Captain Lin Ke!

During this conversation, a black smoke doll has already boarded the ship!

Some patterns can also be seen from the black smoke dolls.

Without exception, these black smoke dolls who were the first to board the ship were powerful beings on the ship.

For example, King and Billander.

What surprised Lin Ke was that none of these black smoke dolls imitated him.

Is it because of lack of ability?

Biande spread out his hands, his body erupted with mental energy several meters high, and he stepped forward and his figure disappeared instantly.

The next second, he appeared in front of his black smoke puppet. With the blessing of his mind energy, his palm as big as a cattail fan blew waves of wind that stung his face.



Biande's eyes widened angrily, and he slapped the opponent's right arm away, turning it into wisps of empty black smoke.

Then, without losing momentum, he turned around, turned around and leaned down, and did the same thing, smashing the opponent's left foot!

Just the first time they met, they destroyed each other's hands and feet!

Before people could be happy for too long, the black smoke floating in the air reorganized and quickly stabbed Biande's chest in the form of spikes!

This series of changes are completed in just an instant!.

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