Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 220: The Western Lion And Hairen Of Yusanjia! Sound The Alarm! (Please Subscribe)


There was a sound of a sharp instrument hitting metal.

The extremely sharp black smoke, which was faintly glowing under the moonlight, was pressing against Biande's chest.

But it was fixed there, unable to get any closer, blocked by the thought energy as thick as the earth.


Biande slapped the black smoke away casually, his fierce face with scars relaxed slightly, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After two rounds of fighting, he had completely figured out the strength of this black smoke puppet.

In order to estimate accurately, he not only actively attacks, but also passively takes damage, just to evaluate the opponent's ability more comprehensively.

From the current point of view, this doll made of black smoke does have merits, but its days are limited.

This black smoke doll that imitates him is roughly half as strong as him, but I'm not sure if this is the case for everyone.

In addition to its strength, the Black Smoke Doll has the ability to reorganize due to its composition, and needs to prevent the opponent from sneak attacks.

Generally speaking, the main function of this ability is to fight a war of attrition. In a head-on battle, it will definitely not be able to defeat the opponent's body.

There is no need to worry about the black smoke constantly reorganizing.

Just after being dismantled by him, Biande could clearly feel that the aura of the black smoke doll was a little weaker.

In that case…………

Biande grinned, revealing a rough and excited smile, and the energy on his body jumped like a ball of fireworks!

Countless thoughts poured out, forming a strong wind pressure in the calm air. The fierce wind blew the clothes and whirred.

It is only half as strong and can be reorganized many times.

In the eyes of Biande, this is a target that can be vented at will, and he can be greeted no matter what he wants!

At the same time, as the vanguard of the team, he must defeat the enemy as soon as possible to help increase his own momentum!

The golden thought energy is very dazzling as a light source, completely lighting up this sea area, and the aura soars like crazy!

Biande waved a palm casually. It was obviously a very fast movement, but at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, it was very slow.

[Heartdrop Quan Listen]!

The same thought flashed through the minds of several people present.


The next moment, a fist containing explosive energy suddenly hit the black smoke puppet.

Carrying the fierce fist wind, the fist instantly penetrated the black smoke puppet and made an explosion sound.

In an instant, the black smoke doll fell into pieces, releasing a large amount of black smoke at an extremely fast speed!

At the same time, other black smoke dolls have also arrived at the port of the ship

The battle will change from Bjönder's solo show to a group show!

Jin casually threw the apple with only the core left into the sea, his eyes became extremely sharp, and his thoughts were evenly distributed throughout his body.

From the battle in Biande just now, he had roughly estimated the strength of these black smoke dolls, so he didn't need to waste too much energy.

The reason why Biande did this was to make a quick decision and improve the momentum of the entire team.

As soon as his feet moved, afterimages appeared on the field. Jin's figure was like a ghost, instantly appearing in front of his puppet.

Jin's speed is very fast, which is the result of his physical strength and the blessing of his mind energy.

At the same time, the mental energy on the body flows rapidly, ensuring that every part of the body has sufficient mental energy defense.


Before the person fully appeared, the sound of breaking through the sky had already appeared in advance!

Jin's hands were clenched into fists, which were wrapped in rich black thought energy. At first glance, they looked like black smoke.

There is an uncomfortable dark aura on it. Although it is not the thought of death, it has a feeling comparable to the thought of death.

[Dark Blockade]: Use strange thoughts to attack, and the area hit will be unable to move. The paralysis effect of the three thunder and lightning is similar.

The two fists, one on the left and the other on the right, were like will-o'-the-wisps floating in the cemetery, with the night wind making ripples on them like ocean waves.

The black smoke puppet quickly dissipated. It was not because it was hit by Jin, but because it took the initiative to dissipate in order to avoid the attack. Seeing this, Jin was slightly moved. This scene was so familiar. I remember that when facing the gold and silver ingots, the enemy also had a similar ability to split his body to avoid the attack. [What a pity~] [I have already seen your ability to disperse, how could I miss this?] A figure suddenly appeared behind the black smoke puppet, and his fists were also wrapped in a strong dark aura! Nen——【Double Clone】! Jin learned a lot of Nen through his talent, among which 【Double Clone】 is the most frequently used one. Because it is really easy to use, it can be used in many ways, and it will have miraculous effects. Facing Jin's front and back attacks, the black smoke puppet had no time to react, and the dispersing black smoke was about to face the second blow. "Boom!!" The black smoke puppet suddenly froze, and the places that were hit no longer moved, turning into a solid-like state. With the dark color, it looks like a piece of ink.

It can be seen that after this attack, the actions of the black smoke puppet are obviously uncoordinated.

This is the effect of [Dark Blockade]!

After the attack, Jin stood by and watched the black smoke puppet reassemble quietly.

Unlike Bijande, he was not the first one to rush out, and there was no need for a quick battle.

So facing such a good target, his first thought was to practice.

After so many days of sailing, although he encountered many attacks from creatures, he did not have a good chance to practice.

As for the other members on the ship, there is no need to mention them.

This trip is not a joke, especially after entering the unknown sea, they may encounter unimaginable dangers at any time.

So every bit of physical strength is crucial, and physical strength cannot be easily consumed.

Naturally, there is no competition.

Now he finally found a "sandbag" with decent strength and can recover many times, so he naturally wants to try more.

Compared with the marine creatures he encountered before, or some thunderbirds.

The sea monster he encountered tonight really made him a little more motivated.

This is also because Jin Yigao is bold. If it were other team members, they would not dare to do so. They all wanted to fight quickly.

For a while, all kinds of fighting sounds were heard on the ship.

After a while of contact, everyone put down their uneasiness.

The strength of the black smoke puppet is roughly half of the imitated one, but it has an additional reorganization ability.

The imitation Nen that they are most worried about did not appear, which also means that the danger has been greatly reduced.

Just when everyone was relieved, the sirens in the sea made new moves.


It was that sharp shout again, and the sound that penetrated the soul made many people stagnate and make some mistakes!

This is the main attack method of the sirens.

The black smoke puppet is used to fight the enemy in close combat and consume it at the same time, and then the sirens themselves will attack with sound!

But these sirens are destined to not shout for long.


Chenglong suddenly appeared on the sea, his warm eyes staring at the sirens, and his body was surrounded by a bright blue light.

A breeze blew, it was an extremely biting cold wind, even the air seemed to be frozen.

Ice skill——Frozen Wind!

At the same time, with the body of the dragon as the center, countless thoughts rushed into the sea water, and the sea water turned into ice in an instant!" The momentum of the ice-blue thoughts continued unabated, and the sea monsters were quickly covered by the effect of the freezing wind! Ice skills-absolute zero! Under the crushing of [absolute zero], all the sea monsters were covered by crystal clear ice, without a sound! Transformed into lifelike ice sculptures. Those black smoke puppets that were still fighting with people also changed accordingly, losing power and gradually dissipating into the air. A steady stream of experience poured into the dragon. After so many days of sailing, the dragon has now reached the A+ level! It is not far from the S-level. When sailing on the sea, the dragon has a unique advantage, so many battles are fought by it. The entire Lake Mobius is his Pokémon experience pool! "Ding!" "Pokémon is bred!" Just at this time, a new Pokémon was successfully bred. When Lin After Ke immersed his mind in his mind, he saw an elegant and noble figure.

The new Pokémon has long curly hair in azure blue, tied into three small sections by a white pearl hairband, and pink starfish hair accessories on both temples.

It has azure eyes, long and thick white eyelashes, and a slender, slender white body.

It wears a light blue wavy shawl, with a circle of wavy decorations on the hips similar to a short skirt and a circle of thorns under the hips.

It also has a strong and flexible dark blue tail, with a forked tail tip and a white part, and a circle of wavy decorations around it.

It is the Sea Lion, one of the three starters in the Alola region!

For the new Pokémon, Sea Lion, Lin Ke's eyes flashed with surprise for a short time, and then quickly dissipated.

After all, there have been guesses beforehand. There are not many Pokémon that can correspond to the current situation. It is very reasonable that it will be the Siren.

As the name suggests, the prototype of the Siren in mythology is the Siren.

They look like mermaids and will use their singing to lure ships on the sea, bringing endless disasters.

This is also the reason why he said earlier that these creatures are not mermaids, but sirens.

Normal mermaids do not use singing to lure passing ships, only sirens will hunt in this way. Kill the target.


Matthew was caught by the illusion of these sea monsters, so he shot at the deserted place.

Since it is in the territory of the sea monsters, it is not surprising that the sea monsters are bred.

So according to the convention, the specific information of the sea monsters after the execution of the constraint and oath was also freshly released.

Name: Sea Monster

Characteristic: Wet Voice

Attribute: Water, Fairy

Strength: A

Skills: Aria of Bubbles, Big Voice, Water Cannon, Water Oath, Life Drop...

Lin Ke noticed something wrong with the characteristic at first glance.

The characteristic of this sea monster is actually a dream characteristic?

The normal characteristic is [Ripple], which is also the common characteristic of the three water-based Pokémon.

But now the characteristic of the sea monster is [Wet Voice], which is its hidden characteristic.

Lin Ke remembered that among all his Pokémon, only Ditto has a dream characteristic, and this is the second Pokémon with a dream characteristic.

Maybe it has something to do with the strange sea monsters in this unknown sea?

Perhaps it is different from the six continents. Coming to this unknown sea, or even the dark continent behind, the probability of dream characteristics appearing will also increase?

Speaking of which, he has a lot of Pokémon, but he doesn't have any of the three starters. The Sea Lion is his first three starters.

It just so happens that the Sea Lion is one of the final evolutions of the three starters in the Alola region.

It is also a pledge skill that only the three starters can learn - the Water Pledge.

Pledge skills are divided into three categories: Water Pledge, Fire Pledge, and Grass Pledge.

Without exception, they are all skills that only the three starters can learn.

The interesting thing is that the three can be used together to produce different effects.

For example, when the Fire Pledge and the Water Pledge are used together, a beautiful rainbow will appear on the field.

[Rainbow Field]: The additional effect of your own skills can be doubled, but it cannot be superimposed with the [Grace] characteristic effect.

When the Water Pledge and the Grass Pledge are used together, the field will become a wetland field.

[Wetland Field]: The opponent's speed is reduced by 75%

Unfortunately, there is only one Sea Lion and one starter on hand.

If there are more starters with other attributes, you can try the effects between the pledge skills.

In addition to the unique contract skills of the three starters, the Sea Lion itself also has outstanding talents.

The Sea King will release water balloons around while dancing, and the ones who bought it back home

This is also the origin of its skill - [Aria of Bubbles].

There are many Pokémon, but only two can use the skill [Aria of Bubbles].

Coincidentally, he just had these two Pokémon on hand.

The first one is the newly acquired Sea King.

The second one is the Dragonite bred in [Carter Port]!

Perhaps it is because both Pokémon have unique talents in voice, and both are representatives of beautiful singing among water-type Pokémon.

That's why they can both use this skill.

The Dragonite's singing tends to express gentleness, while the Sea King tends to show beauty.

With that moving posture, the Sea King is known as the singer.

It will release water balloons around while dancing, and it is controlled by the sound waves of the singing.

In addition, the songs of the Sea King are not stereotyped, there are various changes, so the dynamics of the controlled balloons are also different.

The new breeding bar is very fast, and Kusashiko is bred.

But the old breeding bar has not reached the end.

Who knows what kind of heavyweight will be bred in the end?

Lin Ke stopped thinking and turned to observe the current field.

The team members were cleaning the battlefield, and the ship was slightly affected by the aftermath of the battle.

At the same time, some people went to recover the bodies of several sirens, and the value of these sirens was greater than the previous creatures.

"What a strange creature~"


Biyangde stood next to Lin Ke and said with emotion. Although the battle was resolved quickly, EDLETT

Biyangde's solemnity!

Not only Biyangde, but the other team members also had subtle changes in their expressions.

They all knew that today's sirens were just the beginning, and the challenges they would face next would be increasingly difficult!

The sirens incident sounded the alarm for them, making people who were already taking it seriously more deeply aware of the dangers of this trip.

Tonight, Lin Ke discovered something wrong in advance and gave a warning.

If Lin Ke was not present, the night watchmen would also be affected by the black fog and would not notice the problem.

They could fully predict the consequences.

The whole army will not be annihilated, but there will most likely be casualties.

Instead of a complete victory like now.

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