Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 221: Dynamaxing And Riding A Dragon! Giant Ocean Creatures! (Please Subscribe)

With the Kraken incident, people's already high level of vigilance has once again been heightened to a new level.

Not only are there two shifts of duty day and night, but the exploration of the surrounding environment of the ship has also been strengthened.

As expected, since they stepped into the middle of the unknown sea area, the attacks from these sea monsters were just the beginning.

Next, they will encounter some weird creatures at every turn, which are weirder than the previous hammerhead sharks, thunderbirds and other creatures.

There are blue-skinned frogs standing on the sea. There are so many of these frogs that there is an endless stream of frogs at a glance.

At the same time, the color of their skin is the same blue as the sea. If you rely only on the naked eye, it is basically impossible to detect any clues.

In the end, he was discovered by Mi Lu, who was a vigilante.

Because Mi Lu's Nen can detect the fluctuations of living things, it does not rely on the naked eye.

Even so, there was a fight.

These frogs are twice the size of normal frogs, and their bellies used to store venom are surprisingly large.

Blue skin also means that they are highly venomous, and coupled with their larger bellies, they can spout a large amount of venom at one time.

The most important thing is that they are not one or two, but a large group.

Just after the first encounter, the sky was full of venom, like a purple rain falling from the sky.

The thick venom was still emitting heat. Under the vigorous spray of the blue-skinned frog, streaks of purple venom rose into the sky like arrows.

Then they drew an arc in the air and poured down towards the ship.

With Usaman's Nen protection and Golem's Nen weapon interception, most of the venom was blocked.

But it was still inevitable that some of the venom fell on the ship.

As soon as the extremely strong purple venom came into contact with the ship's plate, it corroded a large hole in the ship's "470" plate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This can't help but remind Lin Ke of Magellan, the director of Impel Down in "One Piece".

As a Poison Fruit user, the venom attacks he uses are quite similar to the frog's venom.

Finally, with one move by Chenglong, Absolute Zero turned everything into a large connected block of ice, with countless frogs inside.

At the same time, we also discovered the reason why they are able to stand on the sea.

The soles of their feet are somewhat special and secrete some unknown liquid, allowing them to stand on the fluctuating water surface.

This harvest alone makes people’s eyes light up.

This special material can isolate liquids and achieve the effect of standing on the water. If it can be mass-produced, it will be quite marketable.

Lilith is happiest about the harvest of these frogs.

The venom of this blue-skinned frog was not found on the six continents, and she was finally able to taste more novel venom.

After another period of sailing, although this period was more thrilling than before, fortunately there was no danger.

However, it can also be seen from these things that the deeper they go into the unknown sea, the more severe and weird the dangers they encounter!

Many times it is impossible to guard against.

For example, with the help of black mist, the sea monster can make people hallucinate, and the blue-skinned frog can be confused with the sea surface...

These things are not only highly deceptive, but also highly harmful in themselves.

Anyone who is careless will most likely end up with death.

But as time goes by, this tension has not diminished, but has increased day by day.

Because they are going deeper into unknown waters every day, the dangers they will encounter will only be more and more deadly!

The blazing sunlight shines on the sparkling sea, causing reflections to appear on the blue sea surface.

The endless sea is obviously full of sunshine, full of brightness, but it makes people feel inexplicably creepy.

"Did you notice anything wrong?"

Biande stood next to Lin Ke, his eyes lowered, his rough face inadvertently showing a look of concentration.

Obviously he didn't lower his voice deliberately, but Biande's voice became lower involuntarily.

It seems that they are worried that too much sound will lead to some unknown danger.

There was only one solitary ship traveling on the entire sea area, and there was no sign of any living things.

There were few clouds in the sky, and no birds were flying.

There was no movement in the sea, no fish attacked them, and even the sea breeze was very little.

In the entire sea, except for the ripples caused by their ships, there was no movement.

At first glance it seems like nothing is going on and there is no movement, which seems to be a good thing.

This is not the case.

In nature, the people on this boat know what excessive silence means.

This means there is likely an apex predator nearby!

"Yeah, it's too quiet."

Lin Ke stood on the boat with his arms folded, looking at the boundless sea with calm eyes.

On the surface, he remained calm, but the premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Obviously, they have stepped into some danger!

"Let everyone be prepared, the danger is coming soon."

Biande's face darkened, he nodded, and then went to inform others to prepare for battle.

Suddenly, slight but dense footsteps sounded one after another, and everyone gathered on the board of the ship.

Even some people working the night shift who were catching up on their sleep got up.

Because they are likely to face a big war next!

There is no room for carelessness.

At the same time, Milu, who was a vigilante, was particularly effective, and the pure white thought energy flowing out of her body continued to flow out.

These qi will serve as a "booster" for her Nen, allowing her Nen effect to be maximized.

In order to cope with the unknown danger, she activated her Nen to the maximum extent.

Just to find out the so-called danger as soon as possible!

Time passed bit by bit, and the ship was still moving in the planned direction.

Most of the crew members looked extremely solemn, with sweat oozing out from their foreheads, hair tips, and even their backs.

He has always maintained a high-pressure state and at the same time stimulated the mind energy in his body.

This is not only a psychological test, but also a physical burden.

Even so, there was still no crisis.

After staying in this state for a while, Lin Ke suddenly trembled slightly and his pupils shrank!

This sudden move also attracted the attention of others.

Lin Ke took two steps forward, walked to the side of the ship, and looked at the sea in the distance. There was no reaction at this time.

The angular face was slightly absent-minded, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"I really didn't expect it~"

"Is it so big?!"

After hearing this, everyone reacted, walked to the side of the ship, and followed Lin Ke's gaze.

At this moment, Mi Lu's Nen suddenly reacted.

"The fluctuations around me suddenly became intense!"

"This energy! The fluctuations are very violent!"

"The source is... under the sea over there!"

Mi Ling looked in disbelief and stretched out a finger to point to the sea in the distance, which was exactly where Lin Ke was paying attention.

Everyone's heart sank when they saw one or two small bubbles suddenly appear on the originally calm sea surface.

These two bubbles were just the beginning. Soon more and more bubbles rose to the sea surface, and at the same time, the coverage area of ​​the bubbles became wider and wider.

Bubbles originally appeared in a half-meter radius.

But not long after that, bubbles exploded violently in a radius of dozens of meters.


Countless bubbles appeared and exploded, making a series of firecracker-like sounds on the originally peaceful sea.

Just by looking at this scene, everyone knew that something big was coming out from underneath!

I saw a shadow appearing in vain on the originally blue sea surface, and the area of ​​the shadow was still expanding.

People's breathing stagnated, their bodies stiffened involuntarily, and they steered the ship in the opposite direction.

The calm sea surface suddenly boiled, and increasingly larger waves were centered in the distance and crashed in all directions.

Like boiling water being boiled.

Suddenly, a fountain appeared where the shadow was, and at the same time, the fountain continued to expand.

Billander's eyes were wide open, his fists clenched subconsciously, and he shouted violently:

"Grab the things around you, cover your feet with mind energy, don't be washed away by the waves!!"

Along with Biande's shouting, a huge water column rose into the sky!

The azure water column carried the whitening waves and flew completely into the sky. The splashing water column showed bright reflections under the sunlight.

But no one had the time to appreciate such a beautiful scene.

Because beneath this gorgeous scene is the ultimate murderous intention!

The water column seemed to flow continuously, flying into the air and then falling again, setting off an unprecedented huge wave!

The huge waves that could not be seen to the edge were like a blue wall, rushing towards the ship at an extremely fast speed.

The huge waves were about 100 meters high, and compared with them, the ship looked like a toy boat.

The huge waves that covered the sky and the earth blocked the sun, making people's already gloomy faces even more gloomy.

The scattered water drops were endless, and for a moment, people felt as if they were in the midst of a super heavy rain.

Countless water droplets are raindrops, pouring down crazily at this moment, falling on the ship's deck, bow and other places.

After the water droplets fell, there were bursts of crackling sounds, but they were not as scary as the huge waves in front of us.

Such a huge wave makes human beings like tiny ants in front of it, which makes people feel desperate!

The creature hasn't appeared yet, but the aftermath of its appearance alone is like a natural disaster!

This is the creature in the back part of the unknown sea!

Extremely huge ocean giant creatures!

At this moment, people grabbed the boat poles or hugged the pillars, and their thoughts burst out crazily...

Just to avoid being washed away by this outrageous huge wave!

"Is this... the marine life near the dark continent?!"

Jin gritted his teeth and said through gritted teeth.

He had to admit that facing this crisis, he did feel a great sense of urgency.

He still underestimated the creatures in the dark continent!

Just appearing on the stage can cause such a movement, which shows how terrifying its size is.

This is a size that creatures from the six continents can never compare to!

Everyone chooses to hold on to the things around them, even Kim and Biande are no exception.

Only Lin Ke still stood there, quietly watching the huge waves coming, his eyes not wavering at all.


Just when the huge wave was about to fall, a slightly low but pleasant voice sounded.

The next moment, a majestic and vast aura spread across the surrounding sea, and at the same time, an icy blue light appeared!

The originally menacing giant wave suddenly changed. A flash of blue light began to spread from the root, and the entire giant wave was covered in an instant.

It actually froze a huge wave into ice cubes in an instant!

The huge wave that was still flowing just now suddenly became solid and stayed in place without moving at all.

The crystal clear giant ice cubes emit countless dazzling reflected lights under the sun, and are also filled with frost and cold air.

Ice skills——Absolute Zero!

This sudden change surprised everyone, except Lin Ke, whose expression did not change much, as if he had expected this.

I saw a huge figure suddenly appearing next to the giant wave, about dozens of meters tall.

It was a giant figure that looked like a water monster, with blue skin on the surface and white skin underneath.

There are layers of flaky carapace on the back, and the protrusion in the middle becomes larger in proportion, like a small volcano.

Dark red reflections formed inexplicably on its body, and a gray-red cloud appeared near its head.

At the same time, its shell is surrounded by a circle of ice crystals, with four lines on the ice crystals, like a staff.

In addition to decorations similar to staffs, there are also ice pick decorations similar to musical notes around the body, giving people the meaning of ice.

Under the unreserved explosion of momentum, ice-blue thought energy soared into the sky, filling the entire sky!

Its S-class momentum is clearly visible!

It is the dragon that has become extremely gigantic!

This is also Lin Ke’s first Dynamax Pokémon!

Since traveling to the back of the unknown sea, several Pokémon told Lin Ke that they suddenly had the ability to become extremely large.

Without exception, these Pokémon are all Pokémon with a Gigantamax form.

After a brief surprise, Lin Ke discovered that they could become extremely giant, which was related to the place they came to.

It's because they came to the edge of the dark continent!

Perhaps in the Dark Continent, Pokémon can reach Dynamax 0.0.

Dynamaxing in the Pokémon world is also an ability that can only be used in specific areas, which coincides with this point.

The only discrepancy is that he does not have a Gigantamax wristband, but Pokémon can still become Gigantamax.

[Gigantamax]: The Pokémon's size, weight, and height increase, its blood volume also increases, and all its moves become Gigantamax moves.

Name: Chenglong (Gigantamax)

Features: water storage

Attributes: water system, ice system


Skills: Absolute Zero, Bubble Aria, Singing, Freeze Drying…………

Originally, after so many days of sailing on a dragon, he only reached S-level, but after becoming Gigantamax, he reached S-level.

The Gigantamax dragon will concentrate ice particles around its body to form a huge ring.

He can break icebergs with rings and swim leisurely at the same time.

It can allow more than 5,000 people to ride on the carapace on its back without shaking at all and is very comfortable to sit on.

Therefore, the Dynamax Dragon is so huge that it looks like a small mountain in the eyes of everyone, giving it a sense of security!

"This is your mind beast too?!"

"No! Why did your mind beast become so big?!"

Biande's eyes narrowed and his jaw almost dropped to the floor.

I really didn’t expect Lin Ke to have such a big Pokémon.

After wiping his eyes, he realized that this huge mind beast seemed to be transformed from the one Lin Chen usually rode.


The Gigantamax dragon suddenly let out a roar, and the violent sound waves rushed towards the huge waves of ice, and then penetrated the creatures behind.

"Click, click...

A series of dense cracking sounds sounded, completely shattering the huge waves, and then the real thing on the moon was revealed,

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