Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 222: Level One God Kyogre! An Army Of Marine Creatures! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

The huge ice block about a hundred meters high was quickly filled with cracks, and there were endless crisp clicking sounds.

What was originally a work of art exuding cold air suddenly became a crumbling waste product that was about to be broken.

Finally, with an extremely loud cracking sound, the huge wave shattered completely and turned into countless ice crystals of different sizes.

The cold air contained in it also poured out, turning into gusts of biting frost wind.

Without the cover of the huge waves, the scene behind is unobstructed.

The first thing that caught everyone's eyes was a tentacle.

An extremely huge tentacle!

There are spots of different shades on the blue tentacles, and there is a large ball of translucent mucus on them.

The huge tentacles are as big as an office building, and compared with them, the ships still look very inferior.

For a moment, the team members couldn't help but breathe a little faster, and pairs of eyes stared at the huge tentacles.

There was a look of horror in his eyes!

This is the feeling that any creature will have when faced with a body that is far larger than itself.

The tsunami just now can be considered a natural disaster, but these tentacles are actually part of the body of a living creature.

Before today, they would never have imagined that there could be such a huge creature in the world!

Among these people, Lin Ke is the calmest, and this calmness is based on his own strength.

Through his illustration ability, he also saw the strength of this giant creature.

Reached S+ level!

It can be said that its ability to achieve such strength mainly depends on its mountain-like body.

With a huge body, his strength naturally increases.

Although the S+ level is powerful, it still does not pose any threat to him. He has several Pokémon in his hand and can kill the opponent alone.

Not to mention Marshado, Genesect, and Void who are within the SS range.

Bandera, Gengar, Dixie... and even Meowth can kill each other alone.

But now it’s Chenglong’s show time!

A tentacle was just the beginning, and then in people's increasingly panicked eyes, the body hidden under the sea surface completely surfaced.

It was a body like a hill, but it was a blue mountain.

A huge sea creature as burly as a mountain appeared in everyone's field of vision, with a bulging body in the middle and surrounded by tentacles that were dancing wildly.

Countless huge tentacles wrapped in mucus, waving and slapping the sea surface, causing waves of huge tsunamis.

In this continuous stormy sea, the small ship can only drift with the current, being carried by the waves, and constantly drifting into the distance.

People on the boat can feel the movement brought about by this scene best.

The waves came one after another, causing the ship to rock uncontrollably from side to side. If people hadn't tried their best to guard against it, they would probably have been thrown out.


The giant creature let out a roar that resounded through the sky, its sound was low but seemed to be able to pierce the soul.

It is a giant octopus-like creature!

"Hey, hey, hey, is it true? How can there be such a big octopus?"

Jin couldn't help but exclaimed, his eyes constantly focused on the octopus.

Such a huge octopus was unheard of, so he had to take advantage of this opportunity to observe it.

As for whether it will be life-threatening?

This little bit of gold can be patted on the chest to guarantee that with Lin Ke present, there is absolutely no need to worry about life-threatening danger.

This octopus is huge and its momentum is quite strong.

But Jin could feel that the strength of this octopus's aura was roughly the same as that of the ant king before it evolved.

This strength cannot be called weak at all, it can be said to be quite powerful.

If it weren't for Lin Ke, they would most likely die at the hands of this giant octopus.

Unfortunately there is no if.

With Lin Ke by his side, Jin had the time to look at the giant octopus.

I don’t know what it ate to grow up, but this octopus has such a physique that it can be called a mountain.

The overwhelming figure formed a large shadow, and the aura it exuded was full of oppression, making people's hearts stop for a few beats.

If you want to describe it, they are now equivalent to facing the ant king before evolution.

But the sense of deterrence is even stronger.

Because the ant king does not have such a huge body.

Apart from Lin Ke and Jin, the calmest one is Biande.

After all, it was not like he had never seen such a huge creature before.

In addition, Lin Ke always looked calm, so he seemed to be very confident, so he still remained calm.

The leading people were extremely calm, and this aura inadvertently infected other people who were quite frightened.

My mood gradually changed from anxious to calm.

In the flash of lightning, the octopus suddenly stretched out a large number of tentacles, but did not attack the original target, which was the ship.

Instead, he attacked the Dynamax dragon next to him!

In its opinion, a dragon that is larger than a boat is more threatening and more delicious!

Each tentacle contains strong power. It is no exaggeration to say that most of them can blow up a hill.

Its huge body gives it infinite power, and it can explode the air with a wave of its hand, producing a large sonic boom effect.

Even before the tentacles fell, the resulting wind pressure blew up strong winds, making the already turbulent sea surface even more unstable.

Suddenly, Lin Ke felt like he was watching Ultraman.

This giant octopus is a monster, and any random move can cause extremely powerful damage.

And creatures with this kind of physique are not uncommon in the Dark Continent!


Facing countless oncoming tentacles, the Dynamax Chenglong groaned, and the ice-blue air-conditioning light on his body shone brightly.

I saw streaks of brilliant colors suddenly appearing in the sky, like ribbons fluttering in the wind.

This is the Aurora!

Then, the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and the temperature dropped sharply, giving people the feeling of being in a world of ice and snow.

Coupled with the moisture in the air stirred up by the octopus, countless snowflakes and ice crystals appeared out of thin air.

The lines that linger around the body of the extremely giant dragon are like a staff, wrapped in snow crystals, and the majestic aura bursts out!

I saw the light of thought energy on the body of the extremely giant Chenglong flourishing, and then endless ice-blue thought energy burst out.

Even though those tentacles were still separated by a certain distance, a flash of white appeared from the tip, and then spread at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

From the tip of the tentacle, to the root of the tentacle, and then to the main body of the octopus.

A series of places turned into ice cubes!

Completely frozen!

Gigantamax skill——Super Gigantamax Aurora Melody!

This is the skill of the Gigantamax Dragon Riding Queen.

When Chenglong becomes gigantic, the original ice damage skills will be converted into the skill [Super Giant Aurora Melody].

After becoming Gigantamax, Chenglong is not only larger in size, more powerful, and has thicker health, but also has the ability to Gigantamax!

Even the giant octopus, which is stronger than it, still has no choice but to be defeated when faced with the Gigantamax skill.

And even that's not its main effect.

[Super Giant Aurora Melody]: Attacks the target to cause damage.

For 5 rounds, the damage taken by your Pokémon from special moves and physical moves will be halved.

If there are multiple Pokémon on your side, the amount will be reduced by one-third.

This skill not only has a damaging effect, but also has a very powerful auxiliary effect.

It is equivalent to using the effects of [Light Wall] and [Reflective Wall].

With the full exertion of the Dynamax Dragon, this was the defeat of the giant octopus.

So before most people could react, the giant octopus had turned into a giant ice sculpture.

Then accompanied by a louder cracking sound, dense cracks spread crazily on its surface.

Finally, it completely broke into pieces of ice floes and fell on the sea. Some larger ice floes looked similar to icebergs.

"Is this...dead?!"

Fisherman Ussaman's mouth opened wide. Seeing this scene, his mouth was already so big that it almost reached the floor.

He had almost thought about his last words just now, but in the blink of an eye, the enemy with terrifying strength was knocked down."

"It should be said that he is worthy of being President Lin Ke?"

Pariston said with a smile, but the smile was obviously much stiffer, and the look of surprise in his eyes quickly disappeared.

He knew that with Lin Ke present, there was a high probability that the octopus could be eliminated, but he did not expect it to be so easy.

It seems that Lin Ke's strength is really far beyond his imagination.

Even...does it have the ability to make the mind beast grow to a huge size?

Pariston glanced at Chenglong, who was shrinking and then being put away by Lin Ke, and thought to himself.

He found that he would never be able to figure out Lin Ke.

Whenever he feels that he understands Lin Ke well enough, Lin Ke will always show more unknown and shocking performances.

For example, there are endless strange mind beasts, such as the second form of the mind beast that appeared before, and the current mind beast that has become huge.

Lin Ke is a black hole that can never be explored, with countless secrets hidden deep inside.

"Hohohohoho, you are indeed Captain Lin Ke. Letting you accept the team was the best choice I ever made."

Biande stroked his beard, which had been trimmed to only a handful, and laughed heartily, feeling particularly happy.

Like Netero, Biande originally had a longer beard.

But because going to the Dark Continent is always dangerous, Biande cut off most of his beard before setting off.

Facing the dark continent, even the slightest influence may bury the hope of survival!

With Lin Ke's attack, even the huge octopus was defeated in one encounter.

Suddenly, everyone on the boat was in a high mood, filled with a sense of relaxation after tension.

At the same time, I am more confident in my subsequent actions!

After all, seeing is worth hearing a hundred times.

In the past, they only heard that Lin Ke was very strong, but there were very few people who saw him take action with their own eyes.

After a period of sailing, they also realized that Lin Ke was very strong, but they still had no confidence when facing the giant octopus.

Because the strength of this giant octopus is completely different from the previous creatures.

Only when we reach the latter part of the unknown sea area can we have our first glimpse of the Dark Continent and see the real creatures of the Dark Continent!

Fortunately, Captain Lin Ke's strength is far beyond their imagination.

People who are "surviving the disaster" are still in a relaxed atmosphere, letting their tense mentality relax.

Little did they know that a more terrifying crisis was coming!

In the depths of this sea,

This is an extremely deep ocean floor.

Because it is quite deep from the sea, there is no way for sunlight to reach here.

Therefore, wherever you look, you will see a picture as dark as ink, which can be said to be invisible.

Being here, I can't see, I can only feel the disturbance of the sea water with my body.

The strange thing is that it is surprisingly quiet here, with few signs of fish activity, as if it is a dead place with no living creatures.

But this is just an appearance.


When the giant octopus and the Dynamax dragon fought, the breath and the fluctuations of the battle spread to a very distant place.

Many giant creatures lurking on the seabed were awakened and awakened from their dormant state.

Swim towards the place where the fluctuation occurs!

Not only this sea area, but also the aftermath of the aura can be felt in more distant places.

If someone opens the God's perspective, they will find that with the ship as the center, there are extremely strong fluctuations in the sea areas in all directions!

The sea water is constantly surging, like an earth dragon turning over, and countless giant sea creatures are heading towards the ship!

There is a huge pink octopus, which looks like a relative of the octopus that died just now.

There is an extremely weird-looking alien creature with a huge head and a pair of huge eyes, but a very thin body.

There is a huge giant crab with two huge claws as big as mountains.

Those pliers leave no doubt that they can explode the mountain clamp in one go!

Countless giant creatures with terrifying auras are swarming in!

Even the weakest breath inside is S-level, and the highest one is even SS-level, which is the overlord of this entire area!

And all this is just a battle between two S-class, which first attracts the attention of surrounding creatures, and then also attracts the attention of creatures slightly farther away.

Because it is close to the dark continent, the most indispensable thing here is the huge marine life.

So in a very short period of time, countless marine armies were attracted!

This is a crisis that is countless times more dangerous than a giant octopus!

"Usaman, 460 please continue to move the ship forward."

Seeing that everyone was more relaxed, Biande asked Ussaman to continue letting the ship move forward.

At this time, Lin Ke, who was still admiring the iceberg, suddenly changed his expression and called Xun Er directly.

"No need to leave! Everyone be on alert!"

"Countless giant sea creatures are coming!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw huge figures appearing in the distance on the sea level.

And these figures are not just one or two, but countless desperate figures.

Rushing in from all directions in the sea, they were completely surrounded, and there was no vacancy anywhere!

No matter how far apart they were, countless majestic auras enveloped the ship, causing the water that had just stabilized to shake again.

Seeing this, most people had the same thought in their minds -

It’s over!!

They collapsed to the ground one after another, not even thinking of holding on to the pole of the boat. Their eyes were completely darkened and their faces were ashen!

This sudden change was in contrast to the relaxed atmosphere just now. They felt as if they had fallen from heaven to hell all of a sudden!

This caused them to lose their energy and spirit.

"Are we...dying?"

Chef Sami said stiffly.

An atmosphere of despair spread on the ship.

Even Biande looked horrified when he saw this, and he didn't have much hope for the next battle.

[It’s really a bit tricky~]

【As expected of the Dark Continent】

Facing the countless extremely huge marine creatures, Lin Ke felt as if he was in the world of "One Piece".

These creatures are the sea kings there, and each one is terrifyingly big.

It's just that these sea creatures look even weirder and weirder, and some of them look like aliens.

Lin Ke's eyes were extremely sharp, and after scanning around, he could roughly see the strength of those creatures.

Most of the strength is in the S-level range.

One of them looks like a green dragon, with a slender body and a crown-like organ on its head.

This is also the only SS-level creature in it.

This creature has been recorded on the [Gatekeeper] map and is the strongest creature in this sea area.

These marine creatures were able to come over collectively without any major commotion, mostly because of its leadership.

It is said to be tricky, but in fact it is not too difficult for Lin Ke to deal with these marine creatures.

After all, most of them are only in the S-class range.

The real trouble is other people and ships.

In such a fierce battle, he may not be able to save other people and ships.

After a short thought, Lin Ke decided to let Porygon Z open up a space, and then put them in with people and boats.

Then let Genesect fire a few more cannons to solve the problem this time.


"Pokémon is conceived!"

At this moment, after an extremely long gestation, a new Pokémon was finally born.

Lin Ke glanced casually, but it was this glance that made it difficult for him to look away.

Because the Pokémon born this time are so terrifying!

It is the creator of the ocean who is a first-class god!


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