Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 223 Kyogre’S Wrath! Are We Going To Die? (2/2, Please Subscribe)

Kyogre is one of the few first-level gods of Pokémon.

It's enough to be called one of Pokémon's most popular sides.

It is also one of the ultra-ancient Pokémon.

Ultra-Ancient Pokémon is the collective name for the legendary Pokémon Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza.

Their properties are all related to the weather.

For example, Kyogre and Groudon are the creators of the ocean and land respectively, and have the ability to expand the ocean or land.

Judging from the history of Pokémon, in the super ancient times thousands of years ago, the Pokémon world was full of natural energy.

Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre fought a protracted battle for the power of nature.

At this time, Rayquaza, who represented the atmosphere, descended to the ground and stopped them, causing Kyogre and Groudon to fall into a deep sleep.

It is said that Kyogre is the embodiment of the ocean and has the power to control water.

In mythology, it is said to be a Pokémon that expands the oceans by flooding the land with torrential rains and huge waves.

It has the power to create huge rain clouds that cover the entire sky and cause downpours.

This force is even powerful enough to flood land and expand the oceans.

Legend has it that Kyogre can double the size of the sea by swimming once in the sea.

It can be seen from this that Kyogana is well-deserved as the "Creator of the Ocean" and is a well-deserved ocean beast in the Pokémon world!

At the same time, its appearance is also very marine.

Kyogre is a whale-like Pokémon whose prototype is a killer whale.

It has two huge pectoral fins, with four white square structures on the tips of each fin.

Kyogre's body is dark blue, with a white chin and two white spikes protruding from it.

Above Kyogre's eyes, there are two white oval spots, and there are red stripes on the chin, eyes, back of the fins and torso.

When Kyogre is full of energy, these stripes will emit light.

Kyogre's tail is split into four strip-like structures, the inner strip being smaller than the outer strip.

It can be said that there is nothing to criticize about the appearance, it is quite handsome.

The only thing that is talked about is that its head is a bit bigger, so it is also called "fat-headed fish".

However, compared to his arch-enemy Groudon, who is called "flightless", it is better.

Name: Kyogre (original return)

Features: Rainfall

Attribute: water system

Strength: SS+——SSS-(promoting)

Skills: Root Wave, Water Spray, Freezing Beam, Water Cannon, Primordial Power…………

As a first-level god, Kyogre naturally has his own exclusive skill, which is [Root Wave]!

[Root Wave]: Attack the opponent with countless blue-white and shining lights.

Although the description is very simple, as a skill with a power of 110, Kyogre will have a devastating effect when used.

But this is not what really caught Lin Ke's attention.

The most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the words next to Kyogre——The original return!

Kyogre is one of the few first-level gods that can evolve again, but the type of evolution is relatively unique.

This is an evolution called [Primal Return], which only Kyogre and Groudon have.

In the Pokémon world, there are many evolutions with different effects.

Among them, there are a large number of Mega Evolutions and Dynamaxes that can be used.

There are also evolutions that only a very few Pokémon can use, such as primal return, bond evolution, etc.

Unlike the effects of Mega Evolution and Dynamax, Primordial Return restores Kyogre and Tonrador to their prehistoric appearance.

In other words, their current strength has been reduced.

The original state a long time ago is their original strength.

Normally, if you want Kyogre to return to its original form and become the original Kyogre, you need to carry the [Indigo Orb].

[Indigo Orb] is a prop exclusive to Kyogre. It is an orb that exudes indigo light.

It is said that it has a deep connection with the legends of the Hoenn region and contains powerful super-ancient power.

Kyogre carrying the [Indigo Orb] will make his original return. Not only does he look more handsome, but his strength is far beyond his normal state.

At the same time, the characteristics will be changed from the ordinary [Rainfall] to the unique [Original Sea] of the original Kyogre.

[Sea of ​​Origin]: When a Pokémon with this attribute appears, the weather turns to heavy rain.

But unlike Genesect, Kyogre's birth did not appear with props.

The information displayed in this illustrated book also solved several problems for Lin Ke.

Originally, Lin Ke felt strange. The pregnancy test had only reached half of the progress, so how could it be pregnant?

Even now that Kyogre has come out, the gestation bar has not disappeared and is still slowly advancing.

Now Lin Ke finally understood that this gestation bar distinguished Kyogre from the original Kyogre.

When the fertility bar reaches half, Kyogre appears.

Then the gestation bar continues to advance, and at the same time Kyogre will continue to develop towards [original return].

Presumably when the breeding bar reaches the end, Kyogre will be completely transformed into the original Kyogre.

It can be understood that the Pokémon conceived this time is the original Kyogre, but it was released in its normal state midway.

It’s understandable when you think about it, because [Original Return] is different from Mega Evolution in that there is no limit on time and number of times.

As long as you carry the orb, you can maintain this state.

So this was the result of giving birth to the original Kyogre.

Kyogre is also his first true divine beast!

He has the legendary Pokémon, but Marshado and Genesect are all phantom beasts, while Void is a strange beast.

The Kyogre conceived this time was his first divine beast.

Moreover, the first divine beast is a first-level god, one of the three hand-source gods in charge of the ocean.

Kyogre has a high appearance rate in all major theater versions, and even in games such as Lord Purple and Sword and Shield!

"Are you really going to die here~~?"

Lilith slumped on the ground, affected by Chef Sami's words, her face as pale as paper.

"I should have played two more games with old p if I had known earlier."

"I haven't played enough games yet."

The mushroom-headed child Pactro sat next to Lilith, his petite body trembling uncontrollably.

Most people have no hope of survival.

Just face the fear of death!

At this moment, the entire sea area is crowded with huge giant marine creatures, and every breath is extremely strong!

Waves of invisible aura enveloped the sea area, making the air almost solid and making it difficult to breathe.

All kinds of breaths are messy, some are extremely strong, and some are relatively weak.

But most people know that even a relatively weak breath is not something they can match!

There is a twisted creature with huge eyeballs all over its body, and its green body looks extremely weird.

Each eyeball is the size of a ship, and the total size is as huge as a mountain.

Just looking at it makes one's scalp numb, and a feeling of horror arises from the bottom of my heart.

There is a monster whose whole body is covered with long corpse hair, and its face is completely covered by the hair, only revealing the shadow inside.

The body exudes a strong corpse smell, and there is most likely rotten flesh underneath the long hair.

There is also a sea monster with three heads in a row, holding a huge head, and the blue body is filled with strange light.

Even a glimpse of it has a heart-wrenching feeling.

Compared with these giant creatures, the octopus encountered first turned out to be relatively easy to accept.

After all, these creatures have all kinds of strange looks.

The most eye-catching and powerful among them is the dragon-shaped sea beast that Lin Ke has been paying attention to.

"This is...the true level of danger in the unknown sea!"

"I'm still too dismissive!"

Biande said in a daze, trying hard to clench his hands tightly, but he couldn't help but loosen them.

Even the entire ship except Lin Ke, that is, Jin and Biande leaned against the wall to prevent it from collapsing.

But wrapped in countless auras, they could not exert more strength and could only stare at everything in front of them with wide eyes.

Even speaking, I spent a lot of effort, and finally said it with gritted teeth.

He despises the unknown sea too much!

Last time, Biande and other soldiers were led by the [Leader] to a relatively safe sea area that was little known.

So he had never seen such a terrifying scene.

Even the last voyage did not encounter monsters like giant octopuses, and it reached the Dark Continent extremely smoothly.

After a long period of exploration, both the [Gatekeeper] and the [Leader] have a detailed understanding of the surrounding area.

Especially in Lake Mobius, they know where there are powerful sea monsters and where there are very few sea monsters.

These things are known in the mind and recorded on the map.

It wasn't until today that Biande became deeply aware of the horror of the unknown sea!

It's neither a weird ability nor a huge individual.

But there are a lot of them!

The sea area is too vast, and the number of creatures in it is countless. Even giant creatures are extremely common here.

Usually, if it causes too much noise, it will attract the attention of other giant creatures.

Because the quantity distribution is too dense.

This is also in line with the [evolution] of the creatures in the dark continent.

Normally, because there is not much difference in strength between each other, when they rarely fight, they are afraid of being injured and missed by other creatures.

So they will not miss any opportunity to evolve.

The giant octopus died, but it also attracted more giant creatures!

This is like a chain reaction, where nearby creatures attract the attention of distant creatures, which then attract the attention of creatures further away.

Biande, who was very observant, also discovered that some of these sea beasts were stained with all kinds of bloodstains.

They must have fought with other giant creatures on the way here. After all, they are predators on each other.

In other words, those who can reach this point are not much weaker.

They are the dishes that are served on the table, and the sea beasts around them are the creatures that have been selected to sit at the table and eat.

They are the prey, and the sea beasts are the Hunters!

"I really didn't expect it~"

"Isn't there even a chance to reach the Dark Continent...

Pariston said in a low tone.

In this life-and-death situation, he finally lost the ever-changing fake smile on his face and became expressionless.

Even more gloomy.

"Death? That's not certain."

"Believe Lin Ke, when has he ever failed?"

"As far as I know, no one or even any creature has ever defeated him since he first emerged!"

“That was the case in the past, and it is even more so now!”

The veins in Jin's hands were exposed, supporting him against the wall and preventing him from collapsing on the floor.

Being pressed by countless breaths, he could barely manage not to fall.

A pair of bright eyes are full of perseverance, and the tone is full of confidence in Lin Ke!

Unlike others, he had experienced the aura of Lin Ke's Nian Beast up close.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Ke has at least two thoughts

All beasts are stronger than the most powerful of the sea beasts!

Especially the mind beast that can fire light cannons. Even if there are so many sea beasts around, it is just a matter of a few more cannons.

Jin, who has close observation experience, has very strong confidence in Lin Ke.

His only worry is that Lin Ke can't protect so many people.

The best outcome is that everyone survives.

The worst outcome is probably that only Lin Ke will survive!


【They also have Captain Lin Ke!】

When the others heard Jin's shout, they all turned their attention to Lin Ke.

Only then did they realize that Captain Lin Ke had been standing there peacefully.

With his hands folded across his chest, there was no trace of panic on his face, and he exuded a confident temperament everywhere.

[Could it be that... Captain Lin Ke can really solve the current dilemma?!]

Seeing this, people's hearts once again ignited a firework called ".||Hope", and they all looked closely at Lin Ke.

This is also their last and only existence in which they can place hope!

At this time, Lin Ke did not pay attention to the earnest eyes of others, but the eyes of the dragon-shaped sea beast.

Those huge eyes are full of humanity!

Obviously, it possesses strong intelligence, and is smarter than the previous giant octopus and even the surrounding sea beasts.

Even if it spoke in the next moment, Lin Ke wouldn't be too surprised.

The eyes of the dragon-shaped sea beast turned around, showing obvious doubts and anger.


Then he suddenly opened his ferocious mouth and let out a loud roar toward the sky!

Lin Ke guessed that it probably roared angrily when it came over and found that the "food" was gone.

The strong sound waves caused the surrounding seawater to vibrate, and countless waves appeared out of thin air.

At the same time, all the sea beasts began to take action, as if they had received orders from the dragon sea beast!

All of a sudden, all kinds of attacks hit the ship.

Some spray venom, some use giant tentacles, and some spray giant beams.

It can be said to be a scene of "a hundred flowers blooming".

Facing so many fierce attacks, the people on the ship could already predict their own fate.

That is to be turned into nothingness by one attack after another!


Suddenly, time seemed to stop at this moment, and an extremely sharp scream resounded through the sky!

Immediately, the originally sunny sky was filled with dark clouds in an instant, and thick dark clouds completely changed the weather!

Along with the appearance of dark clouds, it also began to rain, and it was an extraordinary large-scale rainstorm.

At the next (good Li Zhao) moment, a ray of blue thought energy rose into the sky in the form of a beam of light!!

A breath as deep and vast as the sea centered on the sky above the ship and quickly spread in all directions!!

The edge of the dark continent which is far away from here,

This is where the "Gatekeeper" and "Guide" live.

In a huge house,

[Gatekeeper] suddenly opened his huge eyes, his eyes were full of horror, and his body was shaking involuntarily!

Just now, there was an extremely terrifying aura coming in like a tide [even though he was as strong as Zhongdu, he felt like he was breathing heavily.

This aura is extraordinary, not only extremely powerful, but also as vast as the sea.

[Could it be that some powerful sea beasts appeared in the unknown sea? 】

【It doesn’t make sense?】

[I know very well that there is nothing more than Lake Mobius. At most, there are only existences of similar strength to myself.

[And with the resources in that sea area, it is absolutely impossible for sea beasts to grow to this extent! 】

" it the aura emitted by alien creatures?"

[Gatekeeper] said in a low tone.

I don’t know why, but a person appears in its heart.

A human being with extraordinary strength!

The back end of uncharted waters.

I saw a large amount of water suddenly appearing in the surrounding sea area.

If any creature opens the God's perspective, it will be discovered that the amount of water in the entire Lake Mobius is constantly increasing!

Sea levels are rising, and more and more water is beginning to encroach on the surrounding land area!

"Come out, Kyogre!"

Following Lin Ke's low shout, the sky above the ship appeared in vain, and the space fluctuated!

Suddenly, a dark blue figure floated there, its indifferent eyes full of contempt for the sea beasts.

Be the ruler of the ocean!

These sea beasts are completely worthless in its eyes!

The next moment, Abbot Kyogre was surrounded by light!

It should be said that if these sea beasts dare to attack it, they must be punished!

Because it is the god of the ocean!!!

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