Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 225 Two Gestation Bars! There’S A Surprise When I First Arrived! (1/2, Please Subscribe)


With a relatively slight collision sound, the ship safely docked under the solemn eyes of everyone.

Because the entire coastline is a beach, their ships can dock directly.

Instead of having to stand a long distance away and then go there by swimming or kayaking.

Although the ship had already docked, no one took any action, but instead watched the surroundings vigilantly.

At first glance there is nothing wrong with it.

What caught everyone's eyes was a stretch of golden beach, glowing with a golden color under the slowly dazzling sunshine.

From time to time, one or two waves hit, taking away the outermost wisps of yellow sand and bringing in some unknown impurities.

Further away are huge purple trees, numerous in number, forming a purple forest.

They were far apart before, so they didn't notice a single detail.

That is, these trees are so huge that they can be seen clearly from a long distance away.

Each tree is the size of a high-rise building. If you are inside, you will feel like you are in a big city.

It's just that one is a real jungle and the other is a metaphorical "steel jungle".

Because the woods were too large and dense, they could not see clearly the landscape behind the woods for a while.

Not to mention the purple forest in the distance.

There seemed to be nothing wrong with the beach right in front of them.

At least I looked around and found no signs of any living things.

It's called a beach, but in fact it's enough to be called a desert.

Because it covers a very vast area, you can only see the purple forest at the end of your field of view from a distance.

The rest of the horizon is endless desert.

Suddenly, everyone thought of the same question.

That’s the source of water!

When walking in the desert, diet is crucial.

Among them, water source issues require the most attention.

It is a well-known fact that there are few water sources in the desert. If there is a lack of water sources during a long journey, it will be a fatal blow.

"Only visual inspection, although it is not accurate enough, but if we look at it at our normal speed of action."

"It will take about a day or two to reach the purple forest."

“But this is the time calculated when we can move forward extremely smoothly without considering obstacles.

"The real time spent will definitely exceed this number, and Yiyi will always encounter various dangers.

"How long it will take in the end depends on how many dangers we encounter on the road."

Muhru pondered for a moment, and then expressed his thoughts.

He first divided the operation into small operations to plan, for example, from landing to arriving at the purple forest, this was a small operation.

Then for this small action, list the approximate time it will take, the dangers you may encounter, etc.

"So far, we have not found any dangers to living things, but one thing we need to pay attention to is the water source.

"Although the journey across the desert does not take much time, you still need to pay attention to water sources."

"There are two solutions right now."

"The first is to bring our own water source."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone except Lin Ke, Jin and Biande took out the water bags they specially carried.

Compared with water bottles, water bags are lighter and easier to carry, so they unanimously choose to bring water bags with a large amount of fresh water inside.

As for Biande, he touched the silver bracelet on his hand, and a transparent drop of water suddenly appeared in his hand.

【Collect water beads?】

Lin Ke recognized this water drop at first sight because he also had such a thing on hand.

"In addition to the water bags everyone brings, I have also prepared a large number of water collecting beads to meet our water needs."

Biande held the [Water Gathering Bead] in his hand and said confidently.

“Even though it’s just a drop of water half the size of a fist, it’s actually very effective.

"Just taking one water drop like this can provide an adult with the moisture he needs throughout the day."

"Especially suitable for replenishing body moisture when there is not enough fresh water."

Lin Ke still remembers that it came from a fish called "water bead fish" in [Carter Harbor].

This fish has a very strange appearance. There is almost no fish meat on its body, but its body is formed by water droplets.

It seems that because of the special body of the water bead fish, it can secrete a strange membrane to compress and purify the water body.

The originally salty sea water has been purified and turned into water droplets that are the same as fresh water.

Moreover, this kind of fish is extremely rare and only exists in the depths of the sea, so the price of each water drop is very high.

Lin Ke had guessed at the beginning that some people targeting the Dark Continent would buy this kind of thing.

After all, in that kind of place, the effect of [Water Collecting Beads] is more prominent and appears extremely important.

As expected, Biande bought a lot of [Water Gathering Beads] and must have spent a lot of money on them.

"Yes, the water reserves we carry are pretty good."

Muhru nodded, and then continued with the second point.

"The second is that after all the water sources we carry are exhausted, we need to start with local water sources."

"At this time, Sammy's Nen is used to determine whether those water sources are drinkable."

Sammy nodded.

"The only worry is that it will be troublesome if the Dark Continent cannot find a source of drinkable water.

Muhru added the last and most important sentence.

Sammy's Nen can only determine the safety of food, but cannot purify it.

"Don't worry, we won't face that kind of dilemma, because we still have Captain Lin Ke here."

Hearing this, Biande laughed and looked at Lin Ke next to him.

Lin Ke chuckled and said: "Yes, I carry a lot of fresh water with me, which is enough for our trip."

The large amounts of fresh water he was referring to now sit in the shadows.

To be precise, it was in Gengar's belly.

"Then you don't have to worry about this issue anymore."

Muhru glanced at Lin Ke and Biande, then breathed a sigh of relief and spoke slowly.

Although he didn't know how Captain Lin Ke carried a large amount of fresh water with him.

But since the first and second leaders of the team have said so, he just needs to believe them.

"Now that the water source problem has been completely solved, we have to focus on safety issues.


After Muhru finished speaking, he shouted to the watermelon-headed Matthew on the other side.


Matthew walked over, holding a live chicken in his hand. At this time, it was frightened by Matthew's three situations.

They had deliberately brought this chicken with them before setting sail, just for times like this.

"Because the Dark Continent is full of dangers, we need to be more cautious before landing and use this chicken to explore the path first."

At Muhru's words, Matthew threw the chicken under the boat.

Fortunately, the boat was not very high, and the chicken landed safely with its wings flapping under people's gaze.

Stepping on the yellow sand, the chicken first tilted its head forward, then took two steps and pecked the ground twice.

In the next minute, the chicken walked and stopped nearby.

There was no biological attack from beginning to end, and there was no sudden situation.

"It seems that there is no danger nearby, and we can start to get off the boat."

Under the command of Muhlu, one team member after another stepped onto the yellow sand and really walked onto the dark continent.

When Lin Ke stepped onto this unknown continent, the gestation bar appeared in his mind again.

Lin Ke was not particularly surprised by this, but was more surprised by another thing.

Because at this moment, two gestation bars suddenly appeared in his mind!

One of them was extremely slow, about the same speed as the previous gestation of Kyogre, and the progress was negligible.

The speed of the other one was much faster, especially compared with the one next to it, it seemed much faster.

This was the third time that two gestation bars appeared at the same time.

He could probably guess which Pokémon the first one would be.

As for the latter one…………………

Maybe it has something to do with the beach under his feet?

After thinking for a while, seeing that everyone had gotten off the boat, Lin Ke casually said:

"Everyone has gotten off, so I will put the boat away first."

As soon as the voice fell, a large space channel appeared under the boat, and the entire boat fell into it and disappeared in an instant.

Only a wisp of sea breeze was left blowing in the original place, and the entire boat disappeared without a trace.

This is another advantage of having Lin Ke in the team, you can put the boat away anytime and anywhere, instead of leaving it outside.

"Let's go!"

Lin Ke stood in front of the team and led the people behind him to walk forward.

The team roughly formed a rhombus.

Lin Ke, as the strongest person and also the captain, was at the front of the team.

Jin was on the left side of the team, and Bijande, as the second in command, stayed at the back of the team to guard against the danger from behind.

Some strong players, such as Marionai, Matthew and others, were on the right side of the team.

Golem and other members of the Stone Wall were interspersed in various directions as supplementary members.

……………………Please give me flowers………………

The remaining few relatively weak logistics personnel stayed in the middle of the team.

They may be slightly weaker than others, but their Nen are extremely important.

This includes Milu, who has been using Nen to [Listen to the Sound of Nature] to explore the surroundings.

"Dit, Dit..."

People walked on the beach, and the yellow sand under their feet made a slight sound.

The sand on this beach is very fine, and most of the particles are very small, as if they have been worn countless times.

So it is very soft to step on it, and it is easy to make your feet sink.

Especially the heavier the person, the easier it is to sink into it, and it feels like walking in a swamp.

So people have to pay more attention to their feet and not use too much strength to walk.

If the yellow sand near the sea is like this, it's nothing.

But the problem is that when they walk a long distance, the yellow sand they encounter is still so fine, and there is almost no change when observed with the naked eye.

After driving a distance forward, just when people thought that there was no biological activity on this beach, Mi Lu's face suddenly changed.

"There is a strong vibration underground!"

"Something big is coming out of the ground!"

After he finished speaking, he saw a violent vibration coming from the ground, which made people's feet numb.

Almost instantly, everyone reacted immediately and ran around.

In an instant, everyone stepped on the sand layer with all their strength. Countless yellow sand rose into the sky, and they were immediately stepped on to create larger sand pits.

The feet are wrapped with strong thoughts, which allows them to run faster and prevent their feet from sinking into the sand when running wildly.

I saw that he was still in the same place just now

Everyone ran to the surrounding area in the next moment, and the team formed a circle.

Just two breaths after the people left, the place where they were just exploded instantly, with countless yellow sand flying in all directions.

I saw a huge strip-shaped creature rushing out suddenly, twisting its body. The mouthparts in its mouth were quite ferocious, covered with densely packed teeth.

The exposed body alone is about five or six stories high. The tall body coupled with the aura of a frail person makes people feel like they have fallen into an ice cellar.

"Is this the Dark Continent? It gave us a surprise as soon as we set foot on this land.'

"There are such big sandworms!"

Jin held the hat on his head to prevent it from being blown away by the dust caused by the sandworms.

A pair of eyes stared closely at the sandworm waving wildly, and exclaimed.

He has naturally seen sandworms and eaten some sandworm delicacies.

But those sandworms are at most about the same size as a giant python. I have never seen a sandworm as big as a building!

This is only the exposed part of it. I don’t know how high it is in total length.

The flying yellow sand disturbed the area, but it made a metallic sound when it hit people.

Because every human body surface is attached with thick mind energy!

Just when everyone was getting ready, something unexpected happened on the field!


I saw another sandworm of different sizes emerging from the surroundings, baring its teeth and claws at them.

Obviously, they encountered the group in the sand!

"Fight separately! Assess your own strength before confronting you!"

Biande shouted, then burst out his mental energy, stepped on the ground suddenly, and suddenly jumped into the air.

When he was exposed, Biande appeared in front of a huge sandworm, and the remaining energy on his body was as dazzling as flames.


The punch hit the sandworm's abdomen directly and exploded, but only the outer skin was broken, and its internal organs were not visible.

Biyande's expression became more solemn.

The outer skin of this sandworm is quite thick and its defense is extremely strong. Even if it is punched, it will not have a particularly significant effect.


The mental energy in Biande's fists surged. The violent mental energy was extremely dazzling, and the energy contained in it was comparable to missiles.


Since the power is not enough, he uses speed to make up for it!

Although the sandworm is large in size and has outstanding defense power, its reaction speed is obviously insufficient.

Except for Biande, who was very punchy, the other people's battles were more unique.

There is Lilith who uses poison to attack, and Golem who uses telekinesis weapons to attack...

The most distinctive one is undoubtedly Mariona, who can stop many sandworms by herself through the many puppets she creates.

She has many kinds of puppets, but her possessions are limited

There are knife-wielders for melee combat, gunners for long-range combat, and shield-wielders for resisting attacks...

It can be said that she relies on puppets, which is equivalent to an entire army. .

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