Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 226: Take Action Yourself! Cut Off The Roots! (Please Subscribe)

Suddenly, hundreds of flowers bloomed on the field.

Everyone used their special skills just to win the first battle ashore.

The fierce battle caused the fine yellow sand to float in the air, giving the originally clean and fresh air a yellow tint.

It's like a yellow filter has been added to the whole world, giving people a hazy feeling.

The energy of thought intertwined with the yellow sand, and the only sounds on the field were explosions and collisions that were particularly loud.

Everyone has faced an opponent that suits them, and Lin Ke is naturally the most powerful leader against the entire sandworm swarm.

"I don't know if it tastes good or not?"

"Remember to stew?"

Lin Ke stood in front of the huge sandworm, showing no fear at all as the sandworm opened its teeth and claws and set off waves of sandstorms.

Instead, I thought about what these sandworms tasted like.

Lin Ke remembered that he had eaten sandworm meat in the Samok Desert before, and it tasted pretty good.

But rather than the taste, Lin Ke is more curious about how much strength it will improve if he eats it?

The strength of the sandworm in front of him at this moment is not too high, that is, it is comparable to S-level.

Except for the other sandworms that Biande faced, none of them had reached S level, so only others could deal with them.

But it is understandable, after all, they have just stepped onto the border of the Dark Continent, which can be said to be the edge of the edge.

As soon as we landed, we met S-class and a bunch of A-class creatures [which was already shocking enough.

Only then did Lin Ke realize that he had some misunderstandings about the V5 soldiers.

Their ability to bring [disaster] back is the result of hard work.

In fact, anyone with less strength would not even be qualified to encounter [disaster].

For example, the swarm of sandworms encountered now, these relatively ordinary creatures alone can stop countless people from six continents.

V5 soldiers can explore a little deeper inside and encounter various [disasters], but their own strength of "883" is definitely not enough.

High-tech weapons must have been used!

For example, [Poor Man's Rose] or other high-power weapons.

In this way, they were able to advance a little further in this place where S-class people were everywhere and there were as many A-class people as dogs.

This is undoubtedly bad news for others.

This means that their desire to bring back [Hope] and conquer this continent is even more difficult to achieve.

But it's different for Lin Ke.

On the contrary, he wished that the creatures in the Dark Continent were more powerful and more diverse.

In this way, the higher level and more types of Pokémon he can breed will be.

Especially after having Kyogre, Lin Ke no longer has any worries about his own safety.


Seeing the human in front of him standing there motionless, the sandworm's body suddenly bent down, and a big mouth full of ferocious mouthparts bit directly at Lin Ke!

The smelly mouthparts were also mixed with some blood, and it could be seen that this sandworm had eaten some creatures not long ago.

On this continent, the term "the weak eats the strong" is interpreted more vividly.

As long as the strength is insufficient, then it is destined to play the role of "prey".

The sandworm is huge, its mouth is the size of a car, and it can swallow several people in one mouthful.

Facing the menacing sandworm, Lin Ke raised the corner of his mouth slightly, swayed, and disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, Lin Ke suddenly appeared in front of the sandworm, his right hand bent into a claw shape, filled with strong dark black thoughts!

The strong dark thought energy was like a shadow, attached to Lin Ke's right hand, rising and falling with his breathing.

The dark black claws look extremely sharp, as if they are indestructible and can easily tear anything apart!

Although he basically lets Pokémon take action, this does not mean that his strength is weak!

After eating countless delicacies, his physical strength has reached S+ level!

In terms of physical strength alone, Lin Ke is enough to be called the absolute "world's strongest" worker on the six continents.

But it was precisely because the ingredients from the Six Continents no longer contributed much to his strength that he turned his attention to the creatures in the Dark Continent.

And he was in a fused state with one Pokémon from beginning to end!

That’s the fruity ghost cicada!

Although the biggest role of Gui Cicada is to put a blood lock on him, making him immortal.

But the effects that other Pokémon can provide, such as using Pokémon's skills, can still be used by Juggernaut.

What Lin Ke is currently using is Gui Chan's skill.

Ghost skill——Shadow Claw!


The sharp shadow claws easily tore a huge gap in the thick skin of the sandworm.

The sandworm's proud defense was no different than paper in front of Lin Ke's shadow claws.

In an instant, the shadow claws made a sound in the air, and then a distinct red line appeared on the sandworm.


The upper body of the sandworm fell suddenly, and its huge and thick body pressed a deep pit on the beach.

The remaining half of the body was still standing on the same spot, with blood gushing out like a fountain.

With just one blow, the sandworm was split into two pieces, and the two pieces were cut off directly.

This clean ending was in sharp contrast to the stalemate of others.

Just cutting Lin Ke off in the middle was not enough, because at this moment the upper half of the sandworm's body was twisting in the sand pit.

Obviously there is still a lot of life left.

Lin Ke was not surprised by this, but felt that it was natural.

It is very reasonable for the creatures in the dark continent to have tenacious vitality.

This is the case with chimera ants, for example. They can survive for a whole day just by cutting them in half, but they can only be fatal if they explode.

Lin Ke's fingers were slightly hooked, as if pulling on a thread, and then invisible slashes hit the sandworm's head one after another.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

There were several sounds in succession, and the huge head in the sand seemed to have been struck several times by a huge axe.

Completely pulpy.

The half of the body that was still restless also became calm and stopped moving. It was obviously dead.

The huge noise did not attract the attention of others, because the entire field was filled with the sounds of fighting.

Only Biande and Liao Liao noticed the situation on Lin Ke's side. They were not surprised and just fought harder.

It turns out that there may be many people on the ship who have no specific knowledge of Lin Ke's strength.

But after experiencing this period of voyage, everyone has a deep understanding of how exaggerated Lin Ke's strength is.

So they were not surprised at Lin Ke's speed of light to solve the battle. They would have been surprised if Lin Ke had spent more time.

"Boom! Boom!"

Shortly after Lin Ke, there was another loud noise of two sandworms falling, and the person who defeated them was Jin.

Because the two powerful sandworms were faced by Lin Ke and Biande respectively, Jin could only "shortly pull out the general".

Among the remaining sandworms, I picked two to practice with.

For these sandworms with only A-level strength, it is not an exaggeration to describe them as "golden hands".

It is better for Jin to observe all aspects of the sandworm while fighting, otherwise the battle will end faster.

After Jin, more and more sandworms were knocked down by people one after another, falling one after another like dominoes.


As the last sandworm fell, a burst of dust was thrown up, which also heralded the complete destruction of the sandworm group.

In fact, after defeating them, there were already sandworms who wanted to give up. Although they were not very intelligent, they could still see that they were at a disadvantage.

But some people see how this works?

Everyone else successfully killed the sandworms they faced, but the sandworms escaped after fighting for a long time. Where did they lose their face?

So under the interference of people's actions intentionally or unintentionally, not a single sandworm escaped in the end.

Although it took a little more effort, Biande had no objection to this and acquiesced.

Stay cautious in a place like the Dark Continent, where every ounce of physical strength is important.

This is certainly true, but it must be judged based on the specific circumstances.

Although these sandworms are powerful, their team is fully capable of chewing them down. It is just a matter of time.

Turns out Bjornde was right.

If you can still kill the opponent while still having a lot of energy left, you can choose to attack with the result of killing the enemy.

Instead of saving more energy.

There are three reasons.

First of all, if you can kill the opponent, you can get more harvest. The bodies of these creatures are also valuable things.

If you let them run away directly, you will gain nothing.

Secondly, they have just landed, and this is the team's first real battle in the Dark Continent.

If you can completely destroy the opponent, this will also have a great effect on boosting morale.

And this is only the enemy at the lowest level of the Dark Continent. The further you go, the more terrifying the enemy becomes.

When the time comes, there will be no chance for you to be so "easy".

Finally, it is also Biande’s unique insight as someone who has been to the dark continent.

It is said to be a unique insight, but in fact many people also know it.

That is to eliminate the root cause!

It's just that this word is usually used in the struggle between people. You can't have mercy when facing your enemies, and you have to eradicate them.

Biande's mission is to eradicate these creatures of the dark continent.

Because something happened to his team that went to the Dark Continent together.

It was precisely because of this incident that he took the words "cutting the grass and eradicating the roots" to heart.

That time, he and other soldiers came to a jungle and encountered some jackal-like creatures.

This creature is quite bloodthirsty, and Biande still remembers those bloodthirsty red eyes.

At the first encounter, the jackals attacked them.

After a hard battle, their side won the victory, but someone accidentally let the two jackals go.

This incident did not attract much attention from others, and their eyes were more focused on the captured jackal carcass.

He didn't show any sign of letting the two go, only he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Sure enough, after a while, they also walked out for a long distance...

But he was still caught up by the jackal with a keen sense of smell.

The jackals that caught up this time were not just one or two, but a pack of jackals that was much larger than what we had encountered before!

It was the two escaped jackals that attracted more of their kind!

The final result was that they had no choice but to use some weapons of mass destruction, and they were able to escape at the cost of killing some soldiers.

Thankfully, the use of weapons of mass destruction did not attract too many creatures.

This is why although they carry many high-tech weapons, they dare not use them frequently.

Because the movement is usually loud!

It is difficult for simple guns and shells to cause harm to these creatures, only those weapons of mass destruction can.

Therefore, there are regulations in the team that only allow the use of weapons of mass destruction when the situation is critical.

In the end, many people died, the pack of jackals and wolves were wiped out, and attacks from some other creatures were also attracted.

During the escape, even some of the harvests captured had to be discarded.

Overall the losses were quite serious.


All these losses were caused by accidentally letting the two jackals go.

Since then, Biande has also learned another bloody lesson.

When facing gregarious creatures, if the team has enough strength, then they must do their best to eliminate them!

Can't put any of them in!

After all, no one knows or can guarantee whether the running away creatures will attract more similar attacks.

A moment of negligence may lead to irreparable consequences!

Seeing that the dust had settled on the field, Lin Ke nodded slightly, and then a void figure suddenly appeared behind him.

In the blink of an eye, space passages of different sizes appeared on the field, and without exception they all appeared at the corpse of the sandworm.

Upon seeing this, everyone held their breath and watched Lin Ke's operation quietly, not daring to make any unnecessary movements.

All sandworms, whether they were broken into two sections, riddled with holes, or cut into pieces, were all put into space channels for preservation.

It took some time to fight the sandworms, but it only took a few breaths to collect them all.

The efficiency is quite high.

"Hey, let's rest for half an hour, and then we'll move forward."

Biande clapped his hands and asked everyone to rest here for a while to recharge their batteries before moving on.

According to his estimation, half an hour is enough for people to replenish their consumed mind energy.

All living things have territorial concepts.

Obviously this area belongs to the sandworm group.

The original owner has been killed by them, so this is the most suitable place to rest.

Hearing this, people responded one after another, and then either stood or sat cross-legged on the ground.

Although there are individual differences in postures, they have one thing in common, that is, they are all seizing the time to restore their Qi.

in cyberspace,

People all have their own division of labor, and some are processing and decomposing living things to use as food.

Some are responsible for cooking these ingredients and letting everyone have a delicious meal. The main one is the chef Sami.

Time flew by. It was morning when they landed on the Dark Continent. After a period of progress, it was already night.

4.5 Since dangers are more likely to occur at night, adequate rest time is also needed.

So everyone went to the cyberspace opened by Porygon Z to rest and set out again the next morning.

With Porygon Z, they can have an absolutely safe shelter anytime and anywhere.

This is also important for exploring the Dark Continent.

After all, the outdoors at night is usually more dangerous.

“The first day was passed without any danger.

Pariston glanced at the busy team members and whispered to a few people next to him.

Overall, he was quite satisfied with his experience on the first day.

"Yes, although today we only encountered the crisis of the sandworm swarm, it was just right."

"If you are overwhelmed on the first day, I'm afraid everyone will have mental problems soon.

"At the same time, thanks to Lin Ke's space, otherwise no one would dare to have a good rest even at night.

Jin was holding an oval-shaped fruit in his hand, looking at the fruit while responding.

Now in the dark continent, there are many crises.

After all, they are both members of the same team, so the tone between Pariston and King has softened a lot.

The fruit in his hand was green all over, with short thorns growing on it.

Calling it thorns is not quite right, because these thorns are so soft that they can almost be called villi.

In addition, it grows in the desert, so the name of this fruit is obvious.

Apparently a cactus fruit.

Not only is the appearance different from the cacti from the six continents, but after it is broken open, it is also filled with a lot of water.

It can even be called a green water bag.

A different kind of cactus caught Kim's attention.

At the same time, I can roughly guess that this cactus is one of the sources of water for desert creatures. .

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