Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 227 Quasi-God Bites Lu Shark Fiercely! The Prototype Of Sandstorm Team! (Please Subscribe)

The chat among several people did not last long. With the help of other members, Sami quickly prepared their dinner.

The main ingredients are the sandworm meat harvested today and some edible fish caught at sea.

Because the portion of sandworm meat is very large, you don’t have to worry about not having enough food.

Lin Ke looked at the fragrant dishes in front of him, and silently changed the fusion partner from Guichan to Kabibo.

He has checked these dishes with the [Danger Detector] and they are absolutely safe food.

Not to mention that he was in a safe cyberspace, the Pokémon such as Kyogre and Marshado on him were enough to protect him.

Therefore, he can safely combine with Kirby to maximize the effect of food.

Lin Ke picked up a piece of sandworm meat casually, dipped it in the sauce made by Sami's fish, and gently stuffed it into his mouth.

As soon as you put it in your mouth and take a sip, the thick pieces of sandworm meat melted instantly like ice cubes encountering a blazing flame.

The thick taste of the desert is paired with the ultimate sweetness of the ocean, and the layers of flavor explode at the top of Lin Ke's mouth.

The incomparable pleasure is transmitted from the tip of the tongue to the brain along the nerves, filling the brain with a sense of satisfaction and enjoyment.

At this moment, Lin Ke recalled the scene in the Samok Desert.

There I tasted the delicacies made by Menqi, including sandworm meat with marine sauce.

This moment is just like that moment.

Although Sami's cooking skills are not as good as Menqi's, he is still among the top in the six continents.

Mainly because of the difference in ingredients, the delicacies made by Salai Wenci are much more delicious than those made by Menqi.

After all, Menqi uses ingredients from the six continents, and there is still a very significant gap with the ingredients from these dark continents.

This is a taste bud collision of desert and ocean.

The sandworm meat is fat and tender and fragrant, and the seafood sauce is sweet and refreshing. The two are like a match made in heaven, giving people endless deliciousness.

I have to say that the ingredients in the Dark Continent are indeed different. There is a clear gap between the ingredients in the six continents.

Not only in terms of taste, but also in terms of improving strength.

Just after taking the first bite, Lin Ke felt that his long-dormant strength was loosened.

Upon seeing this, Lin Ke started to enjoy dinner at an extremely fast speed under the influence of both appetite and strength.

As he took one bite, Lin Ke felt that every cell in his body was cheering for joy.

Just like a long drought, it constantly absorbs the energy provided by delicious food and turns it into a part of its strength.

At the same time, Lin Ke’s strength is also rising!

Except for Lin Ke, everyone else was also immersed in the taste of this delicious food and couldn't extricate themselves for a long time.

Unlike Lin Ke, they do not have the special abilities of Kirby, and they mainly enjoy delicious food.

Although eating it will help your strength to a certain extent, the increase is far less than that of Lin Ke.

The more effective effects are to replenish the physical energy they consume, and to slightly increase the capacity of their mental energy and enhance their physique.

For a moment, the entire cyberspace fell into a strangely quiet environment, except for the constant sound of chewing.

Everyone relaxed and enjoyed these hard-earned delicacies, with faces full of satisfaction.

Thanks to being in cyberspace, they wouldn't dare to enjoy the food wholeheartedly like this in the outside world.

After a long time, Lin Ke was the fastest to wake up from the pleasure of this delicious food. He was the fastest eater and the one who ate the most.

Feeling the fluctuation of thought energy in his body, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Lin Ke's mouth.

Although he is still at the S+ level, he has also made great progress.

If he had only relied on his own physical strength before, he could have fought against the pre-evolved ants.

After eating this meal, Lin Ke is confident that he can defeat the pre-evolved ant king.

But it can only be defeated, but there is still some gap to kill.

Of course, this does not include the combination with Gui Chan, and it is completely based on his own strength.

Although Gui Chan is not very powerful, the skills it possesses are very helpful to Lin Ke.

Let’s not mention attack skills for now, those Conjurer skills are more useful.

For example, [Guard], [Promote], [High-speed Movement], etc.

At the same time, Gui Chan's health lock is also a big help, allowing him to trade injuries for injuries.

And these improvements are just the beginning, this is just his harvest on the first day.

There will be more food in the future, and the entire Dark Continent will become his back garden and become the ration for him to increase his strength!

the next morning,

After a night's rest, everyone's complexions improved significantly.

At this moment, everyone is staring at the big screens in cyberspace.

What is shown on the screen are pictures from all angles of the outside world.

Next, they will set foot on that unknown and dangerous continent again, so they need to know the outside situation before setting off.

Otherwise, there is a possibility of being attacked as soon as you go out.

Fortunately, you can see the outside world through cyberspace.

Lin Ke and Jin used this method to watch the battle between the Ant King and Netero.

In the picture, there are no signs of living things in the sky, on the ground, or in the distance.

"At present, there is no danger in the outside world. Of course, this is on the surface."

Muhru stared at it, and then spoke.

"Okay, then get ready to go!"

"Please pay attention under your feet, there may be creatures lurking under the sand!"

Biande nodded, and then the voice reminded him.

With the lessons learned from the past, they must learn from the experience and always pay attention to their steps.

The next moment, a passage with bright light appeared in front of everyone's eyes. It was large enough to allow many people to exit at once.

People filed out one after another, and the scene around them changed into a desert storm in the blink of an eye.

It's not just the environment that has changed, everyone's expressions have become serious again, and they have completely entered a state of alert.

The mental energy on the body's surface is extremely solid, like the armor on a knight, protecting them.

Seeing that nothing happened, everyone moved forward in the predetermined direction.

On the Dark Continent, those compass-like positioning devices have lost their effectiveness, and the pointers will only move around meaninglessly.

Biande was not surprised by this, because he had experienced the same thing last time.

Obviously, the magnetic field of the Dark Continent is relatively chaotic and cannot be used for positioning.

Therefore, they rely on the most basic astrological knowledge to judge the east, west and north.

In addition, there are some special methods.

[Direction Flower]: The flowers are in four colors: red, yellow, blue and green, with four petals in total, each petal occupies a color.

Each petal points to a specific direction, such as red pointing to the east, yellow pointing to the south...

Holding the azimuth flower, if the petals in each direction are pointed wrongly, the flower will tremble slightly and then slowly wither.

So people used this effect to make the azimuth flower into a compass-like device [the effect remains unchanged.

At the same time, the name was also retained and continued to be called [azimuth flower]

Now they don't have a particularly big need for this, because they can rely on the purple forest in the distance to determine their direction.

But it will definitely be useful later, especially when entering a dense and huge forest, where people can easily lose their way.


"Pokemon is bred!"

Lin Ke just walked forward for a while, and heard the notification sound of Pokémon bred.

Hearing this, Lin Ke immediately focused his attention on the new Pokémon.

The new Pokémon has two legs with dragon characteristics, looks like a hammerhead shark, and most of its body is dark blue.

The abdomen is red and extends all the way to the lower jaw, and the lower end of the abdomen is a golden diamond-shaped structure.

Its snout also has a golden cross pattern. It has two protrusions on its head, and there is an inverted five-pointed star-shaped yellow spot on the tip of its nose.

Its wings grow on its forearms, similar to the pectoral fins of a shark, and the two wings are like sickles, which can easily cut many things.

At first glance, it looks like a large shark in human form.

If it folds its body and spreads its wings, it looks like a jet plane.

The posture after spreading its wings is exactly the same as that of a jet plane. As long as it poses in this posture, it can fly at the speed of sound.

It is Garchomp, one of the quasi-gods [the earth dragon nicknamed "Little Dragon Head Rat"]! It is also the iconic trump card of Sirona in the original work! Although it seems not surprising that Garchomp was bred here. But Lin Ke didn't expect it at first. However, it is very reasonable that an earth dragon was bred in a place comparable to a large desert. Since then, he finally has the prototype of the Sandstorm Team and the two trump cards of the Sandstorm Team. They are Bangira as a weatherman and Garchomp as a main attacker. Lin Ke remembered that he had imagined that he might have Garchomp later in the martial arts competition, and today he got what he wanted. Seeing that nothing happened at the moment, Lin Ke directly used constraints and oaths on Garchomp. Name: Garchomp

Feature: Sand Hidden

Attribute: Ground, Dragon

Strength: S-

Skills: Earthquake, Reverse Scale, Sword Dance, Dragon Claw, Meteor Swarm, Dragon's Inspiration………………

Gargoyle is good at everything except Dragon Pokémon's signature skill [Dragon Dance]

Even if it is given [Dragon's Inspiration] to make up for it, it is almost the same as not having it, and the skill is of little use.

However, the effect will be better in the real world, and the role will be greater than in the game.

[Dragon's Inspiration]: It can improve the morale of one's own team, improve concentration, and increase the probability of hitting the enemy's vital points. It is more effective against Dragon Pokémon.

This is also a good auxiliary skill in team battles.


Lin Ke gathered his thoughts and heard Bijand's shout.

I saw that from some time on, yellow flag-shaped objects suddenly appeared on the surface of the sand layer in the distance.

It was surrounded and moved towards them from all directions.

"Is this... a shark?"

Jin touched his unshaven chin and took a closer look, and found that those things looked very much like the fins on a shark's back.

The surface of the sand layer was like the surface of the sea, and most of the shark's body was under the sand, with only a small part of the fin appearing on the surface.

The color of these fins was yellow, and it was difficult to find them in the desert without careful observation.

At first glance, it was like being in a yellow ocean, surrounded by countless sharks.

"But how come sharks appear in the desert?!"

Fisherman Ussaman scratched his head and stared at the creatures getting closer and closer. It was really unbelievable.

As a fisherman, he had never heard of sharks swimming freely in the desert as in the ocean.

"Remember we are in the dark continent now!"

"Anything can happen on this continent, and any kind of creature can appear!"

"You must not blindly use the past thinking to think about things. You must learn to change your thinking to think about things."

"No matter what you encounter, don't just be surprised, but react as quickly as possible and think about how to deal with the danger!"


De looked into the distance at the land fishing that was approaching rapidly, and at the same time warned the other team members who were still confused.

In 920 Dark Continent, no matter what unbelievable things you encounter, you must respond as quickly as possible.

After hearing this, everyone was refreshed and in unison they released the energy in their bodies, causing a lot of the yellow sand under their feet to be shaken several meters away.

Unlike the team members who were fully armed and ready to fight, there was a hint of understanding on Lin Ke's face.

Now he finally understood why Lie Jie Lu Xun was born, and it had a bigger reason than these shrinking land fish.

It should be said that it is worthy of being a dark continent.

There are even land sharks, or desert sharks, and they move very fast.

It is even much faster than those sharks swimming in the sea, as if there is no resistance.


“Watch Heaven!!”

Mi Lu tried her best to use Nen, aware of every move of those holding the color.

After using "Condensation", others can even see many sound waves converging on Mi Lu's ears in the form of thoughts.

"Bang! Bang! Bang bang bang..."

As soon as he finished speaking, some sharks suddenly jumped out of the sand, and their strong bodies suddenly knocked the sand apart, making a series of noises.

The shark jumped very quickly and appeared in mid-air in the blink of an eye, rushing towards them in a diving posture.

Because they are exposed to the air, everyone can clearly see the appearance of these sharks.

I saw that these sharks were all yellow, very similar to the yellow sand underground, and their skin was visibly rough to the naked eye.

Apparently they have rough shark skin from swimming in rough deserts for a long time.

Perhaps due to being polished by the sand, their skin, in addition to appearing rough, is not vaguely reflective in the sun.

At the same time, there is a long nose thorn on the front end of their head, which takes up about one-third of the entire body.

The tip of the nose thorn is very sharp and glows with a chilling cold light, leaving no one doubting its power.

If it were stabbed on the body, there would probably be a bloody hole!

This is the first thought of many people.

This sting is not only their attack power, but also because these nose stings on the front end reduce the resistance to advancement.

Coupled with their own strength, these sharks can be so fast.

Especially when jumping up, combined with the momentum of a dive, the power of those nose stings is even more terrifying.

Like small jets, sprinting towards them!

Sounds of piercing the air sounded one after another, and the distance between them was shortened by a large amount in an instant!

Although these sharks are not as powerful as those sandworms individually, they are large in number and have good attack and speed.

The danger is even higher than those sandworms!

Just when everyone was preparing to attack, the shark where the sharks were was angry and quickly collapsed!

Ground skills——Quicksand Hell!.

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