Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 228 Purple Forest? Poisonous Forest! Is The Cat An Inventor? (Please Subscribe)


A tall figure suddenly appeared on the field, accompanied by a roar of a dragon looking up to the sky!

The rich yellow thought energy suddenly burst out, splashing countless yellow sand around and raising pieces of dust.

The power of S-class is unleashed without reservation!

Everyone's breath froze, and they couldn't help but focus on the biting land shark.

At the same time as it appeared, Biting Land Shark also carried the ultimate killing intent, and the air on the field was vaguely filled with scarlet!

As a Pokémon with the words "fierce" and "shark" in its name, Fierce Shark is not a gentle Pokémon.

But a Pokémon full of domineering and bellicose colors!

Suddenly, countless yellow sands flew in the air, forming sandstorms composed of sand and dust.

The originally golden yellow sand on the ground became darker under the cover of thought energy, and started to spin at an extremely fast speed.

Suddenly, the yellow sand around everyone turned into desert whirlpools, like whirlpools in the ocean.

The dark vortex has extremely strong suction, sucking all the surrounding sharks toward the center.

Although they struggled to break free, their bodies were still inevitably drawn into the quicksand hell.

Because they are filled with strong thoughts, they seem to be in a muddy swamp and cannot break free.

The originally menacing group of sharks suddenly fell into one large quicksand hell after another.

Like a flying insect stuck in a spider web, it can only wait quietly for the end of death.

Those sharks flying in the sky also have other Pokémon to take care of them.

A flash of pink light was seen, and Gardevoir quietly appeared in mid-air, with a pair of magnificent eyes filled with pink thoughts.


A murmur sounded, and immediately an extremely large amount of pink thought energy spread out in all directions with Gardevoir as the center.

A steady stream of pink thought energy was like a pink tide, enveloping the sharks.

The originally monotonous yellow color of the shark's skin is dyed with a touch of cherry color.

But underneath this gorgeous thought energy is a powerful force!

Super skill - telekinesis!

The sharks that were still diving seemed to have pressed the pause button, and they were all stagnant in the air, unable to move.

The body is surrounded by pink thought energy that represents the power of thought.

Gardevoir suddenly waved his hands down, like a pianist, his hands falling on the piano keys with grace and calmness.

In an instant, all the sharks stagnant in the air fell vertically to the ground at extremely fast speeds!

Unlike before, under Gardevoir's deliberate manipulation, they fell even more violently.

But where they landed was the long-awaited quicksand hell!


These powerful sharks are like missiles, rushing towards the quicksand hell.

Like arrows, they flew towards the already set target, and then made a series of impact sounds.

It's just different from arrows. If they fall inside, they will only be strangled by the quicksand hell until they die!

This series of actions all happened in an instant. When people were overwhelmed with watching, the group of sharks was almost eaten.

Only the people who were dumbfounded were left watching this scene, and the group of sharks struggling in the quicksand hell.

"Is this...done?"

"I also want to practice my skills."

Seeing this extremely high processing efficiency, Jin couldn't help but exclaimed, his tone full of regret.

"Two mind beasts that I picked up at random have such strength. Only President Lin Ke can do this kind of thing."

Pariston glanced at Gardevoir, whom he had known for a long time, and then stared at the murderous Biting Land Shark.

He has never seen this one before, or it is the first time Lin Ke has shown it.

Both Pariston and others have become accustomed to Lin Ke's tendency to bring out a new telekinesis beast at every turn.

"Nian Beast Master~ You are really well-deserved."

Biande suppressed the thoughts that were aroused on his body, and looked at the handsome Biting Land Shark, with a flash of light in his eyes.

The words of the three people were not loud, but they all reached Lin Ke's ears.

Lin Ke had no reaction to this, after all, what they said was true.

To him now, the strength of S-class is nothing, he can take out several at once.

Even the stronger ones are quite a few.

Now that the Pokémon in the desert have been conceived, there is no need to waste any more time on these sharks.

He has already made plans to explore all the iconic terrain on the [Gatekeeper] map!

He won't miss any of these Pokémon!

There is not much information on the map here, because the location of the [Gatekeeper] is not in this area.

Judging from the map, there are strange purple forests at the end of the desert, wetlands with Nitolomi, and multiple volcanoes nearby...

These are the edge areas of the Dark Continent, so Mianlu is a relatively reasonable terrain.

As you go deeper, you will definitely encounter more bizarre creatures and terrain.

After collecting the carcasses of the shark group, Lin Ke led everyone forward again.

Next stop, Purple Cup Forest!

It was daytime at this time,

The sun shines on this land, but not everywhere can get it.

If the desert in front is full of sunshine, then this is the opposite of the dark place.

Trees stand tall on the ground, thus forming a dense forest.

They vary in size, but generally have a high height, and there are even trees that reach deep into the clouds.

The criss-crossing branches are densely packed, like iron chains sealing the road to the sky under the woods.

Compared with the interlaced branches, what is more numerous are the extremely dense leaves on the book.

The dense leaves are like layers of thick quilts, covering countless branches.

If the branches were not generally thick, they would probably be crushed by the lush shade.

The lush foliage not only blocks the path from below to the top, but also blocks the sunlight from above from shining into the woods.

Therefore, being in the forest, there are few opportunities to see the sky, and it is even so exaggerated that it is impossible to distinguish between day and night.

And these are not the most critical features.

Purple forest.

This is Lin Ke's abbreviation for this forest.

There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames.

The entire forest seemed to have only one single color - purple.

This is mainly due to the influence of leaves.

All the leaves that can be seen are either still growing on the trees or falling on the ground.

Everything is an extremely rich purple.

At the same time, it is not just ordinary purple, these seem to have divergence similar to fluorescence.

If it is a single leaf, it may not be easy to see, but there are many leaves on the tree that block the sky and the sun, so the effect is particularly obvious.

The leaves are glowing purple.

Every tree is a huge light bulb, emitting a strange hazy purple light all the time.

An entire purple forest is equivalent to countless large light bulbs, and the purple light emitted can be seen from a long distance away.

This is also the reason why when people first saw the Dark Continent, they could see a purple light above the woods.

If it just emits light, it won't be a problem.

But purple is often accompanied by something.

That is poison!


Lilith slowly inhaled the mist in the forest, which had a hazy beauty under the purple light.

Others stood behind her, quietly waiting for her test.

There is no doubt that Lilith is the person who knows the most about poisons in this team, so professional matters must be handled by professionals.

After a long time, Lilith breathed out gently, and a solemn look appeared in her eyes.

"This purple light does contain toxins!"

"And it's a compound toxin I've never seen before."

"It roughly includes chronic toxins that can kill, hallucinogenic toxins, paralyzing toxins, etc. There are no strong toxins."

"It's just that these toxins are highly transmissible, and any place that is illuminated by purple light will be infected with toxins."

“But if you leave here before the toxin accumulates to a certain level, and no longer be exposed to this toxin, it should slowly subside.

Lilith frowned slightly, explaining her reasoning to everyone, while also sighing at the power of the poison.

This time she went to the Dark Continent at the right time. The poisonous leaves that can spread toxins through light really opened her eyes!

After hearing this, everyone frowned, with varying degrees of surprise and fear on their faces.

Just from Lilith's words, they can feel how difficult this purple forest is.

"In other words, is the entire forest a poisonous forest?"

"Anything that is illuminated by purple light will be contaminated with toxins, but there are so many leaves in this purple forest that almost all of them are illuminated by the light.

"So it's not an exaggeration to call this purple forest a poisonous forest. There are poisons everywhere."

Jin raised his head, looked at the endless purple forest in front of him, and said with a solemn expression.

"And these are just the threats in the forest itself. We don't know what other dangers there will be inside."

"So, should we choose to go through here or take a detour?"

Jin raised his eyebrows and asked Lin Ke, who looked a little thoughtful next to him.

I don’t know if he felt wrong, but why did he feel that Lin Ke was a little happy?

In fact, Jin's feelings were not an illusion. Lin Ke did have joy in his heart.

Because after arriving at the edge of the purple forest, two fertility bars appeared in his mind again!

Two gestation bars appeared at the same time, which was something that rarely happened on the six continents.

But since I came to the Dark Continent, it has been like this twice in a row.

However, Lin Ke can also understand that the two breeding bars that appear in the desert are not all born in the desert.

Among the two breeding bars, only the one that bites the land shark belongs to the desert. As for the other one, it has not traveled far yet.

Naturally, it refers to the breeding strip of the entire dark continent.

At the same time, after arriving on land, Lin Ke also found that Kyogre's progress bar became slower.

It is obviously necessary to touch the ocean, rivers, lakes and other terrains, and the group will make Kyogre's progress bar move forward.

As for what kind of Pokémon the mainland breeding bar corresponding to the ocean will be, Lin Ke already knows this.

So only this time in the purple forest, two breeding bars really appeared at once.

The breeding strips all appeared because of the purple forest.

After all, this is the Dark Continent, so it doesn't count as disappointing his arrival.

".||We won't take a detour and go directly through this forest!"

Lin Ke shook his head and said firmly.

Naturally, he would not let go of the two pregnancy strips, and these purple light problems were quite easy to solve.

"Not to mention that the toxin problem in this purple forest is easy to solve. Even if we take a detour, how can we guarantee that it will be safer than here?"

"This is the dark continent. No place is simple and no place is truly safe."

"And according to the map, it doesn't take long to reach our place after passing through here.

The first destination of the trip!”

"That's the swamp where the ultimate food Nitolomi grows!'

"At the same time, if you really want to find a place that is easier to pass, I think this is it.

After the words were finished, no one raised any questions because what Lin Ke said was indeed reasonable.

In a place like the Dark Continent, there is no need to think about finding a safe place.

Even if you persist in this kind of thinking, you will often die faster.

Many dangers are hidden beneath the safety of the mask.

As the top forces in the six continents, they naturally don't understand these principles.

They were more curious about Lin Ke's coping methods. In his mouth, it seemed that these were not worth mentioning.

Then Lin Ke's shadow fluctuated, and this change immediately attracted everyone's attention.

At this moment, the shadow seemed to have come to life, and began to change its shape, and then a pair of red eyes suddenly appeared.

These scarlet eyes are heart-wrenching, making it difficult to look directly at them, and a deep and dark aura slowly emerges.

All of a sudden, the thoughts on everyone's body couldn't help but stir up a few times (No, okay), as if they were under invisible oppression.

Then, while people held their breath, items jumped out of the shadows.

Everyone who saw this scene without knowing it stared at him with puzzled eyes.

Even if they throw things out of the shadow, for some reason, they always feel like the shadow is spitting things out of their mouths?

These things all look similar, they are all white clothes that look like space suits.

"I really didn't expect you to bring these equipment with you?!"

Biande looked surprised and said, looking at these familiar clothes, a feeling of not thinking came to his heart.

He also wore these clothes when he went to the Dark Continent.

It's just that the V5 ferry hall has strict control over these clothes, so he can't buy them, otherwise he would buy some and bring them on board.

What appeared in front of everyone's eyes was the professional clothing worn by the soldiers of V5 Duhanggen!

"You're half right. These clothes were originally equipment from the V5 Ferry Hall, but after Miaomiao's modifications, they are completely different."

Lin Ke touched Meow Meow's soft head, and the gentle touch made Meow Meow narrow his eyes with an expression of great enjoyment.

"These clothes can not only freely control the size according to the wearer, but also have strong defensive functions."

"Nature also has the effect of resisting toxins, and even the oxygen you breathe is purified."

"Yes, meow, I promise it will be very useful, meow.'

Miaomiao patted her chest, very confident in her work.

This is the pride of being an inventor.

【Is this cat Nianju actually an inventor?!】

At this moment, the same thought flashed through everyone's hearts, and emotions of horror swept through their hearts!

Could a cat be an inventor?

Jin suddenly recalled the glasses and gun Mew used when he shot down Thunderbird that day.

Shouldn't it?.

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