Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 229 Sneak Attack! All Kinds Of Martial Arts! (Please Subscribe)

"Are you all dressed?"

"Then let's set off."

Lin Ke looked around and nodded slightly.

At this moment, they also put on Miaomiao's special clothes, which Pi Qi called "safety clothes"

The safety suit is generally white and looks roughly like a space suit, but it is closer to the body than a space suit.

Because it has a function to automatically change the size of the clothing.

Whether it's the tall Billander or the petite kid Pacotro, they can be adjusted to a size suitable for their body shapes.

This will not affect their activities and their flexibility will not be affected much.

Moreover, there are tadpole-like words on the safety suit, which are more like paintings than words.

In order to increase the defensiveness of the safety suit and at the same time increase its power to a certain extent, Miaomiao carved some supplementary text on it.

As for where the divine characters were learned from.

This is all thanks to the "generous and selfless" V5 ferry hall.

Among the information Porygon Z collected from the Navigation Hall, there was research on divine characters.

With various effects, this safety suit is worthy of its reputation as "safe".

It's just that because there are divine words on it, if you want to use these effects at all times, you need to spend a certain amount of energy.

But it has many effects in itself, and it is a good piece of equipment even if it does not rely on divine words.

"This clothes is much better than the original V5 equipment, and it cannot be compared at all.

"After the transformation, there has been a huge improvement. It should be said that the two are completely different from heaven and earth, and they are two different things."

Biande patted the safety suit, noticed the sacred words on it, and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

If he and the other soldiers had had this safety uniform, he probably wouldn't have been the only one to escape, right?

After putting them on one after another, they also felt the magic of Miao Miao's equipment, and couldn't help but be more curious and admired for Miao Miao.

This talking cat Nianjuu is indeed an inventor, and he is also an extraordinary master of inventions.

This really confirms the legend.

Legend has it that the mind beast master Lin Ke has countless mind beasts, and each one has unexpected magical abilities!

This is not a rumor.

In the purple forest,


The purple-glowing leaves were trampled to pieces, accompanied by a crisp and weak sound.

This is just the beginning, and then there are subtle stamping sounds, and there will be some rustling sounds when stepping on these dead leaves. 893

The formation of the team remained unchanged, still the same as in the desert.

It's just that people pay more attention to their surroundings when walking than in the desert.

When in the desert, what people most often observe is the underground, or the ground.

At most, I occasionally look into the distance and pay attention to the sky above my head from time to time.

Because the view in the desert is wide, you can have a panoramic view of the distant landscape in all directions.

So what really needs to be concerned about is the danger beneath the sand.

Unlike the desert, there are a lot of trees in the purple forest, and there are many obstacles blocking the view.

Coupled with the hazy purple light, it will also affect the observation.

So people need to observe from more angles, underground, in the woods, in the shade...

Danger may arise at any time in these places.

Gradually walking into the purple forest, they gained a better understanding of this strange forest.

First of all, this forest is very quiet, and the sound of just stepping on the ground will be extremely loud.

And this is also bizarre.

Logically speaking, as a forest, it doesn't matter how many animals there are in it, but there are usually a lot of birds.

Probably it was the toxins contained in the purple light that caused this place to become a dead place.

Not only was it so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, but you couldn't see any living things.

What everyone saw was a hazy purple world.

Huge trees rise from the ground, and humans feel extremely small in this forest.

The types of trees are also quite peculiar. Although they are all purple trees that emit purple light, their shapes are not uniform.

There are very straight trees that look like poplar trees, there are crooked-necked trees, and there are mushroom trees that look like giant mushrooms...

It seems that there are only a few trees in the entire forest that are similar in length.

The only thing they have in common is that their leaves are very strong, not only numerous and dense, but also emit a very rich purple light.

Even the ground was illuminated by a thick layer of purple light.

At the same time, because the shade of the trees is too large, not much sunlight can shine in, so the light in the forest relies entirely on purple light.

So it is no exaggeration to say that this is a purple world.

It's like a strange-looking forest with a purple filter added to it. Everything that can be seen is purple (bjec).

And this also means that the entire forest is full of toxins.

But everyone has safety suits, so the so-called toxins are nothing to worry about.

However, they have just stepped into this forest and have not yet discovered the real danger of this forest!

Lin Ke, who was walking at the front, felt something and turned to look at the other side where Muhru was.

Suddenly, the skin of a big tree was quickly removed, just like removing a piece of paper, the bark was removed.

Then several pairs of thick insect legs emerged from it. The insect legs were thick and long, with barbs that glowed coldly.

If you get caught by these barbs, it will be difficult to break free.

No one reacted, but Lin Ke could see the whole thing clearly.

If Lin Ke had to describe it, the insect-like creature looked like a hybrid of a fly and a spider, then enlarged.

Its body is about the size of a car, with a pair of slightly longer tentacles on top of its head, followed by two huge cyan eyes.

The body hidden in the tree was bent, with small wings vaguely visible behind it.

The most conspicuous thing is undoubtedly the multiple pairs of insect legs in front of it, which are countless times thicker than ordinary insect legs.

Each insect foot is thicker than a human arm, with a total of eight insect legs, which looks powerful.

At the same time, there is a slender mouthpart at the tail, with wisps of purple liquid at the tip.

Immediately, it stretched out eight insect legs at the same time, showing a form of hugging and binding, and the target was Muhru who was closest to it.

Its speed is very fast, from removing the bark to extending its insect legs, these actions are only completed in an instant.

Ordinary people can't even see the afterimage, they can only feel that the person disappears instantly from the distance between their eyes.

Lin Ke has every reason to believe that he has done these actions more than once before he is so proficient.

The whole movement was smooth and fluid, exceptionally smooth and fast.

The next moment, Muhru was hugged directly by the insect, and then his whole body was hugged by it and he was directly caught in the tree!

This sudden crisis made everyone's breathing stagnant. When they discovered something strange, Muhlu had already been caught in the tree hole.

"Damn it!"

Muhru yelled angrily, but he didn't expect that he would be hit in just a moment. He tried hard to break free, but he couldn't.

The eight insect legs directly controlled him by surrounding him, with his hands hanging on both sides of his body, unable to break away at all.

If it had been anyone else, it would have been really difficult.

Muhelu's eyes were wide open, and his mental energy suddenly surged, with waves of energy expanding around him.

Despite the impact, the insect still refused to let go. Instead, it grabbed Muhru harder and planned to take him to the tree to eat.

With a flick of its tail, the venomous tail stinger stabbed Muhru, and the sharp tail stinger produced a sound that broke through the air.

In an instant, rich white thought energy gathered in his hands, forming two straight and slender silver spears!

Driven by the great desire to survive, Muhru's movement speed exceeded the previous limit.

With a twist of both wrists, he exerted great force on his wrists and hit the incoming tail needle with a silver spear!

Listen and argue.

He locked the direction of the attack just by the sound of the wind!

The other silver spear swept towards the insect legs that were restraining him.

[Various Martial Arts]: It will be easier to master the martial arts that you are interested in. After mastering the martial arts, the power of the moves will be stronger.

And each person who is proficient in a type of martial arts can embody weapons of that type of martial arts.

This is Muhru’s Nen—— Various Martial Arts!

As the captain of a mercenary team, he is not like those mercenaries who use guns and cannons, but rather like a martial artist who pursues martial arts wholeheartedly.

What I like is not guns and shells, but all kinds of martial arts, such as knife skills, spear skills, bow skills, etc.

Although they all belong to the field of cold weapons, they can still exert considerable combat power in his hands.

"Bang! Bang!"

The silver gun composed of thought energy is extremely hard, and it doesn't look like it was made hastily.

The moment it hit the tail needle, a violent collision sounded, and then the tail needle was hit back directly by the silver gun!

The silver gun on the other side is making better progress.

I saw that the fluctuation of mental energy on the silver gun was extremely strong, and it swept eight thick and powerful insect legs across.

Either it was discounted or it was directly interrupted.

As one of the root worm's legs was broken, he was able to break free, immediately threw out his silver spear, and accurately pierced the opponent's head.

Imbued with Muhru's vigorous blow, the silver spear penetrated the head one after another with overwhelming momentum and exploded on the spot.

The trees, which had been hollowed out by insects, made a constant clicking sound after a fierce battle.

Fortunately, the tree was very big, so it still stood and did not fall down.


Muhru glanced at the dead bug, wiped the green liquid on his safety suit, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Bah bang bang, the reaction is really fast, excellent fighting qualities."

Pariston clapped gently, applauding Muhru's performance.

Because he was so close, he could see every move Muhru made just now.

It can be said that if it had been anyone else, few would have been able to break free in time.

As a mercenary, Muhru has experienced all kinds of battles, large and small, and has outstanding combat experience.

If the insect's sneak attack hadn't been too fast, he wouldn't even have been reduced to the point of being restrained.

"It's too much to boast about, it's just what it should be."

Muhru said modestly, he only felt that he could do better, but he was still a little careless.

Jin walked next to Muhru, held his chin up and observed the dead insect, and said thoughtfully:

"I originally thought that there might be no living things in this forest, but I was wrong."

"This insect is also strange. It actually hides in the tree to carry out sneak attacks, and it gives people a particularly harmonious feeling.

"I don't know why this is happening. Is it a single case, or is there a population of this insect in the forest?"

"Mi Lu, did you sense the existence of this insect just now?"

Jin looked at the insect, combined with the scene of the battle just now, analyzed it to himself, and asked Mi Lu at the same time.

"No, I didn't sense it."

Mi Lu shook her head. She could say with certainty that she did not sense the insect.

Pause one

After getting off, Mi Lian hesitated and said:

"Actually, after entering this forest, Nen's feelings have changed a lot."

"This forest is very strange. Nen has been playing the same sound wave repeatedly. I thought it was because there were no living creatures."

"Now it seems that maybe that's not the reason.'

Hearing this, Jin raised his eyebrows and roughly guessed the real reason.

"Since I felt this way from the moment I came in, it means that the bugs are not something special, but something that has always been around us.

After finishing speaking, Jin raised his head slightly, looked at the purple leaves on the tree, and closed his eyes:

"It looks like these are the leaves."

"But it can have the effect of affecting perception, so it won't make people too confused. After all, this is a dark continent."

"I'm still more interested in the relationship between the bug and the tree."

Jin shrugged, somewhat helplessly.

Lin Ke walked up to Jin and said softly: "I have some insights into this."

"They probably have a symbiotic relationship."

"The bugs are responsible for capturing the food and then eating it, and the final residue will become nutrients for the purple tree."

"The toxins from the purple tree will also help the bugs capture the organisms."

"Even if you are protected by safety clothing, you will still be attacked successfully.'

"You can imagine how miserable other creatures would be after being affected by toxins with paralyzing effects."

Jin originally frowned and slowly relaxed, and he also recognized Lin Ke's explanation.

"As for why bugs are not affected by purple light, there are two explanations.'

Lin Ke raised two fingers, made a gesture similar to "yeah", and said slowly.

"First, bugs usually hide in tree trunks. Because the tree layer is too thick, purple light cannot come in, so it will naturally have no effect."

"Second, bugs have antibodies to purple phototoxin and can be immune to it to a certain extent."

"Anyway, this bug still has some research value and can be collected."

As soon as he finished speaking, a space passage appeared under the insect's corpse, and the corpse went straight into it.

Seeing that nothing happened to Muhru, Lin Ke led the team forward again.

Although the sneak attack by insects was just a minor incident, it was a wake-up call for people.

There's more to this forest than meets the eye with its toxic threats!

There are also some crises hidden in the dark!

Next, they traveled during the day and rested in cyberspace at night.

After walking like this for two days, no danger was encountered.

Instead, one Pokémon was conceived first!

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