Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 230: The Three Royal Families Sniped The Tree Owl! The Army Of Rotten Corpses! (Subscribe)

In the purple forest,

A series of subtle rustling sounds sounded, which was the sound of the team deliberately stepping lightly.

Not only did they step lightly, everyone also avoided the surrounding trees, at least not getting too close.

After seeing Muhru's experience, everyone knew that there might be bugs lurking in the trees.

Lin Ke, Jin and others in the team are not afraid, but this threat is more dangerous to more people.

In particular, bugs are very fast, and many people are not confident that they can react as quickly as Muhru, who has experienced many battles.

So this scene occurred.

Until now, two days have passed, and they have all taken actions to avoid trees.

Even if you really want to get close to a tree, you will be very energetic and choose smaller trees.

According to judgment, the possibility of bugs appearing in large trees of international species is higher.

In the purple forest where you can hear the needle drop, they are like a group of passers-by, incompatible with it.

The purple world is everywhere. If they can't go to cyberspace to rest at night, they will probably have visual problems.


Lin Ke at the front suddenly stopped and stared into the depths of the forest.

After Lin Ke stopped, others also stopped and raised their vigilance to the highest level.

In the past two days, except for the bug incident and returning to cyberspace at night, their captain never stopped.

This means that danger is likely to come!

"There are quite a few."

"Everyone, be prepared, we can't escape!"

Lin Ke said calmly.

Because the purple light in the purple forest has the effect of shielding perception, even the "circle" effect is greatly reduced.

Therefore, Mi Lu's Nen is temporarily useless, and the entire team can only rely on him.

In fact, there are other players in the team who have the ability to detect Nen, but they are also not adapted to this forest.

A few breaths after Lin Ke finished speaking, bursts of rustling sounds came from the depths of the forest.

I saw strange figures suddenly appearing in the grass in the distance.

After seeing the figure clearly, everyone's eyes slowly changed from the original vigilance to horror.

The bodies of those figures showed varying degrees of decay, and it seemed difficult to find a few good pieces of meat on them.

That group of figures is not a single race, but filled with various types of creatures.

Some resemble lizards, some resemble some kind of large insect, and some resemble pythons...

They may have had huge differences in appearance originally, but under the influence of unknown things, their bodies were rotted.

Even during their actions, some rotten and necrotic pieces of meat would fall on the grass, accompanied by drops of smelly water.

Their appearance added other colors to the originally purple forest, but everyone would rather not see them.

Because it's so disgusting.

The huge head has dull eyes, which are extremely turbid.

There was not a single piece of good meat on the huge body, it was all dark and rotten, with faint purple carrion.

That is to say, they wear safety clothing and are separated by some distance, otherwise they will definitely smell a very disgusting smell.

No one has any doubt that the carrion on their bodies will continue to fall off until all of it is gone.

Because among this group of rotting corpses, there are several white figures.

The flesh on their bodies has completely fallen off, leaving only thick and white bones, which is a skeletal monster.

It looks like a skeletal specimen in a museum, but now it's moving.

Both the rotting corpses and these skeleton monsters are very strange. In theory, it is impossible for them to move.

But these are not questions that should be explored now, because they are approaching!

"Hey, is this a skeleton?"

Jin narrowed his eyes, but a flash of excitement inadvertently flashed across his face.

Seeing these strange and unknown things was the real purpose of his trip.

An movable skeleton was a fantasy in the Six Continents, but now it appeared in front of him.

Jin Chun is a talented artist and has a bold personality, so instead of being worried, he is even more excited.

Others were not as interested as Jin.

Those who were accustomed to using weapons took up arms, such as Muhru.

Those who are accustomed to using both hands also clenched their fists, such as Billander.

Fortunately, he was protected by safety clothes, otherwise people like Biyande who were good at melee attacks would not have dared to touch those carrion.

The ghost knows whether touching them with the physical body will cause him to become like that ghost.

But these are not the most eye-catching aspects.

What really changed was their momentum.

Everyone aroused their mental energy, and the mental energy around them was like a Super Saiyan transformation, with streams of mental energy constantly fluctuating and flowing.

The dead branches and leaves underfoot were instantly crushed to pieces by countless breaths, and then blown far away by the strong wind pressure.

The war is about to break out!

Just when everyone was preparing to fight, there were sounds from the shade of the trees above.

Immediately, the rotting corpses fell like dumplings.

At the same time, drops of fishy corpse water rained down, making the forest that originally had a weird beauty become disgusting.

Lin Ke glanced at the fallen body. There was no surprise in his eyes, as if he had expected it.

At the same time, after the rotting water fell to the ground, they made a sizzling sound, and then wisps of white smoke floated up.

Obviously, these rotten waters are extremely corrosive and can easily corrode even rocks.

Those fallen corpses were the remains of certain birds, some of which were beyond recognition, making it difficult to identify them.

The few recognizable birds are owls, giant finches...

【Is this really the case?】

The moment he saw the bird carcass, a flash of understanding flashed in Jin's eyes.

He had thought of this as early as those rotting corpses appeared.

Since there are rotting corpses crawling on the ground, are there also rotting corpses flying in the sky?

After all, carrion has little effect on their activities.

Facts have proved that Jin's conjecture is correct.

After a brief moment of surprise, everyone turned their gazes upward, but only saw a shadow in the shade of the trees.

Under the purple light, they could see the shadow standing on the branch, seemingly doing nothing.

But at the next moment, five thought arrows composed of dark thought energy flew past.

Except for Jin, Biande and Lin Ke, no one else could even see clearly the action of it firing arrows!

This is the first Pokémon that Lin Ke gave birth to in this forest!

It has both grass and ghost attributes. Together with Xishi Hairen, it is the sniper tree owl of the three royal families in the Alola region!

The sniper tree owl looks like it is wearing a big cloak, but in fact its body is covered with feathers.

Its feathers appear green and its body is of white hue.

The sniper tree owl's face has dark eyelids and a beak, and its chest has a bow-tie-like band.

The feathers on the top of its head are different in color, and the color on its head is darker, resembling a hood.

This is not the sniper tree owl that appears in the Xicui area, so Lin Ke is not quite satisfied with its appearance.

Overall, he is an archer in the forest!

As for why it is an archer, it has to do with its ability.

The sniper tree owl fires feather arrows that can be hidden in its wings like a bow and arrow, which is where its name comes from.

When he absolutely doesn't want to miss his shot, he tightens the vines on his head to concentrate.

It has the accuracy to penetrate even small rocks 100 meters ahead.

It can hit the target accurately even from 1 kilometer away.

The time from drawing an arrow to firing is only about 0.1 seconds.

It can penetrate the enemy's vital points before they are discovered, and directly decide the outcome in an instant.

This is also the reason why many people except Liao Liao couldn't see clearly the action of sniping at the tree owl just now.

The attack speed of the sniper tree owl is very fast!

Sniping Tree Owl can completely eliminate your own aura and attack when your opponent cannot see you.

It will fly high into the sky and descend in a rapidly rotating attitude, shooting through multiple targets in succession.

Name: Sniper Tree Owl

Features: Remote

Attribute: grass type, ghost type


Skills: Shadow Stitch, Sneak Attack, Sword Dance, Crazy Plant, Grass Pledge…………

As the third royal family, the Shooting Tree Owl can naturally use the [Grass Oath Factory] that matches its attributes.

This also means that the Sniper Tree Owl can cooperate with the Western Lion Hairen to use [Grass Oath] and [Water Oath] together.

Turning the field into a [wetland], reducing the opponent's speed by 75%.

In addition to its own abilities, Lin Ke's sniper tree owl also has hidden characteristics.

[Remote]: You can use all moves without touching the opponent.

In the game, this feature allows the sniper tree owl to not suffer counter-injury effects when using melee attacks.

But in reality, especially after having air conditioning.

Sniping Tree Owl allows you to stay in the dark and directly attack enemies at a distance.

This refers to melee attacks, and the range of long-range attacks will only be farther.

For example, [Brave Bird Attack] is a skill where the Pokémon rushes directly towards the enemy, using its entire body to collide with the opponent.

But there is no need to snipe the tree owl. It only needs to find a place to cast it, and then it will attack the enemy from a distance.


Of course, this distance is also limited. As the strength increases, the distance that can be separated will be further.

If the strength reaches a high level, the sniper tree owl may be able to kill the enemy thousands of miles away.

It has an effect similar to [God’s Judgment].

Coupled with the status of the sniper tree owl as a ghost-type elf, it can appear in the shadows anywhere.

He is truly an ultimate killer!

The only thing it lacks is its lethality. The A-level strength is still slightly lacking.

However, it can make up for this shortcoming through [Sword Dance], and at the same time, its experience value is constantly increasing when hunting corpses.

Top speed is supposed to bring a whole lot of air-shattering sound.

However, it moved through the air silently, drawing a strange curve in the air.

The sniper tree owl is also good at acrobatic curve shooting, so that it can hit the target in an impossible arc.

The five rotting corpses running at the front were pierced one after another, and the places where they were pierced were also very interesting.

Not the usual head, but the heart of the chest.

Normally, when faced with something like a rotting corpse, one should destroy the brain.

However, the sniper tree owl has gained some experience after dealing with bird carrion.

It discovered that after attacking the head, the corpse could still move, which showed that it was not the brain that controlled the body.

After many trials, Sniper Tree Owl found that the weak point of the carrion was in the chest, or the body parts of the creatures.

After being strengthened by [Sword Dance], the power of the arrows used to snipe the tree owl has increased a lot, and the rotten corpses have been pierced one after another.


Big holes suddenly appeared in the body, and then

Then he collapsed and stopped moving.

Only at this moment did they have an appearance that matched their appearance and became a complete corpse.

The five rotting corpses fell down and were immediately trampled by the rotting corpses behind them. They had no sense and just rushed forward.

"Is that your mind beast too?!"

Muhru held the bow and arrow that had just materialized and said in disbelief.

Lin Ke nodded, focusing more on the skeleton monsters among the corpses.

There seems to be something wrong with those few.

This series of actions happened too fast, and only now did everyone realize that this mysterious archer should be Lin Ke's mind beast!

"Your mind beast... is really powerful!"

Muhru held the shimmering bow and arrow tightly in his hand, feeling an indescribable sense of frustration.

Apart from Jin and Biande, the person who best understood the power of sniping Tree Owls was Muhru.

He has also learned bow and arrow, and is also proficient in bow skills, so he can better appreciate the power of those few arrows shot at Tree Owl.

He has learned a lot of martial arts.

There’s a saying that goes like “biting off more than you can chew.”

If he hadn't possessed the Nen of [Various Martial Arts], he asked himself, he would definitely not be able to master all the martial arts he learned.

Among these martial arts, his bow skills are definitely at the forefront.

But the archery skills that he was so proud of were completely worthless in front of Lin Ke's mind beast, and he was completely defeated.

He couldn't clearly see the opponent's arrow-shooting movements, which meant he was losing too much.

Secondly, its hit rate is also surprisingly high.

The arrows are all in vain!

Five arrows were shot, and each arrow accurately hit the middle part of the bodies of the corpses.

Muhru still doesn't know that the tree owl shot the arrow in that area deliberately.

Muhru did not attribute the skill of sniping tree owls to the influence of Nen, but believed that this was the skill of sniping tree owls.

The reason is simple.

Because he can also shoot the curved arrows shot by tree owls, which is why he believes that sniping tree owls relies entirely on his own skills.

It's just that it can't be as good as sniping a tree owl.

I have to admit that the archery skills mastered by Lin Ke's mind beast far surpass him!

Glancing at Muhru who was a little frustrated, Lin Ke said casually:

"It's only good at archery."

These words were so enlightening that Muhru cheered up again.

Yes, I have practiced more martial arts than this, especially melee combat skills.

And that mind beast is only good at archery.

Generally speaking, I am not much inferior to the other party.

Thinking of this, Muhru not only cheered up and regained his confidence, but also became more inspired.

"But even if it's "not good at" melee combat, it will have no problem defeating you. "

Lin Ke added another sentence abruptly.

The smile that Muhru had just shown froze on his face again.

While the two were talking, the group of rotting corpses was gradually approaching!

What awaits them is the continuous shooting of arrows, one accurate sniper shot at the tree owl, and the other two who are ready to attack!

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