Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 231 My Game World! The Skills Of The Strong! (Please Subscribe)

There were an unusually large number of corpses, like waves of stinking tides.

They crawled on the grass, making continuous rubbing sounds.

This sound gave people a feeling that danger was approaching step by step, and just the sound of these movements would make people's hair stand on end.

Although sniping tree owls could take away a lot in a short time.

But the number of corpses still did not decrease, as if they were endless like the ocean.

And their movement speed was not slow, leaving only a trail of afterimages when they crawled.

In a blink of an eye, the army of corpses approached everyone, making everyone's heart rise to their throats and concentrate.

Strangely, the fast-moving army of corpses inexplicably split into two, bypassed a place, and then continued to move forward.

The place they bypassed was where Lin Ke was!

Lin Ke stood quietly with his hands folded on his chest, like a boulder standing in the middle of a turbulent river, motionless.

If someone approached Lin Ke, they would find that there was a faint breath overflowing from his shadow.

It was also because of Machado's aura that all the corpses subconsciously avoided Lin Ke and dared not face the sharp edge.

Lin Ke had no reaction to this, and sold his own thoughts.

He always felt that there was something wrong with these corpses, and there should be something hidden that he had not realized.

Lin Ke's nothing happened, but it did not mean that others could be as safe as him.


Biyander stared at the army of corpses that never stopped, and suddenly shouted.

"Got it!"

Pakrot, the mushroom-headed child who invited Lin Ke to play games, suddenly jumped up and responded.

The moment she jumped in the air, her mind energy suddenly surged, and the originally smoothly flowing mind energy suddenly emitted a strong fluctuation.

The whole petite body was instantly enveloped by the light, making the entire forest with purple light have a few more pure white luster.

After the light comparable to the flash bomb, the cold air on Pakrot's body immediately turned into digital strips of green light.

These data bars spread out from it, covering the area of ​​several hundred meters.

[My Game World]: Cover the surrounding environment with the spirit, and you can transform the real world into the game world.

The effect is similar to a digital screen.

There are two types of creatures in this field, one is the player, and the other is the wild monster. This classification is determined by the user's subjective judgment.

The user is fixed as a player.

In other words, Pakrot thinks that he and other team members are players, and the rotten corpse is a wild monster, that's it.

But if Pakrot thinks that only he is a player and everyone else is a wild monster, the same is true.

Players and wild monsters have blood bars and blue bars, but only players can see the relevant information about themselves and wild monsters.

The blood bar is very simple, it is the life history.

The blue bar can be understood as the spirit of the Nen, the physical strength of the animal, etc.

Whether it is a player or a wild monster, the blood volume will be reduced when the blood volume reaches zero, and death will occur when the blood volume reaches zero.

Players are digitized, and being injured will not affect their activities. Even if the limbs and other parts are severely injured, they will not be disabled, but only blood will be deducted.

[Restrictions and Covenants]: At the cost of keeping her childishness and looking like a child, she can improve her strength by killing wild monsters. Although Pakrot looks like a child, she can join Bijand's team, so she is not a real child. Her real age is nearly 30 years old. The reason why she can achieve the "eternal youth" that Bisji envy is because of the restrictions and covenants she made. This restriction and covenant is related to her talent, but also to her personal experience. Pakrot has been exposed to games since she was a child, and she loves games, and she has also been exposed to games with mind energy.

Of course, this does not refer to Greed Island, but other games.

There are many things on the six continents that are attached with spirit energy.

For example, a middle-aged woman likes a painting very much and observes it all year round.

Over time, the middle-aged woman's mind is placed on this painting.

Even if she is not a Nen, it is possible that the painting is attached with spirit energy.

This is the case with Pikelot, but the game she got was passed down from her father.

When she grew up, she naturally developed the ability to recite (My Game World). She wanted to turn her world into a game! Because she was older and had been exposed to old stand-alone digital games since she was a child, Nen also appeared in a digital world. It was a bit like the Cairo game on the blue planet, or "My World", where everything was in a square shape. If she just loved games, she would not need to make this restriction and oath. Because she had grown up and was exposed to Nen. So she knew that the most important thing in the world was strength! In addition, the game world also needed to kill monsters and upgrade, so she naturally made this restriction and oath. For now, she is very satisfied. Not only did she rely on Nen to gain high strength, but she also satisfied her desire to turn reality into a game. As for that restriction, it was nothing to her. It only affected her body, and she kept her childishness, but she still had an adult soul in her body. Just talking like a child does not mean she is really a child. Even though Pakrot looked like a child, in fact, there were only Lin in the team. Ke, Bijande, and Jin.

She is the strongest after Marionai and Pariston!

That is, the sixth in the team at present.

This is all thanks to her continuous killing monsters and upgrading over the years, which has accumulated these strengths.

The reason why Bijande recruited her is not only because of her good strength, but also because of her Nen.

Nen has two points that Bijande values.

One is that you can see the enemy and your own health bars and blue bars, which is quite useful in the battle.

The simplest example is that you don’t have to worry about the opponent pretending to be dead.

With a bright health bar standing on it, it is clear whether the opponent is dead or not.

The second is that you can digitize your own body.

No matter how much damage you suffer on the battlefield, your status will not be affected, only blood will be deducted.

This is exactly the same as the characters in the game.

This is also what Bijande values ​​most.

This ability can be called a bug level.

If two people of similar strength fight, then the one with digitized body will definitely win. .

Because as the battle progresses, there will definitely be more and more injuries, which will affect the performance.

If the hands and feet are broken, it will have a greater impact.

But the person who has been digitized does not have to worry at all. As long as the blood bar is not cleared, he can continue to fight in a healthy state.

Although the mind energy will continue to decrease in battle, it is still quite powerful to be unaffected by damage.

The most important thing is that this is a group auxiliary ability that can make multiple groups become players.

However, this also means that Pakrot will consume more.

Therefore, only in more difficult battles will Bijand let Pakrot use Nen.

In an instant, the scenery in front of everyone is suddenly different.

I saw that the originally clear environment suddenly became a single-player game style, and the originally disgusting rotten corpses looked a little cute at first glance.

"What's the style of the game?"

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows, looked at himself, and then glanced at the corpses around him.

It felt like I was in the game "Minecraft", and some of the rotting corpses looked like zombies in the game.

At the same time, he can also see a blood bar and a blue bar in the corner of his eye. This is his own blood bar, which appears green.

He could also see other people's health bars, which were also green.

The health bars of these rotting corpses are red.

Have to say, this is a very nice nen.

It is mainly based on auxiliary abilities, and it is a group auxiliary ability.

Coupled with the restrictions and oaths she made, this Nen has the effect of enhancing its own experience.

It's because monster-killing upgrades are inherently compatible with the game. Otherwise, just this restriction alone would not bring about the monster-killing upgrade effects.

As for the only person who can enjoy this effect, Lin Ke can completely understand this.

Restrictions and oaths are like alchemy, the principle is equal exchange.

It's basically impossible to take advantage of loopholes.

To get something, you have to give something.

Just as Lin Ke was thinking deeply, a war that looked like a game to people suddenly began!


As usual, Biande still took the lead and took the lead.

As soon as he stepped on the ground, endless golden thought energy rose into the sky, and at the same time, countless pieces of dust that had been trampled into dust flew up.

Jumping into the air, Biande, who was still at the back of the team, suddenly flew to the front and suddenly fell down under the influence of gravity!

The golden thought energy on his body was like soft and elegant ribbons, carrying him flying downward.

One leg is stretched out straight, and there is a strong Tuling Qi on it that is hard to look at directly!


Biande's feet stepped straight on the body of a wolf-shaped carrion, as if he had been hit by a meteorite.

The wolf-shaped rotting corpse made a constant clicking sound, and immediately the body of the rotting corpse collapsed.

Biande was shocked.

A gloomy look could not help but appear on the rough face. Instead of getting better, his complexion became even gloomier.

In the eyes of others, this is a completely overwhelming power gap.

But only Biande, as the attacker, knew it.

The defense power of these rotting corpses exceeded his expectations!

What he attacked was a wolf-type carrion. Wolves have a characteristic, which is "copper head and iron tail tofu kidney"......

This means that the head and tail of the wolf are relatively hard, and the waist is relatively fragile, which is one of its weaknesses.

The area he just hit happened to be the waist, but it was not as easy as imagined.

The rotten flesh on the surface was vulnerable, and Biande felt that he could break the rotten flesh on it even without using his mind energy.

After all, rotten flesh can fall off just by walking, which shows that rotten flesh is very fragile.

What really troubles Biande is the skeleton inside the carrion!

Their bones are extremely hard.

Even for a wolf with a "bean curd waist", he had to expend a lot of energy to crush his waist bones!

If it had been anyone else, it would have been even more difficult!

With thoughts swirling around him, Biande kept moving. After standing firm, his palm-sized hands clenched into fists, with golden light clinging to them!

"Bang! Bang!"

Two more punches hit the body of the wolf-shaped carrion, causing the remaining carrion to completely break into pieces and fall to the ground.

The bones inside were completely exposed to Biande's eyes, and they were already broken into pieces.

These bones are indeed very hard. Even though he used so much thought energy, they were only broken into several pieces and did not turn into powder.

With such hardness, if it were used to make weapons, it might be possible to forge a top

A level magic weapon?

Because the waist was broken, Biande was also able to see clearly what was going on inside.

In the flash of lightning, Biande suddenly remembered that Lin Ke's mind beast just now seemed to be attacking the middle part of the corpse's body?!

Although it was only for a moment, he thought this was his biggest gain after taking action!

"Everyone tries to attack the middle part of the corpse's body, which is the real core!"

Biande casually knocked over the carrion attacking next to him and shouted loudly, the sound loud enough to reach everyone's ears clearly.

At this time, everyone was also fighting with the rotting corpses.

Jin subconsciously stretched out his hand to take out a piece of fruit to eat, but he only touched his own safety suit.

Only then did he realize that he was wearing safety clothing and couldn't eat.

So I had no choice but to give up and skip the process of eating fruit. I flashed, leaving only wisps of breeze in place.

The next moment, Jin appeared in front of a rotting corpse, and a dull sound suddenly sounded!

A big hole suddenly appeared in the waist of the rotten corpse, and he fell to the ground and died!

"Well, it is indeed very hard."

Jin frowned, looked at the consumed mind energy in his hand, then looked at the rotten corpse lying on the ground, and murmured to himself.

"It seems that I need to get a few more to practice before I can control the strength."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jin appeared in the middle of the two rotting corpses. When facing one of the rotting corpses, the same figure appeared behind him.

Nen————double clone!

"Bang! Bang!"

Two explosions sounded in succession, and two rotting corpses fell down.

"It seems like it could be a little less, but it's almost enough."

Jin nodded, turned around and faced the carrion rushing towards him, his eyes becoming more and more excited.

This 2.3 gold attack is obviously less dynamic, but it can still kill the enemy in one blow.

This is what King calls "the power of control."

For the first time, use greater strength, which means spending more energy on your hands.

Then according to the effect after the attack, slowly reduce the amount of thought energy used after evaluation.

By using all your strength without wasting any bit of mind power or physical strength, you can defeat the enemy.

This is also a required course for every good person.

Bisgi is the best example in the original novel.

Maybe her strength is not as good as Jin's, but she is still able to maximize the use of every ounce of thought energy.

When facing an enemy, use as much mental energy and physical strength as you can to defeat it, so as not to waste it.

This requires long-term use of mind energy to slowly exercise it. "It requires the mind energy to be controlled to a certain level."

At the same time, you need to have good eyesight, so that you can better assess the enemy's strength and then judge how much mind energy you need to use.

Usually, if you have more and less Nian Qi, you may be able to ignore it without much impact.

But for true masters, every moment of thought and experience is crucial when they are fighting.

If every move is wasted, sooner or later you will lose to the opponent.

Not to mention that in an environment like the Dark Continent, mental energy and physical strength are very precious and cannot be wasted in vain.

This is also a skill that all masters among gentlemen should know.

As one of the five great nuns in the world, Jin Ziran is extremely proficient in this technique.

Lin Ke on the other side also noticed Jin's movements, and after taking a few glances, he understood what he was thinking.

Lin Ke is not surprised by this.

As early as when they were exploring the Death Thought Cave together, Jin revealed his awareness of this aspect when fighting against gold and silver ingots.

This is the level of emphasis one can have on thoughts and energy after experiencing life and death battles!

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