Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 232: The Ultimate Alien Beast Poison Baby! Venomous Wasps And Parasites! (Please Subscribe)

As the top experts, Biande and Jin could face these rotting corpses with ease, but the others would have to work harder.

Muhru held the gun in one hand. The straight spear looked extremely handsome, and there was a cold light at the tip of the gun.

Both Lin Ke and Muhru knew very well that the conversation just now was just a chat before the war.

Just for relaxing.

As a legendary mercenary who has experienced ups and downs, Muhru naturally understands the principle of "there is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world".

Although there are still some waves in my heart involuntarily, it is not as heavy as it appears at all.


Facing the group of rotting corpses with indifferent eyes, Muhru slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and prepared an offensive in an instant.

In an instant, Muhru's right arm moved slightly, and afterimages appeared in the air that were difficult to detect with the naked eye.

With a twist of his wrist, the silver spear composed of thought energy clicked in the void several times, producing beautiful spear flowers.

Then the silver spear drove straight in like a silver dragon, picked up a rotting corpse in front of him, and then fell heavily into the group of rotting corpses.

A stick for a month, a sword for a lifetime, a gun for a lifetime.

Among many weapons, it is one of the most difficult to master.

Because if you want to master a gun, you need to use various skills to perfection.

After becoming proficient in marksmanship, Muhru can use the smallest amount of energy to achieve maximum lethality!

"Bang! Bang.........Chi!"

After picking up a larger rotting corpse, the rotting corpse immediately suppressed several rotting corpses and was stopped in a short time.

Muhru didn't stop, he picked out the afterimage with the tip of his spear, and stabbed a rotting corpse countless times in the electric light and flint.

Obviously, the bones on their bodies are indeed frighteningly hard.

Even if he uses the silver spear, it will only make dull sounds when he pokes it into the bones, but it cannot directly break the defense.

Muhru frowned, but he did not use the method of increasing his mental energy to break the bones like Biande did.

That was simple and crude, but the mental energy would be consumed very quickly, and what he had to deal with was not just one or two.

The reason why Billander resorted to the method of breaking bones was simply because his fighting style was with his hands and feet.

Not in the habit of fighting with weapons.

So I can only attack with fists and kicks, and then evaluate the consumption to find the most cost-effective consumption.

Don't waste too much energy.

Biande does not use weapons. On the one hand, it is influenced by his personal fighting style.

On the other hand, weapons have greater limitations.

Facing the creatures of the Dark Continent, even the best weapons can be easily damaged.

If a person who is accustomed to weapons lacks weapons, his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

At that time, people will still need to spend additional energy to protect the weapon, otherwise the weapon will be easily damaged.

Muhru's Nen is extremely convenient and can manifest various weapons anytime and anywhere.

After a few blows, there was a sneer, and Muhru looked slightly happy, then shook the silver gun and smashed the middle of the corpse!

After many trials, he successfully penetrated the silver gun through the gaps in the bones and shattered the core inside.

He had imagined this situation as early as when he materialized, so the silver gun was deliberately made one size smaller.

In addition to these few people, other people's battles also have very personal characteristics.

Golem and some members of [Stone Wall] held powerful telen weapons, and rushed out with the Taoist head wrapped in flames.

Perfectly interprets the term "guns and bullets."

The powerful firepower suppressed the movement of the rotting corpses in a short time, and the dust and mud kicked up by the shells spread everywhere on the field.

However, the damage is still not considerable enough.

The carrion from the corpses fell in piles, and was even broken into pieces and melted into the surrounding dust.

Only the unusually thick bones remained motionless.

It can be seen that they have not received a substantial blow, and the core inside the iliac has not been much affected.

Only a small number of people were unlucky and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, everyone can see the health bar of the corpses. Judging from the feedback from the health bar, their health is indeed decreasing.

Pikelot's petite figure is like a ghost, flashing by the corpses one by one.

In her field of vision, every time she hits the corpses, powdery objects similar to those in the game will fall off.

When the hit reaches a certain level, the health bar is completely zero, and the huge corpses suddenly fall to the ground.

At the same time, several bright green spherical objects fall to the ground and are absorbed into Pikelot's body.

If everyone can see the scene that Pikelot saw before.

Then only Pikelot can see these bright green spherical objects.

This is the experience value she gained after defeating the wild monsters. After absorbing it, her strength has increased slightly.

As the battle unfolds, people finally see the core appearance of the corpses.

All the corpses have something similar to a heart in the middle of their bodies, but it is not completely a heart.

The unidentified object emitted a purple light similar to that of a purple forest, and was still beating, faintly stirring up waves.

Inside the translucent object, there was a vaguely insect-like thing inside.

"A parasite?"

Jin glanced at the core of the rotten corpse, thoughtfully, and then flicked his finger, and shattered the core with a condensed thought.

According to his experience, this kind of worm is most likely a parasite, which controls the activities by parasitizing these creatures.

I just don't know whether these worms parasitize the creatures when they are still alive, or after they die?

This can also explain their abnormal behavior.

It looks like it has been dead for a long time, but it can still move, mainly relying on the parasites inside.

This worm is also very strange, with a large piece of jelly-like gelatinous substance around the body to wrap it.

It looks like a beating heart.

At the same time, these gelatinous substances are not only there, but there are countless of them attached to the bones.

With the worm as the core, there are countless gelatinous substances connected to each bone and joint.

These colloids are extremely tough and difficult to break and separate.

The reason why bones are particularly hard seems to be related to the large amount of colloid on them.

This discovery solved Jin's doubts about "the ability of corpses and even skeletons to move".

But he still had a little puzzlement.

Why did they look so fearless and still want to rush towards them even if many of them fell down?

Although there were many of them, their attack methods were not systematic.

They only attacked in different places without any coordination.

However, in a short moment, the surrounding ground was full of corpse remains and the ground was almost plowed countless times.

People even had to pay attention to their feet, otherwise they might be affected by the corpses piled up everywhere.

Lin Ke's side was still calm, which made it convenient for him to observe the corpses and even the movements of the surrounding areas.

He naturally noticed the points that others noticed.

But he also noticed another thing that was wrong.

That is, these parasites did not seem to want to eat them completely.

Lin Ke could tell from the behavior of these corpses that they were fleeing in a hurry!

From the behavior of the corpses, it can be seen that they seemed to be in a hurry to run forward.

As for attacking them, it was like they were looking for some creatures to eat while escaping?

Two or three corpses fell one after another, and even the one in the lead was pushed to the ground by its companions behind.

Then it was stepped on by several corpses as if they were not paying attention.

It seemed that if you were stepped on by other corpses, you would have no chance to get up again.

The more Lin Ke looked at them, the more he felt that they were fleeing.


Lin Ke seemed to understand, and slightly turned his head to look at the depths of the forest. At this moment, there were still corpses rushing out.

After a few breaths, Lin Ke's ears moved slightly, and a look of realization appeared on his face.


He was right!

These rotting corpses are actually still being hunted.

Suddenly, several purple figures flew in the air, appearing at the end of Lin Ke's sight.

They resemble birds, but more like some kind of insect.

Their bodies are mainly made of purple, giving people a feeling of poison everywhere.

They have needles on their lower bodies and shoulders, and purple liquid is constantly secreted from the needle tips.

Its appearance looks somewhat similar to that of a wasp, with a pair of shorter and thin wings.

The needles in the lower body are the largest, accounting for almost one-third of the entire body.

In addition to purple, there are also black stripes on the body, which looks more like a bee-like creature.

At the same time, the head is extremely ferocious, with a pair of large compound eyes similar to those of a fly, with an imperceptible light flashing frequently on them.

The mouth is a similarly long mouthpart, similar to that of a mosquito, but the mosquito only sucks some blood.

If one were sucked by this mouthpart, all the blood in the person would be sucked out in an instant.

Let a lively adult turn into a mummy in a few breaths.

The appearance of these purple bees also heralds the end of the carrion swarm.

The speed of the purple bee was even faster than that of the carrion, and the wings behind it flapped so fast that there was almost no afterimage.

Lin Ke estimates that only those who have reached the S-level range can clearly see the wings behind Zigbee.

Others can't even see the wings on Zigbee's back.

The moving speed of each purple bee is comparable to teleportation. One second it was still in the air, and the next moment it appeared on the back of the carrion.

The slender mouthparts penetrated the inside of the carrion accurately, and then a whole core wrapped in colloid was taken out.

The rotting corpse that had been moving just now suddenly lost its source of power and collapsed on the ground, unable to move.

Those purple wasps are very fast.

From the time Lin Ke saw them, in just a few breaths, thousands of rotting corpses had died.

Obviously, they use the parasites inside the carrion as food.

At a rough glance, there are six purple bees in total.

But these six purple bees chased hundreds of carrion corpses and fled in a hurry, without even being able to fight back.

The strength of the Zigbee is certainly not to be underestimated, but there is also a reason why the Carrion has no anti-air capability.


"This speed is too great."

"What should we do now?"

Biande came to Lin Ke's side, no longer intending to pay attention to the rotting corpses, and his expression became more solemn.

Compared to these purple wasps, the wights are nothing at all.

Although the rotten corpse has high defense, it has poor attack ability. It will just take more time to kill it.

But these purple bees are different.

Not only do they move fast and have strong attack power, but they also fly in the air. Most of them have no way to deal with them.

"Let others ignore the rotting corpses. Most of them will ignore us now and just run away."

"Focus more on Zigbee."

Lin Ke stared at Zifeng's every move and spoke slowly.

Just now he also figured out why the rotten corpses rushed over.

In fact, the safety clothing they wear can restrain their breath to a certain extent and make it difficult to detect.

Those rotting corpses may not have known about it beforehand.

He knew they were here. Even if he rushed over and saw them, he didn't think they were very strong.

When they encountered Waterloo, the purple wasps behind them were already approaching, so they could only walk one way to the end.

Their IQs shouldn't be high, after all, it's just a little bug that controls their bodies.

"Everyone ignore the wights!"

"Pay attention to the wasp-like creature in front of you!"

Biande nodded, and then shouted to the people who were still fighting fiercely around him.

Although everyone was a little confused after hearing this, they all evacuated the battlefield immediately.

The rotten corpses that were fighting just now immediately ran forward without even looking at anyone else.

If they were still thinking of solving these unknown creatures (people) before.

So now the only thought is to escape from here.

Without the obstruction of everyone, the corpse's escape speed increased to a higher level, rushing forward like a tide.

Everyone stood on both sides, quietly watching the purple bees chasing the carrion group.

After seeing the terrifying speed of the purple bee, most of the 133 people subconsciously took a few steps back and their breathing stagnated slightly.

It is no exaggeration to say that if these purple bees launch an attack, several people in the team will not have time to react.

The distance between them is still too close.

At that time, we can only rely on whether the security suit has enough defense.

Fortunately, the purple wasps seemed to pay no attention to them, but continued to prey on the parasites.

In the blink of an eye, the remaining carrion swarms and purple bees whizzed past and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Did you find anything?"

Jin held a core in his hand, with a parasite wrapped in the colloid, and asked Lin Ke next to him.

"I understand roughly, I think they should be the main food chain in this forest."

"It's a relatively obvious superior-subordinate relationship."

"Those purple wasp creatures obviously often prey on those parasites, and are also familiar with the situation of them parasitizing carrion.

"They are very skilled in picking out the core from the corpse's body, and even the slender mouthparts are quite adapted to this."

"This also makes it understandable why they keep chasing parasites and even ignore us completely.

"Of course, we can't rule out the fact that the safety uniforms have restrained our breath a lot."

"If there are no safety clothes to cover up the aura, maybe the purple bees will turn their guns and attack us."

Lin Ke spoke slowly and loudly enough for others to hear clearly, allowing them to understand the relationship between the parasite and the purple wasp.

Lin Ke glanced at the direction they left, and then looked at the direction they appeared.

After many days of walking, they were now almost in the center of the entire purple forest.

Whether it is purple wasps or parasites, it is normal to appear in forest areas, but this raises another problem.

Are there only these six purple bees in the entire forest?!

Moreover, bee creatures also grow up slowly. Don’t these six purple wasps have their young?

"I think there may be more purple bees or their young in the deep forest."

"They are also most likely at the top of the food chain in this purple forest."

After thinking for a moment, Lin Ke slowly expressed his thoughts.

There was one thing Lin Ke didn't say. He always felt that those purple bees were very similar to a Pokémon he had seen.

They all have many needles on their bodies, are purple in color, are full of poison, and can fly in the air.

That is the ultimate exotic beast——the four-jawed needle dragon!


"Pokémon is conceived!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Ke heard a notification sound in his mind that the Pokémon was successfully conceived.

Lin Ke casually asked everyone to clean up the battlefield, especially those bones that could be collected.

I focused on the new Pokémon.

After seeing the new Pokémon, Lin Ke had a look of astonishment and surprise in his eyes.

The Pokémon that appeared was pretty much what he had guessed.

But there are still some differences.

It is the predecessor of the four-jawed Acupuncture Dragon, the same ultimate beast, and the extremely cute Poison Baby!.

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