Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 233: Jealous PokéMon! Purple Poison Honey! (Please Subscribe)

Poison Baby's appearance looks a bit more humanoid, or a child, with a larger head.

There are three tubular poisonous needles on the top of the head. The middle poisonous needle is relatively larger than the other two poisonous needles.

In the animation, Poison Baby can stand upside down and use poison needles to graffiti on the ground or walls.

It has relatively short arms, a relatively long tail, oval-shaped eyes, and a small tail.

The name contains the word "poison". As the name suggests, Poison is a poison-type Pokémon.

Its head is filled with venom, which can be fired from the poison needle at the tip of its head.

In the setting of the Pokémon world, it is a friendly ultimate beast in another world, and can even be chosen as a companion on the journey.

It will spray venom from the poisonous needle on its head at its opponent, giggling.

Toxic Baby is a Pokémon with rich emotions. It is said that if you are in contact with it for a long time, it can also understand human language.

In the original work, Xiaozhi has a poisonous baby, and the cuteness of the domestic baby is reflected in his daily interactions.

When Lin Ke was watching Pokémon Sun and Moon, he also wanted to own such a cute Poison Baby.

Now it is a dream come true in the world of Hunter X Hunter.

However, Lin Ke was a little surprised that the ultimate beast would be bred in this forest.

Although the purple wasp that just appeared is very similar to Poison Baby's evolved four-jawed needle dragon, Lin Ke still doesn't think it will be the ultimate alien beast.

Because the last ultimate beast he obtained, and also the first ultimate beast, was Xuwuide who was bred in the ferry hall.

After restrictions and oaths, new information about Guo Beibi was released.

Name: Poison Baby

Features: Alien beast promotion

Attribute: Poison

Strength: B-level

Skills: Poison, Deadly Sting, Trickery, Venom Impact…………

Poison Baby's race value is 420, so Lin Ke was not surprised by the B-level strength displayed.

After all, Du Beibi is not in its final form yet, and Lin Ke doesn't expect Du Beibi to be very strong.

It can be used as a mascot to accompany you, mainly because it fulfills your previous wishes.

This was Lin Ke's thought at the last moment.

The next moment, Poison Baby sent a message, full of urgency to devour.

A flash of astonishment flashed through Lin Ke's heart, and he immediately released the poisonous baby.

A soft white light flashed, and Poison Baby, who looked like an alien child, appeared in front of Lin Ke.

A pair of light blue eyes were slightly curved, flying around Lin Ke, as if they were playing with Lin Ke.

Although Poison Baby has no wings, it can still fly freely in the air.

The people around him also noticed the fluctuation of thought energy, and immediately glanced in the direction of Lin Ke, only to see a petite body lingering next to Lin Ke.

Upon seeing this, everyone knew it was Lin Ke's mind beast, so they once again focused on collecting things.

Only Liao Liao and the others noticed something was wrong with Lin Ke's mind beast.

After Poison Baby appeared, its body emitted a soft white light, and the air was vaguely attracted to it.

Naturally, it is not just the air that is adsorbed, but mainly the highly toxic components contained in the air!

[Are you actually absorbing the poison in the purple light? 】

Lin Ke looked at Du Beibi floating in the air, and immediately understood what the source of Du Beibi's desire was.

Poison Baby's setting is that her body is filled with venom. After coming to the real world, she can absorb venom into her body.

At the same time, as Poison Baby absorbs the poison step by step, its experience value is also constantly increasing.

Perhaps the poison in the Dark Continent is unusual and the speed of gaining experience points is very fast.

In just half a minute, Du Beibi broke through from B-level to B-level, and is still improving.

This speed of promotion prohibits countless people.


Du Beibi seemed to be enjoying himself very much, and Lin Ke could clearly feel Du Beibi's satisfaction at this time.

It can be seen that it thinks the poison in this purple forest is not bad.

Poison Babi's absorption is a passive ability, and it can move freely while absorbing.

And it’s not devouring where you need to open your mouth to “eat” it.

The toxins are drawn by the thought energy, will attach to the poisonous baby, and then be absorbed.

The most indispensable thing in this purple forest is poison, and those purple leaves are spreading poison every moment.

These will also become the rations for Poison Baby's continuous advancement!


Poison Baby turned around in mid-air, with his head facing down, and stood on the ground through the poison needle tube on the top.

Then the needle is like a pen, drawing lines on the soft ground.

It didn't take long for a lifelike portrait to appear in front of Lin Ke's eyes.

"It's me and Master Meow."

Miaomiao scratched his head and looked at the painting on the ground with some surprise.

Although he was painting on the ground, some details couldn't be better, but it still couldn't cover up Du Beibi's talent in painting.

Lin Ke stands in the middle with a smile on his face, and Meow Meow is standing behind Lin Ke.

Then on Lin Ke's left shoulder, Poison Baby was floating in the air with the same happy smile.

"Poison Babe is really powerful."

Lin Ke smiled knowingly and touched Du Beibi's face. The smile on the latter's face became even stronger.

Poison Baby's skin is made of a metal-like material, slightly reflective, but feels warm to the touch.

Not as cold as ruthless metal.

"Well, you are really good at drawing, nya.

Miao Miao put her hands on her hips, closed her eyes and nodded, approving of Du Beibi's painting skills.

Seeing Lin Ke touching Poison Baby, Meow Meow quickly said:

"Actually, Meow Meow can also draw and touch his head~"

"Okay, okay."

Lin Ke had no time to spare with both hands now, one was rubbing Poison Baby, and the other was petting Meow Meow.

However, the current feeling is still better than that of Du Beibi, because Miao Miao is still wearing safety clothing and cannot touch the soft fur inside.

In other words, two Pokémon were released.

Lin Ke has no doubt that if a few more are released, they will look at him with their big watery eyes.

They all let themselves touch them.


It seems that he did release more than one Pokémon?

Thinking of this, Lin Ke cast his sight into the shade of the tree above, where ten petite shadows were standing on the branches.

One second he was looking at Lin Ke, as if he noticed Lin Ke's gaze, and the next second he turned his head away.

It seemed that he was deliberately showing that he had not seen anything and had no intention of being touched.

"Come down and let me touch you too."

Lin Ke burst into laughter, and this little action of sniping at the tree owl brought a sense of joy.

After hearing Lin Ke's words, the shadow representing the sniper tree owl moved slightly and took action immediately.

Originally staying in the shadow of the tree, I saw the body of the sniper tree owl quickly slip into the shadow distance.

A flash of lightning emerged from Lin Ke's shadow, and at the same time the shadow state was lifted, revealing his normal appearance.

Like a handsome and cute big bird, it spread its wings with joy and hugged Lin Ke.

Lin Ke quietly put his hands on the head of the sniper tree owl. The first feeling he touched was softness, and then warmth.

Unlike the light feeling given by the bird, the head of the Sniper Owl feels thicker and full of warmth.

It seems that every starter has this situation, and the initial form is very cute.

Lin Ke thinks that the initial form of the Sniper Owl, the Wood Owl, is also one of the cutest ones among the starter.

Fortunately, although the final form is not so cute, it is replaced by a handsome appearance.

At least it did not become a look similar to Venusaur.

Jin shifted his attention away from the parasite in his hand [turning his head to look at Lin Ke who was "surrounded".

The relationship between Lin Ke and his mind beast is also what Jin feels is different from other mind beast-type Nen.

They had more exchanges before, and Lin Ke seemed to treat each mind beast as a living life.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why he is so successful?

After a while, everyone also dealt with the harvest.

A pile of extremely hard bones were piled together, and there were also some parasites wrapped in colloids.

Compared with the scattered rotten meat, these things are undoubtedly more valuable.

Parasites and colloids are mainly used for research, while bones are really valuable.

Then a space channel opened up, and all the collected things fell into it.

Lin Ke nodded, and seeing that everyone had adjusted their status, he said: "Let's go, keep moving forward!"

"DBU, ABU..."

Figures flashed one after another, and everyone disappeared on the spot, following Lin Ke's footsteps.

Unlike before, a floating poisonous bee appeared beside Lin Ke, which was continuously absorbing Yuyuan.

This experience made everyone more deeply understand the truth that Bi Yangde said.

That is, don't interfere too much with the laws of the Dark Continent.

The simplest manifestation is the food chain.

Humans are an absolute alien species, at least the humans of the six continents are like this.

Facing the food chain that has long been established on the Dark Continent, the best way is to stay away from it and don't interfere too much.

Today's purple bees and parasites are the most distinctive representatives of the food chain in this purple forest.

However, this is a choice made for the purpose of safety.

If it is for more challenges, then there will be different choices.

After a while,

Lin Ke and his group finally arrived at the center of the purple forest.

Everyone hid in the bushes and behind the trees, looking at the scene in front of them.

In the center of the purple forest, there was a group of purple bees living.

A quick look showed that there were nearly a hundred purple bees, not just the purple bees that were constantly flying.

The buzzing sound echoed around, clearly audible.

There were also purple bees hanging on the trees, which had not yet grown up, and were now in a posture similar to iron shell pupae, wrapped in purple shells.

Here were the largest trees in the entire purple forest, which were transformed into beehives for the purple bees to live in.

The entrance alone was the size of a bungalow, and people kept coming in and out.

At this moment, Lin Ke suddenly realized a problem.

Since it was a bee creature, would there be honey inside?

While Lin Ke was thinking, everyone also observed the large scale of the purple bees and couldn't help holding their breath.

Seeing this, Lin Ke hesitated for a moment, and after seeing everyone's reaction, he made a gesture.

Just go around from the side, there is no need to confront these purple bees head-on.

There is another key point here, that is, Lin Ke does not intend to attack these purple bees.

Because they are very likely to have other values.

But Lin Ke can't guarantee it here, because there seem to be few flowers in this purple forest.

Not sure if these weird bee creatures actually have honey.

After seeing Lin Ke's gesture, everyone had no objection and quietly left here, moving forward at an angle.

There are indeed a lot of these purple bees. If we really charge at them forcefully, it is very likely to cause


The most important point is that they do not need to conflict with them.

After walking around for a while, Lin Ke and his party were already far away from the hive.

The hive seemed calm and nothing happened.

Suddenly, two figures suddenly appeared in the hive.

Gardevoir burst out with a strong pink thought energy, causing a strong wind inside the hive.

Each purple bee was controlled by the pink thought energy and was fixed in mid-air.

Even if purple bees rush in one after another and want to kill the intruder, if one comes in, Gardevoir will control each one.

The strength of these purple bees is in the A-level range, and many have reached A+ level.

But facing Gardevoir, he could only stand there like a sculpture.

Gardevoir raised his arm slightly, and a lot of honey in the hive was separated into pieces and floated in mid-air.

As his partner, Geng Gui didn't waste a moment. He saw Geng Gui suddenly open his ".||bloody mouth".

Countless pieces of honey, like sucklings returning to their nests, "can't wait" to fly into Gengar's mouth and be preserved.

Next, Gardevoir and Gengar followed the same method and took away the honey from the other two big trees.

But there is still a part left, and at the same time, the purple bees have not been harmed.

This is Lin Ke's "sustainable development" plan.

Let these purple bees stay here and continue to produce honey, and (Nonuo Zhao) take some away regularly to be a different kind of beekeeper.

After a few breaths, just as Gardevoir and Gengar came as quickly as they arrived, they left quickly as well.

Before the purple bees had time to react, they saw the intruder flash and disappear from their sight.

Leaving with them, there was also a lot of honey.

Far away from the hive,

Lin Ke glanced at the shadow without any trace, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Unexpectedly, this purple bee actually produces honey, but its appearance is a bit strange, with a purple color.

[Purple Poison Honey]: Purple bees live in the highly poisonous forest on the edge of the dark continent all year round.

This kind of purple bee is extremely resistant to all kinds of poisons. The amount of honey it produces is relatively rare and has a variety of functions.

Including detoxifying, increasing the upper limit of mind energy, enhancing physical fitness, beautifying the face, and delaying aging to a certain extent...

When he saw the introduction of [Purple Poison Honey] for the first time, a sentence suddenly flashed in Lin Ke's mind.

In the dark continent, [disaster] often coexists with [hope].

This purple forest is of course extremely dangerous, and most living creatures should stay three feet away from it.

Even if you go deep into it, you still have to be prepared for various dangers.

But the [Purple Poison Honey] produced here is completely worth the effort.

Obviously, this [Purple Poison Honey] is the [Hope] in the purple forest!

It is even close to being comparable to Vanilla, one of the known [Hope].

The difference is that [vanilla], as a herbal medicine, mainly focuses on curing diseases.

Other effects are incidental to the cure of the disease.

[Purple Poison Honey] is different, its effects are more extensive.

It can relieve many poisons, improve mind energy, enhance physical fitness, and even delay aging.

These effects are relatively consistent with the effects of honey.

But as the honey of the dark continent, its effect is obviously outstanding.

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