Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 234 Grassland! Two More Breeding Bars! Is This A Cloud? (Please Subscribe)

After many days of progress, Lin Ke and his party finally passed through this poisonous forest that other creatures kept away from.

Passing through the last few sparse trees, everyone's eyes suddenly opened up.

What comes into view is a grassland with no end in sight.

Unlike a forest, the next terrain is a patch of weedy land rather than a bed of towering trees.

But there is still something wrong with this grassland, and it cannot be simply judged as an ordinary grassland.

Most of the weeds are bright emerald green, with faint drops of water on the grass tips, but occasionally there are a few places where the weeds are withered yellow.

Against the backdrop of the widespread emerald green surrounding them, these patches of yellow grass are particularly eye-catching.

These weeds are not low, they are basically half the height of a person, and some particularly long weeds can even reach the height of a person.

This shows that if you are not careful, you may even get lost in this grassland.

There are so many weeds and they are so dense that it is difficult for everyone to see clearly what is in the grass and to get more useful information.

This also means that there may be something hidden inside that cannot be seen because the line of sight is blocked by the grass.

In addition to all the weeds, there are some vague flowers of different shapes in the grass, and there are a few big trees further away.

"On the surface, it seems that this place is much safer than the forest behind us."

Muhru looked around and spoke softly in a lowered voice.

But everyone knew what he meant.

What looks safe on the surface does not mean it is truly safe.

In a place like the Dark Continent, it is difficult to imagine a truly safe place.

The more "safe" a place is, the more confusing it is, and the more vigilant it is to be vigilant.

"Yes, it looks safe~"

"As soon as I got here, I discovered something unusual."

Pariston said with a faint gaze, glancing at the grass that was blown by the breeze from time to time, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Hearing this, everyone held their breath and looked at the grassland, and the place suddenly fell into silence.

So quiet!

In the entire vast grassland, there was only a little rustling noise of the grass being blown by the breeze.

There was no other sound at all.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with it, but when everyone faces the vast grassland, they will feel a sense of oppression in their hearts.

It was like having a premonition that something terrible would happen as soon as I walked into the grassland.

After a while, Biande sighed, shrugged, and 880 said helplessly:

"Forget it, after all, we have already known that the Dark Continent is unusual, so we just have to face it honestly."

"But you can't just rush in. You have to be prepared."

"Like figuring out what those flowers are for?"

Following Biande's fingers, everyone saw a flower in the grass.

Because they have different colors and appearances, and are a head taller than the surrounding green grass, these flowers are particularly conspicuous.

A longer green branch stretches out, with a larger flower disk on the front.

The outer circle of the flower disk is full of dark yellow petals, and there is a circular area in the middle, which is very dark and difficult to see clearly.


Jin's eyes narrowed and he expressed what everyone was thinking.

From the appearance, this flower does look very much like a sunflower.

But no one thinks that these are ordinary sunflowers.


"The flower disk has been following the movement of the sun in the deflection direction, but it is relatively subtle.

Jin observed carefully for a moment and then said slowly, but his frown did not relax.

He always felt that these flowers gave him a sense of familiarity.

But what is the reason for the feeling of familiarity?

"Let's do this, everyone goes past where the sunflowers are and don't get in close contact with them."

"This grass can use the 'circle' to detect the situation, and your Nen should also be used normally, right?"

Biande said steadily, looking at Mi Lu at the same time.

"Okay, after leaving this forest, without the influence of purple light, my Nen returned to normal."

Mi Lu nodded, indicating that she could still serve as a guard.

While everyone was discussing, Lin Ke was paying attention to the two extra pregnancy bars in his mind.

Like the purple forest that just came out, this unknown grassland also provides two nurturing bars.

This couldn't help Lin Ke sighing, there are so many breeding conditions in this dark continent.

Grassland, then most of the Pokémon bred will be grass-type, and may also be related to the creatures encountered.

Grass-type Pokémon...


There were slight sounds of clothing rubbing against weeds, and everyone cautiously reached into the grass.

Fortunately, we have safety clothing, which gives everyone a layer of protection.

Just after everyone walked forward for a while, a few sunflowers in the distance suddenly changed the direction of their flower disks.

Directly facing Lin Ke and others, the deep black flower disk is like a black hole that can swallow anything in it.


Lin Ke turned his head and saw the strange movement of several sunflowers, and suddenly shouted:

"Watch out for the sunflowers!"

All of a sudden, everyone turned their attention to the sunflower. It didn't matter. After seeing it, many people's expressions suddenly changed.

I saw a dazzling white light suddenly appearing in the center of the flower disks of those sunflowers, which contained energy fluctuations visible to the naked eye!

This light is extremely pure, with no other colors mixed except white, and contains a fierce offensive.

Jin's eyelids were twitching wildly, and his body was suddenly shaken.

He finally remembered why he felt this sunflower looked familiar to him!

This method of using light beams to attack is quite similar to the gold ingots in the plant weapon gold and silver ingots!

The people who were still in the same place one second were squeezing to both sides the next moment.

Before people had time to breathe, they saw that Sunflower's attack had arrived.

Several pure white thick beams of light arrived in the blink of an eye, and the fierce attack caused loud cracking sounds to appear in the air.

【This is...sunfire?】

Lin Ke, who was standing aside, was surprised in his heart.

The scene in front of me is quite consistent with the appearance of the grass-type ultimate move [Sunshine Flame].

I saw the light beam blowing up strong winds, causing countless weeds to be blown down, exposing the brown soil underneath.

Fortunately, everyone had already avoided the attack position, so every beam of light was hit empty.

“Boom! Boom! Boom…………

The beam containing huge energy fell slightly far behind the people, and suddenly exploded into missile-like explosions!

Countless amounts of soil and weeds turned into ashes in an instant, wrapped together with the thick dust, and spread towards the surroundings.

At this time, Mi Lu sensed some movement in vain, and quickly reminded loudly: "Pay attention to the underground!"

Before even stopping for a few moments, another sudden change occurred!


Matthew made a confused sound, and an extremely tight feeling came from his ankle!

A series of clicking sounds came and went, symbolizing that his safety suit was being continuously attacked.

However, it was not just Matthew who was attacked, but others as well.

The ground that was originally just covered with weeds suddenly sprouted dark green vines that were waving wildly.

There are quite a few vines, turning the surrounding grass into a field of vines, like pythons moving around.

These vines are extremely powerful, and just wrapping around the feet can cause signs of damage to the safety clothing.

You know, this is a safety suit that can't even cause much damage to those rotting corpses!


Matthew gritted his teeth, his fists burst out with majestic energy, and he hit the vines with all his strength!


Matthew's expression changed drastically at the first moment of the collision, and the sound, like hitting metal, was extremely harsh.

These vines are not only extremely powerful, but also possess excellent defense, countless times harder than steel.

He struck hard several times before breaking the vines on his feet.

However, this did not have much effect, as new vines spread out and entangled his feet again.

As an Enhancer, Matthew has such a hard time, and others can imagine it.

These vines are not only fast (bjcg), have high defense, but also powerful. They don’t appear to have any weaknesses!

What's even more desperate is that the sunflowers in the distance have finished accumulating energy and are about to launch their second round of launches.

Not long after they stepped into this grassland, a series of dangers hit them head-on!

Suddenly, a figure appeared next to Matthew, with fists wrapped in blazing fire.


The crackling sound was accompanied by the splashing flames.

Jin suddenly struck the ground, and the compressed thought energy burst out crazily at this moment.

The powerful punch caused the ground to suddenly sink downwards, and a large crater appeared in an instant.

Countless vines around him were also flattened and mixed with dust formed from countless soil.

Jin thought it was too troublesome to attack them one by one, so he simply attacked the ground directly and got rid of them from the roots.

It wasn't just Kim who came to the rescue.


Muhru was holding a long knife with an extremely sharp blade. The grass blown by the wind hit it and was cut into two.

A few slashes of sword light were drawn at random, and a cold light flashed in Muhru's eyes. He stepped forward and cut several slashes of sword light around him.

The rays of sword light were thrilling, forming nihilistic slashes and cutting off countless vines at the same time!

Biande moves extremely fast, and every time he moves, he can trample the soil and vines under his feet into nothing.

The two fists were filled with majestic thought energy, and they easily smashed out large craters and shattered countless pigeons.


"Don't hold back, fight back!!"

Biande shouted loudly, the aura on his body became more and more powerful, like a furious beast, full of terrifying aura!

The sunflowers in the distance were still aiming at a few people. A breeze blew by, and a figure appeared behind them.


"I wonder if there are sunflower seeds in it?"

As the soft words fell, Lin Ke's right hand surged with pure thought energy, and the palm of his hand seemed to be covered with a layer of bright white claws.

Steel skill - metal claw!

In an instant, his right hand drew a beautiful arc, and several sunflowers broke in succession.

It fell steadily into Lin Ke's hands.

[Flame Sunflower]: Facing the sun every day, it continues to absorb sunlight and emits bright light at night.

After sensing the breath of the creature, it will use the collected solar energy to attack the creature according to the rotation direction of the surrounding petals.

[Flame Sunflower Seeds]: The shell is extremely dark, and the center composed of these sunflower seeds is extremely suitable for absorbing sunlight energy.

It contains relatively strong warming energy and can relieve cold, frost and other conditions after taking it.

[Sure enough, this sunflower does contain sunflower seeds, and it also has certain special effects.

Lin Ke glanced twice, and then threw several sunflowers into the shadow and disappeared completely.

Then he looked expectantly at where Biande and the others were.

in everyone's sight

In the blind spot, that is, in the sky, a silver-white spherical object suddenly appeared.

The spherical object was spinning in the air, and at the same time, emerald green seeds continued to pour on the ground.

After these seeds fell to the ground, they thrived very quickly and grew into vines with delicate flowers.

Then it wraps around the vines that burst out of the ground, constantly absorbing the energy contained in them and feeding it back into its body.

Grass skill - Parasitic Seed!

Countless bright green energy flies into the body of the Nut Dumbbell, and these energies symbolizing vigorous vitality have become part of its strength!

Similar to Poison Babe, Nut Dumbbell can absorb the energy of these vines through [Zhou Sheng Seeds].

It has been useless before, just because I have never encountered a plant with such energy.

According to Nut Dumbbell, [Parasite Seeds] can absorb the energy of the same plant and turn it into its own strength.

Using [Parasite Seed] on other creatures can only replenish the energy consumed.

The vines that were "vibrant" just now are gradually dying.

Although vines grown from seeds are relatively fragile and can be broken easily.

However, there are also many seeds that are directly parasitic on the vines, rather than being absorbed by growing into vines.

With continuous absorption, the experience value of Nut Dumbbell is increasing rapidly, and it has been promoted to A-level in the blink of an eye.

It broke away from Class B and reached the range of Class A.

Through the unremitting efforts of Nut Dumbbell, these vines and even the surrounding weeds are absorbed by it.

Instead, there was a whole piece of grass that was almost withered, and the originally vibrant grass became extremely dry.

With a light touch from Jin, the withered grass suddenly shattered into slag and floated into the distance in the breeze.


"Did it suck all the life energy away?"

Jin looked at the nut dumbbells standing next to Lin Ke in the distance and took a deep breath.

Not only Kim, but everyone else was also surprised by what Nut Dumbbell Mansion did.

The vines that many of them had to deal with were extremely easy to deal with in front of Lin Ke's mind beast.


"It's finally solved. It was really thrilling. I was almost dragged underground by the vines just now."

Fisherman Ussaman scratched his head and sat cross-legged on the ground. Seeing that the storm finally calmed down, he couldn't help but start chatting.

Others also spoke one after another to calm down their panic.

The entire area around them looked like it had been plowed several times, and there were countless pits.

There are no plants at all, so it is a relatively safe place.

But while they were resting, Lin Ke looked at the sky abnormally and frowned slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the ground that was still illuminated by the sun suddenly darkened, as if it had suddenly turned into night in the blink of an eye.

This sudden change immediately aroused everyone's alert, and they all stood up and looked up.

After seeing the appearance of the sky clearly, most people stared blankly at the sky as if they had been struck by lightning.

"How can this be?!"

"Is this a cloud?!".

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