Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 235: Cloud Beast! Three Cloud Gods? Three Giant Dragons! (Please Subscribe)

The sky, which was just sunny, suddenly became dark, as if a large piece of cloth was blocking the sun.

Following everyone's gaze, a large group of clouds suddenly appeared in the sky.

A large cloud was pure white without a trace of impurities, like a cotton ball and a dough being kneaded.

It was rolling in the sky, as if a monster was about to be released from it.

For a moment, everyone held their breath and looked at the cloud in amazement.

They had also encountered strange clouds in the unknown sea, but they were just dark clouds with a lot of rainfall.

They were far less strange than this cloud.

Suddenly, the huge cloud began to split into small pieces, and then these small pieces changed their shapes.

Not long after, clouds of various shapes and shapes resembling various beasts appeared in the sky one after another.

There are clouds that look like wild wolves, tigers and leopards, stepping on the void, baring their teeth and claws, and making silent roars.

There are clouds with strange appearances, roughly some magical beasts, changing into strange and powerful appearances.

Everyone's eyes were quickly occupied by a vast white scene. This was not snowing.

Instead, the sky was full of monsters made of clouds!

[Cloud Beast]: A biological form transformed from special clouds, usually gathered in places with many clouds and strong life energy.

After sensing strong energy fluctuations on the ground, it will transform from the usual cloud state to the cloud beast state to attack.

The hunted creatures will be swallowed by the clouds, and then strengthen themselves.

All the creatures that have been swallowed can be imitated by the clouds, and at the same time have some abilities.

Because the body is composed of clouds, it can be immune to or greatly weaken the power of many attacks.

Lin Ke looked at the information displayed by the illustrated ability, and immediately thought of a very similar Pokémon.

That is the Three Cloud Gods of the Unova region in the Pokémon world!

The Three Cloud Gods, as the name suggests, are three Pokémon.

They are named "Tornado", "Land Cloud", and "Thunder Cloud". Their names can easily show their corresponding abilities.

In addition to these three, there is also a legendary beast named "Love Cloud" later, which can also be classified as one just from the perspective of appearance and other aspects.

There is a feature in the Pokémon world, that is, each region usually has a first-level god, plus three subordinates.

These subordinates include the Three Holy Beasts, the Three Holy Birds, the Three God Pillars, etc.

But there are exceptions.

There are two factions of legendary beasts in the Unova region.

The first is the most well-known Three Dragons of Tao, which is the collective name of Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem.

The second is the Three Cloud Gods. They have no higher boss to lead them, so the strongest of the three is the Land Cloud as the boss.

Despite this, their strength should not be underestimated. Team Rocket boss Sakaki claims that the Three Cloud Gods can dominate the world.

This is definitely an exaggeration, but as a legendary beast, its strength is not low.

The reason why Lin Ke thought of the Three Cloud Gods was not only because they were one of the few Pokémon related to clouds.

It was also because they had a special ability.

They both had two forms, the incarnation form and the spirit beast form.

The incarnation form had a beast-like upper body and the lower body was supported by white clouds.

The spirit beast form had a beast-like body and clouds were distributed in other parts of the body.

These two forms were quite similar to the densely packed [Cloud Beasts] in the sky.


There were three cloud gods among the Pokémon bred this time?

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows, and this reasonable guess emerged in his mind. He was willing to be perfect in front of him and was very compatible with the one-six gods.

But now was not the time to think.


Muhelu looked gloomy, and with a wave of his hand, Kuang Zheng immediately formed a bow and arrow flashing with the Nian Qi Bi card.

These weird clouds are in the sky now, and they will fall down and besiege them later.

So we need to cut down some of them before they fall to the ground.

After all, there were too many cloud monsters, densely covering the blue sky.

It was as if a switch had been pressed in this area, turning from day to night.

Muhru looked at the sky with his bow and arrow in hand, and pulled it hard, but he didn't even need to aim and could shoot directly.


Golem said dullly, and at the same time inspired countless mental energy, and materialized enough mental weapons as quickly as possible.

Facing these enemies in the sky, they have few attack methods and can only rely on long-range attacks.

Muhru's eyes were fierce, and his fingers quickly pulled the bow and arrows repeatedly, firing six arrows in a very short time!


The arrows composed of thought energy are much sharper and stronger than ordinary arrows, and they quickly draw six lines in the air.

The sharp arrow is invincible and can pierce everything with ease.

In everyone's eyes, which were either heavy or expectant, the arrow hit the cloud beast steadily.

The cloud beast's body aroused layers of fluctuations, and wisps of water mist-like things escaped.

Then the arrow passed directly through the cloud beast and flew to another place.

However, the cloud beast returned to its original state in this instant, almost no different from before it was attacked.

The feedback this brought has cast a shadow over many people's minds and shocked them.

The power of Muhlu's six arrows just now is not low at all. Even a sandworm as tall as a house can quickly pierce it.

Although the cloud beast was also pierced, this was not the result they wanted to see.

"Because of the special structure of the body, is it immune to many attacks?"

"What a difficult enemy~"

Jin patted the dust on his body, looked directly at the cloud beast on the top, and murmured to himself.

The six arrows just now were not useless, at least they let them know that ordinary attacks were very ineffective against them.

Jin even speculated that if Mu Helu did not use the arrows of mental energy to attack, but a normal archery doctor.

I'm afraid it really has no effect at all.

At least it was broken up a little bit just now.

This shows that those cloud monsters are not only immune to physical attacks, but are also largely immune to gas attacks.

It's difficult to deal with them!

Either they attack with attacks far beyond their ability, or they find other ways to attack.

For example, special Nen, or mind tools.

Before anyone here could think of a way to deal with it, the cloud beast began to move and launch an attack!

Cloud beasts are quite inconsistent with their identity as clouds, and their movement speed cannot be said to be slow, especially when there are so many of them.

The huge number makes people's scalp numb, as if a white rain is falling from the sky, falling quickly!

Suddenly, a huge figure suddenly appeared in the sky, and the air around him seemed to be compressed and solidified in vain.

It was like being in a vacuum, making it impossible for everyone to breathe normally.

The huge figure covered the sky and the earth, revealing the ultimate malice everywhere. Suddenly, the surroundings were surrounded by extremely thick black air-conditioning!

At this moment, it seemed as if the most terrifying and evil existence in the world had descended on this grassland.

It makes the already dark venue even darker, adding a bit of eerie darkness to the atmosphere, making people feel uncomfortable.

I saw a black and purple figure with strange patterns floating in Kongchen.

But the pairs of huge black wings behind him did not move.

There is no need to flap its wings and it can still float in the air.

In addition to its huge body, there are countless dark red gases lingering around it, flashing around it like lightning.

Make it more terrifying.

The three ferocious dragon heads spit out long dragon tongues, spitting out letters like snakes.

Those three pairs of dark eyes that can devour the soul are full of murderous intent, and their deep eyes seem to be able to swallow everything.

The huge body, coupled with the extremely dark aura, made the scene instantly silent.

Once it appears, no living thing dares to move around at will!

These are the three extremely giant dragons!

Only some Pokémon can Gigantamax, but every Pokémon can Gigantamax.

Facing these cloud beasts that are immune to physical attacks, taking out Genesect is obviously a killing opportunity.

So Lin Ke chose to take out his own Gigantamax three evil dragons!

【Is this the Nian Beast from back then?!】

[Sure enough, the mind beast can be made huge! 】

[And it seems that the aura is much larger. Is it because of the change in body shape? 】

Jin looked at the three huge evil dragons quietly, but he was muttering in his heart, unable to express his surprise.

When facing the gold and silver ingots, the three evil dragons appeared, but their size was far less huge than it is now.

The huge body not only represents a more frail aura, but also represents a more terrifying power.

"Triple attack!"

Lin Ke looked at the terrifying three evil dragons, waved his hand, and shouted coldly.


The three evil dragons let out a deep dragon roar, and a dragon power symbolizing hegemony quickly spread towards the surroundings.

The next moment, three energy balls of different colors appeared in the ferocious mouths of the three evil dragons.


The bodies of the three evil dragons trembled slightly, like a huge volcano, ready to erupt at any time.

Under the injection of thought energy, different energy balls rapidly change their shapes and change towards a columnar shape.

From accumulating power to launching, it was all done in a room of lightning and flint. The cloud beasts in the sky had no place to dodge, and no one could stop them.

The beam is composed of red, yellow and blue colors, including blazing fireworks, cold ice light and flashing electric shocks.


Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the powerful triple attack hit the cloud beast directly, causing an explosion that resounded through the sky!

The beam of light was like the Optimus Pillar, and the cloud beasts completely dissipated in the air the moment they touched the beam.

The three evil dragons deflected their bodies so that the beam of light could sweep across the sky.

Let every cloud beast have the honor to feel the Initiation of the triple attack!

Seeing this devastating offensive, everyone couldn't help but tremble, but they were almost getting used to it, but there was another wave of emotion in their hearts.

After following Captain Lin Ke for a while, they had a rough idea of ​​his abilities.

Especially the fact that they often create big scenes, they are almost used to it.

As long as they find it difficult to solve any problem, Captain Lin Ke can solve it in a very short time.

If you want to ask them what was the most impressive time.

That would definitely be the time when he was surrounded by endless sea beasts.

Kyogre's arrival successfully made them realize how powerful [God] must be.

Compared with that time, this time seems to be nothing?

As the last cloud beast was cleared away, the three evil dragons also stopped the triple attack in their mouths.

At this moment, the sky has returned to normal, and it is difficult to see a strange cloud.

"Ahem, he is indeed our Captain Lin Ke!"

"As soon as I take action

can be solved easily.

Biande coughed twice, cleared his throat, and calmed down his mood.

After staring at the sky, Lin Ke turned to look at the people who were still frightened and said slowly:

"Take a rest and prepare to move forward.

after one day,

Perhaps it was the appearance of the three evil dragons that made their subsequent journey smoother.

It is rare to encounter attacks from some creatures.

But the more relaxed you are, the more likely you are to encounter unexpected changes.


Everyone was still walking on the grassland, and the surrounding scene seemed to have not changed much.

"Zi La~"

Standing on the grass, Jin looked around and spread the "circle" as a warning.

Seeing that there was no change, he opened the helmet of his safety suit, revealing the slovenly face underneath.

Digging into his pocket, Jin took out a few green leaves and threw them lightly into his mouth.

Then he immediately put on his helmet and ate while ensuring safety, while waves of Qingjing feelings spread throughout his body.

This leaf is extremely refreshing, can uplift people's spirits and improve their concentration on things.


"Would you like a few slices too? It's pretty good."

Jin said to Muhru who was looking over from the other side. At first glance, he looked like he was luring a weird uncle into eating something bad.

"No, thanks."

Muhru twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and declined Jin's kindness.

"Oh, why don't you understand kindness?"

Jin shook his head, sighed, and said no more.


"What is this?"


Golem's voice attracted everyone's attention, and they saw a faint light flashing on and off in the midair a little ahead of Golem.

These bright lights are pure white in color, giving people a soft feeling, about the size of a fingernail, and have a small group.

This scene attracted everyone's attention.

Not to mention, they don’t know what the creatures in the Dark Continent eat to grow up. The creatures they encounter are all ten larger than the ten.

Such small creatures are extremely rare. They should be some small insects flying.

The small body made people feel that there was no threat, and people didn't react at all.

But as soon as they got within a certain distance of Gao Laim and others, these bugs seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and they suddenly flew through the air at high speeds.

The white light formed a strange vortex at this moment, surrounding Golem and others!

"Get away!"

Muhru shouted loudly, but the insect flew so fast that it seemed difficult to catch it in time.

Golem's hair stood on end as he felt a warning in his heart. Every cell in his body was telling him one thing!

Be sure to avoid this one!.

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