Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 236: The Phantom Beast Shemi! The Strangeness Of The Dark Continent! (Please Subscribe)

At the critical moment of life and death, Golem's brain was working rapidly, and it exploded to a level far beyond normal.

The mental energy on the body spurts out in a very short period of time, and may not necessarily be used in time to escape.

But every time you release a bit of thought energy, you can resist some attacks and make yourself safer.

Although the attack methods of those insect swarms are not yet known, Golem has already acquiesced that their attacks will be fatal!

Because the swarm of insects flies towards the nearest person, the unlucky Golem is in particular danger.

At this moment, there was only one thought in Golem's mind - survive!

Every Aura Node in the body spurts out mental energy crazily, and then forms a large wave of mental energy fluctuations!

It seems that these bugs are relatively fragile. After the first bug touched Golem's burst of thought energy, it immediately shattered into slag.

Like a mosquito that has been rubbed, its tiny body is torn apart, making it difficult to attract others' attention.

The next moment, a burst of fire suddenly appeared! 2

This little bug is very inconspicuous, but at this moment, it explodes with power far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The body of this insect alone exploded into a huge fireball, as powerful as a very powerful bomb!

It was as if countless gunpowder had been concentrated into the body of this insect. No one who saw it could believe that it was caused by an insect.

And this is just the beginning.

If the first domino is toppled, the fall of the first domino will cause the second domino to fall as well...

By analogy, although only the first domino is knocked down, the remaining dominoes will be affected.

Until the last one falls.

These swarms are very similar to dominoes.

The death of the first bug is not the end, but the beginning.

In the electric light and flint, one by one the insects exploded "zero by zero" under the stimulation of high temperature and flames.

With huge fireballs rising one after another!

At first glance, it looks like volcanoes erupting countless magma, which makes people feel extremely humble.

In an instant, Golem's eyes were occupied by a sea of ​​fiery red flames, and the ruthless flames ran rampant in his field of vision.

The sharply rising temperature did not affect him. The real threat was one close-range explosion after another!

"Boom! Boom boom..."

Immediately afterwards, there were endless explosions that resounded through the sky, like countless fireworks and firecrackers being set off next to the ears.

When the flame touched his thick mind energy, it only blocked an insignificant bit of time.

Immediately, the flames burned through the thoughts easily, as easily as burning on a piece of white paper.

Lin Ke's complexion on the other side changed slightly, and his eyes involuntarily became serious.

After coming to the Dark Continent, they had seen so many creatures, but this was the first time they encountered such a strange creature.

If we only talk about attack capabilities, then these mid-swarms may not be as powerful as the purple bees in the purple forest.

Not only does the purple bee move extremely fast, but its needles are extremely sharp and powerful.

Their power is obvious.

But not these bugs.

Not to mention looking at it with the naked eye, even with the word "condensation", you can't see anything special about these bugs.

Or because they were approaching Golem, their speed suddenly changed, which made people realize that something was wrong.

It turns out that these bugs not only move fast, they even have the effect of Auntie's powerful bomb!

Compared to the huge sandworms and fast purple wasps, these explosive bugs finally gave Lin Ke a little taste of the dark continent.

The weird and unpredictable feeling of the dark continent!

There may be any bizarre creatures here. No one can predict it before it happens.

Then think of the [Flame Sunflower], [Cloud Beast] and so on that we encountered earlier.

Lin Ke found that starting from this grassland, the things he encountered were not of the same level.

If the previous crises were understandable, most of them were attacked through conventional physical means.

Then as they explore the dark continent step by step and come to this grassland area, the creatures they encounter are no longer so "simple".

It will be more weird and unpredictable, and the attack methods will be more abundant.

【Something bad!!】

Seeing this, Muhlu and others' pupils shrank at the same time, and cold sweat appeared on their backs.

After seeing Golem being swallowed up by the fireworks, they could already predict what would happen!

But now is not the time to be sentimental and worried.

Because they were not far apart from each other, the entire team roughly maintained their formation.

Golem is the first to bear the brunt, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be affected!

For a moment, everyone didn't care too much. Some of them stamped on the ground and flew backwards.

Some use Nen to make themselves escape from here faster.

However, except for a few people, the flames extend faster than them, and like the lapping tide, they will be swallowed up.

In the blink of an eye, a strong pink air-conditioning and a thick water column appeared on the field.

Super skill - move in an instant!

Water skills——water cannon!

A moment later, everyone appeared on a piece of grass in the distance.

"Hmm? This is it?"

Muhru stood firm and looked around, but his hands were trembling slightly.

The scene in front of me felt a bit unreal.

They were clearly about to fall into the sea of ​​fire just now, and the next moment they appeared in a safe place in the distance.

People who can do this kind of thing......

Everyone in shock looked at Lin Ke, but there was still no lingering fear in their hearts.

Thanks to Captain Lin Ke!

At this time, Lin Ke was looking at the unrecognizable grassland.

It can't even be called grassland anymore.

After the fierce flames and water cannons contended, the original grassland was gone, leaving only a large piece of scorched earth emitting black smoke.

The high-temperature fireworks caused by the explosion burned the surrounding grass. If it weren't for the [water cannon], more would have been burned.

In an instant, it seemed as if the air was boiling with blazing fireworks, and the oxygen content in the air in this area decreased.

Giving people a feeling of suffocation that affects normal breathing.

Even though they were quite a distance apart, people could still feel the waves of heat coming towards their faces.


"What the hell kind of insect is this? Why is it so powerful?!"

Golem got up from the ground, coughed a few times, and looked shocked.

"I really thought I was dead just now."

Golem touched his body and looked around before putting his heart back in his stomach.

I have to say that Golem is indeed lucky.

Whenever another person in the team faces the swarm of insects, Lin Ke will have to save him earlier.

Because Golem was the only member of the entire team who wore two layers of protection.

The outermost safety suit was now burned to pieces, and the sacred words on it were no longer useful.

It's obviously been scrapped.

The robot armor he usually wears inside also has burn marks of varying degrees, but it has not been burned through, so it is not a big deal.

In addition, Gardevoir's teleportation was timely enough, allowing Golem to survive "safely and soundly".

"Hoo ho ho ho, because if you die, you will have good luck in the future."

"This also reminds us that when faced with the creatures in the dark continent, no matter how small they are and how seemingly harmless they are."

“Everything must be treated with caution!”

Billander laughed a few times to ease everyone's nervousness.

At least the result was good, no one was affected, and it was a wake-up call for them.

After talking about it, Biande's face became more and more serious, warning everyone not to take their lives seriously.

Activities in the dark continent, if you act lightly [with suicide Wei 013805019 Feilu 170472060]

"Although the distance we have traveled is nothing to the Dark Continent, we are indeed slowly getting deeper."

"This also means that the dangers we will encounter next will only be more bizarre and dangerous.

“So everyone must be alert and pay great attention to the things around them, which is also responsible for their own lives.

Biande was well aware of the horror of the Dark Continent, so he did not dare to slack off.

Captain Lin Ke is very powerful, and there is nothing wrong with that.

But they can't put their hope in Lin Ke every time they encounter danger, thinking that he will save them.

There is no guarantee that anyone will be saved.

Muhru and others nodded when they heard this. After this explosive insect incident, they will be more vigilant about things.

While Biande was speaking, Lin Ke was looking into the distance, but his thoughts were immersed in his own mind.

Because just now, a Pokémon was born!

The new Pokémon looks like a hedgehog with green grass and flowers growing on its back.

Its body is white, with lush and fresh green grass covering the upper part of its body, and there are a few yellow spots on the green grass.

There are a pair of pink flowers on both sides of its body, its eyes are green, and its legs are white and short.

The overall look and feel is very cute, it is a cute grass hedgehog Pokémon.

It is Xie Er who, as a fantasy Pokémon, is classified as a "Thanksgiving Pokémon"

【Is it actually Xie Mi?!】

Lin Ke's pupils shrank slightly, the surprise in his eyes was beyond words, and his joy was higher than his surprise.

It makes sense when you think about it. After all, the impression given by Xie Mi is that of flowers and grass, especially among the many legendary Pokémon.

In many local sayings, people believe that Shemi will appear next to people recognized by it.

It will even live with the person it recognizes for a period of time.

Most of the algae live in gardens.

When they roll their bodies into a ball, they look like flowers without being noticed.

It is reasonable to give birth to Xie Mi on this endless grassland filled with all kinds of flowers and plants...

Although it is a fantasy beast, judging from the original work, compared with other legendary Pokémon, the number of Xie Cai is not small.

Sami first appeared in the theatrical version of "Giratina and the Flower Bouquet of Hyosora Sami".

Among the many theatrical versions, Lin Ke was most impressed by this one.

It should be said that he was deeply impressed by those early theater versions, and they were all very beautiful.

I remember when Sammy first appeared on the scene, he was drinking water by the stream.

As it turned out, the God of Time, Dialga, and the Dragon Knight of Hades, Ratina, were fighting next to them.

The little guy was drinking water and was very unlucky to be involved in the battle.

It was also at that moment that Xie Mi's lovely image penetrated into Lin Ke's heart.

However, Xie Mi in the theatrical version is a bit arrogant, which is quite unsatisfactory.

But this is an individual's personality, not every Xie Cai is like this.

After watching the theatrical version, Lin Ke certainly felt longing for powerful Pokémon such as Dialga and Giratina.

But my love for Xie Mi is no weaker than the others.

Even because of his cuteness, I like Xie Cai even more.

And it needs to be Xie Mi who is both cute, good-tempered and well-behaved.

Fortunately, I was lucky enough to get my own Xie Mi today!

Name: Xie Mi (land form)

Features: Natural recovery

Attribute: grass type


Skills: Seed Flash, Grass Field, Energy Ball, Baton Relay, Air Slash

Shemi is somewhat similar to Sancloud God. They both have two forms, which is also very common among legendary Pokémon.

Shemi in sky form looks like a dog, with longer legs and feet that turn green.

It has red scarf-like hair on its neck, and the top of its head is also covered in green hair.

It has white wings on both sides of its eyes and can fly.

When Xie Mi is in land form, he is a pure grass type and his characteristic is [Natural Recovery]

When it is in sky form, it is grass type plus flying type, and its character is [Tianen Factory]

Shemi's character is completely different when in different forms.

In land form, Semi is shy and easily frightened, but in sky form, Semi is brave and lively.

When Shemi is in land form, he is a bucket-waisted Pokémon, with all six racial values ​​being 100.

When Shemi is in sky form, his racial value will be more attack-oriented and more aggressive.

As one of the phantom beasts, Xie Mi also has his own exclusive skills, which only he can do.

[Seed Flash]: A shock wave erupts from the body, with a 40% probability of significantly reducing the opponent's special defense.

This exclusive skill is not only powerful, but also has the effect of reducing the opponent. It is a good skill.

In the original work, it was more troublesome for Semi to change his form, but there is no need for it here.

It's just that switching between forms requires some energy, and there are no other requirements.

Thinking of this, Lin Ke planned to see his Xie Mi with his own eyes.

A white light appeared on Lin Ke's shoulder, and then a petite figure lay on his shoulder.


Xie Mi's nose moved slightly, like a puppy smelling its owner's 0.6 scent, and then gently rubbed Lin Ke's chin with his head.

The red flowers on both sides of the face faintly glowed, and it was obvious that Xie Mi was very happy.

"Hello, Master~"

A lovely voice sounded in Lin Ke's heart.

【Is it telepathy?】

Lin Ke was slightly moved, thinking that Xie Mi seemed to be able to communicate through telepathy and feel the gratitude of others.

【Hello, Xie Mi】

Lin Ke looked at the cute and well-behaved Xie Mi, felt very satisfied, and touched Xie Mi's little head.

At the same time, Xie Mi's body aroused waves of fluctuations, and quickly spread towards the surroundings.

Wherever it is included, the flowers and plants that were originally growing have grown in size.

The scorched earth burned by the flames was covered with traces of life, and returned to its previous appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xie Mi can decompose the toxins in the atmosphere and turn the barren world into a sea of ​​flowers.

Semi inhaled the polluted air, purified it within his own body and decomposed it into water and light.

Finally, the purification products are discharged by using seed flash.

The power of the explosion depends on the type of contaminant inhaled.

It can be said that as long as there is a Shemi in the garden, there is no need to worry about the growth of flowers, plants and trees.

Shemi can even deal with the pollution problem to a certain extent and bring life to a once dead place.

Therefore, it is a "little angel" that is cute, considerate, and has extremely practical abilities.

With the simple use of "Little Angel", all the noise caused by the exploding insects was instantly wiped out.

The scorched earth returned to a piece of vibrant grassland in everyone's shocked eyes.

It's like magic, unbelievable. .

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