Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 237: Level 2 God Di Yun! Terrifying Giant Tree Man! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Biande crossed his arms, glanced at Xie Mi on Lin Ke's shoulder, and then focused on the land that should have been scorched earth.

Just from this hand, Biande could imagine many ways to use it.

This ability to return to life is very practical, especially for various plants in the Dark Continent [Hope]

You must know that many plants in the Dark Continent have unique effects and are rare on the six continents.

Not to mention plants that reach the [Hope] level, such as the legendary herb that can cure all diseases.

These plants are very powerful and difficult to obtain, but it is not just obtaining them that is difficult.

If you are really willing to pay a big price to get it, then it is not possible to get a small portion.

The real difficulty lies in maximizing utilization.

These are hard-earned and would be unsatisfactory if used directly.

Facing rare plants, people's most common idea is to cultivate them.

Although the number is not large at first, as long as you are willing to work hard, the number will continue to increase.

But this method doesn't work on the plants in the Dark Continent.

Because the six continents basically cannot meet the growth needs of these plants, it seems that they can only grow in the dark continent.

This is the result of many studies based on the plants brought back.

Tried countless times, but ultimately failed.

He also brought back an alchemical plant from the Dark Continent and named it "Metalion".

Since there was only one plant, his idea was to cultivate it, but unfortunately it was not successful in the end.

If Lin Ke had helped at that time, perhaps the alchemy plants could have continued to reproduce as expected.

Thinking of this, Bichangde couldn't help but feel weak.

"Can the earth be restored to life?"

"Just feeling this breath for a moment gives the creature the feeling of being thriving and full of the essence of life."

Jin stared at the greatly changed land in the distance, and at the same time felt the changes in the surrounding environment.

No need to pay much attention, you can see the plants growing suddenly with the naked eye.

Even if they wear safety clothing, they still have the illusion of a dead tree blooming with spring, and their bodies feel much lighter and full of vitality.

Among these people, the feeling of disclosure is the most profound.

Because Nen is special, she is very sensitive to changes in the things around her, so she can detect any disturbance.

This grassland is already full of vitality, otherwise there would not be so many flowers and green grass.

19 But now the breath of life around me suddenly surged, becoming several times stronger.

Compared with the current environment, the previous environment was like a barren and broken land.

Her "Listen to the Sound of Nature" clearly conveys the gratitude of those plants and the earth.

It’s all about the mind beast lying on Lin Ke’s shoulder!

To these plants and the earth, Shemi's status in their hearts is comparable to that of a god.

It is an existence that must be protected.

But this is just the idea of ​​​​ordinary plants. Some extraordinary plants, or [disasters] do not think so.

On the contrary, the ability shown by Xie Mi seduced their greed and wanted to catch Xie Mi.

A little further away from the lawn where everyone rested, there was a flower field blooming with flowers of various colors.

The flowers are all of the same type, differing only in size and color.

In addition to a large area of ​​flowers, there are also three large trees with leafy branches around.

These three trees don't look very big on the surface, they are just a little bigger than ordinary trees, and even smaller than the trees in the Purple Forest.

But if you pay careful attention, you will find that there is something strange about these three trees and even the soil under the flowers.

It is different from the soil commonly found in grasslands.

The soil beneath them has obvious signs of renovation, as if it had been dug up from time to time.

But from a distance, although everyone noticed the flowers, plants and trees, they didn't pay too much attention.

According to their thinking, they will not pass there when they move forward, because there will be certain risks in getting closer.

This idea is not wrong. If it were not for Xie Mi's appearance, most likely nothing would happen.

But the appearance of Xie Mi changed some things, the most important thing is that he attracted some secretly dangerous ex-partners!

In the unknown dark place, there are countless roots growing wildly!

After a few breaths, Mi Lu's ears twitched slightly, and then her calm expression suddenly changed again.

"Something's coming again! Underground!"

Everyone found that they were almost getting stressed by Mi Lu's voice.

Whenever Mi Lu opens her mouth, nothing good seems to happen.

Despite this thought in their minds, people still did not stop their movements, and they spread out their "round" weapons one after another to explore underground.

Each "circle" like foam film extended underground, and everyone quickly discovered the danger Mi Lu mentioned.

People didn't have time to speak, and when their expressions changed, they stepped on the ground and let their bodies rise into the air.

For a moment, everyone jumped around, while not forgetting to pay attention to the ground before.

Almost as soon as they jumped up, thick black branches broke through the soil, like bamboo shoots rising into the sky!

The black branches were like black dragons, waving wildly in the air, faintly stained with wisps of black aura.


Sounds like pulling out carrots sounded one after another, but the sound was louder.

In an instant, the originally peaceful land became riddled with holes, as if thousands of thick needles had been stabbed through it.

"Bang! Bang——"

Seeing that no one was hit, there were countless branches stretching out from under them, as if they would not give up until they hit them.


Muhru held a long knife in his hand, casually chopped off a fallen branch, and kept retreating.

"Damn it! How many branches are there? If we keep moving back, it will keep growing new branches from the ground."

As soon as he finished speaking, Muhru saw wisps of black mist emerging from the half-cut branch that he had chopped off, and then continued to wrap around the branch.

The next moment, the branches suddenly grew at an extremely fast speed, as if they were filled with golden twigs.

"How can this be?!"

Muhelu said dumbly, as if it was stuck in his throat and it was difficult to say a complete sentence.

A shadow was reflected on Muhru's panicked face, and it turned out to be a branch that had grown into a huge tree.

Now no one can recognize that this is half a branch, and no one dares to believe that it was just a branch a few seconds ago.

In an instant, it grew from a branch half as long as a man to a tree about four or five stories tall.

No one would dare to believe this.

"Oh, this growth rate is faster than a compressed towel."

Lin Ke stared at the big tree that was obviously not right, with an unknown meaning flashing in his eyes.

This tree not only grows very fast, but also has many strange features in its appearance.

The tree trunks and leaves were as black as ink, and the surrounding temperature dropped inexplicably, giving people an evil feeling.

The thick canopy of trees blocked out large swaths of sunlight, while also exuding wisps of gloomy black mist.

Lin Ke is familiar with this kind of thing.

"How is it? Is that death wish?"

Jin Shan came to Lin Ke and asked.

He felt that it was very much like the thought of death, so he asked Lin Ke, the "mind-eliminating master", to ask.

"It's very similar, but I can't guarantee it. After all, it's normal for some strange and unexplainable things to appear in a place like the Dark Continent.'

Lin Ke shook his head. He was not sure that this was the thought of death, but it must be something close to the thought of death.

Lin Ke suspected that the trick of "changing from branches to big trees" originated from those eerie black gardens.

After seeing the branches cut off by Muhru turn into big trees, no one dared to attack the attacking branches for a while.

They are afraid that their attacks will "help the evil tyrants" and actually make the enemy stronger.

"Don't worry, its ability is time-sensitive, and it will die on its own soon."

Upon seeing this, Lin Ke shouted, giving everyone who had no intention of resisting a little more confidence.

According to the information conveyed by Xie Mi, the branch originally contained a strong breath of life.

But after growing into a big tree [the breath of life is consumed every moment.

Obviously, this is a method of "returning to the light". Although the strength increases greatly in a short period of time, it will die when the time is up.

However, after that branch turned into a big tree, it didn't just stay there quietly.

After a while, bursts of dust mixed with various colors floated out from the shade of the trees. There was obviously no wind, but they floated towards the crowd accurately.

Even a fool can understand that there must be something wrong with these dusts and must not be contaminated.

Lin Ke estimated that the dust should be similar to paralysis powder and hypnotic powder.


Biande waved his hand as big as a leaf-leaf fan, which was covered with bright and rich thought energy, and broke the branches as hard as steel with a slap.

Before he could do anything, he saw that the branches that fell on the ground quickly took root ten miles away, swelling countless times in vain.

Biande frowned and stepped on the ground. Countless dirt was immediately turned into powder and rose into the sky. He took advantage of the momentum and flew backwards.

"This cannot continue like this, the root cause must be solved!"

"Who knows how long this kind of thing can keep attacking."


The golden fist next to him was burning with fire, and he hit the branches with all his strength, but the expected scene did not appear.

The branches seemed unaffected by the flames and were not burned to ashes, only leaving a scorch mark on them.

[Is it the influence of the black fog above? 】

Jin's expression didn't change, and he also walked backwards.

If you were slower, you would be hit by the rapidly growing trees.

"Yes, plants have very strong endurance, not to mention their tenacity in life.

"Maybe we can fight for three days and three nights without stopping."

Jin stood firm, leaned down, patted the dust on it, and said solemnly.

One wave comes after another.

Seeing that they had been unable to capture everyone, the enemy in the dark finally couldn't hold it any longer.

In other words, the greedy desire to catch Xie Mi took over his reason.

Immediately, the ground suddenly trembled, and waves of shaking motions occurred one after another.

"What's going on? There's an earthquake?!"

The fisherman Ussaman dodged the branches and directed his thoughts towards his feet.

This will help him stand more firmly.

"No, this is not an earthquake!"

"The big guy is coming out!"

"Everyone stand back!!"

Biande's pupils shrank, his fists clenched involuntarily, and he reminded everyone with a loud trumpet voice.

Being experienced, he even discovered the truth one step ahead of Mi Lu. It was obvious that something huge was coming out of the ground.

At that moment, the scene that appeared in their eyes was as natural as heaven.

The earth dragon turned over, and the land turned into a soft ocean at this moment, constantly surging, and huge ravines appeared on the surface.

Then the land a little further away suddenly rose up, where the flower fields were located.

The original plains suddenly undulated into hillsides, and then continued to rise.


Along with a violent sound, countless pieces of soil mixed with fresh grass splashed out in patches.

Thick dust swept over the area.

A huge shadow completely enveloped this area, making everyone's face dark and dull.

"What kind of monster is this...??"

"Giant tree man?!"

Usaman shouted in shock, even being so surprised that he accidentally bit his tongue.

What appeared in front of everyone at this moment was a huge tree man!

The tree man is huge, comparable to a hill, with obvious limbs and torso, all made of dark trees.

At the same time, there is a raised part at the top of the tree, and the bark on it is full of wrinkles, forming an extremely weird picture.

It was a human face with a strange smile!

Countless dust and mud fell from the huge tree man, and the tree man looked down at everyone from a high place, high above.

Faced with such a strange behemoth, everyone was sweating coldly, and was speechless for a moment.

The tree man gave them a strong sense of oppression!

If Lin Ke used the illustration ability to identify at this time, he would find that this strange tree man had reached the peak of S-level!

It was only the last line away from SS-level, but it was like a natural chasm blocking it.

This is also the reason why it is so eager to get Xie Mi. As long as it catches Xie Mi, it will definitely be able to break through to a higher level!

While everyone was shocked, Lin Ke was paying attention to the Pokémon that had just been bred.

It was also the last of the two bred bars.

It was exactly the expected one of the three cloud gods 647, the second-level god ranked first among the three——Land Cloud!

Land Cloud in the incarnation form is a Pokémon with orange body and well-developed muscles.

The Land Cloud has a white protruding structure on the back of its head that is similar in shape to a log.

It has a jagged white beard and two pointed orange ears on both sides of its head.

The eyes of the Land Cloud are yellow, with small and round white pupils, and the right eye is smaller than the left eye.

The upper body with an orange-yellow background is randomly dotted with dark pink spots of varying sizes that resemble diamonds, pebbles and raindrops.

The arms of the Land Cloud are muscular, like a strong man, and its entire lower body is completely wrapped in white clouds.

There are many flat protrusions on the front of the Land Cloud's tail, and the tail is thick and curly brown branches.

Lin Ke suddenly thought that Xie Mi and the Land Cloud could cooperate with each other.

The Land Cloud can absorb wind and thunder and turn them into energy to give nutrients to the soil to make the earth fertile.

The energy flowing out of the tail replenishes the nutrients in the soil and makes the crops thrive.

The land it visits will definitely have a good harvest, so it is called the God of Farmland.

The incarnation of the land cloud will appear and calm down the struggle between the whirlwind and the electric shock.

The implication is that after the storm and thunder and lightning, the land will surely usher in a good harvest.

Xiemi can bring life back to the barren land and can also deal with pollution problems.

The land cloud is a symbol of good harvest, which can provide nutrients to the soil and make the barren land full of nutrition.

The combination of the two can turn countless barren and even polluted lands that cannot grow anything into fertile lands!

It can be called the "gardener combination".

Not only that, they will also have to obtain the ultimate food Nitolomi later.

At that time, relying on the cooperation of the two, even if the number of Nitolomi is not large, Lin Ke will not feel sad.

As long as there is Nitolomi, no matter how much or how little, Lin Ke has the confidence to make them continue to reproduce!

In other words, with Xiemi and the land cloud, he is equivalent to having countless plants [hope]

He only needs to get the first one, and then they will help him cultivate a steady supply.

Name: Land Cloud (Incarnation Form)

Features: Power of Sand

Attributes: Ground, Flying

Strength: SS

Skills: Hot Sand Storm, Earthquake, Power of the Earth, Earth Fissure, Hot Sand Earth......

If you really count, Land Cloud is the second legendary beast in his hands [the tenth is the level 10 God Kyogre.

Other Pokémon are either Ultra Beasts or Mythical Pokémon, and none of them are truly legendary beasts.

As one of the legendary beasts, Land Cloud also has its own exclusive skills.

[Hot Sand Storm]: Use scorching sand and strong wind to sweep the opponent to attack, which will cause the opponent to fall into a burning state.

At the same time, as one of the few ground and flying Pokémon, Land Cloud has a wide range of resistance and good attributes.

Lin Ke slowly gathered his thoughts and took a look at this exaggerated tree man. He was not surprised by its strength.

Lin Ke's mouth curled slightly.

Tree man is scary, but it is nothing in front of the legendary beast!

Just treat it as the first battle after Land Cloud was conceived!

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