Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 238: God Of Harvest! Plant-Type Monster! (2/2, Please Subscribe)

Compared with the hill-like giant trees, they were as small as ants.

The huge size difference between them will evoke the most primitive fear in the human heart. This is a psychology that every living thing has.

The huge tree man can set off waves of violent hurricanes with just a few random movements, and can cause devastating blows at will.

After all, this tree man is of the same level of strength as the ant king who devoured the three guards.

It's just that the tree man's abilities are even weirder than those of the ant king.

Although the ant king's ability has a high upper limit, it is relatively simple. It just keeps getting stronger through eating.

And the ability of this tree man is more complicated.

"Although I had expected it, I didn't expect it to be so big?!"

"Have you been staying underground before?"

"The branches just now also extended from the body."

"It's hard for you to be able to hide it if it's so big."

Biyande said with a gloomy expression, and the thoughts on his body were involuntarily aroused, wrapping around him to form a barrier.

Although the tree man has not moved yet, just standing there gives people an extremely oppressive feeling.

Just imagine, an enemy as big as a hill is staring at you in front of you, it will naturally make you feel uncomfortable.

Only the solid thoughts on the body surface give them a certain sense of security.

In addition to the pressure caused by the body shape, there is another thing that makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

Tree man's face!

The human-like face formed by the folds between the bark is extremely vivid, with eyes, nose, mouth and other outlines.

Especially that mouth, curved in an extremely weird arc, revealing a sly smile.

It seemed as if the next moment he would open his mouth and swallow them all in one gulp.

There is also the black mist that pervades the tree man's body. From time to time, there are masses of black mist wrapped around its body.

For a moment, there was an eerie silence.

Neither the humans nor the tree people made any movement, they just looked at each other quietly.

If you pay attention, you will find that the tree man's head is facing the direction of Lin Ke, and the pair of wooden eyes are also looking at him.

This is a pair of movable eyes!

Those big, cloudy eyes completely exposed the greed in his heart at this moment, without any attempt to cover it up.

From its perspective, it is a sure thing that these creatures will become its food.

【Are you watching me】

Lin Ke's face was calm, and Gu Bo looked at the tree man calmly. He knew it at the first glance.

This tree man is not simple!

Unlike the creatures they have encountered before, this is the first humanoid creature they have encountered.

Perhaps it belongs to the category of demihuman monsters.

Warcraft are not only jackals, tigers and leopards, but also plant-type Warcraft. For example, the Bean-faced Man is a rare plant-type Warcraft.

It is said that there were originally only ordinary beasts on the Six Continents, and the current magical beasts may have been brought by humans after they immigrated to the Six Continents.

Therefore, the Dark Continent is the origin of Warcraft.

The monsters here will be even more weird and terrifying, and their abilities will be endless and unpredictable.

At the same time, the biggest difference between Warcraft and beasts is that Warcraft has more intelligence, much of which is similar to human intelligence.

Some monsters are similar to bean-faced people, and their IQ is higher than that of most humans.

Therefore, the two major characteristics of Warcraft are wisdom and special abilities.

The black mist lingering around it seems to have the effect of the rapid growth of Cui Dongzhigong.

Maybe it's the tree man's special ability.

The strange tree man in front of me may be some kind of bizarre plant-type monster.

The next moment, Shuren Shuoren's body trembled slightly.

This was just a tremor from it, but its huge size was enough to make the ground tremble for a while, making everyone's faces tense.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of black mist erupted from the surface of the tree body, and the thick black mist even covered most of its body.

The steady stream of black mist did not float upward, but instead floated downward.

Black "cotton" and "candy" fell to the ground, and a heart-wrenching sound continued to sound.

Then in the solemn eyes of everyone, the black mist corroded all the weeds and dust on the ground.

To their surprise, the black mist did not rush straight towards them, but circled around them in a very short period of time.

This scene made people's hearts sink.

The black mist drew a big circle and enveloped them all.

This means that if they want to leave here, they have to go through the black fog.

The tree man had just demonstrated to them what would happen if they came into contact with the black mist.


Jin glanced at the black mist that surrounded all directions, and said gloomily to Biande beside him.

"Well, it seems that this tree man is different from the creatures we encountered before. It should be some kind of demi-human monster."

"It's going to be smarter!"

Biande said emphatically, especially the emphasis on the word "smart" for emphasis.

The tree man's actions show higher intelligence.

First, they showed the power of the black mist, and then let the black mist surround them instead of attacking directly.

As for the purpose…………

Biande didn't think that the tree people were afraid of them. After all, if the tree people were afraid, they probably wouldn't take the initiative to come out.

Most likely it's for other reasons.

For example, don't you want the target to escape or be damaged?

The previous scenes were quickly flipped through Biande's mind, and the clues were connected one by one.

Biande, who suddenly understood, turned to look at Lin Ke——Xiemi on his shoulder!

If he guessed correctly, the tree man's target was probably the grass hedgehog Nian Beast that Lin Ke had just revealed.

As soon as the thought flashed through his mind, the ground began to tremble again.

Everyone knows what this means.

The tree people started to take action!

Seeing these little creatures staying where they were, a trace of satisfaction appeared in the tree man's eyes.

At the same time, the desire in my heart became stronger.

As long as you get that one, the other "little bugs" can play with it as they please!

This is the psychological activity of tree people.

I saw the tree man slowly bending down, and at the same time a huge wooden hand stretched out from the sky.

The huge palm alone is the size of a building and can easily grab a large area of ​​land.

The upper surface is crisscrossed with ravines and covered with deep lines, which is a very typical bark appearance.

Those ravines alone are quite wide.

It's just that this branch is very unusual. It is a huge arm with wisps of black wrapped around the front.

The black mist fluttered in the wind, constantly exuding a disgusting aura, which was no different from the thought of death.

No living creature would want to get close to this black mist, which contains a disgusting feeling.


Lin Ke raised his lips slightly and snapped his fingers, causing an immediate change on the field.

A white light flashed, and a majestic body suddenly appeared in the sky!

Almost instantly, an unparalleled aura centered on it and spread rapidly in all directions.

This aura also contains divinity. This is the pressure of Earth Cloud, the god of harvest!

All creatures within the scope of the aura are all horrified by the earth cloud, and a humble mood arises spontaneously.

As a legendary Pokémon, even if Tutuyun is only a Level 2 Pokémon, it is still a Level 2 Pokémon.

【This is!】

Jin's eyes widened instantly. Covered in such an aura, he had the illusion that he was being targeted by countless terrifying monsters at the same time.

This scene was all too familiar to him.

Last time when he was fighting against the Ant King, Lin Ke revealed two mind beasts with equally powerful auras!

Especially when he saw that orange figure that he had never seen before, Jin was speechless and thought in his heart.

【Old man, how well do you know Lin Ke!】

[The mind beasts he possesses are really endless!]

[I have never really shown my full strength]

Jin thought he was used to it, but it turns out he wasn't.

Every time Lin Ke took out a powerful mind beast that he had never seen before, he couldn't help but be surprised.

How many mind beasts does Lin Ke have?

Where is the upper limit of strength?

This is destined to be a mystery that no one knows.

But Jin is sure of one thing - Lin Ke is a pervert!

The tree man's body moved suddenly, and an aura of extreme despair descended on it!

The aura as thick as the earth was like a mountain that could never be climbed, making it feel timid.

Even the black mist on his body suddenly stagnated, and the black mist used to restrict everyone's activities also dissipated.

He was suddenly affected by the [Intimidation] characteristic of Diyun in his spiritual beast form and was unable to maintain his ability.

At this moment, any greed in Shuren's heart was wiped away, and there was only one thought!

Get away from here!

Di Tuyun stood in the sky, maintaining the form of a spiritual beast at this moment.

Like Xie Mi, changing its form is not as troublesome as the principle, and only requires a part of the mental energy.

The head of Di Yun in the form of a spiritual beast has not changed much, but the size of the eyes is more obvious.

The original cloud on the lower body was transferred to the four legs, the beard changed slightly and covered the mouth.

The shape of the spikes on the head has also become longer, and there is a beige gemstone in the pink pattern at the navel.

If Di Yun in the form of incarnation is majestic, then Di Yun in the form of a spiritual beast is full of domineering aura.


The earth clouds were hovering in the sky, and their limbs were trampling on the void. A pair of tigers suddenly glared and let out a roar!

The tree man, who originally only wanted to escape, was even more frightened when faced with the roar of Di Diyun, and was ready to escape.

Unfortunately, the tree man is too big to move fast, so it is destined to be unable to escape.

When Tui Yun saw that the tree man was still trying to run away, his face became solemn, and his limbs struggled in vain to step on the void.

Countless earth-yellow thoughts burst out, illuminating the environment around Tutuyun several times.

The rich earthy atmosphere fills this area.

The land underneath, which was in a state of confusion due to the appearance of the tree men, was immediately nourished by countless nutrients.

This is the breath from the God of Harvest!

When the land clouds in the form of spiritual beasts are flying proudly in the sky, all the land they pass by will be full of vitality and nutrients.

Bring harvest to the earth!

Then, grains of yellow sand suddenly appeared in the empty sky, and at the same time, bursts of scorching wind blew.

The hot wind blowing towards the face carries countless yellow sand, which contains strong power.

In an instant, it swept into a tornado in the air and blew towards the tree people on the opposite side.

Ground skills——Hot Sand Storm!

The alarm bells in the tree man's heart rang loudly, and his eyes showed a very human fear towards the dead wood.

The black mist on his body started to stir wildly, and the roots under his feet grew at a much faster speed than usual.

".||Bang! Bang! Bang..."

In an instant, huge branches rushed out from the ground, and then intertwined with each other in the air.

The dark branches are countless times harder than steel at this moment, and the tree wall made of countless branches is even more solid.

This is a way for tree people to save their lives in the face of [Hot Sand Storm]!

A huge tree wall stands on the ground, from the first branch to the tree wall taking shape, only in the electric

Completed with light and flint.

After performing this move, the black dew on the tree man's body was obviously reduced, and it could be seen that it had paid a lot for it.


Under everyone's nervous gaze, [Hot Sand Storm] crashed directly into the tree wall, making a deafening sound.

It's not like a storm hitting the tree wall, but more like a huge hammer hitting it.

Its movement was unusually loud.

The strong wind pressure and countless yellow sand crazily destroyed the "indestructible" tree wall.

The ground under the tree wall continued to tremble, as if a giant beast was jumping on the ground.

The dust and gravel on the ground jumped and jumped with the fluctuations.

The bad premonition in Shuren's heart became stronger and he regretted the actions he had chosen.

If it had not been blinded by greed, it would not be in such danger now.

But regret could not solve the problem, so the tree man had to put his hands against the tree wall and continuously input the black mist.

I hope the tree wall can withstand this terrifying blow!

However, things backfired.


The storm formed by the hot sand was unstoppable. After breaking through the tree wall, it rushed straight towards the tree man who looked frightened.

The terrifying storm continued to strangle the tree people, and countless leaves and branches fell from the sky.

There was a faint red color in the storm, causing wisps of fireworks to ignite inexplicably on the tree man's body, and then gradually spread throughout his body!

Burn condition!

Jin's flaming fist could only leave a scorch mark on a branch.

The burning effect of [Hot Sand Storm] can easily set the tree people on fire.

The difference between the two is clear at a glance.

The tree man tried his best to resist, but his whole body was disappearing at an extremely fast speed.

Either torn into pieces by the storm and falling down, or burned into ashes by fireworks and scattered in the wind.


Not sure if it was an illusion, but everyone heard an extremely miserable wailing sound, and the tone sounded very painful.

There is still a sense of regret in it.

After persisting for a short period of time, the tree man's life breath continued to weaken until finally there was no trace left.


The huge body also fell down in response, causing countless dust to rise from the ground and sweep across the surrounding area.

And the remaining body was constantly reduced to ashes in the ruthless fireworks, and finally disappeared completely.

The body as huge as a hill turned into countless ashes, scattered in this area, becoming nutrients for countless flowers and plants.

It also corresponds to that legend.

The land that the earth cloud has visited will have a good harvest in due course. .

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