Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 239: Endless Plant Hope! Mineral Hope! (Please Subscribe)

Two days later,

Since they set foot on this vast grassland, they have seen all kinds of creatures.

He also encountered countless dangers, but in the end he could not stop his progress.

Today I finally walked out of the grassland and came to the next terrain.

Lin Ke stood proudly on the top of a raised rock and looked into the distance.

Now they were at the junction of two terrains. Ahead was a rocky land with sparse vegetation and exposed rocks.

Compared with the vibrant grassland, this rocky land looks extremely barren, with little green at first glance.

What comes into view is a world of black, gray and white composed of rocks of various colors.

Moreover, the terrain is not as flat as the grassland. This rocky area seems to have gone through many battles, and there are often large potholes.

The rocky land is not as big as the grassland, and it can be completed in two or three days by visual inspection.

According to the map, behind the rocky land is the purpose of their trip - the swamp with Nito-Lomi!

At the same time, Lin Ke also noticed that behind the swamp were several volcanoes connected together.

"Bringing the map was indeed the right choice."

“As expected of a professional, he knows the terrain very well and can save a lot of trouble.”

Staring into the distance, Lin Ke murmured to the breeze.

The gatekeeper's map is quite detailed, especially the edge areas of the Dark Continent.

Also because of their limited capabilities, they can only explore some marginal terrain and dare not go deep.

But it is also countless times more detailed than the map held by V5 Ferry Hall.

Because the personnel sent out by the Ferry Office only came back five times, and they didn't do much in-depth exploration.

The swamp where Nitolomi is located is the furthest among the five known routes.

But they did not follow the exact same route as their own team.

If they imitate their own team's route, they will probably end up in the grassland area and not be able to go any further.

According to existing data, the Ferry Office has conducted 149 explorations and dispatched a total of 7,500 people.

On average, about 50 people are sent out for one exploration.

But in fact, the number of teams is not fixed.

Because the Ferry Office is a department jointly established by V5, which is the five superpowers on the six continents.

So there is no real leader, and the power held by the five countries is roughly balanced.

The operation to go to the Dark Continent basically involves a country proposing a plan and wanting to explore it.

After the top five leaders make a decision, they will negotiate with the [Gatekeeper] only if it is agreed.

The troops sent out are basically sent by the proposed big country, and other countries mostly provide some resources and a little manpower to assist.

Therefore, most exploration operations are led by one country, with little help from other countries.

Therefore, the strength and number of personnel sent out are related to the national strength of that country.

According to records, the largest number of people sent out was a thousand people, and this operation alone accounted for a lot of the total number of 7,500 people.

The place they headed to was the northeastern coast of Lake Mobius.

On the steep mountains there, they encountered "Papu, the nurturing beast", one of the five major [disasters].

In the end, only seven of the thousand people came back.

It can be seen that a large number does not necessarily mean success. The number of team members must be controlled within a certain reasonable range.

Since then, few major powers have dispatched large forces at once.

Because losing too many people at once will also lead to damage to the country's strength.

After all, those who go to the Dark Continent are not strong enough or capable, so they will just die.

Therefore, subsequent explorations will focus on streamlining the troops, which is basically a team of dozens of people.

The team that came to the swamp before came ashore from the other side of the coastline.

The place they passed was obviously not as dangerous as their road.

Only then did they arrive at the swamp, where they collapsed and fell into the sand. In the end, only Liao Liao and a few people escaped back.

According to the Ferry Office report, 99% of the people who went there died.

But by chance, I also brought back a small piece of Nitolomia. After research, it was determined that it has the effect of extending lifespan.

It's a pity that there is only a little bit, and after research, there is not much left, and it is impossible to cultivate it.

Because the energy contained in these nitolomia will weaken over time after being picked.

Until it finally turns into ordinary rice grains that just taste good.

Therefore, after picking it off, you must eat it in time to avoid wasting the effect of nitolomib.

Lin Ke has already planned what to do with Nitolomi after getting it.

First, find a piece of land for planting. Nitolomi's original land can be transported to cyberspace and taken away.

Or just use regular land.

Then let Shemi and Diyun take care of it. One is responsible for providing life, and the other is responsible for filling the soil with nutrients.

Even plants that are difficult to feed will thrive under the joint "attack" of the grass hedgehog and the harvest god.

At that time, this Nitolomi, which can make people live longer, will be completely different in his hands.

From a scarce consumable, it has become an endless supply of things that will never be exhausted.

The real power lies not here.

Using this method, he can make all the [hopes] related to plants inexhaustible.

Putting down his thoughts, Lin Ke flashed and appeared on the lawn next to the rock.

The weeds are relatively sparse here, and even the height is much lower. It can only be called a lawn.

A few steps further, there is another area.

As Lin Ke moved forward, the rest of the team members followed Lin Ke firmly.

If you compare their eyes now with the eyes when they first set off from the Six Continents, you will find a big change.

To a greater or lesser extent, everyone's eyes became more determined and full of vigilance.

This is the quality an explorer should have.

It's not that they didn't have it originally, it's just that their police qualities and other qualities are completely sufficient on the six continents.

But it is far from qualified to be placed in the Dark Continent.

After a long voyage, plus a period of trekking after landing, although the time does not seem to be much.

However, the dangers they experienced during this trip were more than all the dangers they encountered before combined.

It is also countless times more dangerous.

When encountering dangers on the six continents, most of them just suffered some setbacks, and rarely problems that could threaten their lives.

But in the unknown seas and even the dark continent, any danger is a fatal threat.

If you are not careful, your head will be in a different place!

This is the common thought that everyone who goes to the Dark Continent for the first time has in mind.

Even Kim is in this category.

They can categorically admit that without Lin Ke leading the team along the way, they would have died countless times.

And this is a team composed of many elites from the entire six continents.

This shows that the Dark Continent is not called a "forbidden land for mankind" and is not an exaggeration.

After being tempered on the edge of life and death again and again, everyone's eyes have obvious changes.

They are slowly adapting to the dangers of the Dark Continent!

Even with the limitations of their strength, they are bound to not be able to go very far.

But this operation gave them spiritual training, which is also one of the valuable gains.

The next thing they have to do is to fulfill their responsibilities and work hard for the goals of this trip.

When Lin Ke crossed the lawn and stepped onto the rocky ground, two nurturing bars appeared in his mind again.

Lin Ke's expression did not change and he continued to lead everyone forward.

Several times in a row, he had become accustomed to the appearance of two by two. At most, he expected and guessed which Pokémon it would be.

We don't have much information at the moment, except that this area is rocky, and the Pokémon it breeds are likely to be rock-type.

Next comes the more boring part of rushing.

Because while rushing on the road, they also have to pay attention to their surroundings at all times, so most people's nerves are tense.

The reason why it is most people, not everyone, is because Lin Ke at the front does not need to be so nervous.

While rushing on the road, I still had time to observe the surrounding environment.

It was only after a cursory look that Lin Ke had a deep understanding of the terrain after actually walking on the rocky ground.

It's roughly the same as what I saw before. There are ravines and potholes everywhere, but there are also relatively flat places.

As expected, there is basically no vegetation. The entire area is dominated by the "rock world", and there is not even much soil.

In many places, rocks are exposed on the surface and cannot even be covered with soil.

The rocks here are relatively monotonous. They are basically composed of two or three common types, and there is nothing special about them.

However, due to unknown reasons, the terrain here is relatively chaotic, so that many mysterious scenes appear.

I saw weird-shaped rocks scattered in various places, with potholes of different sizes on them.

Everyone felt like they were walking into a forest of strange rocks. The rocks here were jagged and looked like anything.


After walking forward for a while, everyone did not encounter any danger and also made new discoveries.

Lin Ke stopped slowly and looked at the ground in front of him, slightly dazed.

The rest of the group also focused on the ground.

The ground should be made of gray-white rocks, but here it is mixed with small patches of fiery red.

Although it is a relatively flat ground, the pieces of fiery red stone seem to be deliberately stuffed in, and are out of tune with the surroundings.

These red stones are extremely bright and stand out among the many gray and white rocks.

There are even wisps of white smoke coming out of these reds from time to time, and they also carry a roasting-like smell.

At the same time, after approaching these rocks, they clearly felt that the temperature around them had risen a lot compared to the place in front.

Anyone who sees it can clearly see that these flaming red stones are extraordinary.

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows, took two steps forward, bent down, and stretched his hands towards the stones.

With an increasingly hot feeling, Lin Ke also used his drawing ability on them.

[Flame Stone]: The whole stone is fiery red, has flame-like texture, and exudes a higher temperature.

It needs to obtain energy by absorbing sunlight and dissipates heat periodically.

After obtaining the information about these stones, Lin Ke also roughly understood the temperature they emit.

This should be regarded as a relatively unique ore, and it must have a lot of value.

Speaking of minerals, Lin Ke thinks of "No Man's Stone" as one of the "Hopes"

No Man's Stone is a bead-sized ore that generates electricity when immersed in water.

According to research, this small string of uninhabited rocks alone can generate 20,000 kilowatts of electricity a day.

The resource significance of this ore fully deserves to be called [Hope]

The strange thing is that the name "No Man's Stone" does not match its ability at all.

People named it this way, perhaps because of the [disasters] around it.

It was the "nurturing beast" that killed a thousand people and left only seven.


Papu, the nurturing beast, is also a disaster that Lin Ke thinks may be Naniga's true identity.

Perhaps people feel that the mortality rate of people who go there is too high, and it is enough to be called "a place where no one can live."

Hence the name "No Man's Stone".

The [Flame Stones] in front of me are obviously not as powerful as the [No Man Stones], but they are still a good harvest.

"Is it an ore that can continuously emit heat?"

"It looks like it will be a good harvest."

Biande looked at the flame stones and said with a slightly happy expression.

There are endless disasters on the dark continent, but there are also many hopes.

Billander believes that among many hopes, mineral hope is a relatively good one.

This is mainly reflected in practicality.

[Vanilla] and [Nitolomi] are very effective.

However, there is no way to use them on a large scale. They are usually scarce and not easy to obtain.

In comparison, the No Man's Stone, which is also a hope, is much better.

It only takes a little bit to create huge resource value, which will be more practical on the six continents.

And because he had the experience of withering alchemical plants, Billande promoted the hope that minerals would not "wither".

Except for special ores, most ores can be easily saved without affecting their effects.

"This kind of high-temperature mineral has a high usability value.

“It’s just that we need further research to know the specific capabilities.”

Lin Ke nodded and said: "Everyone, please dig out these red stones and try not to damage them. 11

After everyone heard the words, they started to take action.

Compared with fighting the enemy, this kind of digging is undoubtedly a kind of relaxation, not to mention that the digging is not a harvest.

For a moment, everyone was in a high mood and started "mining" with gentle expressions.

Jin pondered for a moment, then lit up a firework in his hand and dug hard.

Then a flaming stone appeared in his hand like magic with some broken pieces.

It seemed that he sensed the flames formed by the thought energy in Jin's hand, and the light from the flame stone became even stronger.

"The temperature is really good, and it looks like a reusable resource."

"As for the usual source of energy replenishment..."

Halfway through, Jin glanced at the gap in the ground, and there was nothing underneath.

Then Jin raised his head again, squinted at the hot sun, and murmured to himself:

"Do you usually absorb sunlight?"

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