Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 10 Hua Doushilang Became A Security Guard

Hua Doushilang confirmed the difference between the two oaths from Nie Wenbai's expression.

In order to recover his strength, he accepted it even if his Nen would lose better flexibility in the end.

Therefore, he resolutely chose to give up the application of Emitter and Manipulator as Nie Wenbai said.

Use this to break up your clones.

Don't think this is nothing, you must know that a Nen master is definitely a person who is proficient in all departments.

This means that there is a sudden lack of assistance from the two mind systems.

From now on, Hua Doushilang can no longer control his Nen Qi, nor can he add any subtle means of materialization to his Nen.

This will greatly reduce Hua Doushilang's combat flexibility.

For example, Gon's guessing game.

At first, he just used the Enhancer to gather the energy, and then added the Transmuter's cloth and the Conjurer's scissors.

At a deeper stage, Gon can use the Emitter method to slightly change the trajectory of the Transmuter cloth.

Achieve cornering strikes.

It can also make your scissors more sharp, for example, a fine metal line appears on the blade of the scissors.

Look, Gon's Nian 527 ability spans five Nian systems at once.

If Emitter and Manipulator are missing.

Then Gon wouldn't be able to control his teleportation bombs to strike in a curve.

There is no way to make your scissors sharper by embodying subtle things.

The difference is almost visible to the naked eye.

The same goes for Killua's electrical.

The Conjurer is only responsible for electrical changes, and the lightning strike is the Transmuter strike. The use of electricity to strengthen one's body's speed is the use of the Emitter.

The Enhancer is used to increase one's electrical damage.

There is only one Manipulator, and Killua doesn't seem to have joined it yet.

It is probably because it is difficult for Denki to join Manipulator.

After all, if you can’t find a direction, just add it randomly, why not wait for your own inspiration in the future~

Every Nen who has the qualifications to become a master, their Nen will almost cover 5 series.

Even the existence of the trait system will cover the 6 series.

Therefore, Hua Doushilang's oath and restriction to abandon Series 2 are still quite strong.

Almost visible to the naked eye, Nie Wenbai felt that the strength of Hua Doushilang's mental energy began to rise.

The thought energy did not increase, but in intensity.

Hua Doushilang's intensity at this time was much stronger than before.

"I.........are so strong now!!!" Hua Doushilang looked at his hands in disbelief.

Never would I have thought that Nin would undergo earth-shaking changes just because of an oath and restriction.

People who think this way are all people who don’t understand Nen.

According to what Nie Wenbai has learned during this period, there are also various intelligences before the time travel.

He had already discovered something very important.

The intensity of a person's feelings will change according to the person's mental outlook at that time.

In other words, Nen is something that can be affected by the will of the Nen person.

This way, there is no Nen that is already fixed and unchangeable.

Add, or even subtract, some Nen effects to achieve this.

It all depends on whether the person's own will accepts the recognition.

If he were a person, he would have control over Tian's own subconscious.

Then his Nen can even make various subtle adjustments and changes according to the battle situation.

After understanding this, Nie Wenbai has been thinking about whether his Nen needs to be changed.

For example, add some strange objects to yourself that you didn't have before, or reduce some unnecessary conditions.

However, until now, Nie Wenbai still can't make up his mind.

Because he is worried that changing his Nen at will will affect his system.

For this reason, he put the decision of whether he wanted to change it until all his skills reached level 4 or above.

Because only then will he not worry about something happening to his system.

Suddenly, Hua Doushilang froze, as if he had thought of something.

He didn't see any movement, and a ball of thought energy suddenly appeared around him.

Nian Qi has a humanoid appearance, but there are no human details at all.

It's just a bunch of thoughts gathered there.

Seeing this, Hua Doushilang's expression changed, as if he was surprised, then ecstatic.

He found that all his previous problems seemed to have been solved.

Although something seemed important was lost as a result.

However, now he has the qualifications to move forward again.

Bang bang~

Nie Wenbai clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Congratulations, a big problem with your clone has been solved.

Now, you only need to break this human-shaped air ball into parts so that every time you use it, you will no longer be human-shaped.

By the way, aren't you very powerful at Tiger's Bite Fist? Then just integrate this mass of thought energy into your Tiger's Bite Fist and use it as an extended Tiger's Bite Fist. That's it.

Doing this will be much easier than giving it up completely. "

Nie Wenbai's words made Hua Doushilang's eyes light up. It was this truth.

He couldn't spend too much time getting rid of his obsession with the clone.

Therefore, it is just a matter of changing the shape of the air mass to make it more suitable for itself, and there is no need to control it much.

It will suit him better.

After all, even if he wants to control the movement of the air mass figure, he can no longer do it.

"You need a quieter place to practice. In this case, I will arrange a place for you on the top floor of my company building. You can live there and practice while helping me keep an eye on the company. No problem!" Nie Wenbai went on to say

Hua Doushilang shook his head and said, "No, that's good."

After the agreement was reached, Nie Wenbai made a phone call with a smile.

Let Yeyin come over to pick him up, and also make arrangements for Hua Doushilang's food and accommodation at the company.

"Hua Doushilang, he is actually willing to work as a security guard in our company?!" Yeyin leaned into Nie Wenbai's ear and whispered in surprise.

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