Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 11 Peng Si’S Request

"It's a deal that only lasts a few years, so the company needs to grow as soon as possible.

Don't let the company become someone else's property if I just go out for a while!" Nie Wenbai said slowly.

Yeyin said in surprise, "No way, who would be so bold as to take action against a Hunter's property?!"

"Besides Hunter, aren't there many criminals? They would care if I am a Hunter!" ~ Nie Wenbai said helplessly

"Yes, those people are indeed troublesome. Don't worry, I will invite more people." Yeyin said with assurance.

"There is no problem in hiring people, but you have to handle it well. Don't let the time come, when the time comes, the family will cooperate with the outside world and the company will be established." Nie Wenbai nodded and thought for a moment, but San did not stop Ye Yin.

Although he does not want to hire these bounty hunters, but if these bounty hunters do not participate in the company's operations, but only protect the safety of important company personnel such as Ye Yin.

That shouldn't be a big problem. After all, Nie Wenbai invited Hua Dou Shilang just to let him guard the company and prevent those weak people from breaking into the company.

But after all, there is only one person, Hua Doushilang, and he cannot protect everything.

Therefore, some additional security is still needed.

It's just that it's impossible for these people to get into the company's important information.

This does not conflict with Nie Wenbai's previous plan.

After seeing off Hua Doushilang and Ye Yin, Nie Wenbai suddenly became quiet.

After practicing for a while, he washed up and went to sleep.

Early the next morning!

A girl with a very red face came over.

This person is none other than Peng Si.

In response, Nie Wenbai was very confused and said, "What's wrong? Do you still want me to be responsible for what happened before?"

Well, it doesn’t matter to me, can you accept it?!"

"That's not the case, I just want to ask you for help talking about last night's battle!!!" Peng Si's face suddenly recovered, and she said to Nie Wenbai very angrily.

As she spoke, she waved a videotape in her hand.

"Last night's battle, oh, you mean the one between Hisoka and Kato Ishiro, okay, but I have to go have breakfast now, you won't let me talk to you on an empty stomach! "Nie Wenbai nodded and said

He knew that Peng Si's mentor was now in that deep mountain forest.

Therefore, she understands most of the issues related to Nianqi.

But as a newbie, she really doesn't understand a lot.

But now her instructor doesn't have time to explain to her, so she can only find the people she knows best here.

"No, no, you eat first." Peng Si looked at Nie Wenbai in surprise and said

This surprise is not fake, Peng Si is extremely pleasantly surprised now.

To be honest, she actually wasn't too sure about this matter.

After all, she was not very familiar with Nie Wenbai, even if she was accidentally looked at by Nie Wenbai.

However, Nen's teachings, after this period of contact.

Pengsi also knows one thing, not all Nin people.

They are all willing to explain to outsiders. After all, they are not anyone's mentor.

Breakfast was almost eaten under Pence's watchful eyes.

Because Peng Si had already eaten, Nie Wenbai invited her to eat together.

They just took some fruits and watched Wen Bai.

After an awkward breakfast, Nie Wenbai and Peng Si returned to her rental house.

Yes, because Peng Si didn't want to go to Nie Wenbai's room here in the Sky Arena.

I feel that the eyes of the people around me are particularly awkward.

Little did she know that she took Nie Wenbai out of the Sky Arena and went to a rented house.

Easier to think about.

Of course, these considerations are all things for the future, now for Peng Si.

More importantly, listen clearly to what Nie Wenbai said.

To be honest, watching the battle between Hisoka and Ishiro Kato, she really couldn't see clearly at all.

Although I can see the mental energy in Hisoka, I can't see how Hisoka takes action at all.

She was particularly confused about this.

The TV started playing footage of Hisoka's battle last night.

0......Please give me flowers 0

Seeing the scene that was no different from what she had seen at the scene, Peng Si was very frustrated.

Then sit upright and wait for Nie Wenbai to speak.

"How about, can you see Hisoka's current situation?" Nie Wenbai paused the TV screen and pointed at Hisoka on the TV and asked

Peng Si observed the picture on the TV with great concentration, but still couldn't find anything different from what she had seen before.

There is still only a piece of mental energy extending out from his left hand, and a stable mental energy membrane around Hisoka's body.

"No, I can't see anything." Peng Si stared at it carefully, and finally had to shake his head and said

Nie Wenbai nodded and said, "This is the advanced technique of [Yin], [Jue], a technique that can hide one's own mental energy, but can effectively activate Nen."


"Ah, doesn't that mean it's impossible to know when the enemy will make a move?!" Peng Si said in horror.

"No, there are moves that can hide one's own thoughts and activate Nen. Naturally, one has the skills to be able to see this method clearly." Nie Wenbai shook his head and said

Without waiting for Peng Si to ask, he continued, "This technique is called [Condensation]. I think you should be familiar with it. It stands to reason that even if you don't teach [Condensation], your instructor will teach you [Condensation]." .”

"Yes, yes, I know [Ning]." Peng Si nodded and said with bright eyes.

"Very good, now maintain the [Condensation] state, and then look at it again." Ni Wenbai nodded with satisfaction and said

According to Nie Wenbai's words, Peng Si did not waste time.

He stood up and assumed a relaxed posture.

Then, slowly——【Practice】!

Suddenly, more thought energy than usual surged out of Peng Si's body, swirling the surrounding air.

Then, with Nie Wenbai looking confused, he struggled to control the cold air flowing towards his eyes.

Sure enough, not everyone has the kind of talent that Gon and Killua have, and it takes tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, of people to produce just one of them.

"How's it going? What did you see?" Nie Wenbai asked in a slow voice.

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