Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 82: Became The Birth Director?

The authenticity of the pocket universe was found, but Netero and his team did not dare to reveal even half of it.

Therefore, the changes in the world have not changed from before.

However, people who die every day will be speculated by many people as to whether they have gone to the real world or something.

The mood of doubt makes people have some expectations and some worries about the so-called real world.

But, no matter what, they all need it, this is real.

Because, only in this way, Tuan Rang said that they still have a longer lifespan to live.

And he is still alive and well.

"Finally, it's set~" After putting aside the practice of eating raw longevity rice, Nie Wenbai has been setting everything in his pocket universe during this period.

A galaxy is reserved for the development of life of Hunter X Hunter.

In other places, Nie Wenbai simulated and evolved worlds based on various stories in his own memory.

Although technology has been greatly improved by Nie Wenbai, there is even a tendency to develop virtual universe first.

But, no matter what, this can provide Nie Wenbai with a lot of inspiration.

Even if it doesn't develop, it doesn't matter at all.

Because, this place can also be used as an area to collect the lives of creatures in the Hunter X Hunter world.

Only by continuously collecting life energy and turning it into mind energy can Nie Wenbai maintain this increasingly larger pocket universe.

Nowadays, in Nie Wenbai's pocket universe, many characters in the world are actually evolved by Nie Wenbai himself using computational simulations.

Although this type of existence looks no different from real people.

But, in fact, they lack creativity and imagination.

After all, Nie Wenbai didn’t let go of his imagination in these roles~

If this approach is carried out in a short period of time, this pocket universe will actually be considered useless, and at most it can only serve as a game universe.

It is almost impossible for Nie Wenbai to get a reference from it and then promote himself.

However, this impossibility becomes different after people's thinking in the world of Hunter X Hunter is added.

It may still be impossible in the early stage.

However, once Nie Wenbai collects more thoughts and fills the entire pocket universe with these thoughts, then his pocket universe will be alive.

In the pocket universe, Nie Wenbai's setting, and the people who enter Hunter X Hunter, also die.

Once they die, they will go to the unified underworld in the pocket universe, drink Meng Po soup, and delete the memory of this life [becoming a blank but full of light-minded thinking body].

Then, reincarnate as another person and join in the complete operation of the pocket universe.

Following these steps, in the pocket universe, as long as the thinking body is enough, Nie Wenbai will soon be able to replace his evolved characters.

However, this time may still take a long time.

Unless he kills the people who shouted "Deep Blue Returns" in the Hunter

This can also move the time forward a bit.

However, this approach is nothing more than killing the goose that lays the eggs.

Killing hundreds of millions of people at once, even a fool knows that "Deep Blue Returns" is a lie.

Moreover, Nie Wenbai is the only place where you can obtain the thinking body in the world of Hunter X Hunter.

If he uses killing methods to obtain thinking bodies, how many thinking bodies will he be able to obtain in the end?


Or tens of billions?

Even if it’s tens of billions?

However, compared with a steady stream of harvests that can even reach tens of billions or even hundreds of billions after decades.

Which one is more worthy of Nie Wenbai's needs?

Obviously, the latter method of continuous flow is definitely more suitable for Bao Wenyou.

As for whether it is possible to achieve tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of thinking bodies in a few decades?

Of course, it depends on man-made efforts, it just needs to increase the total population quickly.

With a population of several billion now, the annual death toll has reached nearly 60 million.

From this point of view, if we only need to increase the total population a hundred times to hundreds of billions, the annual death toll will reach nearly 6 billion!

In this way, the number of thinking bodies that Nie Wenbai can collect in 10 years will reach about 60 billion.

Moreover, the world is so big that there is no need to worry about insufficient resources.

Let alone hundreds of billions of people, according to Nie Wenbai's estimate, it is even trillions of people.

The planet can still hold on.

Without him, the area of ​​the Dark Continent is simply too large.

A lake like the huge Lake Möbius can carry billions of people, and more.

What's more, it's a resource-rich place like the Dark Continent~

If the Dark Continent wasn't too dangerous, why would it only have this small population?

"So, my next goal has become to let people in the whole world have more children?! This is something I have never thought of before~!" Nie Wenbai looked at the sky in confusion.

To be honest, Nie Wenbai really didn't want to become the birth director.


Nie Wenbai looked at his pocket universe.

Alas, I have only looked at hundreds of thousands of thinking bodies now, and they simply cannot support the goals he envisioned before.

Therefore, if he wants to achieve his goal, then he needs to do this, and he still must do it.

This birth director is firmly entrenched and cannot escape.

The conditions that limit population growth are those in Waiping.

resources, medical conditions, and perceptions.

Resources ensure the foundation for giving birth and raising children. This part can be said to be materials or money. It is the same, so that families who have children can have no worries.

Medical conditions guarantee the survival rate. As long as the survival rate increases, babies can appear in large numbers and the population explodes.

The most important thing is the concept, which is to keep in people's minds that having children is a good thing and beneficial.

Otherwise, no matter how good the resources are and how high the medical conditions are, if you don’t want to have a baby, it will be in vain. .

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