Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 93: Peng Si’S Experience At Ngl

The NGL Autonomous Nation is a country located at the western end of the Balusa Islands Mito Federation.

Beyond the borders of this country is the Wangyang Sea, which aims to protect nature and abandons mechanical civilization.

The main means of transportation is horses. 99% of the citizens are members of a group called NeoGreenLife, and the remaining 1% are volunteers who come to support, so it is named after NGL.

The NGL Autonomous Country is internationally known as 'the most difficult nature reserve to enter the country'.

Because here, before entering the country, you must first cross the river between NGL and neighboring Rocario, and then pass through the inspection station and embassy built out of large trees.

And they undergo extremely strict entry inspection, including three steps: inspection of reason for visit, inspection of items held and close inspection.

Among them, during the process of precise inspection, medical machines are even used to check whether there are prohibited mechanical supplies hidden in the body of the immigrants.

In this country, legally, metal, petroleum products, glass products and other products of mechanical civilization are prohibited from being brought into the country.

If there are repaired silver teeth or silicone used for plastic surgery in the body, they must be removed immediately before entering the country.

Entrants wearing chemical fiber clothing must also change to clothing made of natural materials.

For example, bringing civilized tools such as computers into the country may even lead to the death penalty.

However, after saying so, doing so many things, and designing so many laws that strictly prohibit the entry of mechanical civilization, they are all just to conceal the fact that this country is secretly growing virus strains to produce poisons.

Yes, drug manufacturing, in this country, there is also an armed organization. In addition to being a national protection force, they are also an armed force that protects drug manufacturing factories.

Otherwise, how could this country live so well in this world?

Do they really think that their neighbors don’t want their land?

Peng Si, who came to this country alone, was currently being inspected by the country's embassy.

Peng Si expressed her dissatisfaction with this, but she had to abide by this rule.

Fortunately, the person who checked her belongings was a woman, otherwise, Peng Si would have to lift this place.

First, the items carried on the outside of the body were checked, and then the X-ray detection equipment was entered to check the condition inside the body.

After all the examinations were completed, it was found that Peng Si only needed to change her clothes.

It is one of the purest among the inspections.

However, this is also related to age.

As you get older, after all, you will have a lot of bumps and bruises, and then you will change this and that.

Especially those who love beauty will do this.

Of course, this matter has little to do with Peng Si.

She had only three purposes for coming here this time.

The first is to find the flowers that the king bee needs and transplant them back.

The second is to distribute some advertising flyers about the real world. Because they are written in a faith model, the ordinary paper of such advertising flyers can be brought in.

The third is to search for some information about Chimera ants, and then find an opportunity to report it.

Peng Si may still be kind to others, but it's probably impossible to get her to sacrifice her own interests for this.

This can also be seen in some of the performances in the plot.

After all, he was a person who participated in the Hunter test and then became a Hunter with the help of Nie Wenbai.

Of course, I won’t have any thoughts of dragging myself down.

Therefore, Peng Si was very happy when she knew that this matter was of great importance to Nie Wenbai.

Because Nie Wenbai is willing to leave this matter to her, it means that he values ​​her very much.


After leading her own horse, Peng Si rode directly on it, and then started running for half a month.

It is indeed very busy. She needs to find the flowers she needs and distribute flyers.

Fortunately, she is a Nen, and she is also an Emitter Nen.

She only needs to ride her horse to a place, and then send her bees to find and distribute leaflets.

It doesn't need too much, just a few distributed to each village is enough.

0……Please give me flowers………………

To be honest, this kind of thing would be more convenient and faster if Nie Wenbai did it himself.

Just one thought is enough.

However, Nie Wenbai also noticed Peng Si's mood, so he decided to leave this matter to Peng Si.

It's not a big problem, anyway, he will take care of everything in the end.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Peng Si had completed her two goals.

As for the last one, she couldn't find much information about the purpose of the Chimera Ants.

This is very strange, as if there are no chimera ants.

However, this is impossible. There must be something else that she has not found that caused this situation.


In this regard, Peng Si was looking for it on NGL's side without giving up.

Until, one day.

When she was passing by a village, she heard the villagers say that two children were missing, and then she realized that this might be the movement of Chimera ants.

Of course, it may not be the case, but it may be that you accidentally got trapped somewhere.

It's just two children. If they were trapped, they would be close to death.

Seeing this, Peng Si thought she could help find him.

Anyway, she wanted to confirm the situation here to see if there were any Chimera ants.

Two days have passed since this search.

And today, Peng Si got a message from her own bee and found the Chimera Ant.

Immediately, Peng Si rushed to the scene without any delay.

But I saw a strange standing carapace creature dragging a dead man towards a place step by step.

Seeing this, Peng Si entered the state of [absolute] and followed secretly.

Soon, she saw a shocking scene.

In a valley, a huge ant nest is being quickly established.

"Trouble, why so fast?" Pengsi realized that she seemed to have underestimated the Chimera ants that Nie Wenbai said.

This speed of development is beyond her imagination!

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