Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 94 Peng Si’S Approach

After observing for a while, Peng Si withdrew from the scene with a cautious expression.

It was too dangerous there. She had no problem fighting alone. However, the problem was that she didn't know how many Chimera ants there were.

Moreover, she doesn’t even know how strong the queen ant is?

Nie Wenbai never told her about this.

I just said that the Chimera ants are not bad, but they cannot destroy mankind.

After hearing this, I thought that Chimera Ant was just a stronger version of Peng Si, but now I no longer think so.

Far away from the ant nest, Peng Si also felt that it was almost time to report.

With this idea in mind, Pengsi planned to leave NGL. Only when she was outside would she have a mobile phone to make calls.

When passing by the village of the woman who lost two children, Peng Si thought for a while, turned her head and walked over there.

Soon, Peng Si saw this woman. At this time, she had sunken cheeks and gray bags under her eyes, as if she was a patient approaching death.

"I have news about your two children." Peng Si knew that a simple conversation was useless, so it would be a good choice to go directly to the topic.

Sure enough, after hearing Peng Si's words, the originally indifferent woman instantly turned her attention to Peng Si's face.

If this were paired with a scarier BGM, it would be like a scene from a horror movie.

"Please, give me my child back. I will give you whatever you want!!!"

"Before talking about this, tell me first, have you and your two children ever shouted the phrase 'Dark Blue Returns'?" Peng Si picked up a flyer, looked at the woman and asked seriously

The woman glanced at the flyer in Peng Si's hand, then nodded wildly and said, "Yes, yes, we all shouted this sentence when we read the flyer!"

"Huh, that's good. The real world statement mentioned above is true, and your two children have returned.

If you want to see them, you can do so after you return.

However, it is best not to commit suicide, as points will be deducted if you do so. "Peng Si breathed a sigh of relief, and then explained to the woman.

Although she knew that what was said in the real world was false, but to the people in front of her, it was true.

"Hey, you kid, how can you tell people to die!!!" A fat woman accused Pengsi angrily and said

"I didn't let her die. Suicide is the worst way to return. The best is to live until death. Anyone who has shouted "Deep Blue Returns" can return to the real world after death.

As far as I know, many officials in your country already know about this. "Peng Si explained, if she hadn't known that Nie Wenbai came up with the real world statement, she would have believed it herself.

After listening to Peng Si's words, the woman's eyes lit up, and then she murmured to herself, "I want to return, I want to return..."

As she spoke, the woman stood up and walked out, looking like a zombie.

"Aren't you hurting people?!" The fat woman looked at the leaving woman and couldn't help but get angry. Then she quickly chased after her and shouted, "Big sister, big sister, don't be deceived. It's all fake. No." real!"

Seeing this scene, Peng Si felt helpless for a while, but also knew that doing such a thing seemed to be a act of kindness.

However, in the eyes of uninformed people, this is harmful and disgraceful behavior.

Peng Si was helpless about this.

I would like to refute it, but no one will believe this kind of thing until science popularization is completed.

And if you want to complete the popularization of science, it is very simple. Just ask those who have returned to come back again.

But, is this okay?

Pengsi didn't know, because she knew it was difficult.

She didn't want to embarrass Nie Wenbai by saying anything rashly.

Because of this, Peng Si didn't know that Nie Wenbai could make people who had returned come back.

How to do it?

All you need to do is manifest a body of the same size.

Anyway, in the pocket universe, the body used is also embodied.

It is considered a real existence.

It's just that there's absolutely no need to do this0

Moreover, even if it is a real person who has come back, in the eyes of those who should be suspicious, it will still be regarded as Nie Wenbai looking for someone to act.

So, just like that, there is no need to do too much trouble.

Here, Pengsi sighed when she saw that her good intentions turned out like this, and then left the small village.

Her behavior made the people in the village mistakenly believe that Peng Si had a guilty conscience, so she ran away.

This is very melancholy, at least Pengsi feels very unwilling.

I had no choice but to grit my teeth and return to the NGL Embassy, ​​then got my mobile phone and reported directly to the Hunter Association.

First, I reported it via an email, and then, feeling it was unsafe, I called the official number of the Hunter Association directly.

"Hello, this is Hunter Association No. 142. How can I help you?"

"I am a Hunter from the previous term, my number is xxx. I have something to report about the destruction of a country. Please help me get through to Hunters from the twelve earthly branches and above. Hurry!" Peng Si said anxiously!

"Ah, okay, okay!"

After checking whether Peng Si's number was genuine [the operator was also frightened.

Then he hurriedly pushed the phone up.

Then, a young male voice connected.

Peng Si didn't care who the person from Jietong was. After knowing that the other person was a senior executive of the Hunter Association, she directly told what was happening at NGL.

However, she got an instruction to wait with peace of mind.

After doing this, Sisi breathed a sigh of relief.

But Zi Pariston, who had just hung up the phone, showed an interesting expression.

Then he called his cronies to work on this matter.

"Peng Si, wait." Just when Peng Si was about to continue entering NGL to take a look, a male voice stopped her.

Pengsi, who was confused, found that not far away, a man, one large and two young, were walking towards her.

Peng Si didn't know the older one, but Peng You knew the younger two...

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