Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 72 In Front Of The Gate Of Sky Arena

Whoosh whoosh~

A thousand meters above the ground, a bright silver shuttle was rapidly passing through the air at a speed of 300 meters per second.

The sun shines on it, shining brilliantly.

The creatures on the ground could only see a flash of light flashing across the air.

This object is nothing else, but Nie Wenbai's flying shuttle.

At a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour, he quickly set off towards the sky arena.

In the world of Hunter X Hunter, this part belongs to humans.

The size is the same as the earth.

The size of Lake Mobius outside the circle is really too big.

Let’s not talk about this aspect for now.

Since the size of human territory is similar to that of the earth.

This means that the position between the continental plates is not actually too big.

At least the straight-line distance between Nie Wenbai and the Sky Arena will not exceed about 3,000 kilometers.

That’s three hours of flight time.

Compared to the 3 days it takes to fly an airship, it is much faster.

The airship is so slow. If it weren't for the airship, there would be no ups and downs caused by waves.

You can also see various high-altitude scenery, as well as if the straight-line distance is relatively short.

Some cars can be much faster than airships.

But there is nothing that can be done about it.

Such a big balloon, although it provides lift.

But it has also become a limit to the speed of improvement.

Tons tons tons~

"It's so cool~" Nie Wenbai couldn't help but exhale after finishing a bottle of carbonated drink.

Putting away the empty bottle in his hand, Nie Wenbai leaned casually on the back of the chair behind him.

Then he looked at the blue sky outside and then closed his eyes.

Continue to play the game console he bought.

At this time, Nie Wenbai was sitting on a sofa.

Beside him, there were several sofas.

These sofas are installed against the walls of the shuttle, and in the middle is a table that can be folded down.

You know, the area of ​​5x3 meters is not small.

It's enough to put these things down.

If it weren't for the fact that this flying shuttle was not yet perfect, it could even be made into a kind of RV.

Of course, Nie Wenbai also doesn't need these.

Nie Wenbai made this flying shuttle because he wanted to be able to sit or even lie down on it while flying.

And play games while flying?

This is just incidental.

After all, the flight lasted several hours, couldn't he find something to do for himself?

Time continues to pass, Nie Wenbai sits on the shuttle and is on his way.

But he didn't know what he was doing.

But it put bad military forces on alert.

Because they don't know what this flying shuttle is.

And the shape is very similar to some kind of air strike weapon.

In this situation, who can not worry and be vigilant~

However, the warning was useless, because the shuttle quickly left the airspace they could see.

In this regard, Nie Wenbai was unable to see the situation on the ground because his search skill was only level 1.

Therefore, he was unaware of it.

In this way, several hours passed.

During this period, Nie Wenbai got off the ground, replenished his momentum, and adjusted his direction several times.

He finally arrived at his destination.

To avoid causing commotion and panic.

Nie Wenbai "directly put away the medium-sized flying props like the flying shuttle before approaching the city of Sky Arena.

Then it was replaced with a small flying prop.

For example, a steel plate the size of a skateboard has become a convenient flying prop for Nie Wenbai.

Originally, Nie Wenbai was thinking of using a sword type.

However, Nie Wenbai found that his flying situation was really embarrassing for Feijian.

Therefore, he still chose the skateboard look.

Standing sideways on the flying skateboard, Nie Wenbai used an instant kill of hundreds of meters to fly towards the tall building of the Sky Arena.

"Hey, look, there's someone flying in the sky?!"

"Damn, that's a skateboard, why can it fly in the sky?"

"Envy, I want it too~"

“I don’t know which company’s product it is, or whether it can be sold?”

"I haven't heard anything about it, so it's probably not for sale!"

"Damn capitalists, they've already done it, why do they still need to set up items not for sale? It's just money, I really don't have any! Ah~"

Even if it was just a flying skateboard, the commotion it caused was quite large...

All because this kind of thing is too novel.

Along the way, wherever Nie Wenbai flew, the people below were surprised.

Until, Nie Wenbai came to the sky above the Sky Arena, and then jumped down from the sky.

"Ah, no, he fell!!!"

"This is too dangerous, I don't even want to give it away.

"Tsk~ It sounds like someone else will give it to you~"


"Look, is he okay?!"

"Impossible, how can it be okay?!"

"How is this possible? It's really okay?!"

The passers-by talking about it could not attract Nie Wenbai's attention.

Even if he knew these people, it was because of him that the discussion was so intense.

But so what, it has nothing to do with Nie Wenbai himself.

He flew here on a skateboard, not to give passers-by something to talk about.

They don't have to talk about it, Nie Wenbai won't ask them to talk about themselves.

In this case, Nie Wenbai used his slowing ability to slow down his descent a few times and landed on the ground.

I walked to the 4.4-strong registration line at Sky Arena and lined up.

The queue is so long that it can become a unique attraction of Sky Arena.

No, this is already a famous world attraction.

No, as soon as Nie Wenbai queued up, he saw reporters from several entertainment media reporting on it.

Looks very hardworking.

Just as Nie Wenbai was looking at the situation around him, the players in front of him came up.

I don't know why, but I walked away quickly.

Nie Wenbai, who didn't know why, didn't care and took a step forward.

What Nie Wenbai didn't expect was that while he was lining up.

From time to time, registered players leave the team.

This made him line up faster…………

This is a good thing, it's best to leave them all. .

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