Hunter X Hunter: Sluggishness

Chapter 73 Interview With Female Reporter

"Hello sir, can I have an interview with you?" Just as Nie Wenbai was waiting in line, a petite female reporter asked Nie Wenbai with a microphone.

Why do you say she is petite?

This is because according to Nie Wenbai's estimation, the person in front of her is obviously an adult woman.

But the height seems to be less than 1.5 meters.

Of course, Nie Wenbai is not discriminating against other people's height.

On the contrary, he is relatively taller than women.

He prefers petite women~

The reason why he is here now is to pay attention to the height of the female reporter in front of him.

It's not because of the players who signed up in the Sky Arena.

Most are very tall.

And the female reporter who is less than 1.5 meters tall, during the interview.

Almost all of them have to work hard to straighten their arms and raise their heads to look up at others.

It's okay if the time is short, but it would be better if the time is longer.

At the end of the day for the female reporter, her neck would definitely be sore and she would be unable to lift her arms.

In this case, Nie Wenbai has reason to believe.

The female reporter in front of me has definitely offended someone.

That's why I was put in such a tight spot.

Otherwise, why would she be sent to such a completely inappropriate street interview~

It's just that Nie Wenbai just thinks about this kind of thing in his mind.

After all, he was not familiar with the female reporter and had no reason to interfere in other people's lives at will.

Behind her, a reporter carrying a camera politely pointed the lens at the female reporter.

But Nie Wenbai was not included.

As for how Nie Wenbai knew it, it's very simple. Just search and find out.

In view of the courtesy of these two reporters, Nie Wenbai did not refuse the interview.

On the contrary, as Nie Wenbai was on TV for the first time, he was particularly curious about it.

The female reporter was overjoyed and hurriedly raised the microphone to Nie Wenbai's mouth with her right hand.

During this period, she paused and then moved her arms secretly.

Then, while maintaining a smile, his left hand calmly held his right elbow.

Nie Wenbai glanced at the female reporter in front of her who was obviously sore in her right hand, but her face showed no sign of it at all.

It also recognized her strength.

"I don't like being pointed at, so can you hold this microphone for me?" Kang Wenyou pointed at the female reporter's hand and said with a smile.

The female reporter was stunned for a moment, then a hint of gratitude flashed in her eyes and said, "Okay, please~"

She didn't think anyone would take the phone because they didn't like being pointed at.

After all, if you don’t like being pointed at with something.

Then just don’t agree to the interview~

Therefore, the female reporter guessed that this should be because of C.

What she did just now was discovered by Nie Wenbai.

When he discovered her discomfort, he did not choose to watch, but chose to help in a way that would not damage her self-esteem.

How could she not be grateful for this~

However, the interview is ongoing now, and she has no way to express her gratitude to Nie Wenbai for the time being.

She had no choice but to continue her interview mission.

It's just that there is no microphone. She wants to conduct an interview, but there is no microphone...

This is how to do?!

At this moment, a microphone was placed to her mouth.


This is great~

The female reporter looked at Nie Wenbai in surprise, and was shocked by Nie Wenbai's carefulness.

But she didn't know that Nie Wenbai before time travel was not so careful.

However, since he clicked on the search skill.

He discovered that the details around him could be seen as clearly as he wanted.

It doesn't even require special attention [everything is as clear as if it were placed under a magnifying glass.

Nie Wenbai can see all kinds of clothing textures, let alone some small movements~

In fact, if living things don't possess such things as biomagnetic field and spiritual power.

He can even see clearly the operation of cells in the human body through his search ability~

What, clothes don’t have magnetic field or spiritual power, right?

Well, yes, there is no doubt about that.

It’s just that an upright person like Nie Wenbai, how could he do such a thing~

At most, it’s just about understanding art.

"Excuse me, which company's product is the flying skateboard you just used, and when will it be launched?" the female reporter asked in a professional manner.

"The flying skateboard is a product from the Hunter Association and will not be put on the market. Of course, as long as you become a Hunter, you will be able to have similar products." Nie Wenbai said matter-of-factly

But he didn't lie, right?

Nie Wenbai's flying skateboard is the product of Nen, who only became Hunter.

Let alone a flying skateboard, even a flying aircraft carrier might be taken out by someone.

"Ah, sir, he is still a Hunter!!" the female reporter looked at Nie Wenbai in surprise and said

The female reporter couldn't help but be so surprised.

In this world, Hunter is a representative with money, strength and $73 rights.

There is a saying that has been circulating in society.

The rich person may not be Hunter, but Hunter must be rich.

Because there are various situations regarding Hunter’s benefits, even if a Hunter is not too rich.

But it is not comparable to ordinary families.

Although the salary of female reporters is good, it is only good.

She was not happy in this media where she was put on the back foot.

Compared to the few Hunters in the world, it was enough for her to cast an envious look.

Not only her, but also the people who heard this exclamation showed surprised expressions.

At the same time, I felt relieved again.

I think I now understand why Nie Wenbai has a flying skateboard.

Although it may not be correct, it is indeed close.

"Yes, I'm lucky to be one of them." Nie Wenbai said with a very lucky look.

The female reporter also nodded. She knew that the Hunter test was a difficult test.

It is said that no Hunter has qualified for several years.

"Then, sir, why did you come to the Sky Arena to sign up this time?" the female reporter continued to ask.

Nie Wenbai straightened his posture and said, "It's to practice his martial arts~"

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