Unlike the Stone Wasteland who had fallen asleep, the lights in the headmaster's office were still on.

The staff was still the same as during the day, and Dumbledore was asking Professor McGonagall about the Stone Wasteland.

Professor McGonagall told him what she had seen and heard during the day.

After listening, Dumbledore pondered for a moment and asked,"Minerva, do you think what he said is true?"

Professor McGonagall frowned and said,"Albus, you are too suspicious. Although he may have concealed something, I believe he has no need to deceive me."

"Moreover, there is no sign of him mastering magic."

Dumbledore said,"Forgive me for having to be cautious."

"It's hard for me not to think too much about this special transfer student who showed up in the year Harry entered the school."

Professor McGonagall did not comment.

Seeing this, Dumbledore turned to the Sorting Hat and asked,"What about you? How do you feel about him?"

The Sorting Hat said,"He's very strange. I can't see any of his thoughts. He doesn't seem to have a 'closed-brain' feeling to me."���’"

Professor McGonagall asked curiously,"Then how did you sort him into Ravenclaw?"

"Oh, this is his own request. He said there are many beautiful girls in Ravenclaw, and his uncle told him that looking at girls every day can keep him in a good mood and is good for his health."

The Sorting Hat had no intention of keeping the secret for Shi Huang, and directly said his original words.

Even the knowledgeable Dumbledore was dumbfounded.

He has been the headmaster for decades. What kind of reasons for sorting has he not seen?

He has never seen such a weird reason for sorting!

"So that's why you agreed to let him go to Ravenclaw?"

"What else? I have to respect the wishes of my students. This is a principle I must abide by. Besides, I think the boy is very curious, so it is not wrong to assign him to Ravenclaw." The

Sorting Hat said proudly,"You have to believe that I have never assigned a young wizard to the wrong house in the past thousand years."

Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall looked at each other.

Finally, Dumbledore spoke first,"Well, it seems that our transfer student does have some secrets."

"However, before he does anything to harm others, we really shouldn't doubt him for some unfounded reasons."

In Dumbledore's mind, Shi Huang has gradually become synonymous with the word weird.

Of course, it is still necessary to continue observing Shi Huang, after all, there are still many doubts about him.

"That's all for now."

Dumbledore continued,"Minerva, please take him to Diagon Alley tomorrow to get all the things he needs for school."

Professor McGonagall opened her mouth and wanted to say that this should be Professor Flitwick's job, but finally agreed.

Because she was really curious about what kind of person Shihuang was.

After Professor McGonagall left, Dumbledore sighed quietly:"Alas, I hope I'm just overthinking."


Shi Huang had anticipated Dumbledore

's suspicion. After all, there was only so much information about him, and anyone would suspect that he had a problem.

But it was precisely because there was only so little information that Shi Huang was not worried that Dumbledore could find out anything.

Unless the other party poured truth serum into his food.

But is this possible?

As the greatest wizard of the contemporary era, Dumbledore could not use such excessive means on a little wizard who had not committed any crime.

Even if the old man did not follow the moral code and really used it, Shi Huang was not without a way to counter it.

Rowling said in an interview that wizards who are good at"brain occlusion" can resist the power of truth serum.

Since"brain occlusion" can resist, there is no reason why Shi Huang's ancient magic power cannot.

Even if the power of ancient magic does not work, Shi Huang can still silence himself through physical means.

As long as I can't speak, you can't get any information from me.

Of course, all of the above is based on the situation that Dumbledore is shameless and really takes action against Shi Huang.

Because of Trelawney's prophecy, Dumbledore now spends most of his energy on training the"savior" Harry.

Obviously, he doesn't have the time to get to the bottom of Shi Huang, and at most he can observe him secretly.

In response to this, Shi Huang said: Just watch it if you want.

Ancient magic and modern magic are not in the same system. If Dumbledore can see anything, it means he is capable.

Besides, Shi Huang's biggest reliance is [Scavenging the Worlds].

This is a gift from Mother Earth, it's impossible for Dumbledore to understand it.


A new day, the sun slowly rises from the east.

Perhaps to welcome the students back to school, the sky over Hogwarts is a little clearer than usual.

Early in the morning, Shi Huang was woken up from his bed by a knock on the door by a strange classmate.

The classmate brought a message from Professor McGonagall, saying that she was waiting for Shi Huang at the door of the common room.

After a simple wash, Shi Huang found Professor McGonagall.

"Good morning. Are you ready for your first day at Hogwarts? Professor McGonagall greeted

"Good morning, Professor McGonagall."I think I'm ready, or rather, I've never been so excited."

"Very good." Professor McGonagall went straight to the point,"I came to you because I have something to explain to you."

"First of all, regarding your school supplies, textbooks, and wands, I will take you to Diagon Alley to buy these after you finish today's classes."

"By the way, your classes today include Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts, both of which are in the morning."

"So when you finish your classes and have lunch, come see me in my office."

"By the way, my office is on the second floor of the castle. If you don't know the way, you can ask your classmates in Lanfenduo."

Shi Huang nodded and said,"Okay, Professor McGonagall."

Professor McGonagall continued,"And there are some questions about your studies."

"Considering your special situation that you are only in the fifth grade, you may need to work harder in the next period of time to catch up with other students."

"The school also provides you with some conveniences"

"As for courses, you can freely choose to take courses from grades 1 to 4 in your free time as long as they do not conflict with the fifth grade courses."

"Headmaster Dumbledore has already greeted the professors of each course."

"The professors have agreed to give you additional homework in the following classes to help you master the knowledge before the fifth grade more efficiently."

"If you have any doubts about your studies, you can also ask the professors directly."

"Of course, the premise is not to disturb the normal work of the professors."

(PS: Daily data request!!!)

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