


In the settlement of the Kuruta tribe, at the top of a cliff,

Rocky was lying here with a big face, his face full of sweat, but at this moment, Rocky was smiling.

"Finally... it's coming up!"

He raised his hand and picked up the Sword of the Wise King, blocking the sunlight that was hitting Loki.

Through the sunlight, he saw the dark sword body was now faintly glowing with the fluorescence of white crystals.

"This is considered a successful development!"

"Continuous flashing! Thirty-seven times, finally... it came up!"

Rocky sat up and supported his body with his left hand, his arm was shaking.

His idea was successful, but the price was talent in exchange.

The ability exchanged for talent.

Sure enough, it perfectly achieved the effect Rocky wanted. The only drawback was that every"flash" consumed a lot of energy!

With Rocky's current energy, he could only flash eleven times, and all the energy would be exhausted.

If the running energy is not smooth, it may even cause the flashing to fail, and it will not be possible to flash directly to the position of the weapon.

Climbing is the method Rocky thought of to practice his abilities.

Of course, the so-called climbing is not really climbing, but starting from the bottom of the mountain, Rocky threw the sword directly upwards.

With Rocky's current strength, the throwing sword can only be thrown a distance of more than ten meters, which is already very good.

After all, Rocky is just an eight-year-old kid.

And because the amount of energy required for flashing is too much, Rocky has to reduce the energy wrapped around the sword. The reduction of energy will make the sword thrown out The speed slowed down and the flying distance was also limited.

Now Rocky has not practiced the ability of releasing, strengthening, and operating, which has a great impact on his ability.

After eleven consecutive flashes, he can only fly from the bottom of the cliff to a position of about 100 meters.

Logically, Rocky should not fly to this height, because after each flash, Rocky will fall again in the one second when he throws the sword again.

So eleven consecutive flashes can only reach a position of 100 meters.

If Rocky wants to get infinitely close to the limit distance, he still needs a lot of practice.

After five minutes from the bottom of the cliff, Rocky finally reached the top of the cliff through flashing.

After ten consecutive flashes, Rocky's Qi is basically consumed. At this time, Rocky will stab the sword into the cliff and take a short rest to restore his Qi.

Rocky's speed of recovering Qi is pretty good. His top-level talent for mind ability allows Rocky to control Qi to perform perfect killing and quickly restore Qi. After five minutes of flashing thirty-seven times, he finally reached the top of the cliff.

"It only takes five minutes to get here from the bottom of the mountain. Under normal circumstances, even for a Nen user, it would be absolutely impossible to get from the bottom of the mountain to the top of this vertical steep cliff in just five minutes!"

"Even for a strengthening-type Nen user with a certain amount of climbing knowledge, it would take ten minutes!"

"The first step of the escape plan at the critical moment has been completed!"

The reason for this conclusion is that Rocky has tried to climb in a strengthened state. By multiplying his own climbing speed by twenty times, it is concluded that it will take ten minutes.

Even when the clan is exterminated, there are many enemies outside. As long as the opponent does not catch him in the first thirty meters, he will not be able to catch him later!

No matter how powerful a person is, there is no place to gain leverage on the vertical and smooth cliff wall.

Even if there is a place to gain leverage, he cannot do a vertical jump. If the height is not high, he can still rely on the protection of the mind when he falls. If he falls from a height of one or two hundred meters, he may not be safe.

Rocky looked back at the road behind the cliff. This is a canyon, and the terrain on both sides is slowly descending downwards.

This is very good for Rocky.

Relying on the ability to flash, Rocky can do it very quickly. Descending quickly, and flashing directly downward from the top of the cliff.

If a strengthening-type Nen user suddenly jumps and wants to descend at the same speed as himself, then if he accidentally jumps over the head, the height difference formed will be hundreds of meters.

Not to mention whether he can catch himself after falling down, he will probably be killed or injured.

This escape route is perfect.

However, what Rocky has to do now is to intensify his training and increase his Nen energy.

At the same time, he should also intensify his training in the operation and release abilities, so that he can flash farther and the power of the flash can be enhanced.

Rocky sat on the cliff and began to close his eyes to restore his Nen energy.

He was also thinking about a problem.

That is the name of the Nen ability!

Now Rocky has used the oath to develop the two abilities of flashing and flying sword at the cost of his talent and bloodline ability.

But the ability cannot be without a name!

‘The ability to flash is called Apparition!’

‘The ability to control a flying sword can be called Phantom Sword!’

‘Well! These two abilities are called that! '

However, both abilities are just the names of individual abilities, so we need to make it clear in general.

Just like Kurapika's ability, Contract Chain, this is the name of Kurapika's ability. Although each chain has its own ability and name, they are all branches developed under the overall ability.

‘My ability is called the Power of the King!

This name is probably because Rocky hopes to develop all of Noctis' other abilities in the future.

Other swords are also materialized, such as the Blade of the Cultivation King, the Lion King's Twin Swords, the Yaksha King's Sword, the Overlord's Great Sword, and so on.

Each sword has its own unique ability.

Both the Apparition and the Phantom Sword can be used at the same time.

And now Rocky has not yet developed the ability of the Sword of the Wise King.

The ability of the Sword of the Wise King is very strong. Every attack action does not require the weapon to be thrown out. It can instantly move to the desired position and attack the enemy directly.

This ability feels even more excessive just to talk about it.

After all, even the throwing action is not required. If you use it in a real battle, it will be like assassinating the enemy in person.

You just made an action on the spot, and the next second the blade directly stabbed into someone's body.

Such an ability is a bit against the sky.

If you want to develop this ability, you know that the price you need to pay is probably not a little bit!

Even if you sacrifice your own mind ability talent through the oath, it may not be enough!

Open your personal information panel

【Psychic ability talent: top】

【Physical potential: Intermediate】

【Bloodline ability: Low level】

【Estimated countdown to the next modification permission acquisition: 54 (days): 18 (hours): 33 (minutes): 18 (seconds)]

The next modification will require a full fifty-five days, nearly two months.

The reason for this is that Rocky sacrificed his top-level mind ability talent through the oath, and then changed back to the top-level talent through modification.

Unlike the previous one that only took one month, this time there is no talent for cultivation, and the modification from scratch requires fifty-five days. It can also be seen from here that different degrees of modification require different amounts of time.

It even seems that it needs to be based on Rocky's own situation.

Here Rocky is also curious about one thing

"Is the limit of talent really the top level?"

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