After all, there are no restrictions on modifications, and there is no limit on the content of Rocky's modifications.

If Rocky changes it to a heaven-defying comprehension, or god-level, saint-level, or even adds some precise descriptive words.

For example, the ultimate talent that surpasses all creatures, etc., I don't know if such modifications are possible.

And how terrifying will the changes be after the modification is completed!

This question was also something Rocky thought of suddenly. It can be regarded as after the ability development is completed. Rocky feels that he should not limit his own thinking.

Looking at it from another angle is not impossible!

But if you want to try, you have to wait for fifty-five days.

What's more annoying is that in the last modification, Rocky did not check the new information column, and I don't know what the new information column that appeared after the re-evaluation is.

After checking later, no new information column was found. Rocky feels that there are only two possibilities.

The first is that the last modification was too conservative, resulting in no new information column. The second is that if the information column has not been viewed, the information in the information column will not be displayed during the period of regaining authority.

So if you want to view it, you can only wait until the next modification authority is obtained and the re-evaluation is completed before you can view it.

"Little Rocky……"


Suddenly, when Rocky was recovering his mind, he heard shouts from below.

Rocky frowned. It sounded like the adults of the Kuruta tribe! The deep voices couldn't be those of a kid.

And it could be heard that they were very anxious.

Rocky stood up and tossed the sword in his hand.

He raised his hand and threw it violently downward.

The gravity plus the power and speed of Rocky's active burst of energy made him fall to a height of 150 meters in a few breaths.

Phantom shift!

Rocky appeared in the air in an instant, like a white crystal condensed in an instant, grabbed the Sword of the Sage King and turned it handsomely in the air.

He threw the sword violently again.

This time, at a distance of 150 meters. Less than ten meters from the ground, Rocky Apparated again. He quickly flipped over at a position of ten meters, and landed steadily.

Rocky let go of the Sword of the Wise King, and the sword body gradually became transparent and dissipated, automatically floating around Rocky's body and slowly rotating around Rocky.

From now on, Rocky needs to consume his mind all the time to keep the sword around his body.

However, if Rocky doesn't want to, others can't touch it or see it.

This is not an ability like invisibility, but a part of the mind ability.

Although the amount of energy consumed is not small for Rocky now, as his strength increases, this level of consumption may not be able to keep up with the recovery of his energy in the future.

"Found it here!"

Suddenly, a Kuluta man who had never been seen before appeared about ten meters in front of Rocky.

He seemed to be looking at Rocky in surprise. Just now, he seemed to feel a fluctuation of thoughts in the sky.

But suddenly Rocky appeared in front of him. This was a bit... strange!

What on earth was going on! At this time, Rocky looked at the other party,"Who are you? Why are you looking for me?"

Hearing this, the other party looked at Rocky speechlessly.

"You little brat, even if you go out to play, at least say hello to the clan leader!"

"Every year, there are children who get lost in the forest. Although the wild beasts in the forest have been driven out, it is still very dangerous!"

The other party came up and said.

Rocky finally understood. It turned out that the chief probably thought that he was lost, so he sent people out to find him!

After the people were found, the other tribesmen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Returning to the chief's grandfather's house, Rocky found that basically most of the tribesmen had gathered here.

Looking at these men and women, they all told themselves not to run around next time.

Although some people look fierce, they are not bad. Although they checked their bodies violently, it seems that the Kuruta tribe of more than a hundred people is very united!

The atmosphere in the tribe is quite good.

Among them, the air flow of more than a dozen tribesmen is very strong.

The Kuruta tribe of more than a hundred people actually has more than a dozen psychic ability users, which surprised Rocky.

This probability is already quite terrifying!

You know Under normal circumstances and environments, the probability of a Nen user being born is one in a million.

And the Kurta tribe’s probability is almost one in ten!

However, the probability of a Nen user being born in Meteor City is also very high.

The environment and living conditions also have a great impact.

Coupled with the Kurta tribe’s special bloodline of fiery red eyes!

It was also because of Rocky’s"disappearance" this time. Rocky seemed to have seen Kurapika in the crowd, although Kurapika is only twelve years old now.

There is a gap from the age of seventeen when he first appeared.

But the general appearance can still be seen.

Seeing Kurapika, Rocky’s eyes lit up, and he was ready to say a few words to Kurapika, after all, this was a formal meeting with one of the members of the protagonist group!

However, he was pulled into the house by the clan leader.

"Little Rocky, what's wrong with you today? Why don't you practice well and go out to play!"

"What I said last time was a bit harsh. Don't think too much. You are still young and everything is possible. Don't be discouraged because of this!"

Hearing the words of the clan leader, Rocky smiled helplessly.

Did the old man think that his words were too harsh and made him lose confidence and enthusiasm in the practice of telepathy?

"I went out because I wanted to find a place to test my abilities!"

"Oh! So that's it! That's good, you have to concentrate on your training. Little Rocky, you have great talent and you will definitely be able to do it in the future.……"

The patriarch was suddenly stunned when he was speaking.

"Wait, what did you just say?"

"I said I was going out to find a place to test my abilities!"

The chief squatted down and grabbed Rocky's shoulders with both hands."Have you developed your abilities?"

Rocky nodded.

There was nothing to hide. Besides, the chief had taught him wholeheartedly these days, and Rocky just happened to have some questions about telepathy that he wanted to ask him.

"What ability did you develop?"

Loch smiled, raised his hand, and the Sword of the Sage King reappeared out of thin air. The white crystal suddenly reappeared to form the sword body. The patriarch had seen this appearance before and was not surprised.

But the next second, Loch threw the sword into the room.

The next second, while the patriarch was still wondering what Loch was going to do,

Loch appeared in the air in an instant, grabbed the sword and flipped to the ground beautifully.

He swung the sword in his hand to make a sword flower, let go of the sword and disappeared again.

After doing all this, the patriarch looked at Loch with his mouth wide open in surprise.……



"Did you really succeed?"

It's only been a few days, how could such an amazing ability be developed so quickly?

What did Rocky do?


Although it requires weapons, and can only teleport to the place where the weapons reach, it is still teleportation.

Even at this moment, the clan leader dare not imagine how terrifying this ability will be in the future when it matures in battle.

"What is the name of this ability?"


Swallowing his saliva gently, the clan leader looked at Rocky with a complicated look.

Excited, excited, and a little worried.

As a person who has experienced it, he knows that this kid may have touched the restrictions and oaths unknowingly, otherwise he would never have developed this ability...

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