Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 23 People I Intuitively Dislike

"Jin-chan, you are amazing. I heard that it is very difficult to pass the hunter test." Mu Liuji has not experienced the real hunter test, but according to the plot and the pass rate, Mu Liuji thinks it is amazing, especially since the protagonists at the beginning did not learn telekinesis, and the one in front of him has not learned it either.

Jin smiled indifferently: "If you take the test at the age of 12, you will definitely pass it." Jin was not trying to comfort Mu Liuji. With Mu Liuji's current growth, Mu Liuji must have been a very outstanding telekinetic user at the age of 12, and he definitely had other skills. The final test of the hunter certificate is to learn telekinesis. Mu Liuji is just going through the motions.

Mu Liuji smiled embarrassedly: "It's too early for me." Mu Liuji was a little embarrassed, and her little face was red. She reluctantly returned the hunter certificate in her hand that was full of toughness to Jin. Jin noticed her little eyes.

"Anyway, I don't need it now, so I'll leave the hunter certificate with you first." Jin took the hunter certificate test just to have a pass. And as long as he remembers the card number and logs into the Hunter Association's dedicated network, this card doesn't mean much to him.

Mu Liuji's face was full of surprise. She grabbed the card: "Really? Can you leave it with me first?" Mu Liuji didn't know that Jin would always hold this card in her hand, not to mention that a true telekinetic master would take her relationship with Jin to a new level.

Jin nodded. He didn't know that Mu Liuji would like the hunter certificate so much: "Since you like it, just leave it with you." Mu Liuji laughed happily and put Jin's hunter certificate in his pocket.

The next day, they took the airship to the edge of the Ezhen continent. Mu Liuji followed Jin, looking at this place with curiosity. She followed Jin obediently and watched him buy a map and then go to some square. Anyway, Mu Liuji must have never heard of it. She ate the snacks that Jin bought for her.

After going around, Jin led Mu Liuji to a slightly remote and quiet place. The first time Mu Liuji saw this place, she always felt that this place didn't look like a place to do good things. Could it be that Jin didn't know. Mu Liuji told Jin about his doubts.

"This place is already considered safe." Jin looked at this place, found a place to sit down, and explained to Mu Liuji why he chose such a place. To enter the main city of Ezhen Continent, you must have a special pass, but the surrounding areas are relatively relaxed. They look deserted, but in fact, the local managers provide temporary resting places for outsiders.

Mu Liuji curled his lips and ate snacks: "It's not a mountain of gold and silver, why make it so complicated." Special passes, hunter license is one of them, but think about it from another angle. Those who hold hunter licenses are much stronger than ordinary people, and to some extent, they are all dangerous people. It's better to let ordinary people in.

Jin seemed to be able to hear Mu Liuji's underlying meaning and nodded: "But hunters are a minority after all." They are originally a special group of people who are beyond ordinary people. But this is not something that small people like them can decide. At least Jin feels that he can pursue what he wants to do, and he is already very happy. And on this journey, he also met a very special little friend. Jin looked down at the small Mu Liuji.

They were waiting for the archaeological volunteers here, and Mu Liuji took this opportunity to consolidate her telekinesis foundation. When she released her telekinesis, Jin could see her rapid progress at a glance. However, he was very curious about Mu Liuji's ability to collect and release qi just like an ordinary person. Mu Liuji honestly told him that if he mastered every role and function of the Jing Kong, it would not be a problem to collect all the qi in his body.

Jin had heard the old man mention things related to Jing Kong before, but he thought it was too troublesome and not interested, so he didn't care. Unexpectedly, Mu Liuji had learned such great knowledge in a short time.

——That's Jin, don't you know that when Mu Liuji was studying, there was a strict Shiba next to him, and a model who was randomly found. This is all potential, forced out.

Mu Liuji was a little frustrated when she heard Jin's refusal without interest. She originally wanted to teach Jin. She puffed up her face a little depressed. Without entangled in this issue, she stood there and did a horse stance. Jin felt that waiting like this was a waste of time, so he simply stood with Mu Liuji, and the two of them began to consolidate their telekinesis foundation.

Mu Liuji always felt that the conversion of the four major elements of telekinesis was not so smooth. And Jin next to him was obviously much smoother than Mu Liuji.

"Huff, huh!" Mu Liuji consolidated for several rounds, felt tired, and then stopped, sat aside to drink water and rest.

"It would be great if learning telekinesis could be as easy as playing." Mu Liuji held his chin and sighed. Something flashed through Jin's mind.

"That's right." Jin turned his head and looked at the hopeless expression next to him. "It's like learning and consolidating telekinesis like a game strategy, I think it won't be boring." Jin sat there thinking, and his words accidentally revealed made Mu Liuji shudder.

Mu Liuji remembered that Jin seemed to have made a very expensive game with many people. Could it be that the inspiration came from her? Thinking about it this way, it feels weird. However, after Mu Liuji saw someone with a bag on his back, he immediately put this idea out of his mind after seeing a person with a bag on his back who looked like a clerk.

Jin also saw that person. He immediately recognized that this was one of the people he had contacted before. Jin quickly stood up and walked over. Mu Liuji stood there, watching the two parties who were originally very unfamiliar with each other, and quickly merged into one under Jin's unknown negotiation. Mu Liuji stood aside, quietly standing beside Jin. Watching one after another appear. However, among this group of people, Mu Liuji noticed a person. For no reason, she just didn't like that person. She always felt uncomfortable with that person. His name was Suzuki Hideto, especially the look in the other person's eyes, which made Mu Liuji instinctively disgusted. She stayed by Jin's side, not saying a word. This abnormality had been noticed by Jin a long time ago.

"What's wrong? You seem to be worried." During the rare break, Jin frowned and looked at the abnormal Mu Liuji.

Mu Liuji lowered his head and pouted: "I don't like the man named Suzuki Hideto. He gives me a bad feeling." Mu Liuji didn't want to hide it from Jin. Anyway, if she didn't like someone, she didn't need any reason. The look in Suzuki Hideto's eyes was very similar to that man's, both of them were filled with malice.

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