Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 24 Little Ki is targeted

"Hmm? Are you referring to Mr. Suzuki?" Jin frowned when he heard Mu Liuji's honest words. Although he didn't feel anything wrong with Suzuki Hideto, he didn't distrust Mu Liuji's intuition. On the contrary, he would pay attention to people who made Mu Liuji dislike him at first sight.

Jin rubbed Mu Liuji's little head: "Hmm, I know. And if you have any worries, just tell me directly, don't hide it in your heart."

"But aren't they the people you have finally gathered together? After all, I just have an intuition." Mu Liuji was very happy with Jin's attitude, but he was not proud. To deal with her and other people, for Jin, he was the most difficult. If any accident happened to one of them, then Jin's burden would be very heavy, and it might even shake people's hearts.

Jin was stunned for a moment, and he grinned: "There is strength in numbers, but I am not a blind person. You are my friend, and I will never watch my friend get into trouble." Of course, if the project is delayed, he doesn't feel any regrets if it can be exchanged for the safety of his friends. At worst, he can start over.

After Mu Liuji's reminder, Jin began to pay a lot of attention to the man called Suzuki Hideto. After paying so much attention, he found that he paid more attention to Mu Liuji than to this project. Jin thought that Mu Liuji was a member of Zoldyck. Although he didn't know how Mu Liuji's whereabouts were known to him, if the other party's target was Mu Liuji, it would be very dangerous.

Others didn't think much about it, just thinking that Jin had brought another child. They didn't take Mu Liuji too seriously, but just thought that Jin had a set of experience in raising children. Jin took them to stay in a hotel now, and tomorrow they will go to the local government of Ezhen Continent to handle the procedures. Tonight, Jin and Mu Liuji are in a room. Mu Liuji made a phone call to his family and went to rest obediently. Jin made a bed on the floor and leaned against Mu Liuji's bed.

"The bed is big enough, Jin, you can come up together." Mu Liuji sat up and looked at Jin.

"It's okay. I used to live in the open air. Mu Liu-chan, you are still young, you need to get enough rest." Jin didn't have so many requirements for Mu Liuji. It seemed that her telekinesis had already been cultivated in a very special way. Her family had already arranged the rest. Although Jin was helpless and distressed about such a planned life, all he could do was to let her see more different things. At least let her become a killing machine later.

Mu Liuji nodded and didn't insist. Lie down. She didn't know when that Suzuki Hideto would make a move. It could be any time. She guessed that if the other party wanted to make a move, there would be several opportunities in this line, and tonight was a good opportunity.

How could Jin not think of what Mu Liuji could consider? If the other party came for Mu Liuji, in order to prevent his true identity from being exposed and being targeted by the Zoldyck family, then even death would be a luxury. However, those very special existences are not ruled out, which is also what Jin cares about.

Jin was on guard. Suddenly, there was a breath in the air that was even a little oppressive to Jin. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked around. Finally, he found Mu Liuji, who was resting on the bed. It was indeed something that came from her body invisibly, which was different from telekinesis. Jin's expression was serious. This was not telekinesis. This power is not mature now, but if it can be used, it will definitely be an amazing ability.

"Mu Liuji, Zoldyck. It is really a terrifying existence." Jin believed that Mu Liuji would become a very powerful person. She has status, talent, and hard work. Unless something else happens, Jin will definitely be able to hear her name in the near future.

Someone. Jin felt the third breathing sound suddenly appearing at the door. The sparkling eyes were like gems in the dark night. Jin looked at the person on the bed and saw that Mu Liuji opened his eyes. At the same time, the power that made him uncomfortable dissipated. It seems that Mu Liuji has not noticed this yet. But now... Jin's attention is on the sneaky person at the door. He gestured to let Mu Liuji continue to lie on the bed. Unexpectedly, Mu Liuji shook his head and she stood up. The You in her body had just asked her to take this opportunity to practice.

Mu Liuji took the initiative to face this enemy, and Jin nodded. Since Mu Liuji had his own ideas, he wanted to see what Mu Liuji would do. Jin sat there, watching Mu Liuji crouching, watching her push the quilt into a ball and quietly slide off the bed to use the invisibility. Seeing this, Jin couldn't help but frowned, but didn't say anything, and continued to watch Mu Liuji.

After Mu Liuji used the invisibility, he was already disliked by the You in his body. Obviously, Mu Liuji's basic telekinesis was completed well, but it was too far away in combat. She didn't have this awareness. It seems that she still needs to learn how to use these things in combat. Fortunately, this person is not a telekinesis user. But, the loophole has been found, so next, Mu Liuji's training has another goal.

Mu Liuji crouched and waited quietly by the cupboard not far from the door. I heard the door lock outside make a very subtle click, but the people outside seemed to be cautious enough. After a while, they did not push the door open. Patience? Mu Liuji's cat eyes remained quietly in the same position. Jin watched this scene from a distance.

The door was finally opened slowly from the outside. Mu Liuji used her concentration to judge the person who came. It was Suzuki Hideto. Unlike the kind expression she had seen during the day, Suzuki Hideto at this moment felt more like a killer. Mu Liuji looked at the face of the man named Suzuki Hideto and saw that he had no fear of death. This look was very similar to her father's in some ways, but her father was more confident, confident in his strength.

Is this the killer? Mu Liuji saw Suzuki Hideto pull out a dagger from her thigh. He seemed to be judging something. Mu Liuji held her breath. After about ten seconds, she saw Suzuki Hideto walking towards the bed. Mu Liuji watched him getting closer and closer to the bed. She listened to the constant urging sound in her body, and condensed something in her hand. Without any hesitation, she stabbed Suzuki Hideto's fatal point.

Suzuki Hideto keenly felt the special thing coming from behind him, and rolled to the side without thinking. Mu Liuji noticed the moment when she missed, and subconsciously condensed a sharp wind blade with her other hand and stabbed Suzuki Hideto's neck.

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