Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 230 230. The long fork in the water x the endless fate

"Here!" Mu Liuji was surprised to see the passage that appeared in his sight, which was similar to another dimension. It was hard to imagine that there was water flowing all around. In Meteor Street, Yos could actually create such a passage. It seemed that in addition to being rich, the power in Meteor Street was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Pariston smiled at the subtle expression in Mu Liuji's sigh. He looked around and said, "Then let's go." Pariston had a good understanding of Yos in Meteor Street. He knew that there should be a loyal servant beside him, but that person had not appeared since Yos was killed. It seemed that the person should appear in front of him in the future. If he was really loyal.

This tunnel was made of unknown materials, and she could not even detect the breath outside. Mu Liuji walked in the water. She finally understood the strange geographical location of the fifth block with an abnormal amount of liquid water. It turned out to be used for this. Mu Liuji looked at this tunnel that seemed to have only one road...

Mu Liuji's thoughts were taken back after seeing the sudden fork in the road.

"Oh, there is a fork in the road~ How should I choose?" Pariston touched his chin.

"Humph." Mu Liuji didn't need to be in such a place at all. She raised her foot and walked towards the fork on the left. No matter what appeared, she had nothing to be afraid of. Instead of speculating what monsters might come out of each tunnel, it would be better to find one at random. Moreover, she did not detect any other breath from the two tunnels.

Pariston saw that Mu Liuji was still ignoring him, so he raised his foot and followed him, but they walked for an unknown period of time until the next fork appeared, and no one appeared. And no one came to catch up with them. It seems that it is really just the function of the "channel". So many forks in the road only reduce the chance of encountering.

"Where will this lead to?" When Pariston and Mu Liuji took a break, Pariston looked up at the isolated water. He was tired of seeing it too much.

"I don't know where the exit will be." Mu Liuji actually didn't know the time in this tunnel with nothing but flowing water, and the hunger in her stomach reminded her that at least 8 hours had passed. Mu Liuji's stomach gurgled and made a crisp sound.

"Let's go, let's go quickly, maybe we can leave here." Pariston himself was actually not much better. The explosion and burning of the manor, and so many breaths approached quickly, even if he wanted to get food, there was not enough time. Pariston was lucky that he and Mu Liuji were both Nen users, at least this little hunger was not unbearable for them.

Mu Liuji and Pariston quickened their pace and chose the road on the left, and finally left the water environment. Mu Liuji fell behind Pariston a step later, and she saw Pariston suddenly stopped in front, stopped, and did not move.

"Isn't this Pariston-san?" The voice outside sounded, and Mu Liuji felt a little familiar. She couldn't remember where she had heard it for a while, it should be an enemy. Mu Liuji thought that if it was the voice of someone she had a good relationship with, she would definitely remember it. By elimination, it must be an enemy.

Mu Liuji was still guessing the identity of the other party, only to hear Pariston, who was standing in front of her, laugh out loud: "Isn't this Mr. Kuroro? What a coincidence, are you and your companions taking a walk?" Pariston's words had revealed to Mu Liuji who was standing outside.

Well, it's really not a good thing. Mu Liuji's memory and the relationship with the Spider Phantom Troupe are really not good. Not to mention the dangerous guy Kuroro Lusilu, the other two spiders are called Wojin and Feitan, but they have had several head-on battles, and they were not coincidental, and they suffered losses in their hands. Mu Liuji thought that being entangled by those guys would not be good, but she didn't expect that this fate was really wonderful.

Mu Liuji was mentally prepared. Seeing Pariston still blocking the exit, she raised her hand and pushed him, indicating that he didn't need to cover up for her. Kuroro Lusilu was not stupid. Pariston was blocking there so obviously, and there was no trick. Even pigs would not believe it.

Pariston noticed Mu Liuji's small movements behind him. Facing the sight of the three spider members, he put his hand behind his back and seemed to grab a small hand, and then smiled and calmly led the owner of the hand out of the tunnel. Mu Liuji's delicate face appeared in the sight of the three spiders.

Kuroro Lusilu stared at Mu Liuji, and after more than ten seconds of silence, he recognized the identity of this little girl. It was really a big change. He did hear that Mu Liuji came to Meteor Street a few years ago, but she was in the sixth block, and the sixth block was the territory of Grandma Lingye. They were in the thirteenth block, which was originally quite far away. Unexpectedly, they would meet in such an occasion. Kuroro Lusilu's eyes swept over the two people's clasped hands.

"You damn girl, I didn't expect you to have the guts to show up in front of me." Feitan, who was as short as ever, stared at Mu Liuji with murderous intent. Several bad memories made Feitan unable to calm down.

Mu Liuji saw Pariston grabbing her hand tightly. She didn't bother to care about that hand, but seeing Feitan's look, Mu Liuji knew that the other party wanted to kill her. If she didn't know, she would think that she had abandoned his ancestral grave. However, in Meteor Street, there was no family, let alone ancestors.

"I didn't expect that you haven't grown up in all these years." Mu Liuji said coldly, picking on the other's height.

"Looking for death!" Feitan was enraged and disappeared quickly. But Feitan's attack missed, and the three spiders looked somewhere.

Pariston carried the knocked-out Mu Liuji and stood in a place where the three of them couldn't reach with a smile. He looked at Feitan: "Well~ Don't be so angry, bullying girls is not a good habit." Pariston said with a smile that deserved a beating.

"Then I'll kill you too." Feitan didn't care about Pariston's nonsense. He would never forgive Mu Liuji Zoldyck. This damn girl, as long as he didn't get rid of her, the feeling of being stuck in his throat made him irritable. He wanted to let her suffer all his punishments and experience the feeling of living a life worse than death, and then let her go.

Pariston saw Feitan's intention to kill Muryuji, and he smiled indifferently: "Then there is nothing I can do. At least I will not hand her over to you now." Pariston saw Feitan rushing towards him again, and he took this opportunity to escape. Even with one person, his reaction was faster than Feitan. Kuroro Lusilu noticed this detail, his eyes flickered, and he called out to Feitan who wanted to chase him.

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