Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 231 231. The Sinner X Tests the Innkeeper X

"Captain, why did you stop me?" Feitan didn't understand why Kuroro Luciro stopped him. Kuroro was not unaware of the dispute between him and Muryuji, so why did he stop him?

Kuroro Luciro saw Feitan, who was not calm at the moment, and slowly said, "First of all, we don't know how Muryuji Zoldyck's strength has grown, and there is also the dangerous Pariston, so don't underestimate him." Kuroro Luciro noticed that the biggest change in Muryuji was that the big gourd that she always carried with her was gone. Muryuji had a lot of advantages in speed and agility because she was carrying that heavy thing. And what made Kuroro Luciro afraid was the man named Pariston. Kuroro Luciro had contact with him for a very short time, and that man was quite tricky. And the man named Pariston just now was obviously trying to save Humuryuji Zoldyck's life. I don't know what happened between them. If Pariston and Muryuji Zoldyck cooperate, it will be a big threat to Kuroro Luciro.

"Captain, do you mean I will lose to that person?" Feitan's strength was so obviously questioned, and his mood became gloomy, and his tone was not good.

Kuroro Luciro looked at Feitan calmly: "I am not exaggerating, but this is the fact." Kuroro Luciro will not watch his members fall into danger or die for no reason because they did not see the gap in strength. Kuroro Luciro thought of something and looked at Feitan, "And as long as that woman is there, Muryuji Zoldyck will definitely appear in front of you again."

Feitan thought of something along the lines of Kuroro Luciro, and now Pariston and Muryuji have long disappeared, so he can only grit his teeth unwillingly and suppress this opportunity.

Little did he know that there is a saying that goes well - once you lose an opportunity, it will never come again.

And Mu Liuji, who was knocked unconscious by Pariston for the second time, also escaped.

When Mu Liuji woke up, the environment in her sight changed again. Mu Liuji was no longer surprised, but when she turned her head and saw Pariston lying beside her in a relaxed manner, she thought of the second time she was knocked unconscious by Pariston from behind. She slowly raised her hand and reached towards Pariston's neck. Her eyes were fixed on Pariston's expression. In just a moment, Mu Liuji could have decisively killed him faster than he did. Mu Liuji's hand stopped at Pariston's neck.

"Don't pretend, I know you are awake." Mu Liuji suddenly spoke in a cold voice. Her hand was still stopped in the distance, and she watched Pariston slowly open his eyes.

"Sure enough, I can't escape Xiaomu-chan's defense." Pariston smiled at Mu Liuji, not taking the danger at all. He just kept it easy and looked at Mu Liuji, "But if you really want to kill me, you won't remind me. Isn't it." Pariston stared at Mu Liuji's light eyes. There was no hesitation in her eyes. Pariston understood that if she didn't open her eyes, he believed that Mu Liuji would really kill him.

After hearing Pariston's affirmative words, Mu Liuji suddenly pinched his neck. Seeing that his face was getting worse and worse, Mu Liuji narrowed his eyes and stared at Pariston: "Don't be too absolute. Don't think too highly of yourself." Mu Liuji's fingers became more and more powerful. She was waiting for Pariston to fight back. Seeing that his breathing was obviously unstable, he still didn't attack her.

Mu Liuji didn't know what he thought of, so he let go of his hand and stood up.

"You would rather believe Mr. Leiza, who you have only met once, than believe my sincerity?" Pariston looked at Mu Liuji's resolute back, and Pariston blinked, feeling a little frustrated. Several times, Pariston felt that Mu Liuji's attitude towards him should be slightly softened, but each time it always had the opposite effect, making Mu Liuji more and more defensive against him.

Mu Liuji's footsteps only paused for a moment, and then left the guest room in silence. This answer is superfluous. Trust is something that, in the education of the Zoldyck family, no one except one's own family can be trusted. Pariston is not a child. As a hunter for so many years, he must know that trust is like a ceramic bottle. Once a crack appears, it will only get bigger and bigger, and eventually become fragments.

Mu Liuji knew for the first time that there was actually a hotel on Meteor Street. The whole hotel was gloomy. She went downstairs and found a man who looked severely malnourished sitting at the cashier at the entrance on the first floor. He sat there reading a yellowed newspaper that he didn't know where he got from. The middle-aged man saw Mu Liuji coming down and glanced at her.

"Yo~ You two finally woke up." The man's hoarse voice was unpleasant to hear. Mu Liuji looked around and found a place to sit down.

"Which block is this?" Mu Liuji asked this question as soon as she came up.

"This is the eleventh block, little girl, it seems that you came from other blocks, it's really far away." The man glanced at Mu Liuji and could tell at a glance that this little girl was a unique existence in Meteor Street, from the clean clothes and the round little face.

Mu Liuji was stunned, she looked at the man: "How do you know I came from a very far block?"

"At least the people I met who came from the eighth block know where this is." The man put down the newspaper in his hand, propped up his chin and looked at Mu Liuji, "You look like you just arrived."

Mu Liuji did not answer. It was actually the first time she suddenly came to such a far Meteor Street. This man was able to open a hotel on Meteor Street, and the door was open. This man must be very powerful, otherwise he would have been robbed.

"You are quite cautious, but it is better to be on guard in Meteor Street." The man recalled something and spoke hoarsely with a self-deprecating tone.

Well, this is another man with a story. Mu Liuji looked around the furnishings of this simple hotel: "Why don't you go out?" If this man had the ability to protect such a shabby hotel, wouldn't the outside world be freer?

"I'm old and can't do it anymore." The man waved his hand, he picked up the newspaper again, and his cloudy eyes moved slowly. Mu Liuji looked at this man, and for some reason, he felt that he had a feeling of heart and body.

Mu Liuji sat quietly in the dark, staring blankly with his eyes open. And the middle-aged man kept a posture and read the newspaper. Mu Liuji didn't know whether he could understand it.

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