Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 150: plan, package

In general.

Even if someone is looking for a master or something.

As long as you have a deep enough understanding of the ability to read, you will basically find the corresponding attributes.

Otherwise, it is to find some people with advanced foundations, learn the basics and applications, and develop their own abilities.

And now in this situation, at least in Kirby's view, Ron is a bit weird. It looks like he is helping others find it.

To be honest, this is the first time he has met such a person.

It's not like you want to develop something, but it's like trying to do an experiment.

There is a calculation in his mind, and now he said that the requirements for students are actually real needs. He said before that he can reduce the time for teaching the people of the embodiment.

Help people develop their ability to read as soon as possible.

After all, this task is to develop the ability of thinking, and the basics are not that important in his opinion.

When accepting tasks, Kirby has his own judgment and understanding.

Although Ron said that he should teach with all his heart, but in his opinion, this is not so important. It's nothing to do with people, it's just a transaction, where did he come from doing his best.

How much ability to give, how much reward you receive, that's all.

"Incarnation system?"

Listening to Kirby's words, Ron wanted to say that there was no problem, but suddenly thought.

On his side, there doesn't seem to be anyone from the incarnation system.

A few of them, Baldlow, are either of the reinforcement type or the release type.

It seems that the previous Dax is also a manifestation type.

"something wrong?"

Kirby wondered.

They had already agreed on this matter before, and normally he doesn't think there is any problem.

"No, there's no problem, it just might take a little time for someone to come over. The people here don't have an incarnation system."

Hearing the words, Ron didn't hide it and said it directly.

"How long will this take?"

I didn't expect that the task that I came here directly did not seem so smooth.

"Two or three days should be enough."

After thinking about it for a while, Ron still gave an answer. According to his thoughts, there should be a few people from the embodiment of the dozens of people here.

And two or three days, enough to convert them into undead to join the army.

After all, the realization system is not a particularly special ability.

"If I can get people ready within a week, then I have no problem, as for other things..."

Kirby didn't say much, the task is the task, the transaction is the transaction, he will not ask more about other people's affairs.

This character is also a habit.

Now that the other party's tasks and ideas have been determined, the next step is the treatment.

"The matter of money is not a problem, just like I said before, even for the most ordinary ability, I will give you more than 10 million yuan as a reward. If you can have the ability and creativity, hundreds of millions of dollars 100,000,000, in fact, I am not unacceptable."

Looking at the change in Kirby's expression in front of him, Ron said seductively, in fact, to tell the truth.

He didn't think this person could develop the ability to make him feel very far away.

A lot of abilities still depend on people's use, and now they are in this situation. .

It's not an ability that Ron can accept.


"In terms of ability, you can discuss it by yourself. After you have a plan, tell me that I will give you the price, and then you can help develop it. If it is really completed, you will have money?"

Ron didn't confuse Kirby either.

said directly.

Planning is certain, the plan is determined, as long as the other party can teach it.

Then he can give money.

If you can't teach it, no matter how good the plan is, it's useless.

Everyone understands this.

"I see, it's fine."

Originally, Kirby still thought that this would be a problem.

However, the latter words made him satisfied. After all, he didn't want to waste his time. He had the ability to create, and this kind of personal sensory ability was too powerful.

He can say that it is not good, it is entirely based on the mood of the other party.

Naturally, it is better to say this directly.

"Mr. Kirby all right?"

"No more for now. Let's talk about it when we meet someone. When that time comes, I will give you a plan."

By teaching students according to their aptitude, Kirby is also quite satisfied with this situation. Anyway, when the time comes, we will see how the learning ability of the person given by Ron is, and how the other party's offer is.

Only then will you really decide to stay.

Before, he didn't mind wasting a little time here.

Not every task is so simple and so successful.

"Okay, let's do it first, and we'll talk about the specific follow-up after we determine the situation."

Ron looked at the situation of the other party now.

It is also clear that the other party has not yet made up his mind, and he does not even mean to say his own mind ability.

This is actually normal, willing to expose, not just casually.

At least they should have confirmed the relationship, and the price will be discussed later.

In this regard, Ron did not force anything, it was a transaction in itself.

"If there is nothing to do, I will arrange a room for you, just stay here temporarily, you can leave if you have anything, and I will contact you later."

"no problem.."

A preliminary consensus was reached, and in the case of the first transaction, Ron also determined the policy.

In the future, it is better to pass such a plan directly to others.

Choose a good person, determine a plan that he thinks can be completed, and then he will price it, and if he is satisfied, it will be developed.

There is money to take.

In fact, there is a possibility of such a plan and so on. The real difficulty is how to develop it.

Otherwise, if you just think about it, you can complete it, then this power of thought can no longer be called power of mind, and it is underestimated to call it divine power.

Even the source of life cannot completely ignore this limitation, it can only be said to break the limitation, and a large amount of source of life is needed. In addition, knowledge is also needed.

This is why he developed this database, he needs knowledge, knowledge of various abilities to develop.

The current undead army is like a little sheep.

He still needs to be raised, and there is no opened a room again for Kirby to live in.

After thinking for a while, thinking that there must be other people coming later, Ron directly found the person in charge here.

Just packed the room.

Originally, he wanted to buy it directly, but thinking that he didn't know how long he would stay here, it was unnecessary.

It's really such a big hotel, and it's not cheap. It's enough for him to buy a good mind.

After quickly negotiating a good price, the hotel manager also agreed to leave the hotel room empty, and no more people would be allowed to stay in the future, all of which were reserved for Ron.

Plus, those who were living there now, and those rooms would go to Ron for the time being when they left.

In this way, whether it is the arrival of a new undead army, or the teacher of mind ability he invited.

There is a local event.

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