Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 151: 7 teachers

"Slug, I'll leave it to you next. The fifty people will speed up the progress and get it done within three days."

After confirming the room, Ron took Maggie back to the room directly. Even if they booked the hotel, they were still in the same room, but they were not separated.

Of course, nothing was found.

At the end, I also reminded the slug to speed up. As a hard-working little expert, the slug naturally knows what to do.

These days, it has become more and more proficient in observing every undead army, and it has also saved a few things about the records of the data information database.

After distributing these things, send them to each undead army.

Basically once a day.

Every day, the undead army can get a significant improvement. .

And soon three days passed.

In the past three days, Ron received another batch of people who came to work for their lives. It was still the same, 100 people, 50 people who died in the army, and 50 people who worked for their lives.

It has been said before that enough people will come here.

[Origin of life: 26888 units]

The two absorptions did not improve his life source much, but decreased it, which is what Ron expected.

In the army without death, the first batch has been completed, and as for the latter batch, more than a dozen have been completed.

It took thousands of life sources to complete.

If it weren't for the occasional income in the Emira Kingdom area, then Ron's current source of life might be even lower. . .

"Okay, everyone is here, everyone, you can choose."

In a box hall of the hotel, dozens of people are here, except for the dozens of undead soldiers who have now become a slightly official team.

In addition, there are seven people who are quite capable of thinking.

In addition to Dax who had been "stayed" by Ron before and Kirby who came later, three of the other five were persuaded by Ron later.

The other two were brought by the agency.

He directly agreed to Ron's request and said that he would continue to look for it.

The other party didn't hide it either. These two people, the people from the agency, were both capable of strengthening the system.

And he happened to lack the ability of the reinforcement system, so he stayed directly. As for the others, except for Dax and Kirby, they were all manifestations.

Others are one person, one system, change department, operation department, release department, except for the trait department, everyone in other departments has it.

It might be enough to satisfy Ron.

The people here, in addition to the trait system, all have the ability to think of other attributes.

And Ron's people, in fact, are almost the same. It may be that the ability of the trait system is really rare. In fact, this kind of ability is not necessarily powerful, but it is rare.

Just like here.

There were more than 60 people, including Baldlow and the others, there were almost 70 people.

There is only one trait-based ability.

He is not sure how to train this guy. In addition, in the Kingdom of Emira, let them test before, and his ability attribute is now out.

How should the trait department say, there are only 3 people in total.

ratio is lower.

Nearly 1,000 people with the ability to think, there are 4 people with the ability of the trait system.

This can be said to be one in a hundred, only one out of hundreds.

These guys, he didn't let them do anything, just let them practice the basics, and he will talk about it later.

When the time comes, give them experience and see what special experience is developed.

And here, Ron just had a rough idea of ​​how to learn and transform other abilities in batches.

He needed other people and other information to help him complete these ideas. Ron was not polite. He directly divided the team into five columns and let them choose, or it was no problem to take them away.

And in front of this team.

The seven minders with fairly good strength are now also observing what they are struggling with. Based on their situation, it is basically certain that the people here are.

It didn't take long to cultivate, and even many people just forcibly inspired and opened it up.

Many people's thoughts can be said to be pitiful.

Even his own entanglement cannot be stabilized.

This also made the people present know how difficult the situation that Ron had said before was.

If it is said that the foundation is laid, and the guidance of experienced people is lacking, then it is okay to say, but this is the situation now.

Obviously, nothing.

This does not mean that there is no foundation, in their view, it means that there is nothing.

In fact, they don't know that the basic knowledge of the people here is not bad, because the slug has been transmitted before.

This is the knowledge of Ron and Maggie, plus the knowledge that hundreds of people have practiced for nearly a month.

Don't underestimate this, this is the crystallization of nearly a thousand people.

One person has very little knowledge, but the more people accumulate it, the more it will be.

Even if there are many repetitions, it does not matter, finding one of them is different from not repeating.

The next few months, a year, will definitely be an explosive period.

Ron is also looking forward to this.

"Otherwise, you can just take them all away, just discuss and make sure for yourself, it doesn't matter if you don't need to teach them all."

Seeing that the instructors of the ability to read are observing the situation of the students here, watching their frowns, Ron also knows that this is a little dissatisfied with the ability of this group of students.

Since their ability is not good, they naturally want to select a few people with better talent from so many people.

Maybe they can teach a student who develops abilities sooner.

Get your own pay.

Ron didn't care, no matter who it was, as long as it was his undead army, as long as he was taught, it would be fine, and slugs could read knowledge.

Get it all done.

In order to avoid some people being too stupid to scare away the psychic who he finally talked about, Ron even let everyone stay.

Let them choose slowly.

After all, he is a somewhat capable person. For their knowledge and serious teaching, he also gave temptation and respect.

Seven people heard and did not have any idea of ​​​​refusing.

They came here not to take apprentices, but to make money.

Pick the one with the best talent and try to squeeze the opponent's potential to develop an ability.

If there is anyone here, who is the most attentive and most worried about what will happen, it is probably Dax.

He is different from others. Others come here to do business, and he came here "voluntarily", and he has to teach himself everything honestly, including the ability to think that he has developed.

If you need all of them, maybe you will be able to survive.

He was relieved to see Ron on the spot saying that he had the ability to materialize.

Before he came up with a few release-type abilities and enhancement-type abilities, but he was entangled to death.

The systems are not equal, so it is necessary to learn this way. People with different systems force development. Without enough talent and time, they cannot develop their abilities at all.

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