Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 152: early warning

Different abilities, different systems.

Wasting too much time, Dax even worried that he was shot to death by Ron before teaching the other party.

Cause of death: The apprentice he taught was too stupid to learn.

It's still good now, no matter whether the talent is good or not, he can at least receive people with the same mentality attribute, which is much more comfortable.

Although Dax's appearance now seems to be a little bit abused, he will be happy after getting some benefits.

But it's not any better now.

After all, if a person has been eating too much sour buns, you suddenly give him one that is not sour, but it is not hot and tasteless.

He will still eat very happily.

How to assign personnel, communicate with them, and how many individuals they want to give advice.

Ron didn't care too much.

He didn't care about this matter, but he left a small slug behind every undead soldier, pay attention to the situation here.

"Then this matter is left to you, and the follow-up ideas come out, and then tell me."

It’s fine if the arrangements are made. Now let people do it directly. If you do well, continue to do it. If you don’t do well, then rectify it.

After speaking, he left the hall.

And after. .

Originally, Ron had already moved upwards and planned to go back to the room first, but suddenly the slug on his body twisted.

For Ron, who the slugs knew each other, it was natural to know what had happened.

"Maggie, I still have something to do, you go up first."

He stopped, turned his head and said to Maggie.

And when Maggie heard this, she stared at Ron with a cold face, apparently intending to ask him to give an explanation.

Now suddenly changing direction and running, obviously something suddenly happened.

"It's just that some unlucky ones came here, and they'll be back soon."

Without saying much, he glanced at Maggie, then waved to the hotel lobby, intending to leave the hotel.

And Ma Qi, who was still standing in the same place, obviously knew what happened.

It's just that she didn't feel it just now.

"Did you find any news?"

Instead of going after Ron directly, he grabbed the fist-sized slug on his body and asked.

The easiest guy to ask is here, and she doesn't need to ask anyone else.

Faced with the question, Slug remained silent, even though Maggie's little hand was so strong that she was about to burst it, it still seemed as if she didn't feel anything.

He didn't say anything. At this time, if he didn't know it, he thought it was just a doll.

"Say it, if you don't say it, I'll follow it."

From Maggie's point of view, the slug and Ron have always been a group, and this slug, except for Ron's arrangement, will not lie and deceive others. The way he doesn't speak is basically the same as what he said.

Hearing this, Slug didn't speak for a few seconds at first, but soon, when Maggie started to move, she responded.

It was also helpless. It asked about it just now, and Ron didn't care about it, so it said it.

Otherwise, no matter what, it won't reveal Ron's situation to anyone.

Unless Ron is in danger, loses contact with it, some special circumstances, it may just do something on its own.

"It's the Golden Light Organization. The people from the Golden Light Organization are here. Some of my splinter bodies nearby have been dealt with by them."

"Golden light them."

Golden Light Organization, Maggie probably knows a little bit, it can be said that she has had a grudge with Ron for a long time.

But before, after Jinguang left Meteor Street, he basically did not meet, and it was considered that nothing happened.

"Just them?"

Hearing the answer, Maggie also stopped and continued talking.

If it is the Golden Light Organization, it really doesn't necessarily pose any threat to Ron.

Even if the other party will definitely grow a lot now. .

"There are others, there are more of them."

A team must have recruited a lot of newcomers, and even slugs can't know all of them.

In addition, the people who come here are not just people from the Golden Light Organization.

A lot of guys who had been eyeing Ron before were obviously quietly connected.

. . .

"Jingle bell, jingle bell."

"Mr. Ron, we have received news that someone is going to do something to you, and someone has come here."

As soon as he walked out of the hotel lobby, Ron received a call and heard this.

He smiled slightly, he didn't believe it, the other party only received the news now.

But I don't really care. Originally, there is no need for the other party to take risks because of him, unless there are other interests.

"I see, they're already here."

While moving his neck, he said casually, so that his body, which has not been really used for a long time, was old and unresponsive.

Hearing this, the other end of the phone was silent for a while, as if he didn't expect them to arrive so soon.

I originally planned to pretend that I had given notice in advance, but it was already at the limit.

It's a bit embarrassing now. Originally, I planned to sell favors or something. It was a bet on both sides, but now, this is a fart. Everyone has already arrived, so saying it means not saying it.

"That's it for nothing, remember to continue to prepare people, you don't need to worry about things here."

Originally, Ron didn't expect anything from them, and he didn't feel disappointed.

The use value of these merchants' chambers of commerce is to collect materials and collect personnel to come to the door.

As for whether to continue to cooperate later, or to clean up them, the latter said that now, as long as his interests are not touched, he can help him.

He has no interest or time to do anything.

After he finished speaking, he didn't say anything more, just hung up the phone.

Because of the situation like this, Ron had heard enough of the idea that the other party would continue to say something.

There was no need for this at all, he didn't even want to listen to it.

This is not happy at all.


Hang up the phone and give the phone to the slug, in case there is any damage to it.

On the right side, it was obvious that someone had launched an attack, and a rocket broke through the air from high down.

Even in this place now, UU Reading and others, they are willing to spend Ron in order to find a chance.

Maybe it's for testing, maybe it's a real bet on a dream, wanting a bazooka to kill Ron directly.

It can only be said that they are too naive.

Looking at this fist-sized guy, the slug grew up and covered it directly.

The energy of the whole body exploded and swallowed the thing directly.


With a low muffled sound from the slug's body, the slug exhaled a large mouthful of smoke, as if the rocket had been digested.

And these four weeks, it seems that they are not convinced, maybe they are ready to plan a terrorist attack.


All kinds of fireworks attacked from all around.

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