Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 178: Electromagnetic Gun Composition

Another week.

It's been a month since Ron thought about it.

In this month's time, he also truthfully divided the undead soldiers who were present into three, six, nine, and so on.

In fact, three, six, nine, etc., are just two.

A kind of person who will take the initiative to learn and study hard, and a little talent is OK.

Another type of person is a person who doesn't study very well and whose talent doesn't show anything.

How much the undead soldiers have learned and improved, the slugs can fully grasp and understand.

Therefore, Ron can also know whether these people have improved themselves, or whether they have been mixing experience here.

And after gaining experience, I have not continued to learn to contribute to the team.

It's just that I get other people's knowledge points to improve every day, and make contributions to it.

There have always been people like this, and Ron didn't say much, because no one else knew.

And there is no need to say more. According to the previous contract, the lives of the people here are his.

And if they don't complete his task well, then he can only be regarded as a consumable item.

Ron and Slug have already marked these low-value guys.

They would come in handy later whenever Ron had an order, something was dangerous, or when a disposable item was needed.

At that time, it is time for them to make sacrifices.

Perhaps everyone can also experience what the berserk state with infinite power is like.

"Lord Ron, the people have been distinguished. In addition, the people in the Kingdom of Emira have also arrived."

"Besides that, someone has successfully materialized the electromagnetic gun."

In Ron's hotel room, Ron had just woken up when he heard the sound of slugs reporting one by one.

Distinguish people, mark those who are not of high value, and then bring 150 people out of the Kingdom of Emira, and let the team outside reach 1,000 people.

It was all the orders he had given before.

And this last thing, it gave Ron a little experience and made him a little satisfied.

"Ability developed?"

In a little over a month, his undead army team has indeed grown a lot, and Ron is quite satisfied with many people.

As for the dissatisfied people, in the next battle, it is estimated that they will disappear.

"Yes, but the power is only one-tenth of the previous person at most."

When the electromagnetic gun came out, it was obvious that the person also made a judgment at the first time, and the slug also made a judgment.

"One-tenth? It seems that it will take time and experience."

Nodding, to him, it was nothing.

There may not be time, but in terms of experience sharing, more than a thousand people study together, and the basics of each day are extraordinary.

Although many of them are lazy and the like.

But this is still very efficient.

There will always be people who are talented and hardworking, and who can share the learning experience and knowledge of others.

This is equivalent to opening a plug-in, and for many people, unhappiness is not enough.

Think about if one person is learning a certain knowledge, and he can also share the knowledge sharing of thousands of other people who are learning this knowledge.

How fast is the progress day by day.

As far as the knowledge Ron has acquired these days is digesting, Ron himself feels that he has actually improved a lot.

Progress has been made in every way.

"Where are they now, I'll go and see."

Leaving the bed without disturbing Maggie, who had woken up but hadn't moved, Ron directly washed his face and brushed his teeth.

Under the guidance of the slug, he came to another room.

Looking at the dark-looking young man in front of him, Ron probably remembered that he seemed to be from the Kingdom of Emira.

It was sent here not long ago.

This is the first one developed, and it can be seen that the talent is still good.

After all, there are so many people, and it is normal for a person with good talent to appear.

"Lord Ron."

When Ron appeared, the young man who was still trying his skills immediately appeared in front of him.

Holding a sniper rifle, it is obvious that this thing will not disappear unless the opponent dissipates automatically.

This is already the result of the preliminary completion of the realization ability.

As for the effect, there is no way to make it completely.

"well done."

Seeing that the other party was a little excited, Ron nodded.

Then I took the other party's electromagnetic gun over. I originally wanted to see if he could use it, but unfortunately, I couldn't.

If you want to let others use the materialized things, you obviously need to have other settings.

"Your name is Cassie, right?"

Although Ron can't remember the other party's name, it doesn't matter, the slug knows it.

"Yes, Lord Ron."

Perhaps not thinking that Ron still remembered him, Casey also showed a bit of excitement.

The people recruited outside may still have a lot of ideas, but most of the people in the Emira Kingdom admire Ron very much.

It has even reached the point of a bit of blind Like this Cassie, obviously also has such characteristics.

"Okay, all the people who are learning this ability will be handed over to you. You supervise them and let them all learn as soon as possible."

Some people have already learned it, and it should be easier next time. Unless someone has been lazy, it will be done in a day or two, which is not a problem, Ron predicted.

Then he said to Casey.

This matter, to him, is nothing.

And this undead army, it is definitely impossible for everyone to be the same, at least let these talented people work harder, the position is slightly higher, and there is no problem at all.

Anyway, if necessary in the end, Ron will let the slugs directly control them, making them consumables.

Before, if possible, let them act like an army.

"Yes, Lord Ron, I will definitely do my best."

Casey was also very excited when he heard Ron's words.

Looking at this young man like this, in the end Ron held back and didn't do anything against him.

After letting him continue to arrange follow-up actions, he left the room.

Then let the slug pass on the knowledge points of the electromagnetic gun to everyone else.

Even Ron got one.

Feeling the sense of knowledge he got, the feeling of watching with a sniper rifle and constructing it all the time, Ron even felt that it was himself.

He can do it too.


"Sure enough, it works..."

Back in the room, while thinking, while constructing, with knowledge and technology, plus Ron's own good intentions, Ron succeeded all of a sudden.

Realization, Ron also had such experience before.

And now, with this knowledge, let alone.

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